Tales From Nightshade Tavern

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 – The Order of the Lily (Emily)

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Chapter 5 - The Order of the Lily (Emily)


[ - content warning: talk of hypnosis, talk of BDSM submission - ]


We sat on the far side of Angela’s desk inside her office again. Katherine led us here from the cafeteria room and then departed. The seat was much less comfortable now that we had our floofy fox tail to contend with.


Angela herself sat across from us with a pleased smile on her face. We’d just finished the ‘hellos’ phase of the conversation.


“So what exactly do you need us to do?” I asked her. Our ears were perked up attentively, focused on the woman across from us.


Amelia was watching everything going on contentedly from the background. We’d both agreed that I’d take the lead for now.


“My goal is to help you decide what you’re going to be doing going forward. You know your duties to the goddess, but you have some choices to make regarding how you want to spend your new life. The Order of the Lily is the organization I serve. It’s dedicated to the advancement of the rights of women, queer folk, people of color, and all others who are persecuted by society.”


I nodded along as she spoke, suddenly very interested in what she had to say. In my time as an agent of the Crown I had seen my fair share of injustice and cruelty. I had long been interested in doing something to bring some light and life back into this wretched world.


This sounds incredible!  Amelia commented.


“The Order has agents all over the continent in brothels, academies, militaries, and all manner of other positions. We work together to serve the common good, and Hekate blesses all of us with her presence and guidance,” Angela continued.


“Where do we sign up?” I asked with a small smile.


Angela smiled back. “Right here. Nightshade Tavern is one of the local headquarters of the Order, and it just so happens that we’re trying to get a better foothold in this kingdom. An ex spy might just be the perfect fit for our ranks.”


“I could probably work my way back into the Crown’s good graces,” I said thoughtfully. “What exactly is the Order’s goal in this land?”


Are you sure you want to go back to that life? Amelia asked. 


Yes, I said without a second thought, it’s what we know and we’re good at it. Looking sexy as hell while doing it will be fun.


“We wish to stop the war raging on all fronts,” Angela said, “and to do that we need to infiltrate the King’s government and work to overrule his ridiculous ban on warlocks.”


I nodded. “You’re in luck. The last time we spoke, the spy master and I were on the same page about the war. I bet I could work to ingratiate him to the Order’s way of thinking about other things as well.”


Angela raised an eyebrow. “No one is asking you to endanger yourself, the Order looks after its own. You don’t need to live a life of intrigue unless you want to.”


“Oh don’t worry,” I said, playing with a lock of my auburn hair, “this is my preferred profession.”


“Very well, what would you say to joining the Order as one of our Scouts? That would put you under Artemis, another aspect of Hekate, and you would report to Lillian Maston, one of our top agents in the area. Scouts generally focus on using their goddess-given magic to supplement their senses and to move about unseen.”


That sounds like your kinda gig, Amelia commented.


It sure fucking does, I thought back at her.


“Okay yeah that sounds pretty great,” I replied aloud, “though are there other options I should be considering?”


“You could serve the Order in any profession, and switch between them as you wish. So if there’s something you’d prefer to be you can always change to follow that school of thought and magic later. I mention Scouts simply because a master Scout is in the area and available to train you.”


I nodded thoughtfully. 


What do you think? I asked Amelia at the speed of thought.


It’s up to you, but Scout’s not a bad place to start I bet, she replied.


“I’ll start as a Scout, then,” I said.


“Excellent,” Angela replied, “I’ll arrange a meeting between you and Lillian. I can give you the run down on any other parts of the Order you’re curious about in the meantime?”

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I frowned. “I’m not really sure what else to ask about. Is there anything I should know before I meet Lillian?”


Angela looked thoughtful for a moment.


“There is much you need to know, Lillian and I will be working together to fill you in. Your first lesson will no doubt begin the moment you meet Lillian.”


“Gotcha,” I said. “What kind of tests might we be facing?”


“You need to train your mind to focus clearly on casting magic spells,” Angela said, “Lillian has a very particular way of doing things, so if you’re not comfortable with what I’m about to tell you, we can call it off.” 


We raised an eyebrow, but nodded.


“You will be submitting to Lillian in body, heart, and mind. Hypnosis will be used on you to ensure that you go throughout your training and life feeling profoundly satisfied. And using these same techniques, Lillian will gain your undivided attention and she will teach you the arcane and martial arts you wish to learn. Once you are sufficiently trained, she’ll dispatch you on missions throughout the kingdom and you will see how effectively you can operate on your own.”


Holy fuck.


Holy fuck, Amelia echoed.


Is this, is this supposed to be so fucking hot? I asked uncertainly.


Unknown, Amelia said.


But you feel it too, right? Are we ready for this kind of relationship with someone?


I feel it, Amelia answered, But yes, I think we are ready for this. 


So we’re going to say-- I began.


“We accept those terms one hundred percent,” Amelia said aloud, cutting me off.


That, I finished.


“Excellent,” Angela said with a warm smile, “I thought you’d be up for it.”


She stood up and motioned for us to stand as well.


“If I’m getting the right vibe off of you both, you might want to get in contact with the demon Lilith. She’ll be able to get you set up right and proper as a magical sex worker,” Angela said with a wink. “Maybe she’ll set you up with some demonic powers.” 


We stood from our chair as well, and Amelia tensed the muscles in our arms, feeling the strength emanating from our enhanced new part-vulpine body. 


“Please lead the way,” Amelia said, “we’ll be right behind you.”


Oh my goddess I’m so fucking excited for this, I thought quietly.


Me too, Amelia agreed.


Angela led us out of the room, and deeper into the tavern’s depths.







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