Tales of Aladar: The Marauder

Chapter 1: Prologue: A Land of Wonders

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When the first light erupted into existence, it brought darkness along with it. Two brothers of equal power, pushing against each other for eternity, eventually caused a spark. That small, insignificant spark became the stars. Born from the quarrel of its elder brothers, the stars were set alight in the night sky to forever bind the two in conflict.

With the stars moving and crashing into each other, many worlds were formed. Some were forever engulfed in starfire, and others were left to rot away in the vast darkness of the void. But some, luckier ones, managed to survive these impacts. And from their specific survival circumstances, life was born.

With heat, water and earth Aladar was formed. The elements shaped the wasteland that it was into a paradise fit for life, passing on their will to live onto the two first races that would inhabit this earth. Elves were given life from the grass, the winds and the verdant trees that inhabited the thick, fertile forests of the world. Dwarves erupted from volcanoes, dug their way through caves and clawed themselves out of the earth.

These two races coexisted for millennia. Using the resources the elements had given to them to fuel their daily lives with menial labor and advancements in technology. They would learn and grow to such a point that the entire planet would be covered in their offspring, until one day, conflict started.

A squadron of dwarf miners had excavated through protected land of the elves, bringing down a good portion of their sacred forests by mistake. Although amicable responses were traded and apologies were made, some elves remained bitter about the ordeal and in turn caused a cave-in that buried an important pool of lava they had been using to forge their tools.

This series of events lead to an inevitable escalation, and eventually, war.

The First Great War was fought between the masters of the Earth, the Dwarves, and the protectors of the Green, the Elves. And it brought immeasurable destruction upon Aladar. With hammer, gun and bow, the two races almost eliminated each other completely off the face of the planet in such a destructive and chaotic way that it even caused the elder brothers to stop their clashing to pay attention.

Dismayed at what had become of the void they had formed, the elder brothers decided to leave their differences aside for the time being, and intervene before this miracle of life would be forever extinguished. Taking the form of legendary warriors, these elder brothers descended upon Aladar and brought peace and order along with them.

They stopped the conflict before sentient life could be wiped from Aladar, and instead restricted the dwarves and the elves so that they would never be able to bring such destruction in the future. Binding Dwarves to the deepest cracks of the earth and shaping them to small bodies that would not be able to handle the swiftness of battle, and rendering the Elves almost completely infertile, the elder brothers committed atrocities on par with the destruction of the two races, but instead of simply dictating control over this planet, they left their blessing instead.

From the blood that was left from the battle the dark brother formed creatures of violence. Orcs, Goblins and all manners of Greenskin hordes were introduced into the valleys and hills, the mountains and the forests alike. To thin the numbers should the elves and dwarves find the cure for their curse, and to act as a source of inherent danger for everyone no matter their race.

From the goodwill, the souls of the dead and the bones that were left from the aftermath, the shining brother brought for creatures of order. Humans, Giants and all manners of fully sentient beings sprouted from the grass and the trees, to bring peace and life back to Aladar once more.

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With their powers forever bound to this world, the two brothers finally let go of their corporeal forms and ascended into a higher realm. Becoming the guiding deities by which most religions would be based on forevermore. Cults and Worshipping circles were formed around them, and they would be forever engraved upon the collective consciousness of the inhabitants of Aladar.

From that point on, through a wipe of knowledge so that the terrible technologies that were formed for the sake of war would never come to light, every race clashed back into the conflict that is life. Killing and saving, helping and harming, each and every one of them would eventually grow into something truly special. And the blessings from the elder brothers would come once more in the form of reality-bending powers named Magic.

Although many of the races that inhabited Aladar would never come to wield such powers, the blessings and the capacities that they held for both creation and destruction was a fearsome and respectable ability to possess. Humanity and Elvenkind were the two most prominent wielders of magic during the Age of the Ancients, when the first kingdoms and empires were formed. With elemental wrath in hand, the Elves used their ancestral powers to conquer their sacred forests and take back what was rightfully theirs.

The dwarves used magic almost exclusively for the purpose of enhancing their metalwork and strength. Fully taking their smaller bodies to their absolute limit, and searching for rumors of incredible minerals hidden beneath the darkest abyss of the planet.

Humanity would in kind prosper like no other race had ever done before. Forming one enormous empire that almost swallowed up half of the planet in the span of a few generations. Blessed with ingenuity and formidable adaptability, Humanity was also cursed with some of the shortest lifespan of any known race. Living and dying before a singular elf even reached maturity.

The greenskin, not particularly gifted with magical prowess but instead physical might, roamed the lands in-between the kingdoms. Raiding villages and kidnapping people to spread their tainted offspring. Eventually, the cross-breeding was such that entire new races were born from them, fully capable of reasonable thinking, but forever haunted by the inherent rage of their ancestors.

And so the Age of the Ancients would come to pass. With the death of the fourth Human emperor and the subsequent clash of the four princes, the human empire would be broken into four different kingdoms. Each ruling a different portion of land, and forever changing their ways of life in an attempt to make themselves as different and alien to each other as possible.

Thus the Age of the Four Princes would begin, with terrible relations and tensions rising, war is on the horizon. But maybe a common enemy or one particular champion will come to unite the empire once more, to bring peace and order back to the realm. Or so the songs go, carried from bard to bard, from province to province, until one particular Skald would come to sing at the city of Krak on the frozen wastes of the Northern Kingdom, where she would come to meet one particular man and finally settle down for the rest of her days.

Together, they would bring a certain young girl into the world, one girl that would come to change more than they could have ever imagined.

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