Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 344: Chapter 2.61

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“Am I in heaven?” Schwarz probably felt that way as he woke up with his head laying on my lap and me, smiling down towards him.

“You are following a very old religion aren’t you? It has been hundreds of years since some believed there was a heaven were all of our souls could rest into all eternity.” I told him and noticed to my dismay he didn’t have any intention to lift his head.

“Oh ehm … please don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to get in trouble for a phrase I use sometimes.” The church certainly wouldn’t like heretics right underneath their nose. But I had no intention of notifying them … I wasn’t a priestess after all.

“You don’t have to worry about that, everyone has secrets. Oh, by the way, my name is Lucy and this is my sister Hannah.” I said still looking towards him while his eyes certainly didn’t meet mine.

“Nice to meet you once more … I would appreciate it if you could stop ogling at my sisters chest.” Hannah mentioned slightly angrily. Schwarz made me chuckle a little as he realised he had been found out and finally lifted up his head from my lap.

“I’m sorry for earlier …” He said nearly stumbling over his words as he started to walk towards his sword.

“It’s already forgiven and forgotten … if you promise me to behave nicer in the future.”

“I … I will. Hey … ehm … do you want to … I don’t know … eat something with me?“ He looked at me the whole time as if he forgot Hannah was still around. His stumbling in comparison to what I experienced earlier was seriously laughable. He certainly couldn’t do well with girls around his age who gave him a lap pillowy.

“I’m sorry, but my sis and I still have a lot to do today.” I smiled bitterly as if I would like to spent time with him in any way.

“Oh, I see.” He mumbled dejected. Sadly, I couldn’t leave like this, and so I chose to lift up his spirits somewhat.

“But I am sure we will meet in the future again.” I said and smiled happily which he directly brought into. It was way too easy to change his emotions.

“I would love to.” He said and probably meant it that way as as a dangerous pink started to appear in his eyes.

“See you around.” Quickly, but not too fast I stood up to get away from that place. I didn’t want to deal with such a stupid emotion like love again.

“Goodbye!” He said and waved towards us as we walked out of the room, naturally not without Hannah bidding her farewell as well.

It was a lot louder as we entered the large hall once more and as none bothered with us that much, we successfully left the guild within seconds.

“Please tell me he needs to die.” Hannah was … certainly not a fan of Schwarz, that was for sure.

“He is an idiotic brute who can’t do very well with girls. He isn’t a treat and going by his magic and in extension his patron god, we may be able to coax him into doing the dirty work for us. So why exactly do you want to see him dead?”

“Because he is an idiot. It’s only a matter of time until he makes grave mistakes.“ She was right about that one though … but I still didn’t see the need to murder him right away.

“That’s true … well then, we either need to train him thoroughly or keep him away from our … less prestigious operations.” That way he could fuck up in public with nobody to blame but himself and would go down alone. My hands would be clean if any dirt.

“Please just kill him already.” Hannah still said, even though she was against slaughtering our way through the reincarnators previously.

“I’ll give you a lap pillow later…” She was a bit envious but I couldn’t see her going to murder someone because of that. She had too much control over herself to go ham over such a petty reason.

“I want him dead because you will go insane with him around. I know how you do things by now and they will certainly lead to this idiot becoming a complete fool. And that’s the point where you will get erratic.” I could see the reasoning behind her logic but he was still a useless fool to be exploited. I wouldn’t go crazy because of someone like him.

“I’ll keep your warning in mind.” I thus said and let the future me deal with her warning. That has always been a great way thus far.

Anyways, we had the name of one of those we were searching for which was probably more than Sofie had ever achieved during sixteen years of living as she didn’t have any suspicious contacts.

Successful, we thus decided to head back to the mansion for probably the last night we would spent there for a long time. On our way back though, we spent a lot of time buying clothing, eating and leisurely strolling around the city just to explore it a little more. We didn’t have that many chances to explore the western part of the city before, so it was a welcome opportunity.

Truth to be told, it wasn’t that different from the eastern part of the commoner district but I did find a very interesting shop with exotic ingredients. They even had a very interesting vile which claimed to bring happiness if one consumed it. I naturally bought it and drowned it seconds after getting out of the shop but … I sadly didn’t feel any different. If that was a drug dealer then the owner did a very bad job. Or he simply betted on the placebo effect … I would never know because that place burnt down two days afterwards … without me having anything to do with it, just to clarify.

But I was still quite proud of our haul as we arrived back at the mansion. We had bought about six bags full of clothing and one containing rare ingredients which I directly intended to use.

“Hey, could you ask the two downstairs what they want to eat?“ Hannah nodded immediately and went her way but not without me, screaming behind her not to open their door at all costs. As she came back slightly redder than before though, she told me they wanted something spicy.

And so, I decided on making a spicy rice pan with flapping fish which tasted like chicken. For the spicyness I had what the others called Red … yeah, like the colour but whatever.

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The flapping fish though … was still a problem. This time I had managed to solve the spasms by spanning it onto a metal board though.

“Hannah, it’s just looks like a certain torture device but I can promise you it’s not. And remember, it’s not animal abuse if they are already dead.” She raised her eyebrow at that time but didn’t say anything. Maybe she didn’t like my slightly racist joke that much because she didn’t care about animals in the slightest contrary to her race which didn’t eat much meat.

And as everything was done, I clapped in my hands twice and waited. Ten seconds. Until my patience ran out and I decided to find Tom and the whore myself.

Running downstairs alone, I directly heard their voices as the whore was talking about some idiotic masochist while Tom tried to defend that person. It was a weird topic, but whatever.

Thanks to their noise, I was able to find them right away and opened their door quickly. The sun was still setting and thus, I couldn’t react in time as a dagger approached me from my right. A naked Tom had apparently waited for me and laid an ambush, just so that he could ram the dagger into my arm.

What could I say? I noticed it? That it didn’t bring me any joy this time?

“Tom … I’m really not in the mood for that. There is food ready upstairs and it’s getting colder as we speak. So either you come after me – clothed – or you two continue to do your thing.” I said, grabbed the dagger in my arm and pulled it out effortlessly. Slowly, the wound started to heal already but it was far from fast enough. Annoyed, I grabbed one of Tom’s shirt and bandaged myself before attempting to get out of the smelly room.

“Why didn’t you giggle?” But the whore just couldn’t stop herself from asking such a dumb question.

“Unlike you, I have a grip on my sexuality if I concentrate. There is food upstairs … so don’t bother me with nasty questions or I will tear you apart … after eating that is.” The holiness of food was still unquestioned.

As quickly as I could, I ran upstairs back into the dining room and sat down right next to Hannah.

“Time to dig in?” She asked while looking towards the door I just came through.

“No … we have to thank the gods beforehand?” Both of us laughed and immediately took the first bite.

And the second. Honestly? I should have gone to that shop way earlier. They had the best spices on this planet without a doubt.

I was already half done with a visibly redder Hannah to my side as the duo managed to leave the cellar and accompany us.

“Oh, what is this?” Tom said the moment he took the first bite.

“I studied your eating habits and this is what I could gather. You are a man who wants to be strong … but you aren’t. And just like your desire for strength, I added a bit of sharpness to your meal, but not too much because you wouldn’t be able to take it.” I said and witnessed how he looked at me dumbly for a little while.

“I wanted to say it’s good but after this explanation … what about Pauline?” He asked and directed his full attention back towards the plate. He seriously didn’t want to reply to my take on him.

“It’s burning on my tongue. Did you study my eating habits as well?” No, I didn’t. Why would I try to make good food for her in the first place?

“No, not at all. Take this dish as a warning … what you eat may come back to bite you.” I said and smiled knowingly. She immediately recognised the implied threat, but shrugged it off easily.

“Oh … okay … what about your food?” She asked instead.

“Mine does have elfish wine which hits hard but also improves the flavour a little bit. I also added a few beautiful edible flower pedals to decorate my plate. My dish is the perfect representation of me, a beautiful maiden with a dangerous secret.” The whore laughed out loud which made me pout unhappily. She really did hurt my feeling there.

“… what about Hannah?” She asked as I continued to sulk for a little while.

“I don’t like it sharp.” Hannah added and rather continued to eat than to join the conversation.

“Not every dish needs to have a deeper meaning? Why don’t you concentrate on your plate instead?” I asked directly.

“I have already eaten enough.” She said and smiled back at me. Grumbling, I chose to dig into my own food rather than talk about what she had eaten. I didn’t want to have that conversation in front of Hannah. It didn’t take long for anyone of us to finish our meal except for the whore of course. She was still sitting in front of her overly sharp meal as we were sliding our plates away from us.

“Hey, today is the last night we may be able to spend time together for a little while. And so, we have prepared a little bit of fun for all of us.” Tom explained. Hannah was clearly excluded from that fun based solely on the pronunciation but also because she needed sleep while the rest of us didn’t … at least not as much.

“Oh … I told Hannah I was spending the night with her.” I said and looked to her. I didn’t want to go back on my words and thus, I would leave the decision to her.

“It’s fine. We will be together a whole lot from now on so … have your fun.” She said while smiling gently. And so, I didn’t use her as my pillow that night but spent the time together with the duo who apparently were set out to turn my brain into jelly.

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