Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 363: Chapter 2.80 (Ellie)

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I never thought Louis was perfect. Not even once. But the moment I saw him the first time, he felt oddly familiar. His way of walking and talking were exactly the same as another person I had known in my past life which may had been why I had feeling for him the moment we met.

He was a childhood friend of mine on the spaceship, and possibly even more than that. At least, I always wished there was more between us.

As glad as I was that I met Louis once more, as frightened I was as I realised the look in his eyes, especially whenever he looked at her.

I never had anything against Lucy in particular … she was a great person to be honest. But it hurt so much to know that Louis saw her exactly I wanted to be seen by him.

It was a petty reasoning to be rude to her, I knew that much. And I hated myself for being so childish. At least I spent more time with him than she did, which was something, right? I shouldn’t be that petty … but I couldn’t stop.

That changed within a day though as I had the opportunity to see how Louis reacted to Schwarz’s provocations. For hours on the carriage, they couldn’t stop bickering amongst themselves and it was honestly going on everyone’s nerves, including mine.

I was kind of thankful as Lucy stopped their bickering just by sitting in between them. That alone gave me time to think … about the person I was, and the one I wanted to be.

The more I thought, the more I saw myself in Schwarz’s shoes. Bitter to be held at a distance by the person I loved, still trying my hardest to make them like me more, and giving my hardest to push my rival down.

And the person I wanted to be? If anything … I didn’t want to be like him.

I didn’t want to be the person laughing at someone because they never set up a tent in their lifetime.

“Are we also like them … Luna?” I asked Luna while Lucy was just working on pushing one of the many iron rods through a leash under my direction. I knew how to set up a tent as I had done that already, but did that make me a better person? Certainly not. Did it make me a better person that I didn’t flaunt my knowledge? Hopefully. Because I didn’t want to end up like Schwarz.

“Not as much, but yeah.” Luna said unhappily. She must have experienced the same stress I had during our ride for a far longer time already. Lucy and I tended to bicker as well after all. But that had to stop. I realised that much.

“Hey Lucy … let’s get along more from now on, okay?” I let go of everything and walked next to Lucy to extend my hand. I would understand it if she wasn’t willing to take mine back. She had done nothing wrong after all and only reacted to my provocation. She was never mean … even though I was more than once.

“Gladly.” She said and took my hand. I knew for sure she would stay my love rival for a long time, but that wasn’t her fault, was it? She respected his feelings and didn’t break his heart. She was nice … and also hard working. Initially, I thought she was just some easy going girl who wanted to be friends with everyone because she would benefit from it. But that wasn’t the case, not even remotely. She cared deeply about each and everyone of us and took all of our concerns into consideration, including mine.

Maybe my prejudices against her also played into that rivalry we had between us, but I wasn’t willing to see her anymore how I wanted to see her, but rather how she actually was.

As soon as I let go of her hand, I knew we would get along better, even though I would still fight fiercely for Louis’ heart. But in all love for him, I would never battle again in the way Louis and Schwarz fought.

Never again.

Thus, there wasn’t even any fight as we chose sleeping places in the tent but we rather made a few jokes about this and that. I was strangely relieved as I drifted off into sleep. It was as if a planet sized burden had been lifted from my shoulders … I could finally enjoy the time I had in the academy for real.

Feeling refreshed and motivated to start the new day, I thus woke up even though sleeping on the hard floor was indeed quite uncomfortable. Breakfast was passed around, we started to disassemble our tent again and then … we realised Louis and Schwarz were still sleeping. Apparently, nobody woke them up yet which was quickly done by Lucy as we had little time to spare.

As soon as the cart started rumbling across the landscape again, these two started arguing once more, even though they were strangely tired and yawned from time to time.

Just as I wanted to interject, Lucy closed her book, stood up and sat down in between them. With wonder, I had to experience how both of the boys turned silent near instantly … something which I certainly wasn’t capable of achieving.

It made me quite envious to be honest … but I wasn’t voicing that feeling this time.

A little bit of time went by and both boys started to blink slower, slowly drifting into sleep again while leaning inwards. Schwarz was the first one to start napping as he laid his head on her shoulder with closed eyes.

I could see Lucy was a bit startled as she looked up from her book towards her left, but she didn’t push him away like I would have done. Instead, she completely ignored him and started to read her book again, only to pause as Louis dove to the side as well, landing on her left arm and buried it underneath him. His head laid in her lap and this time, her eyes shot up to look at me.

I wasn’t comfortable with the situation at all, but neither did I want to wake up Louis as he seemed quite tired, nor did she. In the end, I looked away, choosing to ignore it rather than to complain. As I looked back at her a few minutes afterwards, she was holding her book above Louis cheek with her left hand and used the thumb to flip pages from time to time.

“Why are they so tired.” I whispered to Luna who was sitting by my side.

“Dunno … but I’m thankful for it.” She whispered back, still looking into her own book.

“Right …” Whatever had happened during the night, I was also grateful for it. I was sure they weren’t arguing during the night, because I would have woken up that way, so something else must have happened.

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“Did Lucy do anything?” I asked Luna quietly. I slept like a baby, but maybe she didn’t.

“Dunno … it’s not always her doing though.” She said which was kind of right, but also overlooking their relationship completely.

“Well, whenever you seem to have a problem, she is quick to react.” Luna blinked a few time and even Lucy glanced up from her book for a few seconds. “Remember when you were ill a month ago? She basically stayed with you her whole free time.” Their relationship was a weird one and the more I thought about them, the weirder it got. They always stuck together as much as possible, but none of them relied on the other to solve her problems. They were friends, that was for sure but Lucy seemed to have the tendency to go out of her way to make Luna’s life just a little bit easier.

“What do you want to imply?” Lucy whispered, cautious not to wake the two boys up.

“You only stopped them from bickering once Luna asked you to. So perhaps … you kept them awake so they would sleep during the day, didn’t you?” Otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense. She must have given them a task of some sorts

“Perhaps …” Lucy said and directed her gaze back to the book in her hand immediately afterwards. It was obvious she didn’t want to answer, but I would find out the truth the following night. At least, that’s what I set out to do.

Surprisingly, or rather unsurprisingly for Lucy, the two slept through the whole day as if they went through some kind of hellish training during the night.

It was pretty awkward as Louis woke up though, especially because he immediately blushed.

“I’m so sorry. I really am.” Louis said, even though it was painfully obvious he actually enjoyed the experience, much to my displeasure.

“I’m not against being used as a pillow. Was it comfortable?” Lucy asked innocently and put the book away to massage her right arm a little.

“It … eh.” Schwarz woke up in that exact moment, but he didn’t lift up his head right away.

“Heaven …” He muttered absentmindedly.

“A shoulder to lean on is all you need to be in heaven? That is … concerning.” Lucy said jokingly and poked his side as he still refused to get off her. Finally, she pinched him hard enough so that he had to distance himself from her.

“Now then … if you excuse me.” She said and walked to the front of the cart and crawled towards the drivers seat over a lot of luggage.

I didn’t see her again until we stopped, but I could hear how she talked with her sister about this and that. What did surprise me though was that the two boys did stay in their own corners and looked away from each other the whole time. They weren’t bickering for once, which was quite the progress.

Instead, we were mostly silent, especially because I was quite interested in something Lucy had left behind in the back of the cart.

The book she was reading was about biology which did surprise me a little as I never heard her utter a word about this topic. The contents itself were hard to chew, not because the text was wordy, but rather because the book was about the evolution of animals and humanoids since the ascension of the saint. It depicted all the processes in detail with a lots of technical terms I didn’t know. As such, I only understood a tenth of what was written on the first page. But she didn’t seem to struggle at all as she flipped the pages rather regularly. Either she wasn’t reading at all, or she was some kind of genius.

Naturally, I was intrigued by this and directly gave her the book back once the cart stopped as we arrived at our next camping spot.

“I think you have left it behind.” It was a weird way of confronting her with my findings. She obviously left that book behind under cover because it wasn’t much use at the front where wind was constantly blowing.

“I see…” She must have known I looked into it, but she didn’t seem to mind it too much. Instead, she placed it on the right bench from the outside and simply left it there.

“I may have looked into it a little.”

“Oh? Was it interesting?”

“How do you know so much about this topic? I …” I barely said I had intense biology studies about the structure of cells, evolution and everything else, but held back in the end. “I couldn’t understand any of that.” I said instead.

“The trick is to memorise the glossary before reading it. This book is a bit hard as there are lots of technical terms, but once you have read other books which use the same terms, it gets vastly easier to follow.” She explained and turned her back towards me, only to take my arm and drag me to the nearest campfire where a few students grilled meat.

“That …” I had a hard time comprehending what she just said. Memorising the glossary? Who in the right mind would do that, let alone be capable of such a feat?


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