Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 376: Chapter 2.93

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“Hmm … that’s weird. I thought there were supposed to be demons around.” I said after a long while of sitting on a stone in the middle of the forest, Hannah right beside me.

We both thought about what we had experienced underground which wasn’t much to be honest. Just a whole lot of empty tunnels and halls, devoid of any demons or other animals. It almost looked like they just left the day before because their real estate agent found a better house for them. As expected of demons, they left a lot behind including rather fresh meat which could only mean they were still in these mine until recently.

“What a bummer. I really wanted to feed my hungry sword a little.” Hannah said and seethed her black katana, completely unfazed by the howling in the distance.

“And I even bought mine along as well! All for nothing.” I mumbled and kicked a smaller stone angrily. “This was supposed to be relaxing from all this work we had to do … but even that isn’t working out. Whoever took this away from me, I’ll kill him for sure.”

“That would be great. Can I cut off a few limbs first?” Gladly. And while we were at it, how about we skin that animal who did it alive? The more pain the better it would be.

“Only if you do it slowly.” I thus said and showed her my teeth with a wide, happy smile.

“Gladly … wanna go back again?” It definitely would be better. The clouds were already blocking the lights of several stars. We weren’t at the point of rain yet … but close.

“Yeah. I’m definitely not going to hunt for animals.” I said and looked northwards with worry. One of my bears had just been completely eradicated from existence.

“What about the necromancer? Did he move?” He didn’t move yet … at least not that I was aware. In the first place, distinguishing between his minions and him was impossible, so I couldn’t really tell where he was.

“He keeps on pestering me by killing my bigger creatures with his … even though mine won’t even defend.” My order was still to hide and play dead once found. I wasn’t too keen on anyone else finding about my unusual creatures.

A bit dissatisfied by the outcome of Hannah’s and mine nightly adventure, we strolled back into the town right underneath the nose of some very bribable guards who closed the gates behind us right away. Interestingly  enough, it weren’t us who bribed them directly, but rather our local liaison who just happened to be a rather familiar tour guide.

Well, it wasn’t a wonder because tour guides were criminally underpaid … or so I heard.

Anyways, we quickly went through the streets devoid of any life and thus got back into our rooms rather easily. Luna was already sleeping deeply at this point and didn’t wake up at all as I snuck underneath the blanket, only to stand up a few hours later. I really wished I could spend more time with my most favourite human at this point, but it felt kind of wasteful to spent the whole night with her when she slept through it anyway.

But the mornings were nice … at least until we got to have breakfast. There was far too much unnecessary noise from the girls all around me that I had a hard time keeping my cool. But at least I was granted the sight of Luna eating an egg happily.

Afterwards was just doing the dishes, cleaning our clothing and then, there was the first part of the day. Visiting a garden. Hooray.

Before we even got there though, Hannah let herself fall back a little and indicated me to do the same, which I gladly did as two of my friends were currently discussing whether they were more exited for the trees or the plants.

“I hope it’s something interesting.” I mumbled quietly as we had several metres in between us and the class.

“Class a and c are in quarantine. Some of their students have been infected with a new kind of illness which doesn’t seem to be that problematic yet … just a lot of puking. Olivia apparently got it as well.” That sounded horrible. She may want to write an article for the student newspaper about it though … so maybe she didn’t mind it that much?

“An illness? How peculiar … maybe the trees we are about to see help us a little.” I said and smiled brightly as Louis turned around to look at me.

“You aren’t interested?” I certainly was. The timing of the illness and the necromancer were some very odd coincidences.

“As far as I’m aware, Schwarz is in class A … so it serves him right.” I whispered and giggled a bit, drawing the attention from the nearest students.

“I see.” She said after they returned their gazes to the front again.

“It’s happening tonight.” I whispered and picked up my pace a little to get back into the group.

“Hmm? What makes you so sure this time?” Hannah asked, probably rightfully so. I presumed the necromancer start whatever he wanted to achieve way earlier, but that was apparently false. He was waiting for something I couldn’t possibly fathom. And because of this, I simply assumed his attack could start any second.

“The position of the stars.” I explained and quickly caught up to Luna and the rest afterwards.

A few minutes later, we were at the garden and enjoyed its beautiful colours, or rather most of us enjoyed it. Obviously, some of the boys were incredibly bored after ten minutes already and so was I. There were no poisonous plants in there which reduced my interest to zero right away. And thus, I could only follow the group and listen to the gardener holding the tour quietly.

At least I learned that there were parasitic trees sipping off water of those around them. What a beautiful, but short period of time that was. Well, otherwise it was pretty standard with the exception that we had apparently lost two students. Only at the end of the tour did we go through our numbers and it became painfully obvious that Ellie and Louis weren’t around. I should have noticed earlier because these two will be inevitably around me sometimes, but I was kind of glad they weren’t and didn’t think about it much more.

“Alright. Let’s go back then and I’ll search for them myself. You can thank them you will get later to the beach.” Thank you! Maybe I should have some of them kidnapped each day, which would block us from going to the beach all together! Musing over such wonderful possibilities, we walked back towards the hotel where we had lunch right away.

Hannah was gone right away and didn’t come back that fast, which left us with no further choice but to stay at the hotel for the time being which was quite the welcome development. Like this, I would have the time to read the book about necromancy in my room. I didn’t even get close to my room though as I heard a loud scream and smelled delicious human blood once I opened the door to our hallway.

I wasted a little bit of time by sighing quietly, but then sprang into action right away. As fast as I could, I ran to the room where this scream came from and nearly bumped into Isabelle who stood in the doorframe, completely frozen. Gently pushing her out of the way, I entered the room and immediately noticed the reason for her scream.

In front of the left wardrobe, a puddle of blood formed slowly. It already was of a considerable size though, even though I couldn’t tell if it was enough blood for a person to die.

My feet were faster than my mind as I dashed towards the wardrobe, pulled its door open and blinked a few times as I looked into Ellie’s panicking eyes. As she spotted me, she panicked even more and pushed her wounded self deeper into the wardrobe.

Gagged and tied up, she had no chance to chant or escape on her own which meant she also had no chance to escape my grasp around her arms.

“Help me!” I shouted towards Isabelle who slowly stepped closer to me. “We need to get her out of there.” I said as calm as any normal person would be in the situation and made place for Isabelle to look. She gulped loudly, but still grabbed Ellie’s arm and pulled her out of the wardrobe together with me.

While other girls were gathering at the door, Isabelle and I slowly laid the still struggling Ellie on top of the bed. Only then could I actually inspect the wound on her chest for a split second. It looked as if it barely missed her heart, but the blood loss would have killed her anyway, if not for a barely visible barrier holding the blood back.

“Hey, hey. It’s going to be alright.” I said calmly and began untying the knot at the back of her head, freeing her mouth of the gag in the process.

“Get away from me!” She screamed right away, completely out of her mind and still struggling against Isabelle’s and mine grasp.

“Can someone heal her?” I asked into the round of shocked girls near the door, choosing to ignore Ellie’s remarks for the time being.

“I’ll can try.” One girl said and walked with trembling hands up to her. After mumbling her chant for a few seconds, a gentle green light enveloped her hands which she then held near Ellie’s chest. Right away, Ellie’s barrier vanished and the wound healed up within a few minutes. All of the other girls were quite awestruck as the healer finished her task and nearly collapsed at the bedside, only held up my me and another girl who had rushed to her aid.

“Bring her into her room. And some call a teacher.” I said loudly and returned my focus back to Ellie. She still tried to inch away from me and looked at me closely, but her panic seemed to have settled down somewhat.

“Are you alright?” I asked with concern written all over my face and touched her trembling shoulder gently.

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“Not thanks to you.” Well, that much was obvious as I had no way of healing her at all. But even then, saying such a thing was odd.

“… who did this to you?” I asked right away, which confused her considerably.

“… it was … you?” She said slowly and unsure while I could claim that I would never do such a thing. The stab was way to shallow and the assailant didn’t even check if Ellie was really dead. Quite a sloppy work.

“Out of the way. Girls, return to your rooms immediately. Now.” Sadly, my time with Ellie was over as a rather tall teacher entered the room and shooed everyone out of the way.  Frowning, I thus stood up and left the room, but not without looking at her a last time. She was still confused, but looked rather apologetic back at me as well.

Back in my room, I walked circles in front of the bed Luna sat on.

“And she really said it was you?” Luna asked for the tenth time.

“Jup.” I answered right away and bit my lower lip agitated. That some wanted to give me credits for such a horrible attempt at murdering Ellie didn’t suit me at all.

“But you were with me the whole time? We never split ways since the garden.” Luna said which was right. We never parted ways at all during that whole day.

“I know.” I didn’t worry about an alibi too much to be honest.

“Lucy Dove? On a word please.” A teacher said through the door which I opened shortly afterwards. I sadly didn’t know him as he was apparently one of the homeroom teachers in a different hotel.  

“Hi, I’m Gordon.” He said and gave me his hand.

“Lucy.” I shook it a little and was swiftly guided into an empty room in another hallway.

“Are you and Ellie friends?” He asked, taking a seat right away. I could still only guess his identity, but I wouldn’t be too far off to claim he had something to to do with criminal investigations in the past.

“For the most part, yes.” I answered truthfully.

“Can you elaborate a bit?” He asked and raised his left eyebrow a little.

“She loves Louis … but he loves me. Otherwise we get along fairly well.” I answered right away without any doubt in my voice, but looked away a bit embarrassed.

“I see. Did you two have an argument today … or any day before?” Oh, so I was still the suspect? How rude.

“Surely. Two days ago she was angry at me for spending time with Louis without her …” I mumbled, but stopped afterwards. Our petty arguments were surely not the things he was interested in.

“Hmm … I have only heard positive remarks about you, and I honestly doubt you were the assailant. But … where have you been from eight to eight fifteen this morning?” I’m the morning? What kind of question was that?

“Let me think. Either on my way to breakfast with Luna, or eating with … with the others.” I told him slowly. Thinking about it a little more, I nodded and confirmed my earlier words.

“And the others are?” There was Luna, Isabelle, a few other friends, Louis and …

“Ellie was there…” I said a bit confused. He had just implied that Ellie was assaulted  before breakfast which meant … there were two Ellie’s?

“So Isabelle wasn’t the only one. Thank you for your time.” He said and stood up right away. At least I had gotten rid of that pesky suspicion on me, but I also failed to realise that something was up during the whole day.

“Where is my sister?” I asked before the teacher left the room.

“She is going to talk to me next.” He said and left me alone for the time being, leaving the door open for me. Immediately, I headed back upstairs and waited in the hallway for Hannah to search for me. The teacher standing beside Ellie’s door was a bit suspicious about my presence, but Hannah arrived ten minutes later anyway.

Without any words, she turned around after seeing me and went straight into her room, followed by me.

“Have you found ‘Ellie’ and Louis?” I asked shortly after closing the door and waiting for Hannah to indicate nobody was peeking on us.

“Not at all … they must have gone out of the town.” She said which only served to underline my suspicions that he was lead away somehow.

“Right … someone impersonated Ellie so well that it fooled everyone.” Including me. She behaved exactly the same, knew the stuff she had to know and didn’t show me anything odd. Whoever that was, he had the perfect disguise.

“That’s troublesome.” I mumbled quietly while thinking about ways to counter it. If it was a magic that used the system, I could easily cancel it out but otherwise, I had a hard time coming up with any solution.

“You could say so.” Hannah said, probably thinking about the exact same thing. Truthfully, we couldn’t even be sure that it was really Hannah I talked to which made me worry even more. “How did Ellie survive though?”

“With her god give power or whatever that was. And the attacker was either really bad with a knife, or he didn’t want to murder her yet.” Apparently, they could still use their blessings without chanting and Ellie’s, whatever it was just fitted the requirements to save her.

“Hmm … we’ll, assuming the assailant and the one handing out the letter was the same person, wouldn’t it mean that he still needs to ask these two how they decided?” That’s right … if they were the same person. But assuming they were, then the reason for Ellie’s survival was simply because she hadn’t been asked about her answer yet.

“That’s a smart assumption … that means Louis is in danger right now … if he isn’t dead already.” I concluded and balled my hands into fists. This guy was mine. I wanted to use him and his abilities and sadly, I couldn’t discard him yet as I hadn’t found any alternative to him yet.

“We should search for him in the north of the town. On a side note, every other hotel was infected by this illness, meaning none of them have an alibi for the time being.” They were all holed up in their rooms, which meant the only one keeping check on them was their roommate which could easily be bribed, fooled, or was on their side from the very get go. At least we could say that all the people at the garden were innocent.

“Great … can you tell that wannabe inspector that we are both searching for the two?” I asked Hannah and went back to the door.

“Surely.” She said, standing up from her chair and started collecting our equipment.

“See you downstairs.” I said, gripping the handle of the door tightly until I noticed something. “Oh … that’s a lot more than I anticipated.” All around this town, my creatures resting in caves and playing dead on the ground fell like flies. Not just in one direction … they came from everywhere.



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