Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 382: Chapter 2.99

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Sitting on a passenger seat on a cart solely reserved for cargo, I hummed a nice melody as we drove through the streets of the capital city under bright sunlight. Holding the straw hat on my head, I let my legs dangle downwards and enjoyed the gentle wind.

I made sure not to look happy at all though because just one day prior, my sister basically stabbed herself to get rid of a spell that muddled her mind.

“Have you decided?” So far, we haven’t talked much about the incident. We didn’t talk at all if I was honest, mostly because there wasn’t much need to do so.

“Nope.” I answered quietly and waved towards three boys who played with a ball in the distance.

“Sometimes I really don’t get you. They are a bunch of irresponsible idiots who either behave solely on instinct with very little regard for logic, or will cover in fear once there is a real enemy in front of them, or make plans without calculating in the risks at all.” That was indeed a very interesting way to describe Schwarz, Louis and Ellie. But even if I wanted to refute her words, I really couldn’t. “I do not get why you haven’t discarded them yet. Sorry, but I really don’t get what you see in them.”

“I see someone who isn’t afraid to jump from a cliff when I tell him to. I see someone who would drink poison just to impress his love. And I see someone who has the potential of getting a grip on these two idiots when I’m not around.” These three had to work together without someone like me around at some point. Ellie was needed in this group, not only because she had a useful ability, but also because she knew how to deal with Louis and Schwarz.  “Make no mistake Hannah. Getting rid of them would mean doing them a favour.”

“… He may jump from a cliff for you. But his death will be useless.” Hannah complained, and maybe even rightfully so.

“I don’t see how any death is useless. At worst, I’ll get a kick out of it. At best, they really achieve something with their pitiful lives … but I guess you are right as well. Training them any further than this could be a potential waste of resources … so I am at loss of what their future looks like as well. Will they die on a landfill … or will they die on a landfill on my orders?” I mused and looked over towards a family of four walking alongside us for a bit. They had two cute girls in the middle of them and honestly looked like a nice family.

“I just hope you decide correctly.” Hannah said after a little while of silence.

“And so do I … but I do have a question first. A rather uncomfortable one at that. Why did you attack Luna so heavily?” I asked with great interest. Ellie wasn’t attacked at all and while the two boys received some attention, Luna was the one attacked the most.

“You should know the best.” I did. At least I hoped I did. As I knelt down in front of her the day before, I saw envy consuming her completely. I could also see her struggle against Schwarz’s magic, which was honestly the sole reason why either my cover wasn’t blown, or the three idiots were still alive.

“But why do you envy her?” There shouldn’t be any reason for Hannah to feel like this. Usually, I spent far more time with Hannah than I did with Luna and she also knew much more than Luna.

“Because … do you know how you look at her? Exactly the same way you looked at the old Mary.” Hannah complained looking straight ahead at the traffic rather than towards me.

“I’m sorry … but I cannot do anything against that. I was always obsessed with having a loving family and I definitely pushed Mary into the role of mother … so in extension … I’m weird, I know.”  I could never feel the same for Hannah I did for Luna. They were in completely different categories. Hannah was my work friend I could also share everything with. She understanding, intelligent and knew what to do most of the time herself. Luna was none of that. She was my first friend who sacrificed herself for me in her past life. She was the person I called my best friend and she was the daughter of whatever was left of my mum. Was she my sister? I surely didn’t know if Luna even wanted to be that, but I did.

Whenever I was with her, I felt the coziness I felt around Mary and I honestly felt happy whenever I saw her. I only wished the best for her and I definitely didn’t want to trouble her in any way. It was kind of understandable she envied Luna in some way. But if she really desired to be seen as my sister … well there was nothing I could do.

“Do we want to go to the theatre later?” We had a bit of time left before nightfall which was thanks to a cart breaking down. Otherwise we would probably sit at the headmaster’s office this very moment.

“What’s the plan?” Plan? Why did there have to be a plan at all times?

“Ehh … I just wanted to do something with you and you seem to have enjoyed the theatre when we were inside.” Her envy wasn’t something I could solve. It were her feelings and I had no business butting in there. The most I could do was to repeat time and time again that we would stay together as well.

“I heard they do a religious play.” And Hannah seemed to agree with my analysis. There was no need to argue about something that she couldn’t change after all.

“Oh, I do love satire.” And with this, it was settled. A whole lot of time later thanks to a traffic jam, we arrived back at the quiet academy and began to unload our stuff with the help of the servants. After Hannah made sure the three troublemakers were under house arrest in their own rooms, she returned to the class which was sitting in the grass right away.

“So … we do have around a week and a few days left of our trip and the school hasn’t planned for anything. So if you want, you can leave the campus for that time, as long as you are picked up by someone sent by your family. That’s all.” She said and directly walked towards the entrance slowly.

“Luna!” I said gleefully and hugged the girl sitting right next to you. “Please don’t tell Mary or your dad I am here. Okay?”

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“I won’t. I’ll miss you!” She said as I broke our embrace apart and stood up with a smile on my face.

“I’ll miss you too!” I said, already jogging away from her towards Hannah. While the rest were given the opportunity to write letters to their family in the capital city, Hannah and I were already strolling out of the gates towards the theatre. It was quite refreshing to be back on a more or less familiar turf. The smell was still disgusting at times, but I learned to live with it. And honestly, the smell couldn’t outweigh all the possible activities one could do there.

And one of which …

“We are being followed.” Was mugging someone! I absolutely loved if when criminals approached us. It was such a refreshing feeling and I was honestly quite giggly as we turned into a deserted alleyway and waited for our follower to arrive.

“Oh … oh,  no.” It wasn’t a mugger. It wasn’t an assassin sent by a secret organisation tasked with keeping world peace either. It was the whore.

“Why are you copying those who see you naked?” Oh for fucks sake, I really despised this woman at times.

“What are you doing here?” Hannah asked a bit annoyed by her presence as well.

“Oh, we were informed that you guys would be coming back, so I thought about saying hi to the worst employer possible.” The whore said, smirking towards me in the process.

“You do have a rather lavish lifestyle though … what do you want?” I growled back angrily.

“We were sent a rather interesting demon by Hannah’s group … killed ten of them apparently. You might need to come by.” Why couldn’t they just sent it over into my lab? I had made sure it was clean before I left, so there should be enough space for anything they had. But on the other hand, Tom would have a reason for acting the way he did.

“Fine … I’ll do it later.” I said, grabbed Hannah’s hand and pulled her back where we just came from.

“Where are you going?” The whore asked loudly as if we would ever tell her that.

“Hannah, let’s make sure we shake her off.” I said to which she only shrugged and squatted down. After a little while, I was securely on her back and she ran through the streets faster than I could do during the day.

In the end, we shook her off. At least I hoped it. Well, we didn’t see her anywhere near the theatre nor in the entrance hall, so I had a very good feeling about that.

After paying what basically amounted to extortion, we were led to one of the few lodges and were served a fine wine with a few snacks.

“How much do you guess is completely wrong?” I asked quietly, just as the first few actors entered the stage.

“70 percent.” Hannah said, which was quite the well educated guess.

“71 percent.” I said, shortly before the actors got ready.

“The saint herself descended upon this world to right what’s wrong.” They couldn’t be more off. “She is the reason we can enjoy our lives to its fullest” Thank you! Finally there was someone who valued me more than I did.   “Many know her past … but very few know the more personal moments she shared with other.” Oh? That intrigued me. It turned out this play was more of the fantasy type than anything else. Surely, there were some elements which were correct, but nowhere near the seventy percent Hannah had guessed.

90 percent was incorrect.

I won.

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