Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 386: Chapter 2.104

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“Hey Isabelle! How are you doing?” I asked, sitting at a table with a game of chess placed upon it. Luna sat in front of me, giving her best to use her innate magic which didn’t work out so far.

“Hi, Lucy. Hi, Luna. What are you two doing this late in the library?” She asked, a book about search magic in her hand right hand.

“We are playing chess.” I said and pointed at the board.

“And I’m losing all the time.” Luna complained, even though she didn’t seem to mind her losses that much.

“Hmm, you should move your rook from there.” Isabelle pointed out eagerly. Sadly though, the rook was already dead. He just didn’t know it yet.

“And? What are you doing here?”

“I’m trying to learn search magic the old fashioned way.” The old way she meant was probably not ancient magic, but rather studying the magic so hard that it was added as a skill at some point.

“Search magic? Didn’t you want to work as a bureaucrat?”

“Sure I do … but I feel getting followed again since the other classes got back. It’s getting worse and worse … or maybe I am going crazy.” At first, I really thought she was. Abut after witnessing that someone pretended to be me, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Hey, I’m sure there is a reason for your feelings. Has anyone ever confirmed your suspicions though?” I asked a bit absentmindedly.

“No … but since my birth I have this skill called ‘Tracking sense’ which is an interesting way of describing I know when I’m being followed …” Oh, a rare skill given to her by birth? Kind of like the reincarnators who were basically strong the moment they were born. But she wasn’t one of them. She merely had a bit of luck at her birth and drew a good lottery card. That was all.

“I see … hey, can you write down whenever you feel followed? We could search this person this way … or at least narrow it down a little.” I asked, a bit interested in her story. If she could never find her stalker, it meant that he was good. Just like a certain someone who pretended to be me in Atlantis.

“I can. Sure thing.” She said and nodded happily. I was sure she was relieved about my offer, even though she could probably thought about it herself.

“Great. Luna it is your tu-“ I started, but was sadly interrupted near the end by Luna who threw her arms into the air.

“I’ve got it! It’s checkmate already!” If anyone thought that she managed to activate her magic, they would be mistaken. Instead, she finally realised that her king was trapped. It only took her three rounds of me playing around with her queen.

“Wait, I thought you knew that already?” Isabelle asked a bit surprised.

“I’m bad at chess, alright?” Luna asked and crossed her arms in front of her chest a bit saddened. Just at this moment, the bell of the library rang a few time, signalling the time in which everyone should get back to their rooms.

“Oh. It’s that late already? I still have homework to do!” Luna said stressed and jumped up from her chair. “See you tomorrow.” She said before dashing off towards the exit.

“I have never seen her run this fast before.” It was rare for Luna to run in the first place, most importantly because she was very bad at sports.

“And in the library no less. Do I have a bad influence on her?” I mused a bit interested.

“I highly doubt it. Shall we go as well?” Isabelle asked smiled at one of the librarians checking if everything was empty.

“Sure.” I said and collected my chess board with the figures. A few minutes later, we were out of the library and chatted about this and that.

“What were you up to after we got back?”

“I toured around the city with my sis. What about you?” In reality, we did mug three people, tortured someone who tried to rob us and turned him into an undead which we then burned to death a second time. Well, but I did also start my magic of turning anything around me into an undead as long as their soul was still in purgatory, which worked way better when I wasn’t stressed the whole time.

“You are making me envious! My family lives in the south, so I had to spend my time on the school grounds.” Isabelle said unhappily. Maybe she would have asked me if she could join us, but thankfully she didn’t know what we were presumably doing beforehand.

“In the south? What do they do for a living?” I asked, already expecting some kind of answer akin to ‘we leech off our serfs’ or something along these lines.

“We are famous for our wine!” Not as bad as I presumed her answer to be, but still. In a sense, it was exactly the same to my expectations, just wrapped in a piece of nice looking paper.

“Cool. I’d like to have some in the future. Oh, I need to go there now. See you around!” I said and parted ways with Isabelle shortly afterwards.

This time, I actually managed to get back to the teachers lodge without losing my way even once. And that was already the third time in a row. Well, even I had to remember all the ways on this school eventually.

Thus, I was quite happy as I opened the door to our apartment and hummed quietly, even though nobody was around. Hannah was on duty to check on one of the girls dormitories which meant she wouldn’t be coming back until late in the night.

Well, I didn’t need her for the next task I had to do, which started by picking up the best book about vampires I could find. It was a very old one as these were the only ones not drifting into the range of fantasy books and actually tired to make sense of this secretive race.

“Monsters for dummies … there it is.” I finally found it after a little while and then proceeded to pull a few other books back. After doing so, the bookshelves made an opening noise and I could pull it off the wall, travelling the stairwell the earth mage had build for us.

Singing a happy song about war and mayhem, I arrived deep underground in my research chamber a few minutes later. Then, I picked up a broom and started cleaning all the dust up from the ground and made sure that the newly installed iron door to the separated room was sturdy enough to withstand two orcs.  

Afterwards, I sat down on a table in the big room and looked at all of the empty cages. Sadly, I had to clear them up before going to Atlantis and didn’t have the time to fill them with new interesting races yet.

But I would be having a special guest asking for all my attention anyway, which was why I wasn’t that depressed as two men on a simple cart, dragged by two horses arrived shortly afterwards. Tapping against my mask which I wore to hide my identity, I nodded towards them and jumped off the table.

“Hey. Are you the couriers?” I asked as I didn’t know them at all. Well, it was hard to imagine they were anything but the guys responsible to deliver my newest toy, but it was better to ask and confirm.

“Yes.” They said, which was enough for me to believe them.

“What happened to Joey and Frank?” I asked a bit interested in what happened to them. They were always on time before, so it was hard to imagine them being too unreliable.

“They … they fucked up a delivery. Something about banging the wife of the costumer ...” They admitted and looked at each other a bit shyly. Well they didn’t lie and I could imagine these two doing that … well, certainly not with me.

“What a shame … I really loved talking with these boys … even though they fled the moment they had done their work.” I said a bit bummed out and walked over to the cart. On top of it, there was a cage with very few air holes in it, just large enough to hold a grown man inside.

“I’m sure them fleeing wasn’t because of you.” One of them said carefully. To them, I was just another costumer, but a very weird one at that. They must have realised they were smuggling some kind of monstrosity to an unknown place underneath the city.

“Aww … now you are making me blush. You can unload it here.” I said and stepped back a little. The two men immediately began their work by raising the earth a little behind the cart to create a makeshift ramp and pushed the iron cage off the wooden boards with all the strength I had. As they struggled quite a bit, I even offered to help them out somewhat which they respectfully declined.

And thus, I sat down on the table once more, enjoyed the spectacle and listened to the animalistic screams inside the cage.

They took a whole fifteen minutes to unload it, which was far slower than Joey and Frank would have done it, but they were also driven by the screams of demons from all the other now empty cages.

“There you go.” One of the men said, wiping off the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

“Thank you so much … now that I see it there, could you move it to the right a little? You know, the magical lamps on the left side are all so dim.” I commented, even though every part of the room had the same brightness.

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“Certainly.” They said and began pushing it to the right for several metres.

“Oh, I think you have gone too far now. It’s too bright like this.” I said, grabbing my chin while thinking like a real interior decorator.

“Okay … just say when it is perfect.” Honestly? It would never be. I had high standards in this regard and I already noticed that the metal of this new cage didn’t fit well with the metal of the others. I still let them push the cage around a metre to the right again before I stopped them.

“Alright.” I said, over toning the screeching animal in there just a little bit. “You can stop there.”

“Puh … that was heavy.” One of them said, which directly earned him the ire of the other.

“Alright Miss. If you would sign this document now …” The taller one said, went back to the cart and retrieved the documents he was talking about.

“Just leave them empty.” I said, waving at them a bit annoyed.

“But Miss, we need your signature. Otherwise we need to take the cargo with us.” Really? Did they even have the strength to push it back onto the cart?

“Joey and Frank never asked for a signature.” I complained and watched how both of them started sweating once more.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” One of them said a bit scared.

“Eh, just give me the documents.” I said, took the pieces of paper out of his hand and slammed them onto the table I was sitting on. It didn’t take long for them to hand me a feather which I signed with. “And here you go. Have a great day.” I said happily and handed them the documents signed with ‘XXX’ back to them.

“Thank you very much.” None of them took their time to look at my signature which bummed me out a little, but it also meant they were gone after five more minutes.

After this short time, I waited a little more until I couldn’t hear their cart in the underground tunnel anymore and proceeded to stroll to my newest guest. “Hello there!” I said and snipped against the metal which earned me a lot of screaming from inside.

“Let’s get you out of there, shall we?” I asked and opened the lock around the cage with a key I already had.

“And you are free!” I said, pulled the door open and stepped back once as a brown haired disgustingly looking ghoul jumped at me straight away.

“Eww.” He was slow though, which meant my fist met his face earlier than he could touch me. “That’s disgusting. How old is that blood, huh? Weeks? Months?” Even worse, part of this crust of blood was at my hands, which honestly felt disgusting, even for me.

“Mate…” I said, grabbed him by the collar as he made another attempt to pounce at me and flung him towards the nearest metallic cage. By the impact alone, he bent the bars a little and I was sure to hear a few bones cracking as well. “You got to take care of yourself more. Even for a ghoul, you look disgusting.” I said, right as my heel found his hand on the ground. He still hadn’t recovered from my throw as I broke his right hand with my stomp, and thus could only scream loudly.

“Stay right there.” I said, turned around to walk back towards the book I bought with me, ignoring the rustling behind for a bit. Turning around, I could see that he had managed to stand up and stumbled towards me hungrily.

“Yeah, yeah …” I muttered, strolled towards him and punched him in his belly without him reacting to my attack at all. He nearly collapsed instantly, only upheld by my tight grip around his neck. My nails dug into his flesh a little as I walked onwards, pulling him behind me over the ground like some sack. Well, he did struggle a little, which meant that I was fed up with him before I even reached the iron door which was why my nails dug a bit deeper into his flesh until he finally stopped his senseless struggles.

“Now, let’s see what you are made off. I said as I had dragged him into the middle of the room, walked over towards a nearby prepare flask and picked it up. The twenty something year old ghoul must have realised that he couldn’t beat me at all and already started crawling away from me as I kicked his sides and forced him to lay on his back this way.

After placing my shoe in his chest, I leaned down a little and opened the lid. A red liquid soon found its way inside his mouth, revitalising him somewhat until he started to spew it out again.

“I know … animal blood isn’t tasty. But it’s what I drink usually as it’s risk free.” I said and knelt down on his chest. Putting the lid on his lips once again, I forced his mouth open with my fingers and made him drink all of it. He tried to spew some of it out again, but failed as I closed his mouth exactly in these moments.

“Now then.” I said, stood up from his naked chest and took a few steps back. And I observed him while counting the seconds. His right hand healed painfully slow. His healing abilities were light years away from mine, and miles away from Toms. He was like a cheap version of myself. Less speed, strength and health, but with possibly the same drawbacks.

“Oh, so you are one of those.” I mumbled watching how he stood up slowly and readied himself to make a dash for the door behind me. “That’s going to hurt …”

True to my words, it did hurt as he tried to run past me with all the speed he could muster. The tip of my shoe found its way to his stomach area rather swiftly as I kicked him from the side. Once more, he collapsed onto the ground while holding his belly in pain. I must have squished a few organs with my kick, but he was a ghoul anyway.

Once again, I stepped towards him and crushed his right hand with my heel. Screaming filled the room again, until I forced him to lie on his back once more and knelt down on his chest.

It only took me a little while to retrieve the hidden knife from underneath my skirt and let the magical light reflect beautifully on the blade. Even though the ghoul was without much intelligence, he still assumed this would be the end for him.

Sadly for him though, his life was far too valuable for that as I couldn’t even question his soul in the state he was. Instead of stabbing him, I cut open my right thumb and pushed his jaw open with my left hand. It was a little bit disgusting as I sealed his slightly open lips with my fast healing thumb. Thankfully though, he didn’t struggle too much in the beginning which allowed me to press the nearly closed wound against his canine, forcing it open once more.

I giggled a bit happily as a bit of pain shot through my hand and laughed loudly as he bit on my thumb. My joy didn’t hold long though I was starting to feel very sick with what I was doing nearly instantly. All my fun was gone as he started screaming and trashing beneath me, forcing me to take my thumb out of his mouth and hold his shoulders down.

His hands were free though which he directly used to his advantage. His sturdy nails dug into my side as he trashed around violently, probably in pain from drinking my blood.

A bit angrily at him for daring to rip my attire apart, I grabbed his throat with my right hand, pushed myself off him and flung him through half the room.

“Fucking animal.” I growled and looked at my completely exposed sides. Ordering a new school uniform was always a hassle thanks to all the bureaucracy involved. A bit angrily, I picked up the book and stomped back towards the prison door. After looking at the ghoul whose right hand was already healed once more, I slammed the door shut behind me. Angrily, I ignored the other vampire in the room for the time being and locked the door with another key I had with me.

“And? How did it go?” Angrily, I slapped the book he wrote fifty years ago against his chest and glared at him.

“He actually dared to ruin my school uniform. What a bastard.” I said angrily and walked past Tom.

“I heard that ghouls have very little sense for fashion.” Tom said jokingly and followed behind me.

“You will regret this if the information you found out about our race is wrong.” I said and pointed towards the book he was carrying while sitting back onto the table.

“I can only write down what I had gathered from others.” He said, shrugging his shoulders a bit. At least his search for knowledge about the vampires of old times seemed to bear fruit at this stage, which was something.

“Fine. And you are sure this is going to work with my blood?” Tom apparently didn’t possess the ability to change the locality of a ghoul, forcing me to do the task instead.

“You are an origin vampire, the sole vampire standing on the tip of the pyramid of his bloodline … admittedly your pyramid is pretty small though.” My pyramid was just me and Tom. This brown haired ghoul was the newest addition, but even then my vampiric family was small. For good reason.

“Great. And you are sure your blood cannot turn him into a proper vampire?” I asked once more, feeling quite revolting about giving that ghoul my blood. It just … didn’t feel right. I had no qualms about losing blood in battle or about giving it to Tom, but offering my blood to this guy felt so wrong.

“I already tried it … but it seems even my blood is too diluted to turn a ghoul from another vampire into a proper one.” He said, placing the book right beside me.

“I feel sickened by your proposal. It’s honestly revolting to raise a bastard ghoul as my own kin.” I admitted and looked at my own thumb with disgust.

“So our racial desire to keep our bloodline pure is even rooted within you.” It probably was … even though I felt quite distant from all the normal vampires that burned in the sunlight.


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