Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 389: Chapter 2.107

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“Hey Luna, how are you doing?” I asked a very tired Luna the very next day. She sat on her desk in our classroom and nearly fell asleep as I talked to her.

“I’m doing fine for what happened. I couldn’t sleep though after I felt a knife right through my chest. What about you?” She asked, looking at me while I yawned with the hand in front of my mouth.

“The same … it was wild, wasn’t it? Apparently the nobles around the academy were his as well by this area spell. I really do have to wonder who could have done such a thing.” I said, feigning to be completely oblivious like so often.

“The demon king?” Luna guessed and our classmate to her left nodded in approval right away.

“Maybe …” I muttered, and quickly had to make my way back to my seat next to Louis as Hannah entered the room.

“Alright, enough chatter. On your seat kids.” She said and took her position in the front of the room. “As you are all probably aware, we have been hit by a spell with a large area of effect.” The thing was … they only felt the side effects. The door which I had blown into pieces had to take the brunt of my fury. “As you are already aware, this isn’t the first incident in which our school was involved, and it provably won’t be the last either. Therefore, the guards are now patrolling the academy grounds as well. Please be nice to them and follow their orders right away. Additionally, going around campus without any important reason is forbidden for the time being. Stay at your dorms as much as possible. Any questions?” Hannah asked, but quickly sighed in annoyance as Olivia, the aspiring journalist lifted her arm.

“Yes! Is it true that this spell covered the whole academy grounds and beyond?” Olivia asked right away.

“No comment.” Hannah said a bit tired.

“Did everyone feel like they were at deaths door, or did some people feel anything else?” Olivia resumed her questioning, even though it was obvious Hannah was less than pleased with it.

“No comment.” Hannah repeated annoyed.

“Do we have any clue where this attack came from?” Didn’t Hannah just imply that the teachers had no clue?

No comment. That’s all for today. You can go to your usual classes now.” Hannah said and walked out of the door before Olivia could ask another question.

And thus, it was time to start a new normal day at the academy I never wished to attend. But something was different that day. A hint of fear was in the air, resounding through every classroom and every cafeteria. It wasn’t just my slip up that lead to this fear though. It was just the newest addition of catastrophes the teachers couldn’t get a grip on at all.

And somehow, my actions were the last straw for some. Many started questioning if the academy was even save at this point, and the guards together with the heavy restrictions made the majority of students feel rather unwell.

Including a certain someone who I just had a class with.

“It’s getting more and more often, Lucy. Here. From three to three twenty I felt it again. And just yesterday, from six in my own room! I’m freaking out Lucy!” Isabelle was at the brink of breaking down. She was really scared by the stalker we both couldn’t find, no matter how much she looked at the timetables of everyone in the first semester. And feeling death didn’t make it any better for her.

“Isabelle … hey. Listen to me. Let’s go to Albert and see if he has anything to protect you. Look at this. It’s a school uniform he had woven magical circles into. It can protect you until someone comes to your help if push comes to shove.” I said and presented her the inside of my blazer and thus, the magical circles as well.

“Albert … right. Are you sure this will help?” She asked a bit doubtful, but definitely wouldn’t say no to a bit more protection.

“You are in safety here. Don’t worry. Let’s go tomorrow after breakfast, alright?” I asked and smiled brightly at her.

“Sure … I’ll see you then.” She said and smiled back at me.

“See you.” I said, waving to her as I needed to hurry for my next class which was etiquette. Some of the other girls there were driven to tears as ell, which meant we didn’t do the usual stuff, but talked about our feelings and shit. Well, I was kind of glad this was all over and we were allowed to leave, only to stop as I noticed Olivia running towards me.

“It’s your favourite and best journalist the academy has to offer.” Yeah … and she felt more like a pesky fly than anything else.

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“Aren’t you the only one working on the school newspaper?” I asked and giggled a bit.

“For now … but once they see the importance of news, I’m sure some will join me.” Olivia claimed and lifted her fist into the air proudly.

“Okay?” I said, still laughing a bit.

“Right … we don’t have much time so let’s do this quickly. Did your sister tell you anything about the incident last night?” That question was completely expected.

“No.” And so was my answer.

“You can tell me. I’m not going to mention your name.” Even then I wouldn’t tell her that I was the one who made everyone feel like dying.

“She already told you all she knew…” I muttered and tilted my head a little. If Olivia continued to be this persistent, I had no problem going away with the excuse that we shouldn’t dally around.

“Alright. Onto the next story then. The necromancer … have you seen him?” She already asked me that … did she? I couldn’t tell for sure because literally everyone had asked me.

“No. I was behind my sis all the time … why are you asking me this now?” I asked a bit surprised by this question.

“The next issue is due next week … so you didn’t see him at all?” Oh … okay. That made sense.

“That’s right.” I said and nodded to underline my point.

“Okay. Then, onto the last article I want to write about. Have you heard about the stalker?” The stalker? Surely Isabelle didn’t tell Olivia out of all people that she had a problem.

“Isabelle told you?” I asked even more surprised.

“Obviously. I even made some research into it and followed her for a whole day, but I couldn’t find anyone trailing her…” Olivia said unhappily about her failure.

“Well, then you know as much as I do.” And that was honestly the truth. I didn’t know anything except then what Isabelle told me as well.

“You didn’t make any progress in catching him? What a pity … I could already imagine the headline ‘investigative journalist Olivia Stein catches mysterious stalker.” She said a bit dreamy about he prospect of becoming famous one day.

“I would love to read that article.” I answered and smiled brightly.

“I know! Well, do you know where Schwarz is? I have to ask him about his actions at the gate as well. Sadly I couldn’t find him the whole day.” Schwarz? No, I haven’t seen him around that day which was honestly a bit odd. Well, this wasn’t the first day where I wouldn’t cross paths with him, but it was still unusual.

“Hmm … he is not around here, so you might have your luck near the girl’s dormitory.” I proposed. Maybe he had found another girl to woo in. The last three girls he had asked for a date all refused after all.

“I’ll check that out.” Olivia said and dashed off into the distance right away. Shrugging my shoulders a little, I continued on my way back to the teachers dormitory and opened up the secret passage right away. Wearing my mask, I descended the stairwell and started cleaning up the mess I had made. A little while later, the two guys who brought me the ghoul started hauling damaged cages out from my laboratory, luckily without asking any questions. Only as they made their tenth tour did I call it a night and joined the already sleeping Hannah in our bed.

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