Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 398: Chapter 2.116

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A large straw hat on my head and dressed in maid clothing, I strolled thought the front yard towards the gate unhindered. They only checked my passage papers on my way out and didn’t even care to look at my status.

Well, I would show them wrong information anyway, so there wasn’t really any difference that could make anyway. Looking around a bit in front of the gate, I quickly spotted a pitch black carriage parked on the side of the road and strolled over towards it.

“Hi?” I asked, knocking onto the door a few times.

“What’s the password?” A very familiar voice resounded from within. Hesitating a long while, I placed my forehead against the wood and resigned to my fate.

“… you are the best person on this planet.” I answered swiftly and heard her unlock the door. In no time, I had opened it, looked around one last time and entered the carriage.

“Whore.” I muttered quietly, closing the door behind me and locking it shut. Instantly, I noticed a magical circle glowing up faintly, blocking off every sound from the outside.

“It’s my beloved slut. How are you doing today … woa, you smell nice. Is that a new scented soap?” She said and got really close to me with her nose.

“It’s called royal touch.” I said and giggled a bit. “You should try it out yourself.”

“Although our recent adventure made me question my current dislike for orgies, I am not so sure I want to invite royals.” She muttered, clearly already somewhere else with her thoughts.

“My stuff?” I asked, pointing behind her as she blocked me from reaching my usual school uniform.

“Here you go.” She said, turned around and gave me the skirt, shirt and blazer along with my shoes and knee high socks and my white satin gloves. A bit awkwardly, I undressed with her help in the small compartment and began putting on my socks.

“Where is Hannah?” I asked a bit worried about her. She was doing the most dangerous task of all of us, so I kept thinking about her from time to time.

“Babysitting Albert.” At least there hadn’t been any incident yet.

“What about Tom?” I asked, only slightly interested and straightened the blouse with my hands.

“Either high or sleeping … or both. It’s hard to tell sometimes.” Yeah … drugs really hit him hard sometimes.

“Is he mumbling something about stabbing me?” I asked, putting the blazer on with a bit of struggle as it was a bit cramped.

“Sometimes you do frighten me.” She said, probably not about my inability to dress myself, but rather because I had guessed correctly.

“Then he is high. Thanks for coming by.” I said after putting on my gloves and shoes. Just as I wanted to open the door though, the whore grabbed my shoulders tightly.

“I want payment.” She said and flat out refused to let me go.

“Okay …” I muttered and turned around a bit unhappily. Going on my toes, I placed my hand on her head and patted her lightly. “Good girl… I’ll give you a treat later, alright?” Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she swiped my hand off her head and nodded towards the door. Turning around and taking my straw hat, I opened the door and stepped out of the carriage.

Once again, I was greeted by the people on the street leading from the royal palace eastwards. Left of me was the big forest the White’s had their mansion in and to the other side was another huge mansion. But even as the street only connected a few places, it was still bustling with activity right right before the gate. Stepping a bit away from the carriage, I put the straw hat back on my head and walked behind the carriage to lean against the iron fence.

As I had still half an hour to spare, I observed the visitors of the royal palace a little. Most of them looked rich with only the servants being noticeable poor, despite wearing pristine clothing for the most part.

“Now, that’s going to take a while…” I muttered quietly and closed my eyes a little. Thinking a bit about the two new reincarnators I met, I didn’t even realise that someone was stepping close to me until she spoke up.

“Hey Lucy. How are you doing?” Luna asked and made me open my eyes instantly.

“Oh, hi Luna! Nice outfit you got there.” I said happily and pointed towards her mostly white dress with silver birds woven into it.

“Thank you. It fits to my necklace, don’t you think?” She said and presented me the dove at the necklace proudly.

“Oh right. I completely forgot, but you don’t have to wear it anymore.” I said and smiled brightly.

“But I like it and you are wearing one as well.” She puffed her cheeks and looked away with red cheeks, but it didn’t take long for her to change her attitude once I hugged her tightly.

“Thank you. It means a lot for me.” I admitted quietly. Even though it was just a necklace, Hannah, Luna and I all had one, making it somewhat of a symbol.

“I feel the same … hey, is everything alright?” She asked, just as I let go of her and distanced myself a little.

“Huh? Why are you asking?” I asked a bit confused. True, there was a lot happening during the last night, but she had witnessed the majority of it.

“I have heard some rumours about the king … they say he is mean or so …” Mean? That’s quite the understatement. If I would set such a rumour into the world, I would claim he is downright abusive … which was closer to the truth than him just being mean.

“Nah. Don’t worry about him. We get along fine.” I explained which made her exhale and relax a little.

“That’s relieving … hey, isn’t that Ellie?” She asked, pointing towards a girl who wore red  casual clothing, mixed with a bit of black here and there. Now … that was an outfit I could get behind. Waving to her, we made ourselves visible and she directly changed course towards us.

“Hi Ellie! What’s up?” I asked, a bit worried she might realise I was the saint instantly.

“Not much … hey Luna. You have seen the saint, didn’t you? How does she look?” Luckily my worries were unfounded. Even if they weren’t, it wouldn’t be that bad as she would notice at some point anyway. But I really liked that she didn’t suspect me in any way.

“Ehh … she is a bit taller than me. I think her eyes were green? Blonde hair … a bit pale perhaps.” Luna said, quite elegantly dodging telling her who I really was.

“So she’s like Lucy here?” No, not like me. Exactly like me.

“Oh no … now even more people will ask me if I’m the saint.” I said, grabbing the straw hat in frustration. While doing so, I spotted a rather suspicious figure in the distance, jogging towards us.

“Hi Sofie.” Ellie said as she turned around as well, probably alerted from her steps. “Oh, right. I hope you don’t mind that I invited her. She … I think she has the right to see him as well.” The right to see him? Don’t tell me they figured out that Schwarz was one of them.

“Oh … okay? Ehm, Sofie this is Luna.” I quickly introduced these two before anything else could happen unexpectedly.

“Nice to meet you. I hope I’m not bothering you all.” Sofie said and scratched her cheeks a little.

“No, not at all.” Luna said and looked over my shoulder to wave at the next person going to visit Schwarz in his prison cell.

“Hi …” Louis said out of breath thanks to his pathetic stamina. “I hope I’m not too late.”

“Actually, you are twenty minutes early.” Luna said and blinked a few times surprised. Did she really expect Louis to live at a place where grandfather clocks are common? Well, he did, but probably not in an area where they tended to congregate.

“Why did … did I run? Hey … Luna, how does the saint look?” He asked the same question Ellie asked just moments before and got exactly the same answer. Once again, Luna told only the truth, but he didn’t seem to realise it was me. Sofie did look at me a bit strangely though, but quickly stopped once I glanced over to her.

“Do you have all the papers?” Ellie asked Louis shortly afterwards.

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“Do you know how hard it was for me to get these? It better be worth it.” He said, already turning around towards the gate.

“I’m sure it will be. Shall we?” I asked into the round and after everyone nodded, I followed Louis right away. He handed each one of us our own papers which we needed to pass through the gate. Well, I could have shown my ring as well, but where would be the fun in that? Instead, I had to place my hand on this weird machine and the guards checked my completely made up status screen.

As they found no issues with our documents and our statuses, they let us inside without any issues. Afterwards, Louis quickly guided us towards the southernmost building in the central district, a flat bungalow with very few windows.

“Remember, only the worst of the worst are in there, so don’t get close to the prison doors at all costs.

Louis explained mere seconds before we arrived. Once again, we showed our documents to the two guards who then opened a heavy metal iron door leading into a hallway.

“Second level. It’s the only cell currently in use.” Well, it did look like Louis warning was unnecessary. Silently, we went into the hallway one after another and quickly found the stairwell leading downwards. In no time, we arrived at the deepest parts of the dungeon and silently strode through the hallway, most of us overwhelmed by the stench of human excrements and whatever else the death row inmates left behind.

Even though all the dark cells were empty so far, Luna’s hair stood up and she nearly threw up to the side. Patting her back soothingly, I managed to calm her down enough so that she could carry onwards.

Before we could reach the last cell, another one of us got to the Breaking point. This time, it was me. Once again my soul was under assault, punctuated by a thousand needles. I instantly focused on creating an impenetrable barrier of death around my soul, but it did absolutely nothing to solve the problem.

Once again, I couldn’t even sense the attack coming which infuriates me a lot. Holding my aching head a bit, I feigned to be alright and followed after the others regardless.

A visibly exhausted Schwarz sat on the flatbed in the last cell. He already looked thinner than the day before, and had obviously not slept very well.

“Hey, guys …” He muttered weakly once he noticed us.

“Schwarz I … I’m sorry my sis was the one to … to catch you.” I said, my head still feeling very unwell. Suddenly, the attack on my soul stopped and with it all pain subsided. Putting these attacks a bit higher on my priority list, I could see that Schwarz didn’t blame me at all.

“That wasn’t her fault … thank you for coming by to see me one last time. Seems like they want me gone for good.” All but us probably. But he wouldn’t die if I had a say in it.

“Actually … your execution has been postponed indefinitely. Something about new evidence or so.” Louis put ‘the King changed his mind’ very nicely though. Or he really didn’t know it was the king decided to postpone the execution.

“What? How did that happen?” Schwarz asked surprised, showing us a bit of energy by sitting upright.

“I don’t know … either the guards really found something or someone higher up has decided to lend you a hand.” Louis said, clearly just guessing what it was.

“So they let me rot in this cell until I die on my own.” Schwarz said and slumped back into his hunched posture.

“Not if we proof you are innocent.” Ellie said and balled her hands into fists. Luckily, I didn’t have to chime in at all, which meant I could step back a little and let the conversation take its course.

“Huh?” Schwarz asked, quite stunned.

“Quite frankly speaking, the investigation the guards did was a sham. They already had their sights on you from the very beginning, but I don’t believe you had something to do with it.” Ellie admitted while Sofie extended her Hand into the cell, frowning heavily as she saw the bit of blood on his trousers.

“You guys would do that?” Schwarz asked, clearly surprised as I was so adamantly against searching for the necromancer.

“Schwarz, I am not here because we are such good friends. But after all the things Ellie and Louis told me about you, we came to the conclusion that we share a common history.” Sofie admitted, slowly healing him without even chanting.

“Wait … you lived through the exodus as well?” Schwarz asked, once again surprised and more energetic.

“What’s that?” I asked with curiosity, wondering what they wanted to do at this point.

“Just ignore it.” Ellie said quickly, but Sofie seemed to have other ideas.

“I think Lucy and Luna have a right to know well.” She said, warming my heart somewhat. It was really nice to know she trusted me to such an degree.

“It’s clearly to dangerous. We are obvious targets.” Ellie pointed out, and that probably rightfully so.

“What are you talking about?” Luna asked innocently, but was promptly ignored by anyone but me.

“Then let us vote for it. Schwarz? Louis?” Sofie asked right away.

“I’m all for it.” Schwarz answered quickly and lifted his hand as if we needed to count the votes.

“I … I don’t want them to be hurt.” Louis admitted, looking at me in particular. Sofie sighed loudly, but otherwise nodded reluctantly.

“Alright. Schwarz, is there any reason why someone would want to frame you?” Sofie asked like a real detective even though everything was crystal clear already … for me at least.

“I don’t know … now that I think about it, it could have something to do with the letter I got.” He answered, leaving out completely that he was an easy target to blame. The other students did  have a few issues with him after all.

“So you got one as well?” Sofie asked, Not really surprised by the revelation.

“Yeah. And I burned it directly.” Well, that was a pretty direct way of saying he didn’t want to join the demons.

“So we can assume it was the same person who attacked me.” Ellie stated, grabbing the iron bars in frustration.

“And how do we catch someone like this?” Sofie asked a bit worried.

“We don’t have to. We just have to prove that it wasn’t Schwarz.” I chimed in, giving them all the possibilities they needed to solve their poor comrade largely on their own.

“No. We put an end to this.” Louis said, putting his right fist on his other palm.

“Are you sure you can do that?” Luna asked, sparing me from doing the same. Heck, even Hannah and I had issues narrowing the identity of the perpetrator down enough.

“We will either find that person, or he will find us. Either way, we will be prepared for him.” Ellie said grimly and turned around to face me. “I know you won’t agree to this course of action … but we need to do that as a group. And I want you two to stay back. It’s too dangerous.” Oh? So Ellie didn’t even consider asking me for Hannah’s help? Well, that was something I hadn’t expected.

“I … I don’t get why you want to exclude us all of a sudden, but if that helps in freeing Schwarz, I won’t complain.” I said, feigning to be a bit stunned by the change.

“It will put me at ease.” Louis admitted and closed his eyes so that he didn’t have to see my reaction.

“Alright. If that’s what you want.” I said and looked into the round. Not a single one of these otherworldy beings did anything to indicate the opposite, so I nodded towards Schwarz with a gentle smile.

“Schwarz, I do hope you get free sooner than later.” I said, nodded towards him and fiddled with my skirt a little. “We … we let you do your planning now. I wish you luck.” I said, grabbed Luna’s hand and pulled her away from the cell after she bid her farewell as well. Nobody stopped us as we distanced ourselves, and I could hear their conversation rolling yet again.

“So, what were these bells for?” They really had no idea who I was … they may have believed in me being just Lucy a bit too much.

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