Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 405: Chapter 2.123

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Having finally stopped all the leaks of death out of my soul, I rubbed my cheek over Alberts skinny chest like a cat. Pressing my naked body against him, I enjoyed his company to the fullest because I knew very well he was close to awakening as a vampire.

But before that, I had my fun using him as my pillow. He didn’t have the softest chest, but he was just my size which made it very comfortable to wrap my legs around his and hug him from the side tightly.

Suddenly though, he started to move his legs a little and I looked up into his face. It was quite cute to see him waking up slowly. He didn’t even realise I was there until he opened his eyes and stared at me.

“L-L-Lucy? Wh-hat are you d-doing there?” He said, clearly overwhelmed from seeing me so close to him.

“I’m hugging you?” I asked innocently and gave him a gentle smile. He wasn’t having any of that though and pushed me away from him, standing up butt naked to search for something to wear. Sadly though, he had ripped his own trousers into pieces weeks ago.

Grabbing a blanket, he covered himself while looking away from me quite consciously.

“Please, cover yourself.” He said still looking towards the wall. Giggling a bit, I reached in between the bed and the wall and retrieved a blanket which I then put over me right away.

“You don’t have to be this shy, you know?” I said, standing up from the bed slowly.

“I … why are we both naked? Did we … and how I am alive?” He turned around hearing me closely behind him.

“Oh. Well, let me see. Three weeks ago you have ripped my bra apart and one week ago you did the same to my panties … both were accidents though. You lost your trousers way before I was awake, so I can’t say anything about that. And no, to my knowledge we didn’t make any love. And you survived because … what is the memory you have?” I asked and tilted my head wondering what he remembered.

“I … I was stabbed from behind. And then … I felt really thirsty?” Well, he did mix his memories up a little, but whatever.

“Hmm … let me say it this way. You are a smart boy and everything you need is inside this room.” I said and placed my hands onto his shoulders soothingly.

“You … is that blood? And why is there … oh my god. You … you are a demon!” He said, slowly realising what had happened with a lot of anger in his voice.

“Relax. Come here.” I said and drew him into a rather tight hug.

“Get away from me!” He said freighted and tried to push me away, but I was far stronger than this little fledgling.

“Do you remember what I have asked you? You agreed to this and you wont be able to escape your fate.” I explained and let go if him a little as he turned sad within seconds.

“Please … I don’t want to hurt others.” He said, and looked in my eyes pleadingly.

“You don’t have to?” In the first place, I wouldn’t take him with me towards a battlefield. He never fought in his life before.

“You turned me into a vampire! And I … I …” He said, looking at my nape intensely before taking a step closer. His mouth was already slightly open showing his sharp canines to me.

“Are you thirsty? Its okay to want my blood. You can bite me if you desire.” I asked, and watched how he got closer until he shook his head.

“I won’t fall for your tricks!” He said, stepping back once again which put me off a little. Looking through the whole room, I quickly found one of the remaining bottles of blood and opened it.

“Tricks? That’s your reality now. You need to drink blood to survive.” I said and placed the bottle on my lips, savouring the taste to the fullest.

“I’d rather die.” He said, but I could see how he eyed me intensely. After a few more gulps, I put the bottle back onto the ground and stepped closer to him once more.

“Hmm … we are somewhat of a family, are we not? You wouldn’t think of leaving me alone?” I asked as he avoided me by going backwards until his back hit the wall.

“You … stop trying to charm me!” He said, holding his hands in front of him in a rather pitiful attempt to hold me at bay.

“Charm you? Oh. You mean the stories where vampires have some ability to ensnare others? That is sadly not the case. What you feel is way more than what a charm could do anyways. There is a bond between us, drawing us closer together if we wish or not.” I explained, knowing full well that it went in both directions. The feelings I had for him vastly changed over the course of the last weeks after all.

“Stop it! I don’t want this!” Even though he agreed?

“Its okay… its okay to cry. You have lost your old life after all, but I can assure you that your new one will be even more exiting.” I explained while he sank down on the wall slowly. Pulling him into an embrace quickly, I knelt down and made sure his head was close to my nape. “Albert, I do know what you desire right now. So take it.” I said soothingly and didn’t resist as he pushed me onto my back and dragged the blanket off me by accident.

Hovering right above me, he dug his sharp canines into my nape and sucked on my skin. Right away, I could feel a nice feeling washing over my body and patted his back a little.

Then, as his thirst for my blood lessened, he pushed himself off me frantically and sat on his butt, his eyes wide open.

“You have to realise that none if us can resist the temptations of blood forever. You will drink blood, if it given you by free will or not is your decision. Albert, being a vampire isn’t all bad. You can live until the end of time following your hobbies as you see fit. And I …” I sat up calmly, crawled over to him and kneeled right in front of him. Looking at him with a warm smile on my lips, I pulled his head into my bosom and caressed his back lovingly. “And I will make sure you lead a good life.”

“I … I will not serve the demon king.” As if he was the only one doing evil in this world. But even I had to admit that my evilness lacked a bit lately in comparison to the demon king.

“We vampires existed way before the other races appeared and I personally will never submit to the demon king.” I explained soothingly, hoping to clear out all the obstacles he had in his mind on the road to accepting his new reality.

“I …” He said, not really continuing afterwards.

“Yes?” I asked calmly. He did have something to say, but he struggled to speak it out right away.

“I want to live. I don’t want to die yet again. Not this early…” He said and moved his head a little, rubbing his cheek on my skin.

“So you accept the gift I have given you?” I asked happily.

“I … I’m not comfortable with it. And I will never drink the blood of someone who doesn’t give it away freely … but I will make the best out of this … as long as my inventions do good in this world.” Well, I could live with that. If push came to shove, we could simply gave him animal blood.

“I knew I can count on you.” Letting go of his head, I brought my mouth towards his forehead and gave him a light kiss. “If there is anything you feel uncomfortable with, just tell me.”

“Actually … could you cover yourself?” Giggling a bit, I stood up and walked over to a rather damaged drawer, opened it and retrieved a rather simple dress right away. I also picked out clothing for him and handed it over after putting the dress onto my shoulders.

I even turned around laughing quietly as he changed into his clothes and smiled brilliantly as he nearly toppled over some empty bottle.

“Before I introduce you to the others I must warn you. We are all a bit … strange in our own ways.” I admitted, hoping the warning would help him face the deranged behaviour of all of us.

“I … I understand. Does that come with age?” He asked as I strolled towards the door and unlocked it right away.

“Oh? Do I look this old?” I asked, a bit fascinated by his question.

“No?” He said, looking away from me a bit ashamed as I walked backwards into the hallway.

“Hmm … how old am I then?” I asked, a cheeky smile on my lips.

“Uhh forty?” Forty? Well, that was close enough to the four hundred and elven. At least the checksum was somewhat similar.

“Close enough … I actually don’t know if time draws the worst out of us.” I was pretty ruthless since my birth already but if I would really need to answer his question truthfully, I had to say yes. “But I do think living a long time makes us more extreme. You are far off from that though, so don’t worry about that.” I explained and took his hand to pull him behind me through the dark hallway. A few minutes and three turnarounds later, we were back at the ground floor and were noticed by the servants immediately.

“LUCINDA!” Hannah said, mere minutes after we saw the starlight through a window and came rushing towards me. Pushing Albert a bit away from me, I awaited her with open arms which she directly used to jump into them.

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Toppling over like a felled tree, I hit the ground with my back softly as her magic cushioned the fall.

“I’m so glad to see you again!” She said, crying tears of happiness onto my face.

“And so am I!” I exclaimed thrilled and patted her back gently. “How have you been?“

“I read a whole lot of books. But I am so glad that this is over now!” She said and only then noticed Albert who was clearing his throat a bit embarrassed. “Oh. Hi Albert … you look a bit pale?” She said, slowly robbing off me.

“So this is Hannah. You already know her, but she is far less strict when she’s around friends.” I explained and sat upright again.

“But she isn’t a vampire right? I can … I can hear her heart beating.” He said and held a hand in front of his mouth.

“Right. But she’ll pummel you when you touch her, so don’t even think about it. Where are the others?” I asked and smiled happy to see these two again.

“Should be coming down any second now.” She said and stood up together with me. And true to her words, those two arrived shortly afterwards while Hannah and I made a few jokes.

“Okay so this is …” I pointed towards the whore, unwilling to speak out her name, but not unfriendly enough to call her by her nickname.

“Hi, my name is Pauline. Its nice to meet you.” She said friendly and shook his hand.

“Right. She is a succubus so … don’t ever go into the same bedroom as she is in. And this is Tom. He is in charge of every criminal organisation we have and helps me with planning sometimes.” I explained and watched how they shook hands as well.

“Hey, Albert … show me your teeth.” Tom said, confusing Albert completely.

“You are not comparing teeth length … and don’t even think about making him believe we have some weird rituals.” I said threateningly and glared at Tom. “If I’m not around, you can ask any of these three for help.”

“Okay … so, Lucy … Lucinda? How should I call you?” Woah, he even picked out that Hannah didn’t call me Lucy which I found a bit surprising. He was smart, but insanely dense sometimes.

“Whatever you want.” I said and smiled happily.

“So … mum?” Hannah gulped loudly by my side and Tom chuckled dangerously while I just stared at him perplexed for a second.

“Oh, you are on very dangerous terrain young vampire.” The whore commented happily.

“Anything … but that? How did you even came up with that?”

“Well, I … I thought this looked like some kind of … patchwork family?”

“Oh no … yeah no. Saying you were my son would open a whole lot of problems for me …” I turned him into a vampire and in a sense, I made him. But Aska also made me … and if I was Alberts mother now, it would mean I had to admit that Aska was my father … which I would never do.

“So can I call you by a nickname?” He wouldn’t be the first one to do so.

“Wow, the bond really hits him hard.” Tom said which was probably not too far from the truth. Instinctively, he must have started to seek out my presence after he calmed down from the initial shock.

“Sure. What do you have in mind?” I asked, attempting to soothe over Tom’s comment right away.

“… Lu?” He asked, making everyone look at him dumbly once more.

“He really likes to step into traps. Luna calls her that sometimes and Lucinda isn’t very keen on giving that special right away to someone else as well.” Hannah said while I nodded in approval.

“Oh … I’m sorry Lucy.” Albert said, lowering his head a little.

“Never mind … just stick to either Lucy or Lucinda. I don’t really care.” I answered and gave him the thumbs up.

“So, what happened while I wasn’t around?” Other than leaving once with my half fixed soul to do a little experiment, I didn’t leave the room at all which meant I didn’t know what was going on.

“This and that … my horse won in the race!” The whore said happily and presented me a new ring on her finger.

“Actually, there are probably two things you need to know. Olivia isn’t coming back alone. There were several repostings of a huge horned man accompanying her. Multiple villages have already been razed by them.”

“And the second thing?” I asked a bit more interested. I already knew that some things must have changed, but not what exactly.

“Its hard to explain. Its underground with several levels and a whole lot of demons in them. They apparently cannot get out though and people who got there to fight levelled faster.” Hannah explained, probably very unhappy we couldn’t check out such a place yet.

“Oh, that’s a dungeon!” Albert exclaimed happily. Sadly though, I thought about something completely different when I heard the term dungeon, so it didn’t explain a thing.

“What’s that?” I asked, curious about his knowledge about these places.

“A place where a party can go in, search for loot and farm experience points.” Okay … but why the loot? Where did they come from?

“Why should there be anything to loot there?” I asked curiously.

“Actually, there has been reporting of some treasure chests.” Tom said right away.

“Perfect. Then that also means there will be an end boss!” Albert exclaimed happily, even though he would probably die on the first floor.

“Okay … now that I don’t need to hide anything from you let me ask this question. What is wrong with you people? Why are the other reincarnators so fixated on becoming heroes and why are you so strange sometimes? Ellie said she didn’t want boob armour, Louis thinks only about me or saving the world and Schwarz? Let’s not even talk about him.” I asked a bit worried about their sanity.

“Uh … so you found others than me?” Albert asked surprised which was no wonder as I basically held everyone away from him so that they couldn’t see his creations.

“Obviously. I’m the saint. I can’t find them, nobody can.” I said a bit hurt by his question. Unlike Sofie or anyone else, he wasn’t surprised at all as I told him who I was. He just shrugged it off like it was nothing.

“So you are the saint … well, to answer your question, we did grow up in a world where magic was fantasy. So yeah … we came up with a lot of stuff that doesn’t make any sense.”







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