Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 437: Chapter 2.156

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In the middle of a rather large tent, there was a table for five with a fitting number of simple chairs around it. During the first night, only two of these seats were used. With the constable riding ahead for the time being and Luna too tired to attend, it fell into my lap to explain the schedule for the next day.

“… and at the church of fire, we will end the day.” Luckily, only Louis didn’t know what the schedule was, so it was fairly easy to explain everything.

“Right … can I go to bed now?” It did seem Louis wasn’t impressed enough to stay awake. Tapping the table in annoyances, I nodded towards him and watched him stand up. “Can I … can I sleep together with Ellie?”

That girl really did manage to creep into his heart deeply since he failed that test. Well, it was obvious that supporting him during his low would change his opinion, but I didn’t think the love of a teenager would be easily swayed. His love for me – although still there – was waning with each and every day, which made Schwarz the only one who had troublesome feelings for me which were only heightened by holding part of me in his hands all day.

“Usually romances are forbidden in the army … but as long as you keep those pants on I’m fine with it.” I said and shooed him out of the tent quickly. I did have more exiting stuff to do after all.

Smiling at Hannah, I counted to three before I stood up abruptly and took her hand.

“I’m aware you are tired as well, but would you do me a favour nonetheless?” I asked and helped her to stand up slowly.

“You have no clue how to get there, do you?” Hannah asked, a smirk on her face.

“Not in the slightest.” In purgatory, I instinctively knew where I deeded to go. I could feel everything after all, but back on Solaris, I was dealing with the same issues once more.

But I had help. Hannah immediately walked out of the tent and started sprinting through the small camp and past the guards. Naturally, I followed her right away, but sadly had to admit once more that she was stronger and faster than me thanks to this cursed system yelling ‘Level up!’ in my head.

But thanks to her slowing down, I was able to stay close to her at all times. For minutes we ran on through the wheat fields until we reached a large forest. There, we slowed down a bit further as neither of us wanted to crash into trees and continued to travel for around half an hour until we stopped in front of a hut.

“Sebastian can bring you back, right? I seriously need a nap now.” She explained and scooted back after I nodded in approval. I could deal with everything during the night, but her support during the day was vital.

I would have liked for her to join me, but apparently it wasn’t mea to be. Swinging the old, wooden door made out of crude planks open, I was quickly greeted by the butler, a knife in his hands for security reasons I struggled to understand. The only threat in the room was a thirty three year old lumberjack, tightly bound to four bedposts.

“Bondage isn’t my thing … but alright?” Looking at the struggling lumberjack who had his chest exposed happily, I sat down on the edge of the bed and caressed the well defined muscles on his upper arm with interest.

“Milady, everything has been prepared just like you have asked for.” Sebastian said, even though he only knew half of the requirements I had.

“Thank you.” I answered nicely and wandered further upwards with my hands to the lumberjacks earlobe which I naturally teased a little. Noticing how Sebastian stood up though, I halted my approach and looked over to him. “Sit down.” I growled a bit unhappily, but still smirked in satisfaction as he gulped visibly and sat down on once more.

Smiling brightly, I returned my attention back to the scared and gagged lumberjack and straddled his belly while ignoring the creaking wood underneath us. Straw was poking into my legs uncomfortably, but my mind was occupied with something else.

Placing my hands on his chest, I felt his warmth seep into my hands and sighed happily. Wandering further upwards with my hands, I teased his skin across the way until my fingers reached his throat. Choking him playfully, I closed my eyes and listened to his rapid heartbeat satisfaction.

Smiling brightly, I opened my eyes once more and let go of his throat. My hands wandered further upwards while I leaned forwards a little. Grabbing the knot of the gag, I quickly undid it and freed the lumberjack from his vocal prison.

“Please! I do everything! But please! Don’t kill me!” Why do these humans always assume I wanted to murder them? So far, we have only kidnapped him and I played with him a little, but otherwise he should have been treated rather well.

“Oh? Everything?” I asked purposely putting on a rather playful smile.

“Everything.” He explained breaking out into sweat right away. Quickly, I leaned over to Sebastian to grab the knife out of his hands and smiled brightly. The lumberjack trembled beneath me as I went across his upper body with the flat side of the knife. Leaning forwards once more, I lifted the weapon up into the air and watched the lumberjacks panicked expression with glee.

And then, the knife swooshed downwards, hitting the rope binding his right hand to the bedpost. Letting it stuck inside there, I interlocked fingers with the guy and held his hand close to my chest.

“You know … everyone has needs and desires. For once, mine are to feel life for example.” Laughing loudly, I kissed the back of his hand affectionately and smiled as his hairs stood up. “And currently, the only thing I think will put me on the right path is apparently to screw a few men. All living beings strive to put their genes out into the world … it’s the ultimate goal of life. Reproduction is this the epitome of life, the place where it should amass and where I might have a chance of sensing it.”

“I … please.”

“Sadly, I am not quite able to feel it only my own.” Guiding his hand lower, I made sure that my palm was on the back of his hand and steered his fingers underneath my shirt. The warmth and sweat tickled my skin a little, which was why I giggled a little until his palm finally settled on my right breast. “Don’t move you hand.” I demanded and let go of it right away. Leaning forwards, I grabbed the knife and freed his other hand quickly. And then, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, exposing my naked upper body for everyone in the room.

“What are you waiting for?” I asked mischievously and smiled brightly as he started to understand his role. Bringing his hand to my chest, he whimpered a little before bursting out in tears.

“I … I have a family. Please … my daughter she is …” Looking down on him with a hint of pity, I quickly caressed his cheek in an attempt to calm my captive down.

“Where does she live? And what’s her name?” I asked, my cold hand still at his cheek.

“I … I won’t tell you!” He said his eyes filled with defiance.

“You don’t have to fear about your family. I won’t hurt them.” I explained and actually meant it that way. The desire to protect his family did make me a bit envious, but also willing to this one wish he had.

“Liar!” He shouted out, strangely motivated by my gentle expression.

“Well, you don’t have to tell me. How about this? You will assist me on my quest to search for life and I will let you leave.” I proposed and nibbled on my lower lip.

“You … you aren’t even human so –“ He explained, taking his hands off me which directly earned him my ire.

“Hands on my chest!” I growled aggressively and only returned back to my playful self after he had kneaded my chest a little. Truth to be told, his attempts had no effect on me whatsoever because there was no one around I shared my bloodline with, but I also didn’t need to get horny to have intercourse. “You’re right. I’m not a human.” I explained shortly afterwards and leaned onto his chest, his hands still on mine. “I’m a bloodthirsty kinky vampire.”

Bringing my mouth to his earlobe, I started nibbling on it playfully while he tried to tilt his head away and dug his fingers into my flesh. And then, I stared kissing my way back towards his nape until I realised that I could have fucked a corpse and there wouldn’t be any difference. He just laid there like a dead fish if not for his whining.

But hey, the hurdle of doing it with a vampire must have been rather high, so I wasn’t exactly bummed out by this.

“You know … you will never leave if you don’t get in the mood quickly.” I whispered in his ear and pressed my hands on his chest to sit upright once more. “Do you not like what you see?” I asked. So far, there wasn’t anyone who could claim to be completely unimpressed by me, but that was always before they found out why I was so pale.

“No … you are beautiful.” He admitted quietly, but his eyes were still tearing up.

More.” I demanded straight away, desiring to hear all the compliments he could utter.

“What … do you want to hear?” Well, that was a bad start wasn’t it? He could have said anything but that. I still decided to give him a chance though.

“Compliment what you are most familiar with.” I said soothingly and pressed my hands on his.

“They are … nice to touch.” Which girl wanted to hear that ‘she is nice to touch’ ? Was I some kind of stress relief ball or what?

And?” I asked much more demanding than before.

“Your skin is …” smooth? He wasn’t good at this. Robbing a bit further down, I pulled on his right arm to give him into a sitting position. Laying my hands on top of his shoulders, I closed my eyes and stared nibbling on his nape once more as he massaged my chest.

“Praise me more.” I demanded, licking his exposed skin greedily.

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“They are big.” At once, I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away from me a little while looking at him with a mixture of utter amazement and hidden anger. “… was that what you wanted to hear?”

“Yes … say it once more.” I asked nicely and tilted my head in interest.

“Your breasts are big.” He stated, averting his gaze until I forced him to look into my eyes.

“Thank you … I always struggled with this. You know … I was at the beach a few times with a school class. Most of the girls wore bikinis and the boys naturally looked quite eagerly …. but they weren’t interested in mine …” I explained, nearly flinching from all the envy and hatred I felt back then.

“I … I’m sorry?” He uttered, clearly unsure what was going on within me.

“Thank you. You really did improve my self esteem a little. You can leave now.” I explained and stood up from him to give him the freedom he needed to grab the knife and free his legs quickly.

“And you … you are really letting me go?” He asked, unsure if this was a trap or no. Well, the knife in his hands apparently gave him the strength he needed to inch closer towards the door.

“I told you so?” I asked, still hiding what went on within me fully.

“I …” He stuttered, turned his back towards me and dashed out of the door as fast as he could.

“You … are letting him leave?” Sebastian who had witnessed everything asked doubtful. Considering that he usually had to manage the cleanup, this wasn’t an unbiased question.

“You know … I really am envious of other girls. They strive to keep their skin pale, while I have to constantly smear myself in stuff so that they don’t get suspicious. They don’t have to wear sunglasses … and they definitely look better than me.” I told him and slowly strolled over to the door, listening to the hasty footsteps in the distance.

“But you are quite popular as well, aren’t you?” Yeah I was … but sometimes it felt more as if I was a zoo animal.

“Because I look exotic and unattainable. Not because my chest is well defined.” I growled angrily, remembering the lie served to me by the lumberjack very clearly.

“We are always striving for what we don’t have.” Well, maybe the butler was right with this one. Maybe I was just dissatisfied with a perfectly fine part of me because I others weren’t like me. But my mind was already with the liar once more.

Nodding towards the butler who had passed one of a few tests I would give him, I opened the door and rushed after the lumberjack who was more than clumsy in the darkness. As he stumbled over several roots, it was an easy task for me to catch up to him straight away.

I still wanted to have my with him though, and kept the same pace he had while starting to giggle a bit madly.

“Why … you told me you were letting me go!”

“I may have lied a little.” Laughing loudly as he stumbled over a stone, I quickly caught up to him and pressed him against the nearest tree. “But so did you, right?”

As I didn’t hold onto his arms, he was free to do with them whatever he desired, which included hugging me with one arm and pulling me towards him.

“Oh? Do you still desire me?” I asked naughtily and suppressed a moan as the knife found its way into my back. The pain was nice, but it didn’t give me the feeling of dying I liked. Come to think of, only another god or myself were actually capable of hurting killing at this point, which was why it wasn’t exactly the same experience. As he stabbed into my back multiple times though, I still drooled onto his chest and let death flow out of my soul in an attempt to simulate my impending doom. Honestly, it felt nice even though it wasn’t the real thing.

I even played my role perfectly by pressing my skin against his and sliding downwards slowly. Only at his trousers did I stop a little as my hands found something to hold onto which gave him another chance to ram the knife into my nape.

Moaning in delight, I fell onto the ground shortly afterwards, the wound already closing rapidly and bit onto my lower lip in desire.

The lumberjack apparently saw his chance to flee once more, but my messy mind wasn’t fucked up enough to let him leave. Grabbing his ankle tightly,

Realising the sudden extra weight on his legs, he turned around quickly and kneeled down to stab into my chest multiple times. I could feel the all too pleasant pain right away and my whole body shook with pleasure. But still, he wasn’t damaging me in any way. The only achievement he had was to empty my near limitless reserves of blood a little, pulling out the worst of me slowly.

Tears were falling down from his eyes and he cried out loudly as he failed to murder me.

“What … what are you?” He didn’t even stab me anymore after some time, but rather wept onto my face which was less then pleasing.

“I’m just a normal girl, thirsting for death. But time and time again, I’m unable to feel real death because none of you have the capability to hurt my soul in any way. I truly wish you were a god right now, capable of turning my soul into thousand pieces with your weapon … and then, I would come back and we could enjoy my death once more. But alas, you are a mere mortal.” Turning around, I slowly crept closer to him and hugged him with one hand while grabbing the blade with the other. Giggling a little as the sharp blade drew blood once more, I pushed the lumberjack onto his back and straddled his belly like before. Extending my arm, I ran the tip of the knife down my skin, painting it red with my own blood.

“Please … I …” And I continued to stab myself and moaned greedily until Sebastian arrived. I did continue the show for a little bit then, showing him my worst sides while looking at Sebastian with glee. Naturally he was shocked my the sight, but he didn’t step back or avert his gaze.

But still, being hurt was far more pleasurable which was why I stopped eventually and hugged the lumberjack, pressing my upper body on his.

“And now, you are telling me where your family is~” I whispered into his ear.

“I won’t –“ Stabbing the knife into his hand, I witnessed how he arched his back and screamed loudly only muffled by my kiss at the end.

“Tell me.” I demanded, slowly sliding the blade upwards to through his flesh. Whimpering unnecessarily loud, I was once again forced to seal his lips until I stopped hurting him. Only then did I let go of the knife and lift myself a little up.

“I …”

“I like your attitude. That you still haven’t given me what I want is truly fabulous.” And then, I grabbed his arm and licked up his blood along with biting into his flesh from time to time. “Where is your family?” I growled shortly afterwards and finally saw a sign of his breaking will. Diving down, I bit into his nape and tasted another batch of this intoxicating liquid while he trembled beneath me.

“A village … a few kilometres east on a hill. Their names are …” His Will was finally broken. He would do everything to save himself from this pain, but he still hesitated to say the names of his beloved.

“Yes?” I said sweetly and patted his shoulder affectionately.

“Clara … and Erica.” Anger burst out from within me. So much anger that I failed to control myself. Biting into his throat, I ripped out his Adam’s apple right away, leaving only a gaping hole behind. Driving the knife deeply into his skull through his eyes, I ended his pitiful life quicker than he could even think and screamed my rage into the night sky.

Standing up, I kicked the corpse aggressively and broke a few of its bones straight away.

“You are … how could you!” I hated him. I admired his will to keep his family safe in the beginning, but as soon as that tipped I lost it. He was supposed to be a loving father who took care of his child and wife, but in the end, he betrayed his family … he betrayed my dream. Throwing the knife into the corpse, I glared at the butler who finally took a step back and hissed at him.

“Deal with this after you have washed me.” I growled angrily and averted my gaze from the scene.

“Should I … make sure his family remains silent?” It was obvious he would sent a few men to murder them, which was exactly the opposite of what I wanted.

No you fucker.” Grabbing his throat, I pushed him against the tree angrily and made sure he understood me very well. “I have no interest in hurting children, alright?” I growled and squeezed his throat a little.

“Yes … Milady.” He pressed out quietly. Letting go of his throat, he slid down the tree while grasping for air while I took a deep breath. “Give them enough money so that his daughter can visit a school and his wife can life a comfortable life. Understood?” The lumberjack trampled on the concept of a family … but that didn’t mean I would follow suit, especially when the child was young.

“Yes …” The butler said, finally realising that I wasn’t just some crazy vampire, but that I was twisted beyond what should be possible.

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