Tales of Random Enchanting

Chapter 3: Detainment

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The woman continue to stare at Max's eyes with intensity making Max a little uneasy, especially as her eyes started to shine in a pale golden light which freaked Max out.

"Aaaaaaaa...aaaaa...aaaaaa...." yelled Max in fear as the light emitted from her eyes almost blinded him, but when some time passes and nothing happened, he became embarrassed. He had yelled like a little kid, but would you really blame him as he was being stared down by a woman with shining eyes. Fortunately the two armored men didn't seem to care.

"Idan!" said the woman to Max, seemingly asking the same thing as the other two , but Max didn't know what it meant, so he shook his head. This made the woman frown as she stared at him for a couple more second's and then threw him at the other two's feet.

"Ghaaaaa....." all the air left Max's lungs from the impact, but he didn't have time to register it as he was immediately ganged up by the two men and bound with rope. His mouth was also gagged, something he wouldn't forget the taste of until he died. 

"Ummm....ummmm..."Max tried to protest, cussed at the blonde woman and the armored men, but a quick armored backhand to his face made him quiet.

"Baik jason..." said the one who hit him, and even though Max didn't know what was said, he understand. He kept his mouth shut as he didn't want to get hit in the face anymore, and went with the two of them.


Mireille looked on as the two guards escorted the man who had just come out of the dungeon to the camp prison. This had been quite a strange experience for her as the man had refused , or seemed unable to talk to her.... maybe he didn't even understand her from his confused look.

'It could also be possible that he doesn't speak the kingdoms tongue, but it doesn't seem that simple.' thought Mireille ' Even if he doesn't know the language, everyone who enters the dungeons knows the procedure, and is willing to hand over his identification card, but he didn't. Also, what is stranger is that even by using my 'Divining Sight' I could see that he wasn't a demon, a monster or was a battle class holder. If I didn't see him coming out of the dungeon myself, I would say he had just wandered of from the camp. ' contemplated Mireille as she looked at the circular black hole 10 m away from her, the dungeon entrance. The black hole seemed calm as usual, with wisp's of blue mana on its outer edges, but something bothered her as she pinched her nose, something she did a lot of recently.

"Sigh....if I would have known that being the knight captain of this camp would be so tiring I would have joined the Demon Extermination Corps instead. A dangerous, but a much simpler job than this one. Alas, it was not meant to be."

Mireille gave one last look at the dungeon entrance as she squinted her eyes before she left. Her short hair carried away by the wind as she headed towards the camp.


In the meantime Max was dragged away by the two guard's and was thrown into what could be described as a medevial dungeon before having the thick wooden door slammed. Of course Max wanted to yell in protest, but the scenery he saw during his way to this place, this wasn't anywhere or anytime close to his world. The game like status that appeared in front of him, the monstrosity, the teleporting door's, and the woman with the glowing eyes made it completely clear.

'Heh, I've really fallen into deep shit.' though Max as he picked if his aching body and rested it against the cold stone wall. He would soon regret it though as a foul smell hit his mose and he felt that he sat on a wet and squishy thing. "Shit....

What he had sat of was a the poop of something, so disgusting that it almost made him vomit, but he kept it in. All the happenings of this day we're not on his favor as not only was he stranded in an unknown place, he was also in prison. A foreign prisoner in a medevial setting was the synonym of suffering, and he of course didn't want that , so he started by understand what he could.

'Status!' calmly though Max , and what could only he his status appeared.

Name: Maximilian Clark( Summoned Creature)

Level: 2

HP: 59/70

You are reading story Tales of Random Enchanting at novel35.com

MP: 47/50

Class: N/A

Physique: 6

Vitality: 7

Soul: 3

Skills: 0

Inborn Talent: Enchanting Touch (A)

Titles: Demon Slayer; Demon's Mark

He took a good look at his status, scrutinizing everything and tried to understand what he could, but it wasn't enough, even disheartening in a manner. From what he saw he immediately understood that he was but a weakling at only level 2 , possessed no skills ,no class, and was even a 'Summoned Creature ' , whatever the hell that was.  The ' Summoned Creature ' after his name was very disheartening as it made him labeled him as a lower lifeform that only served it's master, which in turn made him think about slavery. Would this world have a slavery system, and would he be considered a slave? He knew that it wasn't impossible, but he threw that though out of the only little window in his cell which provided him with little light , and focused on the only positive.' Inborn talent , Enchanting Touch..... sounds a little cliche, but it's better than nothing. It's even categorized a (A), whatever that means. I don't know what it does, but it's the only good thing in my status at this time. 

Indeed it's the only good thing, but how can I activate it? Do I yell the name of it? Does it work that way? '

"Enchanting Touch!" spoke Max in a low and deep voice that echoed in his empty cell, but nothing happened besides him getting embarrassed by his attempt at that. " So it's not activated by words? Then what if I think about it?"


Ten minutes passed and after eliminating a couple of possibilities in an ever growing shame, he finally figured it out.  He had to first focus on the object he wanted to use his skill on and he also had to be touching it, evident by the name of the skill, but embarrassingly not taken into account but Max until later. Fortunately he hadn't his his head that hard and understood it soon enough.

He didn't know what the skill would really do as this was as not a skill in a  game from his world , and because of the material he was going to use. The result of this could be random, and even fatal, but he was willing to try. The first thing was because he wanted to know the what the skill did, and the second was because of the implications of his two titles.

'Tch.....fuck it!' though Max as he gritted his teeth, and used the skill of the rope bounding his hands together. With a start and a cold feeling washing through Max's body, something quickly forced itself of the rope binding his hands, and Max was greeted with another blue panel.

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