Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story

Chapter 113: The Implock – Chapter 107 – “Tea and Gossip”

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∼ Tea and Gossip ∼

Chapter - 107

In the corner of an ornate lounge hall, populated by only the highest echelons of Borean society, a trio of girls sat around a table, sipping tea and making giggling small talk. Few nobles dared approach the table, knowing an unspoken truth about the three. But even for those daft enough or too foreign to know, the dark-clad guards keeping an eye over the proceedings of everything in the hall were more than enough of an indicator to stay well clear. Only that of dukes and marquis did not fret to keep their distance.

Eric sighed, looking away from the rest of the ostentatious lounge where nobles came to relax and exchange pointless platitudes as they so liked to do. He glanced back to see three girls in his charge. Freya Crowley and her two noble girlfriends. One Emilia Von Bonhearth, a blonde Moravian vixen, and Anastasia Vorsaw, a tall Cassian beauty. One was the daughter of a marquis here in Boreas and the other was the daughter of an emissary from Cassia, both of their families with ties and relations of the black crow of Boreas himself.

Although Eric didn't exactly understand who these two girls were, nor what business their fathers had with Crowley, he knew Freya had apparently known them for quite a long time. Childhood friends, one could say. Though, saying they were "friends" might be assuming things.

It really did confuse Eric. While the noble-born girls were no fools - learned in the ways of the world and its many nuances - Freya's intellect and views were clearly beyond this lot. How she could bear their inane chattering was beyond him. He had really gotten to know the raven-haired girl over the last few months, and this... girly laughter and gossip... it wasn't her. A facade, he knew.

Eric himself could barely even stand to be a fly on the wall to these pointless conversations, but something eventually did catch his attention, much to his chagrin.

"-Speaking of guards," The Moravian girl, Lady Bonhearth, said in a teasing voice.

"Indeed, that new guard of yours. Oh my." The Cassian noble girl giggled.

Hushing her voice to that of a conspiratorial tone she scooted closer. "Where did you find him? And where can I get one?"

Emilia Bonhearth also huddled closer, leaned in as she turned ever so slightly sultry. She whispered. "Is he a blue-blood or does he have any name to his family?"

Giggling shyly, a dainty hand over mouth, Freya cast a glance at Eric, catching him looking. Deftly turning away, he tried his best to ignore their giggles and tune out their embarrassing chatter. Although difficult, he was honestly becoming rather adept at it. A skill he found immensely useful during these types of duties. He wouldn't be surprised if the System would suddenly swoop in and give him some skill or mastery for it at this point. He was getting used to it all. Used to her and her antics.

Though becoming used to these girls might not be the word he'd use. More like, he had built up a tolerance just enough to endure it.

Letting his thoughts wander, the day passed in a blur with him guarding the daughter of a notorious crime lord and her gossipy noble girlfriends. Yet another day in the life of Eric. His attention was brought back when a certain someone attempted to sneak up on him. But he did not react, merely letting out a small sigh.

"Boo!" Freya exclaimed, blowing a gust of hot breath in his neck.

Turning around with a deadpan expression, Eric droned out. "My Lady..."

"Hey! No fun." She pouted.

He made a mock expression of surprise to satisfy her, but she just crossed her arms and looked to the side. Rolling his eyes while she still couldn't see his expression, he knew this to be one of her many games. To what end? The gods only knew.

Glancing over at the empty table being attended by a host of waiters, he looked back at Freya. "Are you done here, miss?"

"I am... We shall depart now." She turned to the side, her pout gone as she cupped her mouth. "Terance∼! Have you fetched my items?"

"Yes, my lady." An even response came as a figure came into sight.

Looking toward the voice, Eric could barely restrain a bark of laughter when he saw the older man decorated from head to toe in bags and other miscellaneous items. One couldn't even see the black of his armor underneath.

Freya had refused for Eric to carry all the things she had bought, making Terance and the others function as mules instead so she could pester Eric without fear of him dropping something. Much to the displeasure of the old guard, of course. However, Terance, as usual, kept that masterfully composed mask of indifference on his weathered face.

"Looking sharp, Terance," Eric said, not able to help himself, to which Freya kicked him playfully on the shin for.

"I'll see you in the training hall, sir." The older man said darkly, his mask of professionalism slipping ever so slightly.

Eric gulped, now knowing he was probably in for it once he returned. After all, his mentor was hardly the soft kind of teacher. More the type that'd teach with bruises rather than criticism.

He sighed, "Shall we?" gesturing to Terance who was already heading for the exit.

"Not quite..." Freya said mysteriously with a mischievous smile blossoming on her lips. "Come."

His face scrunched in surprise and confusion. "But, my lady. What about Terance and the others?"

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"I've retired them for the evening. It's just us two."

Eric blinked. "Terance... agreed to that? Your father-"

"-trusts you." Freya cut in with an exasperated sigh. "You have to understand that he wouldn't have let you anywhere near me in the first place if he hadn't trusted you to be alone with me. The others are merely a precaution for outside influence that you yourself alone cannot handle. But now that you have grown. Advanced your class. My father had put a lot of faith in you."

Eric was a little speechless. But he couldn't deny her words. He was merely a little slow on the uptake. After all, by his own admittance, he had a head only for fighting.

"But still, are you sure it's wise for just the two of us to-"

"Urgh- don't be such a prude." She cut in again, playfully backhanding his chest. "I merely wish to talk with you privately for once. With Terry and my guards around, everything is a little more... uptight. This is much better already. Is it not?"

Eric considered that. Although he could never feel at ease around this strangely cunning and puzzling girl, it sure did feel like a breath of fresh air not having Terance breathing down his neck nor having to put up a front for the men in his charge. As of late, that hadn't been as difficult, with him being at nearly the same caliber as them all. At the same caliber for all but Terance, of course. Nevertheless, it was a weight off his shoulders he had forgotten was there.

"You're not wrong."

Freya smiled, canines showing.

"Let's go then. Will-y."

The evening was cold, the sun setting over the city walls. And much to Eric's dismay, Freya had decided to use him to keep warm, clutching him close to her side. It was both inappropriate for his station and rather embarrassing. They entered a beautiful moonlight garden in the noble district, him and her being the only ones here.

"I see your burns are healing nicely." She said suddenly, bringing him out of his thoughts. "You're lucky they didn't reach your scalp. You have such nice, strong hair..." She was touching the nape of his neck where some of his hair had been sizzled by the explosion.

Eric looked at her strangely as she twirled some of his curls.

"What's with that look?"

"Nothing," Eric coughed awkwardly, looking away.

"Don't nothing me,"

Eric paused, seeing if she'd really press the issue. But as her green eyes met his, he felt himself compelled. It wasn't a charm, nor was it intimidation. Something about this girl simply made him want to answer.

He sighed. "You're not like your father."

"Although I wasn't born in the north, and while I might not look or talk like them. The iron runs in my blood."

"Didn't mean it like that,"

The raven-haired beauty smiled that toothy smile of hers, canines glinting in the night light. "Well... that still remains to be discovered, doesn't it now?"

A shiver ran down Eric's back, feeling as if she had just gotten something from him without realizing it yet again.

As the night drew on, spending time admiring the garden and talking with Freya, Eric felt himself relax like he hadn't ever before. Despite her oddities... However, it came to an end when a carriage pulled up to the entrance bearing the colors of the gang.

Freya sighed disappointed, clutching him a little closer.

"Thank you for this evening, William. It was lovely."

Eric's brow rose at that, surprised to hear her actually call him by his full fake name. Before he could really respond, she had let go and retreated into the carriage. As she paused in the door, glancing back at him with a readable expression, she disappeared into the cabin, leaving him feeling uncomfortable. When it pulled away to be replaced by a wagon, Eric was left doubly so by the one figure sitting atop it, reigns in hand. Crowley.

"Get on, son."

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