Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story

Chapter 47: The Implock – Chapter 42 – “Infernal Storms of Lost Souls”

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∼ Infernal Storms of Lost Souls∼

Chapter - 042

"Now Nyx, it is very important that you keep still. Do not touch any of the runes or the ritual can become unstable. If that happens, any matter of things might happen - death being the least of them." Aria warned with a serious expression on her freckled face.

Gulping, Nyx looked warily at the array of runes encircling him. Though his brief worry did little to hold a candle to his excitement. For they were doing his warlock familiar contract!

After having achieved his latest mana increase, Nyx had almost immediately tried to use the [Summon Familiar] skill. But to his dismay, nothing happened and he lost half the skill's cost in casting it. It was only after that Aria explained that the skill is merely the call for an existing soulbound creature that he understood what had went wrong. He actually had to create a contract with a demon before he could use it.

To Nyx's luck, Aria was a very accomplished magi who knew all about demonic summoning because of her father. Even so, most vital to the summoning ritual was her ability to scribe words of power. They were the catalyst for creating magic beyond the bounds of the skills granted by the Codex.

But in turn, words of power were just that much more unstable, risky, and inordinately complex. One wrong rune or misspelling could result in catastrophic consequences for the caster and those in the vicinity. Like Aria had warned, death was often the least of those consequences.

But such was the way of a mage - warlocks in particular.

The only way to form a soul-binding contract with a demon from the infernal realms, one had to set up the ritual to commune with that distant plane, to hopefully acquire a lost demon soul of which the Seven Infernal Lords offer up to the demonic practitioners of this world.

That was also why warlocks were so frowned upon, as they were not only very powerful and often wicked, but they were direct followers of the Lords of Sin. Their magic was a gift from those ancient gods, the mark of sin that any demonic practitioner needed to channel their immoral powers.

"Are you ready?" Aria asked, getting to her feet and stepping from back the runes after doing her finishing touches. "Remember, do not try to strain yourself. There is no right or simple way to form a contract, and despite the greater rewards that will be in store the further you go, so will the danger increase. If you are not careful, you can lose yourself in the infernal storms - as so many others have. So even if you grasp the first opportunity presented; any contract, regardless of its starting point, can grow, advance, and evolve. So do not feel pressured to go further than you are able."

Nyx didn't feel pressured. He felt excited. Determined. Reckless even.

He paused to think. "But what familiar should I choose?"

Aria shook her head slowly. "As I said, it is not as simple as merely choosing. But try to go in with a wish. An idea for what you want - for what you desire. The infernal storms are bodies of demonic mana, and as you know by now, mana is susceptible to the influence of the mind. What your desire might manifest."

Nyx nodded. "I am's ready."

Aria opened the large grimoire as she picked it up, her mana moving into the artifact as it began giving off a soft blue haze. She began speaking, her words strange - echoing with power and undecipherable tones that neither Eric nor Nyx managed to grasp.

It was only because of Nyx's skill level that he even managed to make out her pronunciation - as for Eric, the magic-less human, only heard the thrum of power.

One by one, each rune carved into the earth around Nyx's seated form started glowing, Aria guiding mana into them. When all were lit, she spoke in what was an understandable tongue once again. "Now."

Remembering this was the cue, Nyx focused, closing his eyes as he tapped into the mana within not only his core but also the mana outside with his mind. It was hard for the inexperienced demon, but eventually, his mana flowed into the runes almost on their own, coloring them from vibrant blue to a fiery orange. From arcane mana to demonic mana.

Then the world faded away around him.

The smells, the sounds, and the feel of the earthen ground beneath were all gone. As Nyx opened his eyes, it was proven to him that he no longer was in the forest clearing they had settled into. Or at least, his mind wasn't.

Aria had tried to explain the place where Nyx was going, but the closest thing she could compare it to was like when he evolved as his physical body was very much still sitting in the ring of runes back in the forest.

Nyx was in a spherical dome of tumultuous swirls of fiery reds and blacks. He could hear the raging mana just outside, along with the sounds of eerie chitters, echoing laughter, and squeals of creatures most unholy. The sphere was like a veil to what lay beyond.

The infernal storms - and the souls of lost demons cast within.

It was from here, Nyx had to form a contract with a lost soul, to once again give them life as a familiar in his service. The monstrous sounds and smell of brimstone brought Nyx back to the infernal wastes from where he had come. He couldn't help but feel a sense of homesickness - although his home had done nothing but try to kill him ever since the moment he was born.

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He quickly shook that feeling, for he had found a new home. Coming to his feet, Nyx walked to the veil, noticing how the prickle of mana ran over his skin every time a swirl of demonic mana would lash at the dome. Brief hesitation wandered into his mind, but Nyx quenched the fear. He was determined to get a powerful familiar. After all, his pride was on the line, and he could only accept the most worthy of servants.

With determination and taut nerves, Nyx pushed through the veil, his hand passing through the dome. The instant his hand touched the veil, there was resistance and a faint tingle. At first uncomfortable, it quickly turned painful as he pushed harder, what laid beyond turning into what felt like burning molasses as he had to put his strain into his step with his whole body.

Soon, he was entirely through the veil, his body engulfed by the storms of demonic mana. He had to cover his eyes as if walking through a sandstorm. That is, if the sandstorm was scorching hot and set not only the body aflame but the mind too.

It was truly painful as lashing strands and raging streams of mana buffeted against his body, which was in truth just a manifestation of his mind. It was in reality the projection of his very own consciousness that was fighting against the infernal storms.

Screams, echoes, and cackles were to be heard around the storms of roiling mana, confusing Nyx's senses. It was as he continued, that something finally happened. He could feel another presence, its aura almost one of curiosity.

He didn't know how he knew that, but he could just distinctly sense it. This was a lost soul.

But curiosity was not the only thing he felt. It was hesitant and afraid of him - it was weak. Nyx did not waste time as he ignored the pitiful soul, feeling that he was more than superior to that weakling. No servant of his could ever or should be weak.

Like Aria had said, the further Nyx went into the infernal storms, the harder it was for him to progress. The pain magnified, and his footing faltered against the winds of magic buffeting his small frame.

But somehow, firming his resolve gave him better footing, stronger steps, and the stamina to endure. His mind was his life here, as well as his weapon.

Crossing lost souls here and there, some curious, others hostile, many weak - Nyx began gritting his teeth at the unworthy prospects before him. Once, there was a presence that his Nyx froze, a chill running down his spine. The soul was strange, and undoubtedly powerful. Yet it left the range of his notice after its brief appearance and eluded Nyx's senses forevermore.

This one, apparently, did not find him worthy.

This lit a fire underneath Nyx who had up until that point felt like giving up and just taking whatever next soul he came across. His mind was hazy, his advance crawling, his determination wavering at the unceasing waves of pain that assaulted it. But as the mark across his eye glowed with infernal power, strength flooded his once weak and exhausted limps and a fire blazed in his eyes.

That accursed soul found him unworthy?! He would show it unworthy of him!

One step after the other, lashings of demonic mana beating Nyx's body sore and blistered, Nyx strove forward. Until he came upon something new.

A new dome. As it was, Nyx could barely keep his footing and stop himself from being swept away in the infernal storms. But as he watched the even more savage and roiling demonic stream beyond this next veil, the fire of desire for the souls that laid beyond bloomed in his heart and so did the mark of pride shine once again.

He pushed through with all his might. His hands blistering, burning, and scorching at the overpowering mana beyond. If continued, he might very well die right the moment he enters.

But Nyx did not back down. His pride was bottomless in that one moment, and he looked down his nose at even death.

Nyx entered the second stratum of the infernal storms and was greeted by something... or someone.

What happened next, Nyx could not remember as he found himself back in the forest, his mind in pure agony. It felt like his mind had been shredded apart, scorched to cinders, and then put back together.

"Nyx! I told you to restrain yourself!" Aria fussed, having crossed the now dead runes, and grabbed onto Nyx who winced in pain from the noise of her voice that was like spikes stabbing through his brain.

But what more so caught his attention than anything else, was the prompt that came to his mind.

[Soulbound Contract successfully formed]

[Congrataltions, you've soulbound a LVL: 15 - Lesser Demon, Thrasher (Rare)]

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