Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story

Chapter 72: The Implock – Chapter 66 – “First Commission”

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∼ First Commission ∼

Chapter - 066

On the winds, gliding under the warm rays of the morning sun, a red bird made its way in search of food. Dawn broke, the sun shining its light on the beautiful winged creature as it cast a small shadow across the canopy of trees, the bird chirping in tune with its brethren. Sounds of birdsong added to the calm of the forest. A morning without worry.

As the little bird flitted along with the pleasant breeze, it caught the eye of another one of its kind. A female. Maybe a potential mate?

However, any of the avian's posturing calls were cut short before they ever had the chance to begin as the bird suddenly burst into purple flames. The red songbird was incinerated to its little frail bones, thudding onto the ground as little more than a lump of charred flesh and crisp feathers. Cackling laughter filled the small forest. Trodding along the human-made path open to the blue sky that cut through the forest, one robed demon, and his human guide made their way atop brown steeds.

All the human, Ignatius, could do as they rode past the charred remains of the bird was look askance at the warlock who was seemingly having the time of his life. There is seriously something wrong with this gnome; he thought. Surely, not all warlocks were this... touched.

Whilst the human had his reservations, Nyx didn't couldn't have cared less of what the human thought of his little pastime, all too occupied with calming the agitated steed that was definitely couple sizes too big for the small demon. The stupid creature kept getting scared whenever he would suddenly fire off his magic. So paired with his little to no experience with riding, it spelled for a bumpy journey.

"Stupid horsey! This way!" He cursed, trying to stop it from veering off course and outright bucking him off.

Ignatius sighed at the sight. "I told you to get the pony,"

"Shut up human!"

"I have a name." He gritted his teeth though he did not meet the demon's gaze, eyes fixed on the road.

When Nyx finally wrestled the horse back under control, he managed to spare the human a glance. His look said as if that was the first time the human had ever heard that.

The guide just looked at the gnome for one long moment before droning out his name. "-Ignatius," 

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"Ig-na... Ig-y" Nyx tried slowly, his tongue failing to form the strange word. "-Iggy,"

"See, how hard was tha- wait, what?" Ignatius quickly backtracked as he realized what the warlock had just said.

"Iggy!" Nyx smiled triumphantly, believing himself to have conquered the human's weird name.

But he shook his head fervently. "No-no, it's Ig-na-tius."

"Iggy!" Nyx insisted, not even sparing him another moment to correct.

The human's glare could've burned a hole in Nyx if he wasn't so naturally resistant to fire.

Retreating back into himself, Nyx combed over his notifications from over the last week of training.

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