Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story

Chapter 74: The Implock – Chapter 68 – “Crossed”

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∼ Crossed ∼

Chapter - 068

Staring into those dead grey eyes as the raith rose to its full horrible height, Nyx's [Mark of Pride] began glowing faintly. The human had left him to be the monster's quarry, letting him escape scotch free. It drove a fit of anger deep within the demon. Not from the fact that he had been betrayed and left for dead, Nyx would've done it himself if he had the chance. But no, it was the fact that the human thought he could get away with it.

The mana within his core and mind roiled with indignation.

Hands lighting up into demonic flames, Nyx's gaze was daring. The beast saw it, and with a surprising amount of intelligence, recognized that this small, weak prey was challenging it. It reared up on its hind legs, the wings blowing a gust of wind that nearly sent Nyx staggering back. Then it charged. But Nyx was expecting it and had a spell already prepared.

Unexpectedly, when Nyx threw the concealed ball of [Impfire] at the monster, the huge beast left the ground in one single bound, jumping over the arching ball of fire as it splashed harmlessly atop the underbrush and creating a small wall of fire. His admittedly simple plan had been foiled as fast as he had conjured it.

Nyx cursed, as he himself, was now sprinting for his life, the beast landing with a thud after its briefly airborne leap. Running in between trees and foliage, he could hear the beast galloping behind it, snapping tree branches in the way and making the ground rumble.

"Shit-shit-shit-shit!" The small demon cursed as his little legs pumped as fast as they could.


It was suddenly silent in the forest, the sound of birdsong dead in the presence of this hulking predator. The raith scanned the forest, its head swiveling from side to side as its beady eyes searched for the prey that had somehow managed to elude its sight. It wasn't just driven on by the hunt, That little prey had harmed it. And it was out for more than just food now.

In a familiar manner to when the beast had arrived, a sudden cry erupted high above. It had little time to react when something small latched onto its head, the warcry of Nyx startling the large creature. "Die beastie!" Nyx roared in as imposing a voice as he could muster, which to be honest, was little different from the shrill high-pitched screams of his impling days.

The raith's entire raven-like head suddenly erupted into a roar of fire with Nyx clutching to its black feathers, the liquidy flames of [Impfire] splattering and dripping everywhere as the raith flailed about. It shrieked in agony, to the point of making Nyx's ear bleed. But he did not let go, the flames sticking onto both him and the beast, but not harming him.

His resistance to fire and the magical resistance he gained from his trait [Demonhide] was doing wonders to almost entirely negate the effects of the spell. The raith wasn't as lucky though, its black feathers were not but little more than ash now and its pale skin was blackened, turned into blistering flesh that melded in a tapestry of unsightly burns. Yet the beast still lived, trashing into trees and trying to take air as it tried to quell the flames.

Roaring in defiance and an equal amount of fear as the raith began lifting off the ground, Nyx's palm slammed onto one of the beast's grey but now blinded eyes, the glow of purple shining through the orange flames. [Demonbolt] tore through the monster's skull and set its mind afire.

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