Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story

Chapter 84: The Implock – Chapter 78 – “Measure of Ability”

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∼ Measure of Ability ∼

Chapter - 078

"W-we cannot express h-how grateful we are, Sir Mage." The old man, Harrod, stammered, sweat beading on his wrinkly face. Compared to before, he appeared to be much more uncomfortable in Nyx's presence. In all likelihood more so from the fact that he had single-handedly slaughtered all the bandit camps than from the effects of his newfound slayer title.

"No matter, human." Nyx dismissed almost magnanimously. Regardless of which was more prevalent, Nyx found that both things had a profound influence on everyone around. Especially so on the poor captain of the militia, Liam. Who couldn't even bring his eyes to meet Nyx's figure as he trembled in the corner.

When the militia had caught up to the destruction and death left in the wake of Nyx, Liam and his squad had progressively grown from apprehensive to horrified, having seen scenes that would not leave their nightmares for lifetimes to come. They all now deeply regretted how they had treated the mercenary beforehand, now realizing that, foreigner or not, this monster was not to be offended lest they were ready to face the consequences. Liam carried such intrusive thoughts with him, all the way back to Meadesborough, and now, would into the foreseeable future. If not for the rest of his life.

Nyx delighted in the fear and reverence shown by everyone. It had been about time with how they had initially treated him after all. Having been offered a banquet and whatnot, Nyx ended up declining everything without as much as a second thought. He had not the time to waste with the townsfolk for he had already gotten all the loot he needed from these humans. He padded the vambraces and pouches of stolen gold in his bag lovingly. Now, the rest of his prize lay in Boreas, with the Mercenary Guild. The reward of this request completion.

Before the humans of this borough even had the opportunity to realize it, Nyx was well on his way. Barely having taken the time to report his success to the elders. His desire for blood and slaughter satisfied, for now, he took the trip back to Boreas slow. Meditating and training he made considerable progress not only with his mana-pool but also skills.

Opening his eyes to the crackling fire at his little camp deep in some woodlands not even a day's ride from Boreas, Nyx noted his progression with satisfaction.

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