Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story

Chapter 88: The Implock – Chapter 82 – “Manifestation”

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∼ Manifestation ∼

Chapter - 082

"You did it!" Nyx was nearly throttled as Aria who had been sitting from across him during his meditation lunged at him. She enveloped him in a firm hug. "It is incredible! I can feel the mana around you being sucked in. Almost as if you are a high-level mage! I was not sure it would work, but you really did it!" Aria was ecstatic, to say the least. These last few days leading up to the mission in which Nyx had been enlisted by the Orphans, both he and Aria had been doing nothing but training and experimenting with the special nature of his situation. To explore his dual systems and magical mediums.

While it had been a process of wandering about in the dark as Aria had assured that no recorded history of anything remotely similar to Nyx existed, it would seem their efforts had finally borne fruit.

Although his mana pool had not grown from this accomplishment, his mana regeneration was unlike ever before. Sourced from his mind, of which had no tangible grasp on the mana it beckoned as the mind drew on the mana in the world around it, this tether functioned as a gateway directly into his core. If he was to make an estimation, he had just quadrupled his passive absorption of mana. Of course, meaning his regeneration was four whole times faster. A critical advantage that only Nyx had access to because of his dual mana pools.

Not just that, Nyx had even gotten [Mana Manipulation] from [Moderate] to [Superior] on top of it - one of the harder skills to further, which was also saying something when the bottleneck separating those two levels was generally considered the biggest. Pulling up the other results of his additional training of purely expanding his mana pool these last few days, he was more than satisfied with all his progress.

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