Tales of the Scorpion and the Lezard in Naruto A.U.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3, The Red Sand and the new sensei.

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Chapter 3, The Red Sand and the new sensei.

Year 56 since Konoha founding. Third Shinobi War, one month after Uzugakure’s destruction. Konoha-no-Kuni

The refugees declaration created a silenced aera in the stall.

Teuchi was quick to regain his composure, taking Kome’s order for the group and his paiement, while Son and Jura seated themselves, their grins spliting their smug faces. Seeing this, Sasori was quick to understand that they obviously knew beforehand. But now was not the time for their coming headslaps.

- Why would call me like that Hiashin-sama ?

- You explained to us that Suna’s shinobi didn’t have family names or clans. Then we saw how you spoke respecfully with the Konoha’s White Fang. And we discussed it betwin ourselves. We couldn’t have our savior be outmatched like that. The White Frang has the Hatake family name and clan, for witch we could do nothing. But we could for the nickname. So we talked about the way you saved us. How we could choose a cool name for you, without giving tips to your ennemies about your fighting tactiques.

As he was explaining all that at fast speed, the rest of the refugees behind him were shaking their head yes and no to make their feelings known about their leader’s speach.

- So we remembered how you got this bandits to regroup next to their boss’ tent. The letter with the red sand. And we KNEW then, that we had the perfect name for Sasori-sama.

He was almost shouting joyfully by that point, his nose proudly pointed upway, fist on his hips, his back straight as an arrow. The others posing the same way behind him.

An akward silence creapt around them, answered by Sasori total deadpaned face.

- Eh, are you The Sasori ? Yealled the redhead client that was busy devouring her fifth ramen bowl until now. Shoving Hiashin to the side so she could see Sasori better.

- I so need to thank you for saving my countrymen. Come, eat, this stall has the best ramen in the village, my treat.

- Erh, my teammate already paid for that. Sorry.

- It’s fine I will pay your next one.

- Sorry, one bowl will be fine, but thanks.

- Too bad, Eh, I can treat you tomorrow evening,

- Sorry, we will go back to Suna-no-kuni by the morning.

- You can’t go back like that, we need to thank you. She yealed, slapping her hand on the counter.

She was starting to get annoyed by his attitude. Why wouldn’t he let her thanks them properly ? The refugees were eyeing the exchange with great interress, while Sasori’s teammates were eating and enjoying their leader predicament. At this moment, Kushina saw one of her scroll that rolled next to her feet. It was previously on the counter until she slapped it. With a smile on her face, she at least found her answer. A perfect way to thank him and make him stay here long enough so that she could do it.

- I will teach you fuinjutsu ! Said Kushina, making Kome choke on his ramen.

The more Sasori spoke to her, the more she appeared like an anoying younger sister, pestering the grown ups.

- The Hokage would never agree to that young miss.

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- I can convince him.

- Young miss, fuinjutsu is one of the leaf best aces against the other villages, that won’t happen.

- Stop talking to me like that, I will proove it to you. She screamed before running out with tears in her eyes.

The refugees were now looking at him sadly, but didn’t comment the situation. While Kome was patting his shoulder, inviting him to eat. They had to go to the lodging provided for them to rest early if they wanted to maintain a fast travel speed tomorrow.

The only one who spoke to him was Teuchi, reassuring him about Kushina mental state. That he would cheer her up tomorrow evening when she will come to eat.

The group finaly went to the inn, taking a big room for themselves. Even if they did an action in the leaf favor, nothing said they weren’t in danger. Each of them took his post one after the other, keaping guard while the others slept.

At dawn, the group went downstair, to take their breakfast, when a genin corp ninja came to them.

- Sasori-dono, Hokage-sama invited you and your group to meet him in his office at eight. He said, bowing to them.

The sand-nin had no ideas what it would be about. Kushina’s tantrums being far away of their plausibles explanations.

A while later they were standing in Hiruzen’s office, the Hokage behind his desk, his two aides next to him, while some bandaged old guy was lurking in the background and Kushina was standing next to the desk, her arms crossed in front of her, her nose pointed up as she made a smugface.

- Good morning to the four of you. Said Hiruzen, as they saluted him. It has come to my attention that you had an interess in fuinjutsu Sasori-dono. Now, as a Suna-nin, it would normaly be impossible to allow you access to our seals, Kushina was kind to point out it could be done to thank you and you village for the Uzu fugees rescue.

I was able to discuss it with my aides, and we came to the conclusion, that it could be the beggining point of an alliance betwin our villages.

By now, the sand-nin were surprised with this new issue. True the readhead telled them about her idea, but it looked more like a kid chasing the moon than a reflected plan.

- I allready sent a notice to Kazekage-sama, and while I admet the timing was short. He agreed with the general idea and accepted a meating to discuss it. He said in his response, that he would be arriving by the end of the week with his guards. I will then invite you to prolong your stay here, waiting for his instruction. For the three of you, he will obviously bring you back when he return to Suna. But Sasori-dono must come to accept that he will have to stay here during his scholarship.

The rest of the meating was pretty mutch uneventfull after this news, and the team found itself back in the streets.

Righ where Kushina was almost able to jump on Sasori.

- Told you I would do it, didn’t I. She declared proudly.

- Seems like you got yourself a fan scorpion-boy. Smirked Kome, the oldest in the group.

- What fan ? From now on he will have to call me Kushina-sensei.

Seeing their leader’s face, the group bursted in laugher, then spent their day following him, as he was bugged every single time by his new master. Where to find the best scrolls or paper. Who made the best ink. Buy small clay jarrs so he could learn chakra infusion. What brush to pick, for which seal. So on and so on.

Kushina could apparently speak about fuinjutsu for hours without rest and Sasori really started to miss his workshop. Especialy, the silence there. By the end of the day he was willing to exchange his place for a month of guard duty during the sandstorm season.

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