Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Lucas

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I'm slumped over the bar. Half empty glass in my hand, my side stabbed by marble. The loud booming music shook the seat the other half of my body was sitting in. "Another one, peas."

The bartender looks me square in the face, her head shaking in either concern or confusion. She sighs, muttering about how she isn't paid enough for this, and takes my glass.

"Do you have anyone you can call to pick you up?" she said, leaning over the bar. My friends ditched me to get laid for the night so I couldn't call them. I couldn't deal with the look of disappointment that would've crossed my best friend's face if I were to call him. I sure as hell couldn't call my parents. They would chew my head off. 

"No." I pouted.

I'm so sleepy the details around me start to fog up until all I see is an abyss of black with holes of white. For a minute I closed my eyes. I succumb to the darkness letting the rest of the world fade out. Someone bumps into me but I'm too out of it to know what was real and what was imagined. Five minutes that's all I need to get myself together and I can catch one of the late buses to a friend's house. That's what I tell myself as I slip out of consciousness.

In my dreams, I'm being carried through a field of lady orchids and roses. My head curled up close to a muscular frame. The heavy Italian accent whispers incoherent words as soft lips press adoring kisses on my forehead. He keeps switching between Italian and almost legible English as if his brain was confused when having to go back and forth between the two. Most of it isn't comprehensive until he says my name. "Hadrian?" 

"Finally something I can understand." I lift my head off his chest and a soft giggle escaped from me.

My head falls back onto his hard chest, the feel of it smooth and steady. "You know if I didn't sort of have a boyfriend I'd let you get it."  

He scoffed at what I said so I assume he must have been offended in some way. He drops me and I'm falling fast through the darkness. I try to grab anything. 

"Holy shit!" I gasped, shooting up, clutching my chest with beads of sweat running down my face. My mouth's as dry as Arizona heat. I look down to see a cream-colored blanket covering me. What the hell? Where was I– 

I let out a shrill scream as I noticed another body beside me, my body practically jumping out of its skin. Lucas has a grey expression. The average stone in the sand held more emotion than his usual deadpanned voice would, His hands held out to me holding a glass of water and a bottle of Advil.

"Hi." I try to push out my sandpaper throat. I could offer him the warmest of smiles I could muster and the coldness from him didn't melt.

"Take these. Finish the whole glass of water and go back to sleep." his deep voice held some softness to it.

I take the glass and bottle of pills from him. Today Lucas has his long blonde hair up in a man bun. He's wearing an expensive suit that probably cost more than my schooling. I thought he was going to say something, the way he stands there waiting.

"I'm fine," I reassure him. My head was pounding like aggravated neighbors on the wall but other than that I was fine.

However, Lucas's expression doesn't waver as he reaches out to ruffle my hair. For a moment I basked in the rarity of his affection, letting it wash over me like the warmth of summer heat.

Oh, I forgot to mention that this guy was "sort of my boyfriend" We weren't officially dating yet but agreed to be exclusive. We wore matching couple rings and he cleared his schedule once a week to go on dates. That should scream official but it felt like a "high school relationship meets illicit affair."

It was just something grounding us together for the time being as we told ourselves that maybe playing games is better than being lonely. It wasn't my decision when we'd come official, it was his as was any big decision.

He told me that he had a lying problem and that he loved me in the same breath that should have been a sign. This hollow man showed all his cards from the start but still, I hoped I could seal myself into his heart. I told myself if all he wanted was a warm body pillow to sleep next to at night I could play that role, take what he gave me, and be on my merry little way. Within a month I got attached. I always got attached. 

"When you wake up the cook will have prepared you something to eat," Lucas said. He moves his hand from my hair. I quickly grabbed it, liking the feel of his skin, the warmth, the texture even.

"Will you be here after I wake up?"

"Maybe... I don't know. I have meetings."

Lucas always has meetings. Never told me what he does for a living other than the short simple reply "I'm a businessman." I tried googling him once but nothing more than a vague summary of his business popped up and a list of all the charities he contributed to.

"Oh." I let go of his hand. "It's been two weeks since we–"

"You know how I feel about clinginess."

"It's not me being clingy. It's just me wanting to spend time with his so-called boyfriend."

"Rest." was the last thing he said to me before he left the room, shutting the door behind him. I took two Advils and guzzled the glass of water down.

The soft silk long sleeve Pj button-up shirt was twice my size. I pulled it up to my nose inhaling the scent. It smelt like Lucas. I lay back in the soft bed. The morning sunlight gave the room natural lighting with the floor-to-ceiling windows across from it overlooking the morning city, but I liked it better at night. That's when the city was the prettiest with all its shiny lights.

I curled up on my side pulling the puffy cream-colored blanket over my head, to create some kind of darkness to wash out any sunlight.

I woke up later in the evening around 8 pm. The cook was excited to see me. She's a young woman named Beverly, with pretty brown eyes and loose coils too long to be an afro all neatly tucked away in a hair net. She's the evening cook. I was more fond of her than I was of the morning or afternoon cooks. They had nasty attitudes towards me, always giving me the side eye and calling me a social climber.

"What shall I fix you tonight?" Beverly asked with a spatula in one hand and a frying pan in the other.

"Waffles loaded with whip cream!"

"Coming right up." She smiled at me and got to work.

I was scrolling through my messages. Reading some, replying to others.

"How's school going?" Beverly asked from the stove.

I shrugged. "School is school but there's this cute new student in my English class."

"Oh, do tell."

"Well, he's super nice and loves Shakespeare, and has a French accent."

"French boys are real heartbreakers." She giggled.

"Who are we talking about?" Lucas asked as he walked into the kitchen, loosening his tie. He set his briefcase on the marble island.

"A new boy in his class," Beverly tells him.  Fucking snitch.

Lucas sits in the chair beside me. He's turned towards him. I feel his hand on the back of my neck, his thumb softly stroking the side.

"He's super cute?" Lucas asked with a mocking soft high pitched voice.

"Yeah..." I said. He lightly squeezes my neck and pulls me from my chair.

"Hadrian will have his food in the room," Lucas said. "And make him dinner. He's not having waffles." He says as though waffles gave you Malaria.

"But I want waffle–" This time he squeezes the back of my neck hard, hitting the pressure point between my neck and shoulder. I'm taken from the kitchen to his bedroom. Lucas keeps his hand on my neck. His steps are quick as I try to keep up with them without tripping.

Lucas shoves me into his room, closing the door behind him. He orders me to sit on the bed, and he stands in front of me with the energy he gives off making me close in on myself but when he places his hand on top of my head, I relax a bit.

"I'm a loyal and faithful man and I expect my boy to be the same," he said.

I fidget with my fingers while looking up at him.

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"And If I'm not?"

"I'll make you wish you never had met me." He smiles down at me. "You don't want to play this game with me, Sweetheart." Lucas softly strokes my head.

I didn't know what he was capable of but I knew for sure Lucas was a powerful man who was quick to anger if he wanted something done he'd never get caught unless he wanted to.

He had slapped a waiter for bringing him the wrong brand of wine. He was in a bad mood already so I guess that was enough to flip his boat. 

Lucas brushed his fingers down my neck. The soft pads of his finger's tickled my skin. "I should leave something here." He taps his index finger on my throat.

"Like what....?" 

Lucas said nothing as he pushed me onto my back. He crawls on top of me, his face tucked into my neck. I feel the softness of his lips on my skin. Light butterfly kisses before he starts sucking on my throat. When he gets to a certain spot that's sensitive I let out breathy sighs and my body arches up towards him.

"W-wait," I said, trying to push him away from me. Lucas is a solid guy, with nothing but muscles.

He stopped immediately, bringing his head up to look at me. "What?"

"My parents will kill me if they see hickey's on my neck." 

"How about I leave them elsewhere?" He grabs my semi-hard dick with a firm grip eliciting a surprised gasp. He goes down on me pulling my briefs down.

"Wait!" I shouted as soon as I felt his lips on my dick. "Remember we can't do anything sexual."

The room is quiet for a moment. Lucas is over me again. "You won't be doing anything sexual just me."

"Still I want to wait."

Lucas mutters something In Italian and moves off me. He sits beside my leg. I'm still laying on the bed exposed, dick still semi-hard. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't give myself away, that I'll wait until marriage. Sharing your body with the person you love and see yourself with for the rest of your life was a scarce thing.

I know his sexual appetite was huge. How long will he be willing to wait?  I couldn't see into the future. Could Lucas and I even work together long-term? Still, he's been trying to be patient with the whole me not having sex before marriage thing. While not understanding, he is still supporting my values.

Lucas pulled my briefs back up when a knock sounded at the bedroom door. Beverly walks in carrying a tray of food. She sits it on the bed beside me.

"Mr. Moretti, would you like me to prepare you anything?" Beverly asked Lucas.

"A glass of scotch would be nice," he told her.

I grabbed the tray and sat it on my lap. I pouted. Steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus aren't foods I like. 

"Eat before it gets cold."

"I want McDonald's."

"I thought we talked about your unhealthy eating habits?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, but a twenty-piece nugget, a McFlurry, and five apple pies are better than this."

"It isn't sweetheart, now hush up and eat." Lucas kisses my temple, he gets up from the bed and goes to his bathroom. I hear the shower going and music playing.

I didn't eat. I knew Lucas would be in the shower for a while so I snuck out of the room with the tray of food, went down to the kitchen, and set the tray on the marble bar. Beverly was in the middle of pouring Luca's drink.

"Not hungry?" she asked.

"Not for this."

"Hmm, I still have the waffles I made you."

"Gimmie!" I said. "I'll eat them before he even comes down."

She smiled at me and said "Coming right up."

I clapped doing a little dance. Beverly sets a plate down in front of me. Two big waffles the size of the plate covered in whipped cream. I quickly scuffed down the waffles. Beverly took Lucas his drink and stayed a little to chat with him to give me enough to lick my plate clean. My belly is full and my soul is happy. By the time I made it back to Luca's room, he had my clothes laid out on the bed. He's sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Are you heading home tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

My weekend of fun was over. It was time to fall back into the school week until it was time for me to party all over again on the weekend.

I grab my clothes from the bed. Lucas moved from his spot in the chair and walked over to me. His towering height had me craning my neck a bit to look up at him. His hair fell past his shoulders. He's wearing a white robe, his chest exposed just a little.

"No, more clubs." He said.

"What?" I didn't hear him right?

"No, more clubs. Especially if I'm not with you."

"Come on, Lucas, you're shitting all over my fun," I said. "Going to clubs is my only stress reliever from a long school week."

if I didn't have some kind of dance practice going on, on the weekend then I was in somebody's club having a good time.

"Your mouth. Watch it."

I wanted so badly to roll my eyes.

"Let loose a little you're a real strict businessman with a stick shoved so far up their ass."

Oops, my mouth again.

"I could give you something to shove up your ass," he said. " Or Just imagine how cute you'll be with my cock shoved down that pretty little throat of yours. Will you still have anything to say then?"

My face heats up. I don't even respond to him, I grab my clothes from the bed and rush to the bathroom to change.

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