Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 512: 517

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The next day, morning!

The number of people in Yutou village increased significantly. By noon, the number exceeded 1000. Yutou village hasn't been so busy for a long time!

"Excuse me, is this the location of the film black scale Jiao?" a tourist stopped to ask after seeing Tang long.

Tang Long smiled and said, "yes, this is the location of black scale Jiao!"

"That what!"

The tourist handed Tang long a cigarette and asked mysteriously, "you should be a villager of Yutou village? Can I ask you if" black scale Jiao "is made up and is not a sacred animal protecting the village at all, right? Before I came here, I had gone to several villages around you to inquire about it. I haven't heard any rumors about" black scale Jiao. "

The smile is false, more like setting Tang Long's words.

Tang Long didn't pick up the smoke from the other party and said with a smile, "how can people outside the village know the secret of our village? Let me tell you, announcing the news of black scale Jiao is our ideological struggle over and over for a month. Finally, we made a decision against our ancestors, otherwise you won't see black scale Jiao at all This movie. I might as well tell you that black scale Jiao is the sacred animal protecting our village, and it also exists in real life! "

Zhang Wei was stunned. How does this sentence sound familiar? I just can't remember where I heard it. He is a reporter from a newspaper. He doesn't pay attention to the film "black scale Jiao" for two days. He also went to the cinema yesterday. He didn't comment on the quality of the film, but the gags behind the scenes and the colored eggs at the end of the film brightened his eyes.

Zhao Xiaoyue, the heroine in the film, even said that "black scale Jiao" is real and is a village protecting beast in Yutou village. Isn't that fooling people!

How can such a big monster really exist? Even if it does exist, the state will send someone to clean it up early. Can you still make a movie?

Therefore, the purpose of his visit this time is to collect evidence and prepare to expose the false publicity of Yutou village in the media. He has even figured out the news topic, but only needs to be confirmed by on-the-spot interview.

"I don't believe it!" Zhang Wei frowned and shook his head after hearing Tang Long's words.

Tang Long smiled and said indifferently, "don't say it's you. Nine and a half out of ten people don't believe it. I just want to tell you that I don't ask you to believe it. Believe it or not, it exists!"

"Unless you can show me!" Zhang Wei's eyes twinkled.

Tang Long shook his head: "I can't help it. You know, black scale Jiao is a divine beast..."

Zhang Wei interrupted Tang Long's words and said clearly, "if the black scale Jiao really exists, you must have a way to summon it, otherwise how can you make it cooperate with the crew to make a film." after a slight pause, he seduced him: "well, take me to see it. If you can see the black scale Jiao, I'll give you a 1000, no, 2000 yuan benefit fee, how about it?"

Tang Long shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not a matter of money. It's mainly because he doesn't want to disturb the rest of the sacred animals protecting the village!"

"Five thousand!" Zhang Wei stared at Tang Long and said with a mocking smile, "your two-month salary is probably less than five thousand? As long as you take me there, whether you can see the black scale Jiao or not, how about giving you five thousand yuan?"


Tang Long smiled, shook his head and said, "my friend, do you still don't know our Yutou village well? Five thousand yuan is really a lot. My monthly basic salary is only eighteen, but some time ago, the village just gave us dividends. Well, one person is more than seven million yuan and one family is 40 million yuan. What, your five thousand yuan, to tell the truth, can't really move me!"

More than seven million per person?

Is it more than seven million or more than seven million?

What are the conditions for a person to divide more than 7 million? When the news got out, it was an explosive news all over the country.

"I don't believe it!" Zhang Wei said.

Tang Long smiled and said whether you believe it or not. He didn't have to let you believe it. After all, I didn't say much when I thought that they were tourists to Yutou village. After thinking about it, I wanted to say: "Well, today is new year's day. There was an ancestor worship activity in the village. At that time, the sacred animals protecting the village will also be worshipped. I'll discuss with the branch secretary of the village to see if you tourists can watch from a distance. If the branch secretary agrees, maybe you can see the 'black scale Jiao'."

Then he walked towards the village committee!

Today, the people who come to Yutou village either come prepared or there is a "large army" near the urban area. Perhaps more people will come to Yutou village in the afternoon.

"Xiue Zhishu, or let the tourists visit today's ancestor worship activities!"

Tang Long knocked on the door, came in and looked at Zhang Xiue, smiled and said. Even if there were no tourists, Yutou village had prepared ancestor worship activities today!

"Do you really want to expose the 'big old black'?" Zhang Xiue hesitated in her voice. If the news about the real existence of black scale Jiao came out, she did not dare to predict the consequences.

Tang long can guess what she thinks and what Xiue's secretary is worried about. However, at this time, Baibu has gone 99. It's no fun to hide.

"If the 'perpetual motion machine' in Yutou village is not exposed, where will the flow in the village come from?" Tang Long said with a smile.

Zhang Xiue frowns. In fact, there is no lack of traffic in Yutou village. The success of black scale Jiao will bring massive exposure to Yutou village in a short time.

Has the final say, if there is any change, the relevant departments will inform us at the first time, and there is no news until now, that shows that the situation is still controllable, and people do not want to interfere. "What's more," said Tang long.

Zhang Xiue gritted her teeth: "well, tourists can watch the ancestor worship activities from noon to night."

After a little pause, he continued: "later, you go to find Li Ergou, beat them in a row, and tell the big housework to take care of the things on your head, especially in terms of public security. There must be no trouble!"

Tang Long said with a smile, "you can rest assured!"

Zhang Xiue said with a straight face, "don't worry? I'm in a sudden mood now. I don't worry at all. You should be serious. Don't do anything wrong. If something really goes wrong, I'll ask you first."


Tang Long saluted respectfully, then turned and walked out with a smile.

Zhang Xiue leaned back on the chair and rubbed her forehead. A bitter smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. She didn't want to worry, but she could worry about her life. What can be done.

"You two go in and take care of our Secretary!"

Tang Long asked someone to call Shan Chen and Qiu Yuxia over and said softly. He understands why Zhang Xiue is under so much pressure now. In her position, it's strange that she doesn't have much pressure to coordinate the overall situation!

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"Well, don't worry." Shan Chen nodded.

Qiu Yuxia said: "just now, a tourist said he wanted to visit snake valley. He was willing to pay a high price. It seems that he is very powerful and not easy to provoke. He negotiated with brother Ergou at the inn. Why don't you go and have a look, village head? Don't have any conflict!"

"OK, I'll be right there!" Tang Long nodded and waved to the village people driving the electric ferry not far away.

Sitting on the ferry, Tang Long smiled and asked, "how do you feel today?"

The villagers grinned and said, "it's better to be full and happy. Anyway, it's better than being idle at home every day. I'm happy to see so many tourists in the village!"

Whether the villagers in Yutou village admit it or not, 90% of the villagers now work in the village not to earn wages, but to make Yutou village better. From the bottom of my heart, I hope the village is getting better and better!

A family of 40 million, a person of more than 7 million, so much money is enough for all villagers to have financial freedom, go to the city they want to go to and do what they want to do.

But most villagers still choose to stay in the village.

The guy driving the ferry car, the uncle guarding the parking lot and the old lady of the cleaning supervisor with red sleeves are all trying to do their part.

No, because I have money in my hand, it expands. I don't want to do this and I don't want to touch that.

Tang Long and Zhang Xiue are very pleased with this. Only if everyone wants to make Yutou village better, think about it and make it better.

When I got to the inn, I really saw a group of people around Li Ergou and several other villagers. The man who was negotiating with Li Ergou was a man in a Black Mink jacket, but there were women and children around him.

"You say more money, we can't afford it." the mink wearing tourists showed great generosity.

Li Ergou smiled and shook his head: "this big brother, it's not a matter of money. It's mainly the snake valley. It hasn't been built yet and is not open to tourists."

"Didn't you say that the 'big snake nest' has been built? There are millions of poisonous snakes in it. You villagers said it yourself. Now they tell us it hasn't been built. They just don't want us to see it. We give money!"

"It's not money..." Li Ergou wanted to explain. He looked at Tang Longchao and motioned to him before he stopped. He smiled and said, "this is our village head. If you have anything to say, go to him. Anyway, I can't be the master of snake valley."

One push, two six five, directly moved Tang long out!

"Village head? Your village head is really young!" the woman behind the man in mink coat looked at Tang Long and said with a smile.

"Little nimabi is here to send me a message." the man rolled his eyes and scolded. They were probably two people, followed by a teenage boy.

"You're the village head? You're just in time. We want to visit snake valley. The steward said you can't be the master. Can you be the master?" the man wearing mink asked Tang long.

Tang Long said with a smile, "it's up to you. To tell you the truth, snake Valley has not been completed, and the infrastructure is not perfect, and there are certain risks." after a pause, he continued, "if you really want to go and have a look, it's not impossible. First sign a 'risk commitment letter', and then each person will give you 500 yuan for the ticket."

Looking down at the teenage boy, his eyes were clear and likable. He smiled and said, "children can visit for free, but they must be accompanied by their parents. Snake Valley is scary. I hope parents can take good care of their children and give rational guidance. Don't leave any shadow in their hearts.

If children or even adults who fear reptiles since childhood, we don't recommend you to visit snake Valley, otherwise it's easy to leave a shadow in your heart and have nightmares for a long time! "

The man in mink rolled his eyes and muttered, "it's not about money. You're really black for a ticket of 500!"

Tang Long smiled and didn't explain much. Is a ticket 500 expensive? You know, hundreds of millions have been smashed into snake valley.

"It's really expensive, so I don't recommend you to visit!" Tang Long said with a smile.

"Dad, I want to visit. I'm a man and I'm not afraid of reptiles." the little boy suddenly took the man's hand and shouted.

Originally, the man who thought the price of Yutou village was starting on the ground was still angry. When he heard his son's words, the gloom on his face melted in an instant. He laughed and said, "OK, let's have a look. Anyway, we all came. We don't care about the three melons and two dates."

He looked up at Tang Long and said, "five hundred is five hundred. Let's go and have a look!"


Tang Long smiled and said to Li Ergou and several villagers of Yutou village, "ask everyone if there are any people who want to visit snake valley. Those who want to visit snake Valley can sign up now and open it once today. We'll start in half an hour. The visit time is about one hour. The adult fare is 500 and the children are free, but we don't recommend children to go."


Tang Longchao, a man wearing mink, smiled and said, "why don't you go around first, or wait in the inn for a while. It's cold outside. I'll ask someone to call you when I start!"

Before the man in mink spoke, the little boy smiled and said, "OK, thank you, uncle!"

"Oh, that's good!"

After Tang Long praised, he took out his mobile phone and called the person in charge of snake Valley to ask him and the staff in snake Valley to arrange for tourists to visit later.

Simple visit!

The time is about one hour, because many areas in snake valley have not been completed, but the main "ten thousand snake cave" has been built, which is also the most interesting place to visit this time.

If you have dense fear card, or are afraid of reptiles and insects, it is strongly recommended to prohibit going!

In other words, Yutou village does not encourage everyone to visit snake Valley, which has little to do with the lack of tickets. The main reason is that many people will leave a shadow in their hearts after seeing the "ten thousand snake cave".

Millions of poisonous snakes are intertwined together in a huge vessel. Think how terrible it should be!

About half an hour later, more than 20 people signed up and were willing to visit snake valley. Even some young people were very excited and thought it was a very exciting thing.

"Before departure, I would like to warn you once again that there are millions of poisonous snakes in snake Valley, especially in the" ten thousand snake cave ". The scene is extremely uncomfortable. It is not recommended that people with dense phobia and cardiovascular diseases should visit. If you feel uncomfortable when entering snake Valley, please inform the contact staff in time and repatriate. Don't go inside and go inside snake valley , the more frightening the scene is. "

Before departure, Tang long emphasized again!

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