Taste of Love

Chapter 1: Taste of Love

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This is gonna be a long chapter. I won't divide it into parts. 


“You can open your eyes now.” Said in a warm voice by his mother. Little Kim Dokja slowly peeks between his small fingers and was happy to see a round cake in front of him. “Tada! Happy Birthday our baby Dokja!”

“Wow! Big cakeee~” Excitedly said by Little Kim Dokja who suddenly wolfed it down. 

His mother chuckled at his behavior, but didn't forget to remind him. “Be careful. Eat slowly, you might choke.” 

“Yes mother!”

“So, did you like our surprise?” 

“Of course! It's so sweet and soft to the tongue...”

Kim Dokja blankly watched the video tape his father took when he was a child. He stared at the child who's a carbon copy of him unfamiliarly. He couldn't understand it. Did he really make that kind of expression when he was young? How did he even pull it off? 

He reached out to grab the remote control and turned off the television. Kim Dokja took his chopsticks and looked down at the food on his bowl. 

The Bibimbap appearance looks appetizing. Whoever saw this kind of food would surely get hungry and salivated over it. However, Kim Dokja was indifferent to its appeal. 

Kim Dokja picked a seasoned vegetable using his chopsticks and put it in his mouth. He chews the spinach then spits it out. 

“It tastes like grass.” Next, he tried to eat the matchsticks sliced carrots, yet he eventually spit it out too. “Too bland.” 

This time, he tried to scoop a spoon of rice with seasoned vegetables and egg on the top then put it in his mouth. Kim Dokja hardly swallowed everything as he grimaced at the taste. ‘Tasted like shit.’

He stood up and left the food on the table completely uneaten. Kim Dokja opened his refrigerator to look for drinks but didn't find any. ‘Right… I haven't bought any groceries this past few months.’ He closed the refrigerator with a loud thud. ‘Well, it's not like I needed it anyway.’

Kim Dokja grabs his hoodie on the side and puts it on, then goes outside. He plans to go to the convenience store to buy drinks. He needs to wash off the disgusting taste out of his mouth using beer. 

Everyone said beer tastes bitter. When Kim Dokja tried it, it tasted unpleasant. Though he didn't know whether he actually tasted the bitterness or not. Even so, it could at least be considered as something he often drank, because Kim Dokja thought he was normal when he drank the beer since it was close to the bitter taste the norms said. 

Holding a plastic bag in his hand, Kim Dokja left the convenience store. He took out one can and immediately opened it as he walked down in the bustling street.

As he drank, Kim Dokja watched the people who ate at the restaurant and small shops. He observed how their eyes curve whenever they put something on their mouth. He also spectated the people who eat like there's no tomorrow. 

Kim Dokja tightens his grip on the can until it crumples. He was envious. Really really damn envious. 

Was he a normal person? 

If so, why doesn't he have something everybody on Earth has? 


He madly threw away the can and plastic bag on the ground. The people walking beside him were shocked at his sudden actions and whispered to themselves as they avoided him. 

His insecurities were eating him again. Kim Dokja knew about it and was angry because he couldn't control himself. 

Kim Dokja dragged his body to who knows where his feet would lead him. He wants to go somewhere… somewhere far away where he could be normal.

When he was a child he was like a normal person. Someone who could taste the food they ate. Someone who enjoys the different flavors and savory it could offer. However, an accident occurred when they were traveling on car with his family. 

He was 5 years old at that time when a truck suddenly appeared and hit the van behind them. Like a domino effect, the van that was hit bumped into their car, thereby causing it to spin in a circle while hitting the other cars nearby. It was a big accident that took the lives of many people, including Kim Dokja's parents.

Kim Dokja was lucky enough to survive the accident, but in return, he lost his gustatory senses which partially affects his olfactory senses too. The cause of this was the head injury he got in the accident.

The doctor said it was temporary, but until today when Kim Dokja was already 28 years old, his senses had yet to come back. It's been 23 years since it happened and Kim Dokja has completely lost his faith in the doctor's statement. After a long time, Kim Dokja also buried his hope deep down to the abyss in his heart, the same way he cremated his parent's body. 

Eyes blurred, Kim Dokja stopped in front of the 4th floor building. It seems to be a famous restaurant based on its outer design. The reason why Kim Dokja stopped was due to its striking and extravagant resto name. SUPREME KING. 

He softly laughed. 

When Kim Dokja was about to continue his uncertain walks, he subtly smelled an enticing aroma. He abruptly stopped his steps and looked back.

‘Am I imagining things?’

Besides having an Ageusia or the loss of taste, like the aforementioned before about his olfactory senses, Kim Dokja has a Hyposmia or a reduced ability to smell. 

It was not a complete loss of sense of smell. He could still somehow smell but not likely always. Even if he did, the smell was pungent and nauseous. Yet, he actually smelled something nice for the first time. 

Because of this discovery, he got curious whether what he smelled was real. Kim Dokja went closer to the entrance but was stopped by the security guard. 

The security guard scrutinized Kim Dokja up and down, then asked.“Did you book a reservation?”


Seeing how Kim Dokja didn't answer, the guard's assumption seems to be right. The guard guessed that Kim Dokja was a commoner based on his clothes and appearance. In short, Kim Dokja wouldn't be able to afford the cost of the dishes in the restaurant. “Since you didn't have a reservation, you may leave.”

Kim Dokja stayed silent and turned around. However, he didn't leave the place, he just moved to the side– two meters away from the entrance and sat. 

The security guard noticed this, even so, he couldn't do anything about the situation since Kim Dokja didn't cause any problems and just sat quietly. The guard decided to not pay anymore attention to him.


Rubbing his hand while blowing it with his warm breath, Kim Dokja stared at the dark sky. He didn't appear to be bothered with what he looked like right now as he dazed off. Currently, Kim Dokja was similar to a beggar due to his disheveled clothes and hair. If it weren't for his cleanliness, he would really be called a street beggar. 

Kim Dokja didn't know why he didn't leave and chose to stay… Maybe it was because he was too tired or maybe he just wanted to smell that subtle aroma once again. 

‘How nice will it be to be able to taste again?’

He let out a deep sigh and felt his eyelids were too heavy. His sight was becoming more blurry until he couldn't distinguish what was this or what was that. Kim Dokja loses consciousness.

Clink! Clank! Sizzling~

Kim Dokja's eyelashes fluttered. When he opened his eyes, he discovered he was in an unfamiliar place. 

“Are you awake?” He heard a deep voice coming from somewhere. Kim Dokja scanned the place and immediately speculated he was inside of the restaurant based on the numbers of tables and chairs around. 

The restaurant's interior was so luxurious and extravagant. There were small chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, as well as the attention-grabbing huge chandelier in the center of the entire floor. There's also a big circular counter under it and many expensive beverages, along with chairs surrounding it. 

Other than that, one of the most notetaking inside this resto were the engravings on the ceiling. They were so exquisite and finely made that nobody would get tired of looking. 

Even so, the question: Was this restaurant the same restaurant as before? If so, how did he get in? It's surely an expensive restaurant gleaned from how the guard treated him earlier and its interior design. 

Currently, Kim Dokja was lying on the sofa. It seems like he was put in the lounge area, based upon the fact on how many sofas there were. His eyes stopped at the counter to the side, where meals and dishes were ordered.

A sound of footsteps came from the door hidden behind the counter. Suddenly, a man with an amazing build came out. Kim Dokja was mesmerized for a second due to the man's heart taking appearance. ‘Whoa. He got the aura of a protagonist.’

Kim Dokja immediately sat up and curiously asked. “Mmn… Why am I here?”

The man who Kim Dokja just realized was wearing a chef uniform was holding a tray with a stainless cloche on it– it seems like he brought food. The man put it down on the square table in front of the sofa before he answered. “I saw you outside of my restaurant passed out.”

“Oh...” Kim Dokja reacted. Then, he saw the name embroidered on the man's uniform as he said. “I'm sorry for bothering you then… Yoo Jonghyuk-nim.”

Yoo Jonghyuk paused for a moment before he realized Kim Dokja learned his name through his uniform. He nodded as an acknowledgement while he removed the cloche covering the food. 

Two hours ago, about 9 o'clock in the evening, when Yoo Jonghyuk was seeing off Lee Seolhwa outside, the guard named Gong Pildu relayed him a message. It said there's a man who passed out and was lying outside his resto. He also added that it was almost an hour ago since it happened.

Yoo Jonghyuk was kind of irritated to Gong Pildu's action. He thought about the backlash it would put on his reputation if he blindly let the man unhelp. He was annoyed since Gong Pildu didn't use his brain to call for an ambulance and take the man away. 

He rubbed his forehead and was about to say to take him to the nearby clinic when Lee Seolhwa butted in. “Oh my… where is he?”

“What are you doing?” He asked while looking at her blankly. 

Lee Seolhwa points a finger at herself. “What else? Hello~ I'm the nearest doctor here, you see?” 

“Why are you bothering yourse—” Before Yoo Jonghyuk could finish what he wanted to say, Lee Seolhwa shushed him. 

“Stop, stop, stop.” She went to Yoo Jonghyuk's back and pushed him outside. “C'mon, let's help him.”

“You can help him yourself. Don't bother me.”

“No can do.” She said and didn't let Yoo Jonghyuk protest anymore as she pushed him hard until they reached Kim Dokja. “Oh no. He was left here outside with that kind of clothes? Hurry, hurry! Yoo Jonghyuk picked the man up and put him inside.” She commanded. It was January today and there's a high chance of snow, yet they've let Kim Dokja freezed in the cold winter.

“Why not carry him to your place?” He immediately refused. 

“I don't know if you're pretending to be dumb or heartless.” Lee Seolhwa said as she put her hands on her waist. Clearly, they both knew how far her clinic was from this location, yet Yoo Jonghyuk wanted her to bring Kim Dokja on an hour and half transport? Even if she brought her car, it was much better to bring Kim Dokja inside Yoo Jonghyuk's place which was nearby. “Don't protest anymore. Do you remember how you owe me in the past? I'll used it today. So hurry and help me out.”

Seeing her use the ultimatum, Yoo Jonghyuk has no choice but to bring the man inside. Fortunately, the working hours for this weekend were almost done and no more customers were coming. 

Yoo Jonghyuk crunched down and touched Kim Dokja's body. ‘Cold.’ He shifted Kim Dokja's body to a proper position before he lifted him up. Lee Seolhwa watching from the sidelines was smiling from ear to ear.

Now that Yoo Jonghyuk carried him, he discovered how light Kim Dokja was. When he grabbed his body, even with his clothes, Yoo Jonghyuk could guess how thin the man was in his arms. ‘Am I holding a person or feather?’

After that, he walked inside his restaurant followed by Lee Seolhwa. He put the man down on the sofa lounge and went to the entrance. He dismissed Gong Pildu from work and changed the sign from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’. 

When he returned, Lee Seolhwa had already begun examining Kim Dokja. He sat a meter away from them as he crossed arms and watched the two. 

Once Lee Seolhwa put down her stethoscope, she looked at Yoo Jonghyuk to tell her diagnosis. “He passed out due to starvation.” She held Kim Dokja's arm and measured it using her hand. “Based on his appearance, it's certain he was malnourished and didn't eat enough food. He was so thin and his weight can be estimated to be underweight.” 

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't speak immediately. After a few seconds had passed, he asked. “Why are you telling me that?”

“I want you to feed him, even just for today.” Lee Seolhwa suggested. Even though she didn't know this patient of hers, Lee Seolhwa wants to treat him better. 

“I do not give food for free.”

As if she expected this, Lee Seolhwa replied. “I'll pay for it.”

“...You're being overly too kind.” Yoo Jonghyuk commented. Lee Seolhwa didn't know whether it was a compliment or an insult. Even so, she didn't take it into her heart. 

“I know.” She smiled. Lee Seolhwa puts her equipment inside her medical bag again and stands up once she's done. “I'm leaving now. Take care of him, okay?.”

Without waiting for a reply, Lee Seolhwa quickly fled the scene. She left Yoo Jonghyuk alone with a man they didn't know. She left Yoo Jonghyuk to nurse a man they picked up. 

Lee Seolhwa slightly grinned. She has a good feeling about this meetup. She didn't know why, maybe it was her woman's instinct that told her. Nevertheless, she's going to see whether her instincts were right or not after they met again.

After Lee Seolhwa left,  Yoo Jonghyuk didn't move or left the sofa and waited for Kim Dokja to wake up. However, thirty minutes had already passed and he was still asleep. 

Feeling bored at doing nothing, he stood up and went to the kitchen. He decided to play along with Lee Seolhwa and prepare food for Kim Dokja.

And so, going back to the present, Kim Dokja had awakened and was staring at the food mindlessly until it changed to a shock. 

‘It's real. It's real. It's real!’ 

Kim Dokja was feeling overwhelmingly chaotic inside. When the cover was removed from the tray, the wisp of the aroma spread throughout his nose. He got to sniff the smokey smell coming out from the Beef Bulgogi Yoo Jonghyuk cooked. ‘Smokey?! Did I just smell grilled beef?’ He lowered his face a little closer to the food and sniffed again. Kim Dokja's eyes light up. 

Yoo Jonghyuk saw his behavior and found him somewhat cute. Kim Dokja was like a puppy who was just given food. In spite of that, he buried his thoughts and faked a cough. 

When Kim Dokja heard Yoo Jonghyuk make a noise, he immediately went back to a proper position. There was a light tint of pink on his cheeks. Maybe it was because he's embarrassed or he was feeling cold from the season. Nevertheless, Kim Dokja cautiously looked at Yoo Jonghyuk and the Beef Bulgogi but never moved an inch again. 

“You can eat.” He heard Yoo Jonghyuk say, 

“Pardon?” Kim Dokja unconsciously asked to confirm whether he heard him or not. 

Yoo Jonghyuk sighed at his follow up question. “If you worry about the payment, you need to do that. It's free. Someone already paid for it.”

‘Oh… He does want me to eat.’ Kim Dokja was enlightened and looked at food. He was grateful for their kindness, including the one who paid for the food. However, Kim Dokja was feeling skeptical. Even though his sense of smell works again, it didn't mean his sense of taste would function too. 

Still, it was rude to reject the kindness they've shown him. Even if it tastes like shit or dirt… ‘Damn, let me just pay attention to my expression. I hope I won't let out a disgusting reaction.’

Kim Dokja took a deep breath as if he was preparing to enter a siege. He grabbed the chopsticks Yoo Jonghyuk prepared for him. It was colored black, and had a delicate and smooth texture. There's also engravings on the handle as well as the tip of the chopsticks. Even the chopsticks look so expensive. ‘Maybe this thing is enough for my expenses for the half year.’

After scrutinizing the chopsticks, Kim Dokja picked a sliced beef tenderloin that was thinly cut, completely marinated, and finely grilled. It was so mouthwatering just by the appearance. And when he held the piece of meat, it even wiggled. 

‘This is it… You can do this!’ He encouraged himself as he shakingly put the meat inside his mouth. He even closed his eyes as he chewed the soft beef. 

When he eats Bulgogi, he expects himself to throw up, spit, or grimace. Yet, unexpectedly, Kim Dokja didn't do so. 

Eyes abruptly opened and widened, Kim Dokja took another slice again and put it on his month. Then one after another, he wolfed down on the food. 

He couldn't believe it. Even though it was subtle and faint, he could taste the juiciness of the meat as well as the mildly sweet seeping on it. Combined with the marinated sauce, it was extremely delicious! 

Never in his life did Kim Dokja enjoy his food again like this. 

Suddenly, he felt a warm liquid dripping on his cheek. When he wipes it, he sees there's really a liquid on his hand. Kim Dokja thought he was imagining it yet he was really crying. 

Well, he couldn't help it. After 23 years of not being able to taste and smell anything, then getting used to it– though he never wants to get used to the blandness… How do you expect him to react when he gets what he lost again? 

It was tears of joy. 

That's right. Kim Dokja was brimming with happiness since he learned there's hope in getting his senses back, just like what the doctor said in the past. 

From the start, Yoo Jonghyuk's eyes never left Kim Dokja. He saw how agitated Kim Dokja was when he said to eat the food he cooked. Furthermore, Yoo Jonghyuk also watched how from an anxious expression, it changes to stunned, then bewilderment to crying…? 

Yoo Jonghyuk furrowed his brows at Kim Dokja's  reaction. ‘He's crying because he ate my food? Did he really never eat well before?’ Yoo Jonghyuk thought as he observed Kim Dokja more. ‘Hmm… It doesn't look like he was a beggar… then, what the hell is he doing in front of my restaurant?’

While Yoo Jonghyuk was thinking, Kim Dokja had already finished his food. This was the first he had his fill. The drink Yoo Jonghyuk gave him also has a subtle taste. ‘Unbelievable… unbelievable… Does he possess a godly hand?’

Kim Dokja gazed at Yoo Jonghyuk's handsome face and said his appreciation. “Thank you.” Yoo Jonghyuk grunts in affirmation. 

After that, he keeps fidgeting and stealing glances at Yoo Jonghyuk as if he wanted to say something. 

Feeling Kim Dokja itchy stares, Yoo Jonghyuk crossed his arms and grumbled. “Speak.”

As if waiting for a cue, Kim Dokja stood up and kneeled down. Putting his hands together like praying, he said. “Please let me eat your food again.”

Yoo Jonghyuk was stunned by his sudden action and declaration. Even so, he immediately turned down his request. “No. The first time is okay since someone paid for it. There's no second time.”

“I'll pay for it!” 

“You won't be able to afford it.”

“Really? How expensive is it then?” Kim Dokja was nervous because he also assumed the cost of the meal he ate was tantamount to his remaining savings, or maybe much higher than that. 

As if not betraying Kim Dokja's assumption, Yoo Jonghyuk replied an amount that's unimaginable. “The cheapest price is about ₩3,000,000 which equivalent is around $2,400. The best course is costing about ₩9, 000,000.”

Kim Dokja felt like his jaw was dropped to the ground. The cheapest amount he could afford was really much higher than his savings. From what he could remember, the remaining amount of his savings was 1.5M Won which estimates to be $1,180. ‘Fvcking expensive.’

“T-then, can I work part-time here? It's okay if you won't pay me cash, as long as you give me enough food.” Kim Dokja proposed as he was panicking inside. He even added, “Leftovers are fine too if you feel it's too much.”

He pursed his lips as he waited for Yoo Jonghyuk's judgement. He bravely stared at Yoo Jonghyuk's eyes even though he was nervous.


Kim Dokja looked dejected at his answer. “But why? I never asked too much didn't I?”

“I don't need part-timers.” The moment Yoo Jonghyuk said this, the negotiation was closed. 

Yoo Jonghyuk stood up and cleaned the table. “If you've got no more to say. You may leave.” He pointed at the direction of the entrance. “You may leave there.” As he said this, he walked out and went to the door he came from, leaving the kneeling Kim Dokja behind. 

Kim Dokja sadly stood up and hesitantly dragged his body away. He stopped every second to look back at the door anticipating Yoo Jonghyuk's appearance, yet he was already at the glass door and no Yoo Jonghyuk appeared again. 

Having no choice anymore, Kim Dokja went back home while remembering the way to Yoo Jonghyuk's restaurant. This day was so novel he wouldn't forget. And on his way home, he bought street foods to try out whether they have a taste, but Kim Dokja threw it away after one bite. It seems like Yoo Jonghyuk's cooking was the only one he could taste. 

After he reached his house, Kim Dokja urgently opened his computer to search about that restaurant and the owner. 

 [Search: Supreme King Restaurant]

Instantly, many articles and news about the restaurant appear on the web page, along with its owner who was exactly the same man he saw earlier. 

[Supreme King is one of the best restaurants in Korea. It's not only known in our country, but also renowned to the neighboring nations...]

[Yoo Jonghyuk is the youngest individual who became a famous chef! He owns a restaurant called Supreme King in Seo...]

[How shocking! In fiscal year 20xx, Supreme King posted the highest net revenue of any restaurant in Korea, with profits of 212, 809,815 U.S dollars… ]

[Luxury Restaurant Supreme King is currently on the lead ranking as the best restaurant in the country! It also entered the top 10 in the World's Best Restaurant to Visit...]

“Whoa.” Kim Dokja couldn't help but be amazed. He actually ate at the restaurant of any conglomerate and famous individuals dying to book a reservation. And it was for free! 

Still, how could he eat there again? How could he taste those godly meals again? 

Kim Dokja pondered on what he should do. ‘Maybe, if I beg enough I'll be able to win his heart and let me eat for free again?’

‘...Yes, yes. Let's do that.’

After that, Kim Dokja created a resume and application letter. He also waited outside of the restaurant the next day for Yoo Jonghyuk to give his application for part-timing. Even if Yoo Jonghyuk plans to reject him, Kim Dokja wouldn't give up and would annoy him until Yoo Jonghyuk accepts him. 

That night, Yoo Jonghyuk went outside since Gong Pildu told him Kim Dokja came back and was looking for him. He couldn't think of any reason why Kim Dokja would come after his rejection last night. Yoo Jonghyuk just thought, maybe he appears to give him a gift out of gratitude?

However, expectations were beaten by reality. Kim Dokja made a visit to push his application to Yoo Jonghyuk. 

Holding an envelope in his hand, Yoo Jonghyuk looked at Kim Dokja blankly. “What's this?”

“My application form.” Kim Dokja answered and smiled 

“No.” Yoo Jonghyuk said as he pushed back the envelope on Kim Dokja's chest. 

“Oh...” Kim Dokja caught the crumpled envelope and glanced back at Yoo Jonghyuk. “I see… I'll come back again tomorrow.”

“Don't come back anymore.”

The next day. 

“Where's your boss?” Kim Dokja asked Gong Pildu who works as a security guard.

“My boss said to tell you he wouldn't accept your form.” Gong Pildu nonchalantly relayed. 

Kim Dokja was not discouraged and said, “Tell him I'll wait for him here. Thanks” Then he sat again on the ground a few meters away from the entrance. However, night already came by and Yoo Jonghyuk didn't appear. 

Starting that day, Yoo Jonghyuk didn't make an appearance in front of Kim Dokja for a week. Even so, Kim Dokja's will was strong like an iron wall fortress. He stayed everyday from 3 PM until 11 PM and went home once it struck 11:30 PM.

Due to his camping, Kim Dokja and Gong Pildu become acquaintances. They both keep each other busy by conversing and telling stories. Still, Gong Pildu stayed true to his job and didn't let Kim Dokja inside the restaurant.

After not being able to see Yoo Jonghyuk's face for a week, Kim Dokja changed his tactics and tried to shuffle the time he camped outside. He sometimes went by 3 AM, sometimes 8AM, or 1 AM until 12 PM and so on. 

Due to that, he often caught Yoo Jonghyuk but was always shut off by the door entrance. Even if he shouts or calls his name, Yoo Jonghyuk chooses to act like he heard nothing. Yoo Jonghyuk even quickened his steps everytime Kim Dokja opened his mouth.

They were like that for two and half weeks. 

“Master, I heard there's someone who stalks you.” Yoo Jonghyuk heard Lee Jihye say to him as she sliced the meat in thin pieces. 

Lee Jihye was a highschool girl who became Yoo Jonghyuk's apprentice. Currently, Yoo Jonghyuk was doing the job of an executive chef and sous chef in the restaurant. That's because he was picky in assigning positions to other people. Yoo Jonghyuk wants someone who has proven his worth for them to acquire the empty positions. Due to that, he teaches Lee Jihye his culinary skills and trained her to be the next sous chef of Supreme King. 

“Where did you hear that?” Yoo Jonghyuk asked as he stir-fried the vegetables on the pan.  

“Uh? From the customers?” She said, then pick the soy sauce, garlic, pepper, and many commodities for marination. “I've heard them say someone often looks for you. They even said he was still there sitting outside.”

“...” Yoo Jonghyuk paused his work and called for Lee Hyunsung, the line cook, to continue the task. “I'll be right back.” Once he said that, he left the kitchen. He even faintly heard Lee Hyunsung whisper to Lee Jihye. 

“Is it true?” 

“The thing I said?” Lee Jihye asked and Lee Hyunsung nodded. “Maybe yes. Look, Master instantly left after I said it.”

“You still haven't seen him?” Lee Hyunsung asked the obvious.

“Duh! Have you forgotten how we've been told to always use the backdoor everytime we enter and exit?” Lee Jihye said as she rolled her eyes. It was the command Yoo Jonghyuk said after the restaurant was built. He said only the customer would use the entrance while they'll use the backdoor. It also acts as a precaution against the press and paparazzi due to their high reputation.

“Oh...” Lee Hyunsung just chose to shut his mouth and continue his work. He didn't need to pay attention to it anymore since he got the feeling they'll eventually meet. 

The reason Why Yoo Jonghyuk finally wanted to face Kim Dokja was because he wanted to end this facade right now. His customers were being bothered by his actions of loitering outside. It was only merciful for Yoo Jonghyuk to not sue Kim Dokja or call the police to drag him away. The same thing could be said to his customers since they didn't call the authorities.

Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but sighed. He wonders whether it was a good thing or a mistake helping Kim Dokja considering how troublesome he became after. 

Once he walked past the glass door, Kim Dokja immediately saw him. He sprang up from sitting on the ground and brightly stared at Yoo Jonghyuk. “Did my charm work? You're willing to take me in now?” 

“No. Never. I won't.” He sternly said to Kim Dokja. The smile on Kim Dokja's face slowly vanished, he seemed to catch on to Yoo Jonghyuk's feeling right now, he was mad. “How many times do I have to tell you I don't need part-timers?”

“T-then how about full-time?” Kim Dokja was still holding the last string of hope as he said it. 

No changes in his indifferent expression, Yoo Jonghyuk replied. “Still no.” Actually there's really no vacancy right now and Yoo Jonghyuk didn't need any additional helpers, which was why he continued to reject Kim Dokja. Of course, he wouldn't tell Kim Dokja the reason, Yoo Jonghyuk needs to end it this time.

“B-but why? I never asked for anything or higher pay. All I want is to eat in exchange for my performance.” Kim Dokja's voice trembles. Was his request that hard? Why couldn't Yoo Jonghyuk let him have it? 

To answer Kim Dokja's question, it wasn't that hard, rather Yoo Jonghyuk and him just met each other. Additionally, Yoo Jonghyuk didn't think why he would do so. He was not a generous person so why should he agree? What was he? A saint? Hell no. He's Yoo Jonghyuk.

“Why do you keep saying you want to eat, eat, eat? Are you a beggar? Don't you have money to buy food? Or you don't have a job since you keep loitering around here.” Yoo Jonghyuk impatiently fires these questions to Kim Dokja. Every time they met, all Kim Dokja said was to eat. It's not like he's shooing a potential customer, rather Kim Dokja was asking for it for free! Well, not literally free since he wants to work in exchange. Even so, weren't there other restaurants or even small shops besides him? Why not eat there? Why keep camping outside his resto if he couldn't afford it?

“Of course I have a job… but it was in the past.” Kim Dokja answered in a whisper. Every word Yoo Jonghyuk threw at him was like a knife stabbing his wound. It's not like he wanted this at all, Kim Dokja just thought if he were to continue eating Yoo Jonghyuk's food as a therapy, maybe his senses would come back? Furthermore, If Kim Dokja was wealthy enough, then don't talk about wanting to work part-time, instead he would become a regular customer in Supreme King. 

Yet no, Kim Dokja was a poor orphan who quit his job 3 years ago. It was because of Song Minwoo who was his former classmate who bullied him before. They both work for the same company but when Song Minwoo was transferred in their branch, he did nothing but spread rumors about his disability and trash talk him whenever he had a chance. Due to that, Kim Dokja developed a depression which until now he hadn't yet recovered from. Song Minwoo's bully became a trigger to reopen the wound from his past. 

“Seriously? Did you quit because you wanted to work here?” Yoo Jonghyuk said as he added, “You're crazy.”

Kim Dokja didn't speak, it seems like there's really no room for negotiation. Also, he was aware of how annoying he was to keep following and waiting for Yoo Jonghyuk like a stalker. Maybe he should stop now.

“Let's end this discussion once and for all.” Yoo Jonghyuk declared. “Don't ever come again if you're never going to act as my customer.” After he said that, he turned his back to Kim Dokja and went back inside. 

Kim Dokja watched as those broad shoulders left his sight. He stayed there silently while he stared dazedly on the glass door. He was only brought to reality when his eyes suddenly blurred. When he blinked, a tear ran down his face. ‘How harsh.’

He wipes off his tears and leaves the restaurant quietly.

After the confrontation, Kim Dokja really did not appear anymore. Every time Yoo Jonghyuk goes outside, there's no more Kim Dokja waiting for him. The restaurant became quiet because no one would shout at him to grab his attention. The Supreme King went back to the way it was before Kim Dokja came. 

Yoo Jonghyuk was smoking on the rooftop of the Supreme King while looking below the streets. From above, he could see the place where Kim Dokja frequently sat. From there, Yoo Jonghyuk saw no one but empty cemented ground. 

Yoo Jonghyuk sighed as he blew out the smoke from his mouth. He doesn't want to admit it, but he kinda was not used to not seeing Kim Dokja around. 

Kim Dokja was like a puppy who barked every time it saw its owner. He made too much noise when he was around, but now he was gone, it unpleasantly became quiet for Yoo Jonghyuk. 

‘Am I harsh? Did I hurt his feelings?’ Yoo Jonghyuk thought. 

After a moment, he crushed the cigar on the capstone of the wall he leaned from. Then, he went to the ground floor until he reached Gong Pildu. 

“What is it boss?”

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't speak immediately before he opened his mouth. “Do you have any news about him?” He asked Gong Pildu because they mostly talked to each other when Kim Dokja was camping. Yoo Jonghyuk was wondering whether they were exchanging news to each other considering the two become friends. 

“Him?” Gong Pildu thought for a second to know who Yoo Jonghyuk was referring to. “Ah… I don't.” He answered while shaking his head and added, “Even though we talked to each other before, I didn't even get to know his name… what's more about his contact number?” 

Once he heard Gong Pildu say this, he quieted down. Now that he thinks about it, Yoo Jonghyuk also doesn't know what Kim Dokja's name was. Yoo Jonghyuk didn't even bother to ask because he was feeling unused to Kim Dokja's antics. He was too busy avoiding him and didn't bother to read the resume Kim Dokja always gave him. To correct the statement, Yoo Jonghyuk didn't even open the envelope containing his application form in the first place. 

Yoo Jonghyuk rubs the center of his brows. ‘Why the hell do I worry about him?’

He tried to bury the thoughts to the deepest place in his mind. Nevertheless, Yoo Jonghyuk often caught himself making simple mistakes which shocked his coworkers. And once he was out on the rooftop to take a breath, he was often staring in the air mindlessly. The cigar on his hand was even left unlighted. This scene happened for a long time. 

A month has passed.

“Hey, what do you think happened to Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi?” Asked by Lee Hyunsung to the group. Currently, they were at the meeting in the lounge area, excluding Yoo Jonghyuk who was the topic. The restaurant has yet to open and Han Sooyoung, the prep cook and the assistant manager, has already finished her task. 

“Care to tell me what happened?” Instead of answering, Jung Heewon asked a question. She was a sommelier and bartender at the same time. Her workplace was at the center floor where the huge chandelier was hanging, so she seldom entered the kitchen.

“You see Heewon-unnie… Master made a mistake for the first time. Not only once, but frequently this month.” Lee Jihye butted in as if she was sharing unbelievable news. Jung Heewon's eyes widened and the others nodded in response.

“Maybe he had a problem lately?” Yoo Sangah, the pastry chef and simultaneously a general manager guessed.

“His problem has already been solved by Lee Seolhwa.” Han Sooyoung refused Yoo Sangah's statement. She was talking about Yoo Mia's health problems that concern Yoo Jonghyuk.

“Even so, we never gathered like this before, right? When Yoo Mia's was hospitalized.” Jung Heewon said that made the others think. 


“He never acted like this before.”

After that, silence descended upon them. Seeing how no one tried to talk again, Han Sooyoung slams the sofa she's sitting on. “Aish! Let's end this meeting and go to work. It's his problem, so let him solve it himself.”

“What? Aren't you worried Unnie?”

“We don't know what's the cause, so how do you expect us to think of a solution?” Lee Jihye shuts her mouth after Han Sooyoung rebukes her. 

“Didn't it start after his stalker was gone?” Lee Hyunsung suddenly told them. 

“And Jonghyuk-ssi wasn't like this when he and Lee Seolhwa broke up.” Jung Heewon added. 

They all glanced at each other's eyes before Lee Jihye dropped the bomb. “What if, Master is in love?”

“Whoa. What kind of nonsense is that?” “If that's the reason then it's shocking.” Han Sooyoung and Jung Heewon simultaneously said. 

Seeing how the meeting was going somewhere, Yoo Sangah butted in. “Guys, the business hours are near. Let's just make Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi take a day off today and go somewhere nice.” She suggested as she ended the discussion. Finally, everyone agreed.

“So, who's gonna tell him?” 

No one volunteered. 

Han Sooyoung hardly rubs her head as she stood up and said. “I'll do it. Let's get back to work.”

“Yay! Sooyoung-unnie is the best!” Lee Jihye cheered. 

“But, do you think your assumption is true?” Jung Heewon asked Lee Jihye as they walked towards the kitchen. 

“Maybe? Wanna bet Unnie?” She grinned. 

“Sure.” Jung Heewon agreed. “If you win, I'll give you 1 Million Won. If I win, you're going to watch my new flair and will take a shot of my mixes.”

“Let me remind you I'm a minor.” Lee Jihye said but received a laugh as a response.

After the meeting, Han Sooyoung really went to the 3rd floor where Yoo Jonghyuk's office was located. She urges him to go outside to take a break. The way she said this was more of a command than a request as if she was the real boss. It seems the relationship between Yoo Jonghyuk and his workmates was close enough to dispel the hierarchy in work. 

Yoo Jonghyuk who burnt her nagging was annoyed to the point of literally taking a walk outside. He took his black coat and wallet as he grumpily left his ‘own’ restaurant. 

Once he was outside, Yoo Jonghyuk didn't know what else to do. It was still early in the morning and there's nothing he could think of to busied himself other than work. 

After many minutes, Yoo Jonghyuk had decided what to do and went to the parking lot. 

“Did he leave?” Yoo Sangah asked as she peeks in the window. Lee Jihye beside her answered her questions. “Yes he did.”

Han Sooyoung clucked her tongue as she stared at the back of Yoo Jonghyuk from afar. “To think it would take him 15 mins to come up with what to do... ”

“He only does work.” Lee Hyunsung commented. 

“Yeah, yeah. ” Jung Heewon nonchalantly agreed. 

Gong Pildu who saw Yoo Jonghyuk stand outside for 15 mins and the others who hid beside the window for 15 mins spying Yoo Jonghyuk was baffled. ‘What's with them?’ He just shrugged his shoulders and went back to work. 

On the other hand, Yoo Jonghyuk just decided to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients. Even if his restaurant's kitchen has all the ingredients he needed, Yoo Jonghyuk would still buy his own. That's because he applied the separate entity concept where his business and personal assets were separate from each other. 

Yoo Jonghyuk plans to cook food only for himself. He wouldn't be generous to give his coworkers a piece for shooing him out of his resto.

It was still early in the morning when he finished purchasing the ingredients he needed. There's still 30 mins of time before 7 AM struck and his restaurant opened for business.

As he was checking the commodities he bought, Yoo Jonghyuk caught sight of Kim Dokja who seemed to be running as he ran past the supermarket. Kim Dokja didn't notice Yoo Jonghyuk.

Curious as he was, Yoo Jonghyuk immediately went to his BMW motorrad and put the things he bought in the compartment box. He puts his helmet on and starts the engine to tail Kim Dokja. He was curious what Kim Dokja was up to after he didn't show up for a long time. 

Yoo Jonghyuk seems to forget he was the one who told Kim Dokja to never come back again. And their last conversation prompted Kim Dokja to think of the other way. 

Actually last month, Kim Dokja searched for various jobs to make an income. Since he couldn't eat for free because Yoo Jonghyuk was stingy, Kim Dokja decided to save money until he could afford the cheapest meal offered by the Supreme King. 

He wouldn't give up easily!!!

After 25 mins of tailing Kim Dokja who entered a subdivision, Yoo Jonghyuk saw him stop outside the gates of someone's house. Then Kim Dokja pressed the intercom doorbell. 

Yoo Jonghyuk saw Kim Dokja speak and faintly heard him say ‘Pet Sitter’. Even if they were separated many meters apart, with Yoo Jonghyuk's high senses and Kim Dokja slightly yelling, he got to picture what it's all about.

The gate was then opened and Kim Dokja went inside. Because Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't see what's beyond the wall, he scanned his surroundings and parked his motorrad to the sidewalk. After that, Yoo Jonghyuk got ready before he ran towards the wall opposite of the house Kim Dokja went in , then jumped and climbed past beyond the wall. 


Once he's back on the ground, a dog was growling at him. Even so, Yoo Jonghyuk just glared at the dog before it got a chance to bark. 


Unexpectedly, the dog hid its tail between its legs and pulled back his ears as it trembled. Yoo Jonghyuk actually scared the dog! 

Afterwards, Yoo Jonghyuk went towards the tree he saw earlier and climbed onto its branches. In this spot, he could clearly see what's beyond the wall Kim Dokja went to. 

Yoo Jonghyuk watched as Kim Dokja met the pet he'd been called to take care of. It was two adult Jindo-kae and three puppies. Just by seeing the numbers, Yoo Jonghyuk knows Kim Dokja would be tired. 

After the owner left, Kim Dokja really did get too tired. The female Jindo was reserved and just mind its own business while the male Jindo was full of energy. And there's also three puppies who keep going here, there, and somewhere until he just saw one has fallen on the pond. He was like that for three hours and thirty mins and stopped after the daughter of the owner came to switch with him. 

It was almost 10:30 AM when Kim Dokja finished his job as Pet Sitter. Kim Dokja immediately went out after he got his pay and ran again. 

He too stalks Kim Dokja as Yoo Jonghyuk watches him pant every time he takes a step. ‘Where is he going now?’

It takes about 45 mins before they reach a small resto cafe. It was because Kim Dokja stopped when he ran out of breath if given a chance. 

Kim Dokja instantly bowed down as he apologized for being late. He needs to save money, so he didn't use any for transportation expenses, which took too much of his time because his client's place was located a little far from this small resto. 

Yoo Jonghyuk was stunned because Kim Dokja actually has another job. ‘He didn't even rest.’

Yet again, Yoo Jonghyuk still decided to watch Kim Dokja. He dined in a nearby shop where Yoo Jonghyuk could clearly see him. Well, truthfully, Yoo Jonghyuk was getting hungry since he didn't eat anything after he was shooed. So he ate as he spied. “There's too much seasoning. The desserts are also sweet.” He also quietly criticized. 

This time, Kim Dokja worked as a server. He took the order and served them as well. He was also busy because his shift was the time for people to eat lunch. And when he was free or when there were few customers, Kim Dokja was tasked to deliver the orders using their resto cafe's motorbike. Obviously, Yoo Jonghyuk would follow him whenever he went. 

Kim Dokja worked until 5:30 PM. He got his wages and went somewhere… again? 

‘Do he still have another job?’ 

The answer was yes. Kim Dokja immediately went to a nearby quiet cafe a few minutes walk from his previous location. Yoo Jonghyuk saw him enter a milk tea shop and saw how he paused for a moment, before Kim Dokja went to the table where two kids were waiting for him. 

“You're both too early.” Kim Dokja said to Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung who he was tutoring. His appointment with them was 6:30 PM yet they came 30 mins ahead of the time. 

“I miss you oppa!” Shin Yoosung quickly said. 

“No! I miss you more hyung!” Lee Gilyoung said competitively. 

He chuckled at the cuteness of the two as he asked. “Have you eaten?”

“Yes. ” They both said as Lee Gilyoung suddenly pushed the refreshments they ordered in advance. “Hyung, this is for you.”

Shin Yoosung saw his antics and shouts. “Hey! Why did you include the milk tea?! I'm the one who bought it for him!”

“You didn't.” Lee Gilyoung stuck his tongue out at her. 

“I did!” Shin Yoosung yelled as she almost stood up and rushed to him to fight him. Fortunately, Kim Dokja stopped her midway. 

“Stop fighting.” He said to the children and added. “We should enjoy our time first before we formally start our session.”

“Okay hyung / Sorry oppa.”

When Kim Dokja calmed down the two, the refreshments they offered to him were pushed again. “Please accept this oppa, they are delicious.” 

“That's true, try this first hyung!” Lee Gilyoung grabs a fried chicken and puts it in his hand. Shin Yoosung saw him and didn't want to lose as she grabbed a slice of pizza and gave it to Kim Dokja. “Try my pizza first. ”

“W-wait. Where do you get this?” Kim Dokja curiously asked. The shop they were in didn't sell fried chicken and pizza, so where did it come from? 

“We ordered it… outside.” They mischievously grinned at him as they answered, and finally, he saw the food boxes to their sides. Kim Dokja didn't see it because his attention was on the plate with refreshments they pushed towards him, while they grabbed the food they offered beside them. 

Kim Dokja didn't know what to say to them and just ate what they gave him. The two watched him as they brightly asked. “Delicious right?”

He looked into their eyes as he said, “Mnm. They're good.” In actuality, it tastes bland. Still, he didn't want to discourage the two so he said otherwise.

The kids cheered about his comment. Afterwards they started to rattled about what happened to their day. Yoo Jonghyuk watched and listened to them as he disguised himself with a cap. 

‘That's the first time he ate.’ Yoo Jonghyuk  observed. He glanced at Kim Dokja's face and examined it. ‘His reaction… no emotion. As if he's hiding it away.’ He tapped the table while creating no sound. ‘He's clearly different from when he ate my cooking… Hmm. I wonder why.’

“Hyung, I feel like that man over there was staring at you.” Lee Gilyoung whispered to Kim Dokja. He and Shin Yoosung glanced at Lee Gilyoung, then looked at the table he said. Kim Dokja saw the man was busy clicking on his phone, he couldn't see the face because his head was lowered and the cap was hindering his view. 

“Maybe you're imagining things. Let's continue.” Kim Dokja said. 

After Kim Dokja and the co took their eyes away from him, Yoo Jonghyuk lowered his phone and looked at them again. ‘That boy's quick.’

When two hours had passed, Kim Dokja ended their session and bid a farewell to the two kids. Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung didn't want Kim Dokja to leave quickly but he still refused them. “Like I've always said, I have somewhere I need to go. We'll still meet again tomorrow.”

“Ehh~ Can't you cancel it today and hang out with us?” Shin Yoosung said as she held Kim Dokja's hand while looking at him with puppy eyes. 

You are reading story Taste of Love at novel35.com

Kim Dokja put his hand on Shin Yoosung's head and ruffled it. “I can't… I promise, when I have free time, we'll go to the sea and eat fried chicken as well as pizza while drinking cola. Is that okay?”

The two of them pouted, nevertheless they nodded. “Okay hyung...” 

“Don't forget your promise, huh?” Shin Yoosung took her pinky finger out. “Let's seal the contract then.” Kim Dokja chuckled at her and followed her actions. Of course, Lee Gilyoung followed suit too. 

“Alright, I gotta go now. Be careful on your way home.” 

Yoo Jonghyuk was already waiting outside the shop when he bid his farewell. He also briefly heard how Kim Dokja said he's going to stop somewhere. Yoo Jonghyuk looked at the night sky and the time.

[7:32 PM]

His brows were deeply furrowed. Yoo Jonghyuk was thinking how it was still early in the morning when he stalks Kim Dokja, yet it was already almost evening and Kim Dokja was not yet done?

Even so, Yoo Jonghyuk didn't know why, but he still kept following Kim Dokja. This time it took them 10 mins to walk from their next destination. When Yoo Jonghyuk saw where they went, he realized it was a convenience store. He also saw Kim Dokja change his clothes to his work uniform and went to do his job  immediately.

It was yet… another job. 

Yoo Jonghyuk left the place and took his motorrad from the parking lot and drove to Kim Dokja's night shift job. And again, Yoo Jonghyuk entered a different shop where he could watch him. 

In summary of what happened, Kim Dokja has four jobs. In the morning, he took care of the pets. At noon time, he works as a server and delivery man for a resto cafe. In the afternoon, he tutored two children. And lastly, in the evening, Kim Dokja worked as a staff of a convenience store. He did all the work with no rest and he just kept going from one place to another.

Yoo Jonghyuk was now standing beside the tree. The shops and stores in the area had already closed. Currently, the time was 4:27 in the morning. Yoo Jonghyuk could also see Kim Dokja was preparing to leave.

Kim Dokja kept yawning and sometimes would trip as he walked inside the store. He was really really too tired. Yoo Jonghyuk also noticed Kim Dokja click on his phone and quickly bid a goodbye to his coworkers. 

A cab was waiting for him outside. Once the engine started, Yoo Jonghyuk obviously memorized the plate number and tail them again. 

Because there was no traffic, it only took them 26 mins to reach Kim Dokja's house. ‘So this is where he lived.’ Yoo Jonghyuk observed a house that was enough for one family to live, yet it was unexpectedly quiet. As if no one other than Kim Dokja lived there. 

When Kim Dokja had entered the house and was out of his sight, Yoo Jonghyuk fell into a contemplation. ‘Should I leave too?’ 

Yoo Jonghyuk clearly doesn't know what's going on in his mind. Why would he do something he didn't usually do? To think he stalks someone for a whole day… He felt like going crazy.

‘No. Let's try camping out… Let's see why he loves to do this.’ He decided to camp in an inconspicuous place where Kim Dokja wouldn't notice him. 

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't have trouble staying up late while having no sleep since he was already used to it. Though, being bored and doing nothing was hard to fight at all, which was why Yoo Jonghyuk opened his phone and took notes of what he observed about Kim Dokja. 

The sun had already risen to the east and it hadn't even passed two hours yet when he heard the gate was opened. 

Kim Dokja had actually gotten up. His clothes were changed, his hair was wet, not yet completely dry. He looks somewhat sleepy as he starts to jog again. 

Yoo Jonghyuk once again followed suit behind him. He saw how from jogging it changes to running. One more time, Kim Dokja visited another house to pet sit. And exactly the same, Kim Dokja runs again to his next job, fortunately he wasn't late this time. After that, Kim Dokja goes to the same milk tea shop to meet the two kids. 

Kim Dokja saw Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung was ahead of him again. When he pushed open the door, he said. “Hey, you two are early aga–” However, before he could finish what he was trying to say, he found his sight was titled as if he was out of balance. His vision has black out. 

“Hyung! / Oppa!” Both of them were shocked when Kim Dokja collapsed. They were about to go to him when a figure reached Kim Dokja ahead of them. 

“Hey! Wake up.” Yoo Jonghyuk tried to tap him to no avail. It seems he was really knocked unconscious.

“What are you doing, who are you?!” Shin Yoosung yelled when she saw the man they didn't know plan to carry Kim Dokja.

Yoo Jonghyuk looked at her grumpily. He was annoyed because he was obviously going to help Kim Dokja, but was stopped. Though, he could understand them since he suddenly showed up. “I'm going to get him to the doctor I knew.”

“Ah! Oh...” Hearing his words, Shin Yoosung was about to say thanks for helping when Lee Gilyoung butted in. 

“Wait! I know you. You were the one who's staring at my hyung!” He said to Yoo Jonghyuk while looking at him vigilantly. Shin Yoosung remembers what Lee Gilyoung said yesterday and cautiously glares at him too. 

“That's true. He didn't even bother to change his clothes.” Shin Yoosung added. “Get away from our oppa! We'll be the one who'll call for an ambulance.” Even if the man was handsome and her type, she wouldn't let a stalker and his oppa be alone. 

Yoo Jonghyuk felt his head throb from a headache. A headache caused by the situation. He sighed and said to them, “I know him and he knows me. I'm not a bad person, really.”

“Is it true?”


“Then wait a moment.” Lee Gilyoung said and took his phone out and took a photo of Yoo Jonghyuk. “Gimme your contact number, I need some evidence against the suspect if something ever happens to hyung.” 

Yoo Jonghyuk unhesitatingly took out his business card from his wallet and gave it to Lee Gilyoung. After that, he immediately lifted Kim Dokja up and went outside. 

He dropped and leaned Kim Dokja first on the sitting wall to remove his coat before he picked him up again. He put Kim Dokja on the front seat of his motorrad while his back was facing the handlebars. Meanwhile Yoo Jonghyuk sat in front of him. After that, Yoo Jonghyuk tied their bodies using his coat.

When the two kids saw their position, they could describe it as Yoo Jonghyuk was hugging the unconscious Kim Dokja. Well, he did, since Yoo Jonghyuk used his other arm to encircle it around Kim Dokja's waist to make sure he wouldn't slip. “I'm going now.” He said to the kids. 

“Where are you going to take him?” They asked. 

“His house.”

“Not in the hospital?”

“I'm gonna call a doctor over.” Yoo Jonghyuk answered their questions. “Anything else?”

They shook their heads at him. “Safe trip.” “Take care of hyung!”

Not wasting any more seconds, Yoo Jonghyuk carefully drove on the road to Kim Dokja's place. When they've reached his house, Yoo Jonghyuk unties his coat and searches for a key on Kim Dokja's pocket. He immediately went inside Kim Dokja's house when he found the key. 

Once he opened the door, an unpleasant and messy house welcomed his view. Yoo Jonghyuk's eyes couldn't help but twitch. In spite of that, he ignored it for a moment and searched for a room that was open which led him to the second floor. 

Yoo Jonghyuk removes the garbage on the bed first before he lays Kim Dokja on it. After that, he calls for Lee Seolhwa and tells her to come to Kim Dokja's place. 

When all was done, Yoo Jonghyuk scanned his surroundings. “Is this a dumpsite or a house?” Yoo Jonghyuk criticized as he glanced at the waste food, vomits, junk food's wrapper, cans, and uncleaned floor. “I shall clean his mess before Lee Seolhwa comes.”

A moment passed, and Kim Dokja's house became unrecognizable due to how clean it was. Yoo Jonghyuk even changed the beddings of the bed Kim Dokja currently lay on in the process. When he was out to throw the garbage on the bin, he saw Lee Seolhwa was about to press the doorbell. 

“Oh… I thought I visited the wrong house since you've never had a property in this area.” She commented as she walked in and observed the place.

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't beat around the bush and directly told her. “He's on the second floor, room to the left. You go ahead while I'll throw this first.” 

“Alright.” She quickly went inside and Yoo Jonghyuk followed afterwards. When Yoo Jonghyuk went to Kim Dokja's room, he heard Lee Seolhwa say to him. “I didn't expect the two of you to become acquaintances.”

“Neither did I.” 

No one talked after that as Lee Seolhwa busied herself in checking Kim Dokja's situation. “He became thinner.” She started. “I saw you cleaned his house when I came. Have you seen any food inside his refrigerator or what?”

Yoo Jonghyuk recalls the empty refrigerator and the mess earlier. “There is.”

“Then why didn't he eat anything?”

“Cause it's all thrown off. It seems like he ate those foods but eventually vomited them after.” 

“I see.” She said as she put her equipment back in her bag. “The cause is the same as before. First, it's because he didn't eat well and next is due to fatigue and lack of sleep. You can see he didn't sleep well because of how dark his lower eyes are.” She contemplates for a moment before she added, “I also guessed that it may be due to his personal problem which causes his weight loss. And as his friend...” Lee Seolhwa looked Yoo Jonghyuk in the eyes. “...you should take care of him. Try to listen to his story first, maybe it's the panacea that will solve this problem.”

After she said that, Lee Seolhwa left the place because she still had many patients to take care of. She only came here because she was also the exclusive doctor of the Supreme King. Although she prioritized the staff of the Supreme King, Lee Seolhwa still wants to treat other people too, which Yoo Jonghyuk approved in their contract.

It was already 8:30 PM when Kim Dokja woke up. At first he thought he was in an unfamiliar place, but after double checking it, he realized he was in his house. “W-wait… Why am I here?” The last thing he remembered was his meeting with Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung, however he passed out. Even so, how did they know where he lived? Wasn't he supposed to be woken up in the hospital not in his house?

“Never mind.” He said and got up from the bed and went outside his room. The whole second floor was also shining from being clean. He decided to go downstairs while chanting his praises. “To whoever good samaritan you are, be it an angel, demon, or whatever… Thanks for cleaning my house. I hope you become my exclusive maid foreve– who's there?!” Kim Dokja suddenly said when he heard a sound coming from his kitchen. 

He was about to grab something sharp for protection when he smelled something nice. Due to that, he threw away whatever he planned to do and quickly went towards the kitchen. 

A familiar man with broad shoulders wearing an apron came into his view. He instantly recognized him. “That restaurant owner… Yoo Jonghyuk?”

Hearing Kim Dokja call his name makes Yoo Jonghyuk halt his movements. He glanced back and saw Kim Dokja was looking at him astonishingly. “Why are you here?”

“I brought you here.” When Kim Dokja heard this, he thought maybe it was Yoo Jonghyuk who helped him.

“And how did you know my address? You didn't even look at my application form.”

“I...” Yoo Jonghyuk paused. “...coincidentally saw where you lived when I passed this area.”

“I see.” Kim Dokja didn't think of it too much and shrugged it off. There's something more important other than that. “What are you cooking with your godly hands?”

“Godly hands?” 

Kim Dokja didn't answer him and glanced at the food. “Oh, a jjigae. Then I'll stay in the living room to watch tv while waiting for you to finish.” And he really left the kitchen and turned on the tv. 

When Kim Dokja saw what was being played on the tv, he immediately disconnected the VCR from it and connected it to his cable. After that, he just silently stared at the tv. 

Yoo Jonghyuk who followed after he left to tell him that it's already been cooked saw Kim Dokja's changes in reaction. He also caught a glimpse on the video that shows the little Kim Dokja with his parents. 

Now that he thought about it, Yoo Jonghyuk didn't feel any presence inside the house, nor did he see any picture frames. 

Yoo Jonghyuk went back to the kitchen and took the pot with him. He stopped thinking over it and decided the important thing to do right now was to feed Kim Dokja. 

“Let's eat.” 

Kim Dokja excitedly took a piece of pork belly and couldn't help but react. “Whoa. I miss the taste of spiciness.” Next, he tried the kimchi, “Pah! I miss the sourness too!” 

Yoo Jonghyuk watched as Kim Dokja said he missed this taste, he missed that taste, and so on. He really couldn't help but wonder why Kim Dokja reacts like that. 

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Kim Dokja asked when he saw Yoo Jonghyuk didn't join him as he ate.

“I'm curious.”

“Of what?”

“Why do you react as if it's the first time you've eaten food?”

Kim Dokja just chewed the food as he stared at Yoo Jonghyuk for a moment, it lasted until he decided to open his mouth. “Before I answer your question, answer mine first.”


“Why are you kind to me?”

“Me? Kind?”

“Yes. You weird me out, you know? From what I remember, you always wear a grumpy face and often look at me as if I'm your enemy.” Kim Dokja said as he took a tofu with other seasonings on it and pushed it onto Yoo Jonghyuk's mouth. The latter just looked at the food until he saw Kim Dokja mouthed ‘Eat’.

Feeling forced, Yoo Jonghyuk opened his mouth and ate what Kim Dokja offered. After he swallowed the food, he said threateningly to him. “Did I? Then it's too bad since this kind person is about to accept your request to work for me. I guess… I should go back to being a grumpy person.”

“W-what?” Kim Dokja dropped his chopsticks when he heard Yoo Jonghyuk's statement. He accepted him? ‘He's letting me work for him?!!’

“So you really don't want to? I'll take it back then.”

 “N-no! Come on, don't be others”Kim Dokja instantly stood up and went to Yoo Jonghyuk's side. He puts his hand on Yoo Jonghyuk's shoulder to give him massages. “You're too kind, really really kind. Super duper kind. The kindest in the world. As a kind person, you should help those in need like Kim Dokja.” 

Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but lift the corner of his lips a little. When he heard Kim Dokja say a name, he immediately asked. “That's your name?”

Kim Dokja halted his movements for a second and answered. “Yes. Why? Did I never tell you that?” He also added, “Well, that's valid since you're not paying me any attention in the past.”

When Kim Dokja saw Yoo Jonghyuk was just eating and didn't speak anymore, he asked again. “So you're not taking it back anymore, no?”

“I won't if you answer my question earlier.” 

This time Kim Dokja stopped his massage and went back to his spot. He ate a few bites first before he started. “Let's keep the story short.”

“When I was a child, my parents and I were happily living together. However, my life turned 360 degrees when my parents decided for us to go for a vacation. Just like in the news, the car we were staying in was...” Kim Dokja made an action with his hands and made them appear as if they bumped into each other. “Boom! A big accident happened. Many people died including my parents while I survived with an invisible disability. I lost my sense of taste while I only partially lost my sense of smell.”

“I was only five years old at that time when I became an orphan. I didn't know what to do next… If it weren't for grandma Lee Boksoon, who was a kind neighbor of ours, I would most likely be dead right now… For ten years, grandma was the one who brought me up. She used her own savings for my expenses even though my parents left me a life insurance. Even so, grandma was already old and it was only a matter of time before she died. When she left me behind, I'm almost 15 years old at that time. I was left alone again with the life insurance they gave me, including grandma's savings.” 

“However, the savings my parents left me was only enough for paying my bills for more than a decade, while the savings my grandma left behind was enough for my other expenses. It's only fortunate that I graduated college and got to work for a company. Though I resigned three years ago.” Kim Dokja chuckled as if he remembered something funny. “Now that I think about it, it's pathetic of me to quit because of that bastard… Oh well, nevertheless, I lived my life trying to eat even though I don't have an appetite. My savings also dwindled due to that. It's also the reason why I applied for multiple jobs this month because my savings is not enough to buy your cheapest meal.”

“You see, I really want to eat your cooking since it's the only one I could taste. Your cooking gives me hope to be normal again.” Kim Dokja grimaced a little when he drank unpleasant water. He thought, maybe this water came from his house and was not made by Yoo Jonghyuk. “By the way, that's the end of the story.” And he added again, “I can now buy your restaurant's cheapest offer. ”

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't think there's a tragic story behind his actions. He thought Kim Dokja was just a stalker and an irregularity who starved himself to grab his attention to eat for free. He didn't know it was because Kim Dokja got Ageusia and Hyposmia from an accident... That his cooking seems to help Kim Dokja get it back. 

Yoo Jonghyuk thought he's the worst. He almost took away Kim Dokja's last hope of recovering. Of course, he couldn't completely blame himself since he didn't know Kim Dokja's backstory in the past. Even so, as a chef, he should be proud that his cooking helps Kim Dokja's disability. And as the only chef who could help him, Yoo Jonghyuk must do his very best. 

“Let's regain your senses again.” Yoo Jonghyuk suddenly said.

Kim Dokja stared at Yoo Jonghyuk for a minute before he excitedly stood up and jumped like a child and ran towards Yoo Jonghyuk. He opened his arms wide and hugged Yoo Jonghyuk as he said. “Thank you… really, thank you.”

Due to his happiness, Kim Dokja couldn't help but cry a little. For a long time, his only wish was to be normal again… to eat like a normal person again… someone who'll be able to enjoy his food. 

Hearing Yoo Jonghyuk's statement seems to make his wish come true. It solidified the last thread of hope he keeps holding on. He was truly happy to have met him. 

Yoo Jonghyuk slowly lifted his hand and pat Kim Dokja's back. He didn't think his words could have caused a reaction from Kim Dokja. It appears he made the right choice. 

“Then I'll see you tomorrow?”

“Mnm... I'll contact my employers too.” Then Kim Dokja seems to remember his mentees. “...As for Gilyoung-ee and Yoosung-ee.”

Yoo Jonghyuk recalls the two kids and it looks like he takes a liking to both. “If you want to continue being their tutor, you can ask them to come to the Supreme King. We'll discuss your schedule later.”

Kim Dokja broke free from Yoo Jonghyuk and said. “Right, it's already late. You should stay here to sleep.”

Yoo Jonghyuk felt his arms become empty when Kim Dokja left. He closed his hands as he replied. “Okay, let's head there together tomorrow.”

The next day. 

“We only asked him to take a break... ”Jung Heewon said as she watched two men in the lounge area talking. 

“... Yet he brought an ahjussi after.” Lee Jihye continued as she peeks too. 

“He was even absent yesterday.” Han Sooyoung added and unwrapped a lemon candy. 

“Maybe he's Jonghyuk-ssi's new friend?” Lee Hyunsung innocently asked. 

“He's kinda familiar though.” Yoo Sangah commented which gathered the attention of the rest. 

“Who is he?” “You know him?” “Where did you meet him?”

“Calm down, okay?” Yoo Sangah felt her head was aching due to their synchronized asking. “I think he was the man who's camping outside the resto last month? I'm not sure since I haven't seen his face clearly.”

“How did you see him? Didn't we use a backdoor?” Lee Jihye curiously asked. 

“It's when I went to ask Gong Pildu ahjussi other matters.” 

“Hey guys, they're coming here.” Jung Heewon quickly notified them. They immediately shut their mouths and smile at the two men coming. 

“This is Kim Dokja, our new staff.” Yoo Jonghyuk introduced him. “They're your coworkers.” He added. 

“That's all?” Kim Dokja asked. Yoo Jonghyuk looks at him as if wondering why he's asking for more, but he doesn't speak anymore.

“What kind of shitty introduction is that?” They heard them said by Han Sooyoung. 

“Right. Who would introduce someone then not tell their names?” Jung Heewon added. 

“Well, Master did.” Lee Jihye answered her. After that, she faced Kim Dokja and waved her fingers. “Hi ahjussi, I'm Lee Jihye.”

Once she introduced herself, the rest followed suit. Kim Dokja discovered how nice his coworkers were and how casual they treat each other… It's like a family. ‘This may be the best decision I've made in my life.’

From that day onwards, Kim Dokja worked as a server and a busser too. Which means he's going to take the customer's order and give them to the kitchen or bar. Kim Dokja needs to take care of every customer's needs. At the same time, if he has free time, he's assigned to clean the table left by the customer.

They also had decided to let Kim Dokja tutored Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung using the same time they met in the Supreme King. Even if there's one staff member missing, it wouldn't cause any disturbance to the work. So having Kim Dokja to stop working every 6 PM until 7:30 PM was fine. Yoo Jonghyuk offered to give them free dinner every session. 

Simultaneously, some of the customers also recognized Kim Dokja who camped out in the restaurant. Some even hold a conversation with him and talk about it as Kim Dokja laughs it off. In addition, some of the regulars had said they liked him doing his work. 

Seeing how Kim Dokja was successful in socializing with his customers, as well as how he became close and famous with them, Yoo Jonghyuk should feel proud and happy. Yet, he has this unspeakable emotion he couldn't describe when he saw how bright Kim Dokja became.

Yoo Jonghyuk feels like Kim Dokja's attention was being divided. From being a hundred percent recipient of his attention, it dwindled to being 45% instead. Kim Dokja didn't bother Yoo Jonghyuk as much as he did before. Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but be unused to the sensation. 

“Who are you looking at?” Yoo Jonghyuk heard Lee Seolhwa's voice. “Oh, it's Kim Dokja-ssi.” Her tone seems to imply something which Yoo Jonghyuk caught on. 

“What about it?” 

“Nothing.” She smiled. “I just felt maybe this is what you really looked like once you fell in love?” Lee Seolhwa said, which made Yoo Jonghyuk flinch a little.


“Oho.” Lee Seolhwa covered her mouth with her hand and put it down once she had suppressed her smile again. “It seems you can't see what your eyes speak… or maybe you're only denying it.”

“I don't know what you're talking about.”Yoo Jonghyuk sternly said. 

“Well, if you say so.” She just gives up on teasing and gives the paper bag she holds to Yoo Jonghyuk. “Here's Yoo Mia's things. She left it in my clinic and I only found it lately.”

Yoo Jonghyuk accepts the paper bag. After he looked at the content he asked a question. “Why did you say that?” 

Lee Seolhwa thought for a moment before she answered him. “Hmm… based on experience? No, actually, it's based on our experience.” Then, she tapped Yoo Jonghyuk's shoulder and bid a farewell. “Good luck in your love life. Bye~”

As Yoo Jonghyuk and Lee Seolhwa were talking, Kim Dokja on the other hand watched them too. He went to Lee Jihye who was taking breaks and sitting idly on the counter.

“Who is she?” Kim Dokja curiously asked about the woman beside Yoo Jonghyuk. He seems to see they were close with each other. Seeing Yoo Jonghyuk being casual with her made him somewhat unhappy. Though, it's not like Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't casual with others, Kim Dokja just felt their closeness was different than the rest. 

Lee Jihye looks at the person Kim Dokja talks about and makes an ‘Ah’ exclamation. “Lee Seolhwa-unnie.”

Hearing her name, Kim Dokja recalls what Yoo Jonghyuk tells him. A woman named Lee Seolhwa saw Kim Dokja outside of the restaurant and urged Yoo Jonghyuk to put him inside. She was also the one who paid for his meal that night as well as who checked on him twice he passed out. 

Lee Jihye saw the look in Kim Dokja's eyes and grinned. She leaned on the counter to stare closely at Kim Dokja. “Why ahjussi? Are you curious about their relationship?”

He circled his eyes here and there before slowly answering, “...Yes.”

It was then that Jung Heewon arrived at their location and asked. “What are you guys talking about?”

“Why are you here? What about your area?” 

“Can't I be here?” She jokingly asked as she sat beside Kim Dokja. “Don't worry, I've assigned someone to take my place as I take a break.” Then she looked at Lee Jihye and Kim Dokja. “So, what's the tea?”

It was Lee Jihye who answered her obviously. “Ahjussi wants to know what Master's relationship was with Lee Seolhwa-unnie.”

“Ohhh… I'm in then. Quickly spill.” Jung Heewon excitedly said. It's not like she doesn't know their relationship, all that she knows was they broke up. The reason for breaking up? She doesn't know. She wasn't hired yet at that time. 

“They're exes.” 

“Then… They broke up?” Kim Dokja cautiously asked. “Why?”

“It has already been a long time… 9 years ago I think? I haven't met my Master yet but it was Lee Seolhwa-uunie that told us about it 4 years ago.” Lee Jihye tries to recall her memories. 

“What's next? Hurry up.” 

“Be patient Heewon-unnie, I'm trying to remember things.” Jung Heewon smiled sheeply at her and made a ‘V’ sign. “Seolhwa-unnie said it was because my Master thought they weren't compatible with each other.” 

“Ouch.” Jung Heewon acted as if she was in pain. “To think Jonghyuk-ssi was the one who fell out of love… I thought it was due to a third party.”

“My Master is not that kind of person.”

“Mnm. It's hard to imagine him like that.” Kim Dokja added as he agreed with Lee Jihye. 

“Is that all? Nothing else?” Jung Heewon brushed off the topic and changed the subject..

“There's more...” Lee Jihye commanded them to come closer to her and the two followed suit. When she thought it was close enough for them to hear her, she said, “It's also because my Master realized his sexual orientation.”

When they heard about it, the two were kinda shocked. 

“So that's the reason why he's still single until now, huh.” Jung Heewon concluded. Kim Dokja also couldn't help but softly blurted out. “He's gay?”

Lee Jihye looked at Kim Dokja with her brow raised. “Yes. You got a problem with that?”


“Really?” Lee Jihye squinted her eyes as she stared at Kim Dokja. 

“Mnm. Since I am too.” Kim Dokja suddenly revealed. “It's my first time coming out of the closet.” He added, though he didn't know whether it was really his first time since Song Minwoo got to learn it and also used it to bully him. Which means, some people already came to know about it. Even so, this could be counted as the first time Kim Dokja said and admitted it himself. 


“I'm not prepared for this kind of twist.”

After a moment, Lee Jihye suddenly slammed the counter table which surprised Jung Heewon and Kim Dokja. “Wait a moment… Ahjussi.”

“...Yes?” Kim Dokja was kinda nervous at the look Lee Jihye was throwing at him. 

“Are you interested in my Master?” 

“Why... have you asked?” Kim Dokja avoids her eyes and stutters as he asks. 

“Oh my… Is that the reason why you asked about their relationship?” Jung Heewon added as she teasingly grinned at him. 

Kim Dokja was feeling pressured at their gazes and immediately stood up from the stool. “T-There's too much work. I gotta go now. Bye.” And… he fled. 

“Pfft-” They laughed at him as he escaped using the work as an excuse. “Ahjussi has a cute side too, huh.”

Jung Heewon wipes the tears that form in the corner of her eyes as she asks. “Anyways, I don't think it was only Dokja-ssi who was interested in Jonghyuk-ssi.”

“True, true.” Lee Jihye nodded as she pointed at Yoo Jonghyuk's direction. “Look at my master, he stares intensely at ahjussi since he sat here, yet how come ahjussi didn't notice it?”

“Have you heard of a proverb?” 

“What did it say?”

“A spectator sees more than a player in the heat of a game”

Lee Jihye was enlightened when she heard what Jung Heewon said, then commented. “It perfectly suits them.”

Kim Dokja, who fled the scene, was battling with his mind as he wiped the table left by the customer. ‘What the heck are they saying? Me?  Interested in that grumpy man?’ He rubs the table hard as he thought, ‘No, no, no. I'm not...’ 

‘...I'm only interested in his cooking. It's his cooking that I truly loved... ’ Then Kim Dokja suddenly slowed his wiping. ‘...Still, didn't they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach?’


Kim Dokja continues his cleaning as he decided. ‘Back to earth Kim Dokja…’ Once he's done with the table, he goes to another uncleaned table and starts to clean again. ‘Not because you discovered his orientation doesn't mean you have a chance. Come on, Yoo Jonghyuk has already been generous to you. Don't try to take advantage of it and make impulsive decisions just because you've liked him.’ 

Kim Dokja looked at his reflection on the shiny table and mumbled. “Right, let's face reality.”

After that, Kim Dokja tried to maintain a safe distance between the two of them. It's not like he'd liked to give up his feelings, rather Kim Dokja knows it would be harder to take Yoo Jonghyuk's heart than making him take Kim Dokja as his staff. When it comes to love, everything was so complicated.

Kim Dokja didn't know when it started. He just knew that he was overflowing with gratitude with Yoo Jonghyuk at the start, he didn't think that his feelings would go deep to the point where there's no turning back anymore.

He fell for him. He fell for the kindness Yoo Jonghyuk showed him. He fell for the gentle acts he did for him. Kim Dokja scaredly thought, ‘I might have fallen hard for him.’

Lately, Yoo Jonghyuk seems to have realized that Kim Dokja was indistinctly avoiding him. In the past, when the two of them were talking, Kim Dokja was the one who mostly had much to say, yet he only spoke a few words or sentences with him. And if he were to close the distance between them, Kim Dokja would immediately mend the fixed gap Kim Dokja made. ‘I'm going to confront him today.’

Meanwhile, Kim Dokja was busy taking the orders of their customers. Kim Dokja was oblivious that Yoo Jonghyuk was going to search for answers which were caused by his abnormalities. 

Currently, he was reciting their orders again to double check whether he forgot something or not. “...and a carbonated drink. Is that right?”

“Yes. Also an orange juice.”

“Okay, an orange juice… noted. Kindly just wait for your orders to arrive. Thank you.” Kim Dokja politely said and bowed. He went to the counter first before taking the order of another customer.

“Hello, may I take your order please.” Kim Dokja said as usual in his intro. However, when Kim Dokja looked at the person he's going to take the order to, he was kinda stunned. He recognized the person as his former client when he was a pet sitter… The only problem was, he always stared at Kim Dokja unpleasantly. 

Kim Dokja only met him twice. At first, he thought he was imagining things, but when it happened the second time, Kim Dokja was sure his client's looks told him something he didn't want to know. And the weird thing about his two visits was that his client didn't even leave… Why the hell would he take a pet sitter if he wouldn't leave in the first place? Weren't Kim Dokja's job was to take care of his pet when the owner's not around? If it weren't for his stare, Kim Dokja would just brush it off as he's weird. Even so, as a precaution, Kim Dokja didn't accept the bookings this client made since then. 

Similar to the past, his customer's eyes felt disgusting. Nevertheless, Kim Dokja professionally did his job and noted the orders that were said. When he finished to note them all, Kim Dokja immediately turned around to leave. He was itching to get away from this person and would just call someone to take over his task. Yet, before Kim Dokja could take a step, his wrist was grabbed. 

“Do you remember me?” The customer asked. 

Kim Dokja pursed his lips and didn't answer his question. “I'm sorry sir, kindly release me please. I'm busy with my work, and my boss will reprimand me if I'm too slow.” Kim Dokja made an excuse. Even so, the customer was quite stubborn. 

“You know, I've been looking for you. I didn't realize you were working in this place...” Kim Dokja felt his hair stand up when he felt his wrist was being rubbed by the customer's thumb. He wants to punch the bastard to the face, yet, Kim Dokja was concerned it would backlash on the restaurant's reputation such as ‘mishandling of staff’ or ‘unethical work etiquette’. Kim Dokja wouldn't want to stain the name of the resto… even if it was just a speck of dirt. 

“... Why you didn't tell me you're going to quit being a pe–” 

“Kim Dokja-nim! Could you help me for a moment?” Fortunately, a coworker called his name. He instantly took his arms and quickly went to his savior. He didn't bother to excuse himself like usual due to his personal feelings. ‘Damn pervert. I want to gouge his eyes out.’

“Thanks man.” Kim Dokja said to his coworker.

“???” The coworker looked at him confusedly. ‘Shouldn't I be the one who says thank you since I asked for a favor?’

“So what's the problem?”

The coworker threw his confuseness aside and said, “Oh. The water pipe in the restroom seems to have a leak. I was about to mop the water on the floor, but Han Sooyoung-nim gave me another task.” 

“Alright.” Kim Dokja accepted in a flash. He thought being in the restroom was better than experiencing a pervert stare at him all day. “Then, help me to give this to the counter.” He didn't forget to pass what that pervert ordered. 

Immediately, he went to the restroom and mopped the floor. Unbeknownst to him, the pervert followed after him two minutes later. 

“There you go. Why do you keep leaving me, hmm?” He asked Kim Dokja as he wet his lips with his tongue. 

Kim Dokja was alarmed the second he went inside and pointed the mop handle tip towards the pervert. “Don't come near me.” He warned. 

The pervert just looked at the tip of the mop and chuckled. “Do you think you can threaten me with this thing?” He said as he held the tip and pushed it aside. Kim Dokja was about to smack him with the handle stick when the pervert threatened him too. “See if you can hurt me once you learn my identity. Don't you know who I am? You don't? Well, what does a flimsy former pet sitter like you know?” He said as he pulled the handle and Kim Dokja was swept along it. 

The pervert held Kim Dokja's jaw tightly as he spoke unto his face. “I'm one of the suppliers of this restaurant. Don't you think it will be bad for your boss if one of his suppliers pulls out?” 

Kim Dokja was boiling inside him. He was enraged at what the pervert was doing and was also enraged because he couldn't do anything. If what he said was true, then it was really bad. However, he couldn't let the pervert molested him, yet he also couldn't let the restaurant lack supplies. Kim Dokja didn't know if he was a major supplier or not, but he couldn't try to gamble.  

“Just behave and follow me.” Kim Dokja felt his other hand touch his shoulder and rubbed it disgustingly. He even saw how the pervert smacked his lips when he pushed his thumb inside of Kim Dokja's collar. “Since the first time I saw you, I've been wanting to mess with you. I want to see how this delicate body reacts with my– bleugh!” 

“You're messing with the wrong person.” 

A cold voice was suddenly heard when Kim Dokja felt his body was released from the hold of the pervert man. He looked up to see that it was Yoo Jonghyuk who came to his rescue. 

“Who the hell interrupt– !!!” The pervert paled once he realized it was Yoo Jonghyuk who punched him. “S-sir, i-it's not what you think!” He panicked instantly and pointed at Kim Dokja. “H-he seduced me! He said he wanted to– aeurkk!

“Shut your mouth!” Kim Dokja angrily said as he smacked the pervert with the mop. He immediately guessed the pervert's position in Yoo Jonghyuk's suppliers when he stuttered. To think an insignificant maniac like him almost got him… Kim Dokja was boiling with rage. 

He threw the mop aside and jumped at the pervert to punch him repeatedly. Yoo Jonghyuk didn't stop Kim Dokja since he was also enraged with what happened. 

When Yoo Jonghyuk came to look for Kim Dokja, he didn't see him in the dining area. After that, he learns Kim Dokja went to the restroom and followed suit. Yoo Jonghyuk just didn't expect the moment he went in, he would see Kim Dokja was being harassed by his so-called supplier. Yoo Jonghyuk quickly guessed what's going on in Kim Dokja's mind when he didn't struggle. 

After a moment, footsteps were heard and a bunch of security guards led by Gong Pildu took the pervert away. Yoo Jonghyuk whispered a two or three to Gong Pildu before they left and closed the door. 

Kim Dokja who was kneeling on the floor felt a wave of tiredness come over him. His adrenaline rush had already vanished and what left was his knuckles kinda hurt. Then, he suddenly felt a warm temperature embraced him. It was Yoo Jonghyuk.

“Are you alright?” Yoo Jonghyuk concernedly asked. 

“Mnm.” Kim Dokja nodded as he added a comment, “But my knuckles were throbbing. I didn't expect that bastard face to be so hard.” 

Yoo Jonghyuk released him from embrace and helped Kim Dokja to stand up. He also pulled Kim Dokja towards the sink to wash his hands. “Let's clean them first. It touches something dirty.”

Kim Dokja chuckles. “I agree with you on that.”

Once his hands were cleaned, Yoo Jonghyuk asked again. “Other than your knuckles, are you hurt somewhere?”

“No.” Kim Dokja shakes his head while looking at the hand held by Yoo Jonghyuk. “I just feel disgusted since he touched me.”

The moment he said that, Kim Dokja felt goosebumps when he heard how chilly Yoo Jonghyuk's voice was. “Touched you where?” 

Yoo Jonghyuk still hadn't let go of Kim Dokja's hand and he was curious what he looked like due to how icy his tone was. When he looked up, Yoo Jonghyuk's face was being clouded by the dark clouds. “Where did his filthy hand touch you?” He asked again. 

Kim Dokja gulped with dry saliva as he said. “I-in my jaw and my collarbone.”

After he said that, Yoo Jonghyuk leaned closer towards Kim Dokja and pulled open his polo shirt. Suddenly, Kim Dokja felt an itchy warm sensation on his collarbone. 


Yoo Jonghyuk kissed his collarbone, no… to say it correctly, it was not only a kiss but he also licks!

With a flushed face, Kim Dokja nervously asked as he gripped onto Yoo Jonghyuk's clothes tightly. “W-wha-what are you d-doing?”

“I'm cleaning you.” Yoo Jonghyuk shamelessly said and went towards Kim Dokja's jaw to ‘clean’ them. “Why? You got a problem with that?”

Kim Dokja couldn't answer his questions because it was both yes and no… Yes, because he felt his heart was thumping hard nonstop. While no because he doesn't want to end his intimacy with Yoo Jonghyuk. 

Seeing how Kim Dokja didn't answer him, Yoo Jonghyuk smiled. “I see...” Then he continued what's his doing while Kim Dokja was standing stiff all the time. After a moment, Yoo Jonghyuk's voice was heard again as he stopped. “It's not enough.”

Kim Dokja was sad since Yoo Jonghyuk stopped, but was still curious. “What is it?”

Yoo Jonghyuk stares at Kim Dokja in the eye as he seriously said. “You're still not sufficiently cleaned.”

“Then… what should we do?” Kim Dokja pursed his lips as he said this. He also blushed when he remembered what Yoo Jonghyuk did earlier.

“I think...” Yoo Jonghyuk put his hand on Kim Dokja's cheek and leaned his face closer. “...this will do.” Once he finished his sentence, Yoo Jonghyuk kissed Kim Dokja's lips.

Kim Dokja had already expected this when Yoo Jonghyuk came close, yet he still couldn't help but be shocked when it actually happened. ‘Should I get my hopes up or not? Do I have a chance? Do I have a chance? Do I have a chance?!’

“Focused.” Yoo Jonghyuk said in the middle of their kiss when he realized Kim Dokja didn't follow his movement. He then placed his thumb on Kim Dokja's chin and pulled it down to pry open his mouth.

Kim Dokja felt a tongue suddenly intrude the inside of his mouth. This time, Kim Dokja tried to copy what Yoo Jonghyuk was doing and was quite embarrassed since he's sloppy. 

Yoo Jonghyuk's eyes curved as if he's laughing at Kim Dokja, while Kim Dokja glared at him in return. They didn't close their eyes because they wanted to see each other's reaction, as if they were trying to confirm what feelings they hold towards them.

After a moment, when Kim Dokja grunt due to lack of oxygen, they stopped kissing. Kim Dokja pants while taking a breath, while Yoo Jonghyuk just stares at him as he licks his lips with his tongue. 

“You're actually good at this kind of thing, huh.” Kim Dokja started and released Yoo Jonghyuk's clothes from his grip. 

“While you're a bad kisser. ” Yoo Jonghyuk smirked as he said this and Kim Dokja glared at him again. 

“Sorry then.” Kim Dokja grumpily said as he rolled his eyes. “It's not like I have entered a previous relationship just like someone here~”

Yoo Jonghyuk's brows slightly lifted up when he heard him say this. He thought, maybe Kim Dokja got to know his previous relationship with Lee Seolhwa. “Well, it's already in the past, and I never kissed someone else other than you. Believe it or not, you're my first kiss.”

“What the– How are you so good then?” Kim Dokja would lie if he said he wasn't shocked. Yoo Jonghyuk and Lee Seolhwa… didn't kiss? Does that mean… ‘I'm really his first kiss?’ Somehow, Kim Dokja was feeling happy. 

“Hmm... Maybe it's because I'm perfect?”

“Perfect my ass.” Kim Dokja whispered.

Yoo Jonghyuk smiled again and touched Kim Dokja's lips with his thumb. “Don't worry, just follow me in the future until you'll become as good as me.” Once he said this, he retracted his hand and put his thumb on his own lips. Kim Dokja couldn't help but think how sexy Yoo Jonghyuk looked with his action.

Even so, when Kim Dokja analyzed what he said, does that mean there's still a second time? Or maybe many more times? 

Kim Dokja closed his eyes for a moment before he opened it again as he confessed. “I used to like you.”

He saw how Yoo Jonghyuk's expression changed slightly at his wording as he heard him ask. “Used?”

“Mnm. I didn't like you anymore because...” Kim Dokja grabbed Yoo Jonghyuk's collar and pulled him closer until his mouth was close enough to Yoo Jonghyuk's ear. “...I love you now.” After that, he pushed Yoo Jonghyuk back and tidied his crumpled clothes. “I swear it wasn't gratitude that I was feeling. I really do see you in a romantic way.”

Once done, Kim Dokja looked straight at Yoo Jonghyuk in the eye. “Actually, I don't have a plan to confess at all... I don't know whether I have a chance or not, but with what you did earlier, when you kiss me… it has given me hope.” 

Kim Dokja pursed his lips first, then continued. “...Hope that you also wanted us to be together…?” He ended it in a question form because he wasn't confident in his assumption. It was also to ask Yoo Jonghyuk whether he did have a chance or not. 

Fortunately, as if to not betray Kim Dokja, Yoo Jonghyuk said. “Let's be together then.”

With eyes wide, Kim Dokja looked at Yoo Jonghyuk astonishingly. “D-does that mean?”

Yoo Jonghyuk nodded. “Yes. Why would I kiss you if I didn't mean that?” 

What he said was true. Yoo Jonghyuk finally realized his feelings for Kim Dokja. From the unpleasant mood he was feeling everytime Kim Dokja focused his attention onto others, to Kim Dokja suddenly avoiding him, then to seeing Kim Dokja being molested by a bastard, Yoo Jonghyuk had confirmed his feelings… Especially, when he learned that the bastard touched what's his, Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but replace it with his touch. “...Alright, if you want to hear it, then I'll say it.”

Yoo Jonghyuk closes the gap again and kisses Kim Dokja's forehead. “I...” Then kissed the tip of his nose. “...love” Next was the corner of Kim Dokja's eyes that formed tears. “...you” And lastly, Kim Dokja's lips. “...too.”

“I love you, Kim Dokja.” He said and wiped the tears that fell from Kim Dokja's eyes.

Kim Dokja was so happy to the point he'll cry tears of joy… Happy that his feelings were reciprocated... Happy that finally he wasn't going to be alone. 

‘I'm glad...’

Kim Dokja was glad that he went to the Supreme King. Since in this restaurant, he got to recover what he lost. He got to know other people who's not going to judge him by his physical appearance or disability, and thus was willing to recognize him as who he was. He also got a job that made him happy… And finally, he surprisingly got to know the taste of love through Yoo Jonghyuk.




FYI, never in my life had I tasted or eaten Korean food. So the description of food here was made out of imagination haha, and ofc with the help of my references Gourmet Gaming (Alt name: Leveling Up, By Only Eating!) and The Gourmet Gamer (Alt name: Please Have A Meal). They also have novels too, though I'm not sure about the second one. 

This fanfic was actually inspired by The Gourmet Gamer. When I read how Rice lost his taste, I immediately thought of an idea to make this a fanfic. 

On the other note, I'd like to recommend these two to y'all. Though they're similar, they're still unique in their own way. It was enjoyable to read too haha. Based on the title itself, the genre is RPG. 

That's all, thanks for reading! 

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