
Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Fated Encounter

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Wendy and Set continue on their path in pursuit of reaching the Spirit temple's exit. Unbeknownst to them, the Underwater Temple is linked to the ruins located in the Sahara Desert, making the ruins the only viable exit point for her. "So how the hell are we supposed to get out of here anyway?" Set looks back at her and then answers, "Young lady, I may be a God, but that doesn't necessarily mean I have all the answers."

"Right, right, sorry... I just figured a guy as mischievous as you would at least have some sneaky tactics for escaping from a prison." Wendy starts getting tired when a thought creeks into her mind. She had been stuck in this temple for the better part of 6 months, and in the 3 months she had been conscious, she had spent the majority of her time here alongside the older God. And Yet, she had known anything about him, not once had he opened up to her about his current predicament. After training alongside one another, Wendy had developed some sort of kinship with the elder, though she had started to feel like these feelings may have been one-sided.

"What a matter, I'm sensing a rather apprehensive aura coming from you. Are you getting cold feet?" Asks the older God looking back at the spandex-laced woman.

"No no, I'm fine, just wondering why you chose to help me for so long. I wonder if an ancient God like you even experiences time the same way a lowly mortal like me would." She says, edging the God to speak more about himself.

"Time…" He says this before following it with a moment of silence. "Yes, I have been alive quite a long time…"

As they both continue along the path, Wendy senses the air surrounding them and starts to relax as they begin their first true conversation. "I would say, there was once a point of time when I had felt time take its toll, where my days seemed like they would never end. But in the most recent decades, I have been driven by an unyielding goal, and that goal has left me quite occupied. I don't know how much longer this goal of mine will take, but no matter what, no amount of time will stop me from continuing to take action."

"Ho~ and where exactly does training me to help you in achieving your goal?" Wendy asks, expecting something important to be left out of the elders monologuing. After a moment, the taller figure lets out a mischievous laugh, "I see, yes you would be correct in assuming you have a role to play in my overall goal. I've been notorious for being a mischievous god in my youth after all." Wendy smiles, not really minding the older God having a troublesome side.

"Hehe, I bet you were, given your choice of attire. Not that I condemn being manipulated, I'll have you, though I don't mind playing along until we get out of here~" She says rather flirtatiously. Set decided to continue, "Yes I will admit I aided you for my personal aims, but it's still in good faith for a member of the ogdoad to receive the best training this world can offer. If the previous Spirit goddess hadn't fallen, then she would  have been best suited to aiding your upcoming journey."

"I see…" Wendy says, being satisfied by their verbal interaction. "So after this, what will you do?" After taking a moment to answer, Set continues. "In my current form, I am no longer allowed to enter the mortal realm, so I will be carrying out some business in the underworld once we depart." Wendy was curious as to why he claims to be unable to follow her back to the human world but decides not to question it. "Be that as it may, there is one more thing I must make sure you haven't forgotten."

"You mean our promise right? You helped me make sure my beloved was alright, and in turn, I take care of your little threats." Set chirps back, "Yes, it is imperative that you stop the demons from causing any more havoc to the mortal realm."  Wendy gives a condescending look at him, "I'd have a lot easier of a time if you'd tell me where they're hiding. I've only been a goddess for maybe 6 months, and outside of the other Phoenix Gods I haven't met anyone like me, besides you don't count oldie!" Set looks slightly ticked, "I'm not that old…"

"That's not the point, yes I'm grateful for your help but how am I supposed to go on a mission given to me by a guy I can barely trust!" She says, exploding with skepticism. As he lingers he finally loosens up, "fine, I suppose the exit is still a while away, if you must know…  I suppose there is no harm in sharing my story with you."

Wendy is seen exploding with laughter, "Hahaha are you serious! A hippo! You fought underwater for 3 days!!! And you still lost!! That's so Stupid!" Wendy continues to laugh out loud that the older is filled with centuries worth of humiliation. "For your information, Hippos kill more people a year than you might realize!" Set takes a moment to relax and goes on, "it was a lot more complicated than that. Not that it matters anymore but back then I had really lusted for power.  After taking some abrasive actions, I tried to seize the throne of Egypt, and in my efforts to ascend Godhood, I was invertedly fated to be defeated by a child… After our battle and my banishment unused, I had a lot of time to think back and reflect."

Now coming up at a higher pillar of rock formations,  Set helps Wendy up from the higher place. "After Ra subjugated me for my actions I was forced to travel the world of man until I met my demise. I had spent years trying to obtain my previous status, once you accomplish your end of our deal, I'm hoping that will be enough to convince Ra to revoke my exile." Wendy walks aimlessly alongside him, pondering the elder's long tale. "Hmm, so that's your plan, using a poor innocent little girl like me in pursuit to get back home~." She says rather entertainingly, but then looks rather disappointed before Set decides to speak up,

"If I'm being completely honest, I was quite surprised at how much I seemed to enjoy our time together. In some ways, you remind me of my late wife, Nephthys." Wendy smiles but then puts on a smug face, "My my, an older god has a crush on me~ I'm flattered truly but my heart is already taken." She says rather amusingly,  Set looking completely uninteresting quickly barks back, "Never mind."

After a few more moments of searching, they see a crevice in one of the cave's walls, beaming with light and energy. "Right here, it should leave you somewhere back in Egypt. From there, you should be able to find a way back home." Wendy looks at the gate before looking back at Set for a moment. "Are you sure you can't come with me?" She asks a bit hesitantly before Set nods his head. "Yes, as an old God, I am unable to interfere directly with the mortal realm due to our Oath. Since this temple acts as a midpoint between the spirit realm and the mortal realm, I have been able to remain here."

Wendy, understanding the situation makes a rather unexpected move and hugs the older god farewell. She then looks up at him before giving her parting words.  "Alright, I understand. Take care of yourself then you big Oldie!  I will admit I had a bad feeling about you when we first met. But even so, I hope you don't let your past mistakes keep putting you down. I mean it was a mistake 3000 years old after all! You don't seem that bad of a guy to me even if you are a bit evil-looking! If you ever need my help or if you're ever in the spirit temple again,  feel free to reach out to me! Chou~" Set looks back dejectedly," Yes, I just might take you up on that offer, child." After giving him an honest smile, Wendy turns back around and jumps into the shining gate, vanishing from the spirit temple. The old god is now left to his own devices before pondering to himself, "She truly is just like you, Nephthys."

Wendy, now going down through the gate can be seen traveling at supersonic speed as reality begins to form around her. Now reaching the end of the warping gate, she lands safely within the old ruins. The spirit temple was coated in dark blue rocks and its interior looked brighter in comparison to her new location, sandy limestones covered the ground and walls of presumably another cave-like structure.

"Well, this isn't a much better alternative," Wendy says to herself speaking of her current situation. After taking a moment to compose herself, she begins her journey through her new environment. Hearing some ominous and grotesque sounds being emitted up ahead, she takes a more focused look only to see that some demons are lurking up ahead. Sensing her presence, they lunge at the girl, forcing her to start cutting up through them with her Sword. In an attempt at getting rid of the bunch simultaneously, she tries to summon the lesser spirits to her aid, only to realize she's a bit weaker now than she was back in the spirit temple, in theory, due to the lack of spirits in the area. After slaying the lurking demons, she starts running through the temple thinking to herself "The faster I can get this done, the faster I can get back to her beloved."

Wendy continues looking for an exit, almost being inclined to bust a hole out in one of the walls. After running into a few more demons, she attempts some gymnastics around them so she can stay clear of overusing her magic supply. But then suddenly, one of the monsters gets the upper hand on her,  causing her to trip and fall down into a pit. She now lands butt-first on the ground in front of a white cladding nun, along with a few children. The nun clouded in a unique white outfit,  speaks up. "Uhm… Are you the Hero?"

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Wendy looks straight into the silver eyes that are staring back at her. "The Hero??? Sorry missy but do I look like Spider-man to you!?" Hibiki looks rather perplexed. After all, from their perspective, a blue-haired girl just dropped out of the sky in a demon-infested old temple.  The kids start to cower in fear behind the white-clauded girl, making  Wendy look concerned, "Hey, don't be scared everyone, I won't hurt you I promise! Here, take a look at this!" Wendy summons some lesser spirits around her, though notably a bit fewer than she was expecting.

After seeing the light show ensue, the kids glee in excitement. Hibiki however was astonished, deciding to question the newly arrived girl immediately. "How did you do that!?" Wendy was taken aback for a moment but decided to answer, " Oh this, uh it's a bit complicated.  I don't really expect you to understand but these are spirits..." she's then cut off by Hibiki, "Yes yes I know they're spirits! I mean how did you summon them? I have a high affinity with spirits and I can't even summon them down here!!!" Wendy is perplexed. "Oh, well now that you mention it, the connection has felt a bit weaker since I got here... OH! It must be like phones!"

"Phones?" Questions the petite woman. "Yes, phones! Like when you go inside a tunnel you lose connection!"

"Oh, that's what you mean." Hibiki puts on a deadpan face before immediately suspecting the spunky blue-haired girl in front of her to be nothing more than your average novice. She then takes a moment to dust herself off before introducing herself, "In any case, my name is Hibiki, I'm a member of the Egyptian Orthodox Church! It's a pleasure to meet you. I assume you must be a demigoddess with a higher-than-average affinity with the spirit. I mean, surely you most cannot be a nun considering your attire."

"My attire?" Wendy asks, perplexed as she looks over her blue spandex outfit. "Well, I mean it is rather…" Hibiki looks away a bit flustered, "Alluring to the eyes, one may say, erotic" One of the kids speaks up, "Sexy!" Another kid hits him in the back of the head and shushes him. Wendy lets out a small giggle and brushes a strand of her hair. "Believe it or not I didn't exactly choose this outfit in the first place. Not that you would have any way of knowing but I haven't really had any time to worry about my wardrobe recently, everything's been so eruptive." 

The group seems to be pleased by the bright-hued girl's explanation. Wendy then decides to ask them about their situation. "So tell me, what's going on here?" After a moment of hesitation, Hibiki makes the conscious decision to put her trust in the newly arrived woman. " I see… So you were all abducted. Then there must be an intelligent demon here, they don't usually do things like this after all. All the ones I've faced in the temple seemed to be more of forces of nature than anything else." Wendy, making up her mind, crosses her arms and looks directly back at the designated group. "Alright then, the least I can do is help make sure you all make it out of here!" She says offering to aid them out of the ruins and back to safety.

"Really, oh well thank you so much!" Hibiki answers back gratefully. The group, now featuring Wendy, is seen walking along the caves' menacing paths. After fending off a few straggler demons with her sword, the pair of girls start to exchange more words. " Miss if I may ask, what is your title?"

"Title?'' Wendy asks, swinging her sword at a demon attempting a jump scare. Hibiki decides to continue, "Oh yes, when a demigod is born they are given one or two titles. For instance, I came here with the sword god John, he also has the title of Chivalry." 

"Oh well, I guess I'm just a fire goddess... No, a phoenix, that should be the official title actually." Hibiki looks at the girl with a skeptical face.

"Miss I understand you to be a novice to the celestial side of our world, but please don't try to take me for a fool." Wendy is taken back for a second, "What do you mean?" Hibiki responds, The Phoenix is said to be the most powerful spirit to ever exist. It wouldn't give its power to just any goddess, so please don't over-dramatize your own abilities just because you specialize in fire magic." Wendy looks back irritated. "Look shortie, sure I don't know much about this whole god stuff, but that doesn't mean I'm a liar. All I really know is that I died like 6 months ago and got resurrected by a big firebird." Hibiki doesn't seem convinced and gives off a know-it-all attitude.  "What about you huh!? Why is it that a nun like you is so enthralled with my title?"

Hibiki smirks and puts on a proud face, "Well if you must know, I'm what you would call a Holy Maiden. A designated holy sister that has reached past the title of a nun. Within a group sisters and priests are held in the highest regard for their devotion and faith. Though we aren't given titles and abilities like you demigods, we hold a special degree of spiritual magic within our bodies by the grace of the spirits, making us the purest of our kin!" 

Wendy begrudgingly adheres to her explanation. "I suppose that is rather impressive." Hibiki, blushing and smiling to her own contempt, continues on, "Yep! As you probably already understand, spirits are the backbone of basically every god's power, so some demigods usually carry a nun with them if they aren't especially high with spirit affinity themselves. Not to mention a holy sister's prayers are deemed essential to securing lost souls segway into the afterlife!"

"I see, so you came here with someone else then?  I mean I don't see how making any prayers will help against a horde of demons…" Wendy replies. "Yes, I was tasked on a rescue mission alongside a warrior by the name of John,, these kids were abducted from our church's branch you see. "

Wendy takes a look back at the group of kids all huddled up in the petite girls' form. "I see, that's why they all look rather glued to you, I'm sure they all see you as a big sister of sorts~" Wendy compliments the nun's motherly composure. "Big Sister! Oh stop you're going to make me blush~" 

The pair of girls are now approaching what they presume to be an open chamber room of sorts. It being better than continuing roaming through an aimlessly dark cavern, the group decides to enter.  "What do you think their aim is?" Hibiki looks uninterested in Wendy's questioning remark.  "That beats me, Who knows what those filthy demons are conspiring? Come on, I think I see some light up ahead..." Wendy and Hibiki make it to the main scenery within the ruins, finding John battling a Greater Demon.

A greater demon is similar to your average demon, with only a few things separating it from its counter. These demons usually have been given an above-average super-powered ability, and have a tendency to reach a certain level of self-awareness, causing them to be able to speak. This demon in particular was covered with a rocky armor-like exterior, with red lines surging through its head in place of eyes. Its colors were the same shade of sand that covered the limestone of the surrounding ruins. John, the Sword god was battling it in close combat, seemingly after a while was brought to the defensive.

Hibiki, noticing the young man's slew of cuts and wounds, cries out to him, "John, be careful, that's a Hornless! Demons who tear off their horns gain far more power than those that are deemed as lesser. They're also far more intelligent!." Despite Hibki's warning, John is taken aback by the greater demon's extraordinary power, attempting to parry an incoming attack with the hilt of his sword. After a successful dodge, a storm of sand is hailed at the young fighter, fatally wounding him and putting him out of condition. Hibiki, alarmingly runs over to the unconscious boy and tries to heal him, but fails due to something still preventing her from reaching her contracts with the lesser spirits. With her abilities prohibited, Wendy is now left to confront the greater demon on her own!

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