
Chapter 8: Chapter 7: The Seven Deadly Sins

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Now back at the temple, Wendy and Hibiki stand side by side, analyzing their next course of action. After a moment of thinking, Wendy believes it might be best for them to get help from Set since they're already down here. Turning over to the silver-eyes nun, she decides to go over her plan.  "Alright, I think you should go down to the main temple and get my friend Set. While you do that, I'll go and find this Micheal loser or whatever. Wherever he's up top down here, it can't be for something good."

Hibiki, hearing this explodes in a fit of fear like a helpless child, "What!? I don't want to be separated here! What if demons are lurking around, or what if I get ambushed by a pervert!" Wendy starts walking away while waving her arm back and forth, "Well if that happens, then just give them a good wank in the head and you should be good, that always works for me. Besides, Set is a very powerful god so I'm sure he'll keep you safe."

Now leaving her view, Hibiki hears a strange noise creaking around so she nervously decides to continue forward. Wendy walks through the cavern, being able to pick up on the rogue priest's footsteps. Now approaching the hidden lair within the temple, she finds Michael ready to put his crimson gem into a stone construct. This stone construct is surrounded by seven gray statues, all chiseled out in the form of a demon.  Micheal starts to laugh out loud. "You're too late, once I awaken these seven Majins of cataclysmic power, they'll all be under my control. With them by my side, I can seize not only the Vatican but the entire world! They will all see me as their true God!" irritated by the priest's confident demeanor, the blue-haired girl barks back.

"Are you an idiot, if these demons are as powerful as a Majin then it won't be the same case as with that sand freak! You won't be able to control them, all you'll be doing is sending the world into disarray!" The priest, still smiling, ignores her reasonable claims. "Oh please, as if mere demons could ever overpower my will, with this gem controlling them will be child's play! And then, I'll finally get the recognition I deserve!" The girl thinks to herself," hmph, he's doing all this just for some false sense of recognition, in a world with Gods and Demons, I can understand the feeling of lacking acknowledgment… But even so, he's harmed too many innocent people!"  Wendy puts on a fighting stance before enveloping herself in a surging blue energy,

"I'll stop you!"

Hibiki is running aimlessly around the temple before finally arriving near the main temple's entrance. "Set, Set, Set… Wait? She wasn't referring to the chaos God of Sandstorms Set! That guy was described as a villain in all the old books and stories, why would she need his help!?" She then turns to a corner and runs into a very tall man wearing all black, "SLENDERMAN!" She then immediately runs in the opposite direction until she bumps into the seal temple guardian, landing face-first on the ground.

"Oh, another one. Though this one seems to be a bit more of a clutz." Says the Temple spirit guardian. Set then quietly approaches her, "Hello young lady, am I to assume that a girl by the  name of Wendy sent you here?" Hibiki looks up and answers "Set?" He continues, "Yes that's me may I ask who you are as well?" She brushes herself off and looks up, still a bit nervous even though she was taken aback by the previously labeled evil God's warming exterior.

  "My name is Hibiki! It's nice to meet you sir, but something has gone very wrong. A heretic from our Church's division is running loose within this temple. We need your help, please Sir!" Hibiki ends this by bowing her head in front of the elder. Set, understanding the situation goes together with Hibiki over to the sin's imprisonment lair.  They make it inside preparing for the worst, only to find a bloody priest passed out on the ground.

"Oh you found him, good," Wendy says nonchalantly. The newly arrived pair arrive to see her with a clenched fist covered in presumably Micheal's blood as he lies on the ground beside his red stone. They both look with dead-pan faces knowing she did not, in fact, need their help. The set takes a moment to gaze at the hidden room within the temple and is left in awe, "To think these demons were kept here the whole time."

Wendy looks up and asks, "What is this place, it magically opened up when this douche came here holding that gem?" Set responds, "I heard that they were sealed, but I had never thought that they had sealed them here. These stone pillars are holding the most powerful demons from the underworld.  As you have come to understand, a Majin is a demon that's gained power equal to the divine, these seven demons were the first to attain that status.  They had gained their power from emerging their power through the natural evil born within humanity. Thus, each had derived from one of humanity's seven deadly sins, they conjured from the intense human emotion that washed over the earth and when formed, seek to eradicate humanity for the sake of the demon race." The girls looked at the old God in awe as he continued.

"100 years ago, they had conjured enough power to  successfully destroy the entire world, that is until they were defeated and sealed here by the Five Heavenly Dragon Gods." Wendy chimes in, "Dragon God(S)? You mean besides Undine?" Set answers while touching the sin's seal, "Yes, Five of course. Five is a special number within God's history, for five make up the necessary component for forming the Ogdoad.  The heavenly Dragon Gods were the Ogdoad that reigned over the earth for close to 300 years. They predate you, the Phoenix Ogdoad."

Hibiki, following the story thus far, decides to put in her input, "Yes I heard of them too! They were said to be the most powerful group of gods to ever exist, besides the old gods of course! They defeated countless demons and brought the world into a new age of peace and prosperity!" Hibiki continued.

"The Norse God Thor who conquered the Raijin Dragon and defeated the great Demonic snake Jormungand. Undine, The Greek Goddess who defeated the evil Hydra that tormented the seas after obtaining the leviathan spirit. Maui, the Somoan Sun God defeated The Eel Demon, Kuna Loa after fusing with the Welsh Dragon. Bae-Fong, the woman that emerged from the remnants of the wild Dragon Shen-long, proceeded to save all of China from countless natural disasters. And Then there's the Aztec God Tezcatlipoca, the half-Dragon man that prevented Quezatelacolta from consuming the earth!

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Both taken a bit back by Hibiki's enthusiasm look at her with a face of shock. "Gee, you really do know your history…" The blue-haired girl mutters before the Old God continues. "Yes well that's about it, they weren't able to come up with a way to destroy them completely, these Demons were a special case you see since they would often reincarnate after being destroyed.  So sealing them here was their only option." Set finishes off before gazing back at the statues. Wendy proceeds to drop her guard and looks over at Hibiki, "So I guess we saved ourselves from this disaster huh, I don't know about you but I'm just about ready to kick the bucket!"

Hibiki immediately chimes back! "Oh really! Why don't you come back with me? We have plenty of space at the cathedral, plus I'm sure that the kids would love to thank you for everything you've done!" Hibiki has a shining glimmer in her eyes, almost a begging look one might say. Wendy, taken back by this replies to the silver-eyed girl.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm kind of in a rush to get back home. I've been gone for so long, plus there is someone I've been meaning to reconnect with...'' Wendy's eyes look off into the distance, as the image of a spiky-haired boy comes into her vision and a light blush reaches its way onto her cheeks. Hibiki who's taking her rejection in stride suddenly gets a feeling of urgency. Their moment of peace is interrupted by a presumably unconscious Micheal rising back up and throwing his gen over in the girl's direction. Wendy doesn't have a proper moment to react to this, but Hibiki does. Just like before, Hibiki is shown to overflow with a bright white light of pure spiritual energy. This sends the gem flying across the room and the shockwave throws Michael back against one of the walls. Set, who was previously disinterested in the situation, is left with what one could call a speechless expression. The two small red dots in his eyes have shrunken as he stares at the shining silver girl. "Impossible…"

"Damnit, I thought he was done for... Hibiki, are you okay?" Wendy says to the previously glowing girl after getting her power under control. "Yes, I should be fine, that just happens sometimes." She tries to laugh it off before they both sense an immeasurably malice energy surging behind them.

Set is consumed by a dark red aura. His presence is felt throughout the Temple as the spirits start to cower in fear and disappear, decreasing the light within her. Wendy looks at Set with a face of both curiosity and fear, "Set, what are you doing…!"  Set looks back at Wendy dejectedly, "Forgive me my pupil, but it seems like our partnership ends here…" Suddenly Set concentrates his overwhelming power and levitates Ruby over to his hand. Filling it with his innate chaos magic he proceeds to turn around and aim it directly at the stoned demons.

"Set NO! Are you crazy, If those demons are as powerful as you say they are, then they'll wreak havoc withered to undreamt of! They'll kill us all!" Set glances over at Wendy but says nothing, then he slowly looks over at Hibiki before speaking. "To think you had been born into this world, once again."  The chaotic mind-bending energy emitting from the pillars forces the girls to step back. Wendy decides to take action, holding out her sword in front of her. "I dont know what came over you, but if you can't stop this, then I'll have to stop you myself." the old God doesn't turn to meet her gaze, he simply replies. "You think you have the power to stop me? The universe has shown me my path once again, I will not forsake my destiny a second time." Paying no mind to his words, Wendy barks back, "I've beaten you during our training matches before, haven't I? I can do it again!" Set finally meets her gaze before replying, "Yes it's true, A bout with you might prove to be a bit troubling for me... That is if I wasn't holding back."

Immediately after his reveal, his dark red energy covers the room, it almost looks as if the world itself has become one with the crimson blood energy. Both Wendy and Hibiki are left in a state of instant trauma, as the blinding redness around them starts to take an incompressible form. Bones and skeletons surround them, crimson flowers start to bloom as they are surrounded in a space of eeriness and lawless mayhem. the very ground beneath them starts to melt away, forcing the two girls to jump into the gravity-defying space for their own safety. The priest who remained unconscience below can be seen deteriorating from the red mud-like goop that's raised from the floor. He can be heard screaming in pain as his body submerges into the endless darkness, and his eyes fall into his skull, his skin burning and melting away. Watching the event flow in horror, the pair of girls hold onto each other as they float in the disorientating setting. The white and long-shaped skeleton that Set had worn for a face has now grown to the size of a small building, as it gets closer and closer, attempting to consume the two girls that were still too awestruck to react to their situation.

This is the power of Chaos.

Within this space of evil, the pillars begin crumbling and being unsealed. Seven demonic lights emerge from them as they all shoot out into various locations, presumably to take form around the world. Before the girls could do anything, the Seven Deadly Sins have already been awakened. As the white-haired maiden holds onto the older woman for her dear life, in fear of being consumed by the giant horse-like face, the chaotic setting immediately pushed her and the blue-haired warrior out of this otherworldly dimension. Their Banishment from that space didn't exclude just the chaotic world, but outside even the spirit temple. They Both then land back safely in the desert's ruins, and from the outside of the ruins, John can see Seven beams of light swarm up and shoot up to the sky, scattering in different locations.

Hibiki picks herself up from the ground, now able to recover from the impact of Chaos, they are left with the retribution for what they had just done. "Dammit! I knew we shouldn't have trusted that evil God! He went ahead and released all the sins." Wendy is looking down at the ground, her hair covering her eyes as she hits the floor below her. "Damn him, even after I gave him the benefit of the doubt…This is all my fault." She then stands up with a look of determination.

"I have to go back!"  She started getting ready to retreat back to the spirit world, motivated to give the old god a piece of her mind when suddenly, the fatigue, weariness, and exhaustion finally caught up to her. Not just from her confrontation with Set, but everything that has happened to her thus far had finally caught up to her. Not being able to utter another word, she passes out onto the pavement. Hibiki, surprised by this sudden action, runs over to the unconscious girl. "Wendy! Wendy Onee-Sama! Are you okay? Wake up, please wake up!"  Hibiki cries out to an already conscious Wendy, her voice not being able to reach her as she looks down dejectedly. The looming consequences of their failure start to linger in her mind, haunting the poor young girl.

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