Technically An Isekai

Chapter 2: Chapter Two

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‘You can do this Izzy, the others need you…’ The terrified priestess thought to herself, lifting the steel longsword from where it rested on its rack. Almost tipping over, the blonde woman let out a surprised noise, not expecting the sword to feel so light, a product of both her inexperience with weapons and her newfound magical strength.

A giggle sounded from behind her, Anaraxis laying a hand lightly between her shoulder blades, the priestly vestments not bothering to cover her upper back. Isabelle erupted into a blush from the sinful thoughts that followed such a gentle touch could plant in her.

Ana spoke from behind her. “Aww, you’re just so cute! Never fought before? Well don’t worry, Hellhounds are pretty easy to kill, and it's not like you’ll be regretting it that badly if you do get captured by them…” The demon trailed off, her tone wistful. “Personally, I would just lay down in front of them and wait for me to kill ‘em for you, much less effort and a lot of fun.”

Isabelle tried to chase off the ensuing images of the gorgeous succubus being plowed by horse-sized dogs that plagued her mind. She turned around, unable to make eye contact, and tried to steady her voice as she responded. “No! I won’t let myself be sullied by such b- beasts!” She spat out the last part, and slowly forced her thighs to stop subconsciously rubbing themselves together slowly.

All that came as a response was another soft giggle which sent shivers down the priestess’ spine, and a teasing “If you say so~” Ana winked, the knowing look in her eyes prompting the priestess to turn and hurry out of the sparsely furnished cave, wooden sandals clacking noisily against the rough hewn granite floor.

Isabelle emerged onto the surface level of the temple, leaving the small cave that their resident ascetic Paladin used as her home. Covering her eyes from the sudden brightness of the nearly setting sun Isabelle came to a stop. The above ground portion of the temple was significantly nicer than the dark cave, sitting atop a picturesque mountaintop and populated by a handful of buildings for pilgrims and priestesses to live inside of and worship their Goddess from.

Isabelle's heart beat faster as she came to the sudden realisation that she’d just rushed headlong into a location inhabited by monsters that could, and would, easily crush her like they had her friends. She, panicked, looked around. 'Thank the Goddess. I'm so stupid, I could have just doomed myself there...' She thought to herself, finding no lurking beasts ready to pounce.

Pulled out of her thoughts by the noise of heels clicking steadily from behind her, Isabelle turned just in time for a gentle hand to snake itself around her neck- which suddenly turned into an iron grasp, threatening, but not quite choking her. Brushing a lock of shoulder length brown hair from the priestess' face, Ana affixed her with an intense stare.

Tutting, the woman spoke, "Now, Isabelle." She paused, her tone disappointed as she considered her next words. "I shouldn't need to tell you this, but good pets don't just run off without warning..." She trailed off, a dangerous edge to her voice. "I think that I'll need to... educate you once we're done here."

Isabelle shivered with fear- and a fair amount of arousal -and nodded slowly, eyes wide. "Y- yes Miss Ana" She obediently responded, the grip leaving her throat in response.

"Good girl!" Anaraxis praised her, proud, as a genuine smile split across her face. "Now, you go get those dogs, good luck! I'll rescue you if you get into too much trouble!" Ana promised, giving the priestess a sharp slap on the butt as she turned, enticing a startled squeak from her victim.

Stepping forwards Isabelle breathed deep, trying to steady her shaky arms. As she slowly made her way through the temple, Isabelle looked around, taking in the evidence of the chaos that had occurred barely an hour ago. A handful of trays and teacups lay in the once immaculate gardens, dropped by the panicked priestesses that had been fleeing the handful of beasts that had torn up the grass and dirt, interrupting their evening tea.

Of the dozen priestesses, only Isabelle had managed to flee, lucky enough to be the one making tea for the others that evening, and now she hoped to fight what a trained Paladin and almost a dozen
priestesses couldn't.

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Feeling panic rising inside of her, Isabelle took another moment to breathe and center herself, eyes snapping open when she heard a distant cry. Ears focused now, Isabelle was able to pick out the noise from the soft whistling of the wind over the mountain. The noise was a regular cry, a feminine voice shouting something that Isabelle wasn't able to pick out.

Spurred into action, Isabelle ran forwards, her blade pointed down at her side. She narrowly avoided crashing to the ground almost immediately, wooden sandals catching on the rough cobblestones that were used as paths, before tossing them aside and continuing her reckless rush.

Following the sound of gradually increasingly noisy cries, Isabelle finds herself running towards the center of the small mountaintop sanctuary. Rushing past the dormitory that housed most of the women in the temple, Isabelle finally located the source of the noise.

Laying across the torn up grass was the Paladin tasked with defeating monsters in rare cases like these, her metal armour turned into scraps and strewn across the floor. Clad in a heavily torn gambeson, the heavily muscled woman struggled to fight off the beast atop her, legs pinned beneath her opponents bulk.

The hellhound was a terrifying thing, large boney spikes protruding from its hairless red leathery skin. It's eyes tiny beads of orange above it's drooling maw, the hound growled, easily nudging the Paladin's arm and turning aside her futile strike. Grasping the thick fabric of her gambeson around her chest with it's razor sharp teeth, the monster pulled and, with a loud ripping noise, the fabric gave way. Cheeks burning in shame, the fighter moved her hands to her well built chest, giving the monster the opportunity it needed to mount her properly, drawing a loud shout from its victim, which quickly gave way to gasps of pleasure.

Shaken out of her shocked trance, Isabelle stepped forwards, pushing down the well of arousal that had come with the beast's casual display of absolute power. Focused as she was on the scene before her, Isabelle didn't notice the discarded and dented steel pauldron in her path. Sending the plate skittering across the ground Isabelle cringed, praying that the demon hadn't heard the racket, even as it turned to face the newcomer.

Huffing in annoyance the hellhound stepped away from it's victim. Isabelle had the incredibly unnerving feeling that the beast was making eye contact with her, measuring her worth, despite the fact that the eyes in question were blank canvases of slightly glowing orange.

Nervously raising her new sword in a poor imitation of the handful of drills she'd seen, Isabelle let out a shaky breath. 'You can do this Izzy, it's just a stupid oversized dog. That can take down a trained Paladin without a scratch...'

Isabelle found her thoughts suddenly interrupted by the hound bunching up it's legs, and darting forward. Faced with hundreds of kilos of horny flesh charging at her, the terrified priestess let out a shriek, closing her eyes as she stepped to the side, swinging the sword with all of her might.

Fully expecting to be tackled by the huge beast, Isabelle stood still for a moment, arms still extended from her swing. Slowly cracking an eye open, Isabelle found herself still standing, demon nowhere in sight, a thin coating of red present on her sword. Confused, Isabelle turned around.

A few steps behind her lay the body. Not quite dead yet, Isabelle could see the monster's flank heaving, it struggling to fill it's enormous lungs. A jagged gash streaked down the beast's side, thick blood running down it's chest and pooling on the grass.

Isabelle's mouth flopped open, her eyes darting between the slightly bent blade and the huge wound she'd given the slowly dying demon.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, an exhausted voice spoke up, "Wh- what the fuck was that Izzy?"

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