Tempest and Temptation

Tempest and Temptation

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Tempest and Temptation

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She narrowed her eyes. Laughter? Laughter? She found the sound of it maddening. “You laugh as if something is funny."

He laughed again. "There is. You are. Do you pay attention to your surroundings or the people in it?"

Her face was cooking. She could not believe she heard such happy chuckles or the arrogance in his tone.

"Are you…are you threatening me?” Her voice inclined, unfazed by their decreasing space.

He went silent, water dripping from his head and onto her lap.
She scoffed in his silence. “You really don't seem to recognize how insignificant you are. A single hair on my head costs more than you probably ever will make in your lifetime. You are nothing compared to me. Nothing.”

Another chuckle came, and the corner of her eye twitched. “Why are you laughing?!” she shouted, more shocked than angry.

"Haha." He laughed again, casually knuckling the corner of his raised lips. "Oh, goodness." He sighed. "Really, what am I gonna do?"

"Excuse me?" Blinking, she burned her gaze into him. "I didn't ask that."

“Why don’t you?”

A 21st century Jane Austen-inspired and Taming of the Shrew hybrid historical fiction love affair with snowballing romance, thrilling mystery and intrigue, dashed with a spice of the supernatural.

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