Temporary Hokage

Chapter 20: 20

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Chapter 20 The girl development plan

This time, Mike didn’t sell any more.

Mind a move.

Emperor Eyes appeaKurenai instantly.

“This is one of my abilities, Emperor Eyes, with the power to control time.”

Mike said succinctly and horribly.

“As long as I want, I can send you back to the past.”

“return to the past?!”

Although Mike’s words are very simple, these simple words fall into the ears of Kurenai Yuhi and Yakumo Kurama as a bolt from the blue.

This fact is too incKurenaiible!

“Can it really be done? Control time, this…”

Kurenai Yuhi mutteKurenai to herself.

Although Kurenai Yuhi had read Mike’s comics, but there were so many comics, she definitely couldn’t read them all in such a short time, so she didn’t know Emperor Eyes’s ability.

“Since you have this doubt, why don’t you try it yourself?”

Mike said, and loaded a four-shot into it.

“As long as this bullet hits you, it will make you go back in time. For the contrast effect, I suggest creating a little wound.”


Kurenai Yuhi swallowed, even if Mike said so, but after all, she was going to be shot, and she was a little unsure for a while.

But on second thought.

I have also seen how amazing Mike’s comics are.

The other party can’t make fun of himself in such a place.

So after thinking for a few seconds.

“I see.”

Kurenai Yuhi, who made up her mind, nodded.

Then he took out Kunai and slashed a knife on his finger.

A trace of blood flowed out.

“Relax, don’t be so nervous.”

Mike quipped to reassure her, then pulled the trigger on her arm.


The four bullets shot into Kurenai Yuhi’s arm.

Unexpected pain.

And the wound just now disappeared instantly.

Kurenai Yuhi looked at her fingers in surprise.

Couldn’t find anything different.

Sure enough, as the Temporary Hokage said, he has the power to control time!

If it is this power.

Yakumo’s parents also have the possibility to rewrite the established destiny!

“My lord, please send me back to the past!”

Kurama Yakumo was the first to understand the situation. She couldn’t stop crying, and hurriedly knelt down in front of Mike and asked.

Kurenai also sincerely requested: “Hokage sama, I also ask you to help her!”

“Feel sorry…..”

But what he got was Mike shaking his head mercilessly.

“Time is not something that is easy to control. If you want to control time, you have to pay a corresponding price. Simply put, if I send you back many years ago, I will lose more than ten years or even decades of life… So, no.”

Mike’s answer immediately made Kurama Yakumo discouraged.

A look of despair.


How could such a miraculous thing happen to me so easily?

But since that is the case.

Then why give me hope?

“Of course I didn’t say this just to amuse you.”

Seeing Kurama Yakumo’s expression, Mike knew what she was thinking and just continued.

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“The lifespan consumed can be replenished… Having said that, the price is still not small, and you and I have no reason. I can’t do this for you just because I sympathize with you. Do you understand?”

In fact, not even if Mike wanted to.

Because now Mike does not have Master Eleven and Twelve Bullets, he cannot send his target to the past and future.

But even if it could.

Neither would Mike.

Because there is no reason to do so.

Although Mike sympathizes with Kurama Yakumo.

But Mike was not a selfless Virgin.

Either Mike and Kurama Yakumo have a good relationship, so close that Mike doesn’t mind the cost and is willing to help her save her parents.

Either rescuing her parents would bring Mike more than the cost.

And these two points of Kurama Yakumo do not match.

At least not currently.


Kurama Yakumo was silent and speechless.

Although she wanted to ask Mike very much, she also knew that she was not qualified to ask Mike for unconditional help.

He and I had only known each other for less than an hour.

He even attacked him with illusions before.

What face is there to beg him to pay such a high price for himself?

“Having said that, I can give you a chance – in fact, I am a cartoonist, and now I am short of an assistant. I think your skills are good. Would you like to be my assistant?”

After drawing the pie, Mike revealed his real purpose.

“It was agreed in advance that I will not cover food or housing, nor will you be paid. However, I will record the performance you have made for me. When your performance is accumulated enough to offset the cost, I will send you back to the past to rewrite the fate of your parents, how about that?”

“I agree!”

Hearing Mike’s words, Kurama Yakumo nodded in agreement without hesitation, and his eyes were no longer dull, but a glimmer of hope.

Seeing her so decisive made Mike a little embarrassed.

The main reason is that Yakumo Kurama is only 12 or 13 years old now, and feels like he is recruiting child labor by doing this?

And it doesn’t cover food, housing, or wages.

Such a proper black-hearted boss!

Conscience a little sorry.

But Kurama Yakumo, the party involved, felt that there was no problem.

And people in the Hokage world are precocious and have a short life expectancy.

Adulthood is not about age, but about strength.

As long as the strength can become a Chūnin, even if he is only seven or eight years old, he can be self-reliant and be recognized by others.

So no problem.

Hard to say.

Mike hasn’t charged for helping to get rid of the demons and injecting the power of the Yang on a regular basis.

And it’s not really unpaid.

He promised her to convert her salary into performance, and help her go back to the past after accumulating to a certain extent.

Compared to money, Kurama Yakumo definitely wants this promise more.

Think about it this way.

Conscience is much smoother.

“Well, you are my assistant from today. Pack your luggage. You will live with me for many years to come, so that it will be convenient for me to treat your body.”

“Yes! Uh, um…”

Kurama Yakumo hurriedly agreed, and then looked a little embarrassed, as if she didn’t know what to call Mike.

“Since you are my assistant, you can call me Teacher Mike in the future.”

“Yes! Teacher Mike!”


Mike nodded in satisfaction.

It was the first time I heard someone call me “teacher”, and it didn’t feel bad.

Just hit that name.

I also have to train her to be an assistant who can take charge of herself!

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