Temporary Hokage

Chapter 49: 49

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Chapter 49 The cornered Danzo

“This is impossible!”

Because it was so shocking, Danzo even forgot his situation and cried out.

No wonder he was so shocked.

after all.

The long dead Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina were standing in front of him.

“… Transformation Technique?”

Danzo frowned, and could only think of such an explanation.

But no matter how he looked, he couldn’t find any trace of Transformation Technique.

But there is no need to guess whether it is a Transformation Technique.

Because of the next moment.

Uzumaki Kushina waved his hand, and golden chains stretched out from the void and bound towards Danzo.

It is the unique ability of the Uzumaki family, Adamantine Sealing Chains.

Can use this trick.

The identity of the other party is ready to be revealed.

She really is Uzumaki Kushina!

“…How is this possible, you, aren’t you dead?!”

Danzo, who was bound by Adamantine Sealing Chains, vomited blood. The chains were like giant snakes that bound him tightly, and the huge force crushed his ribs.

“Oh, you are not dead yet, old thing, why do we have to die?”

Kushina snorted coldly.

Her feud with Danzo goes back to when she first came to Konoha.

New Jinchūriki as Nine Tails.

It can be imagined how strict the root’s supervision of her is.

And he never let her go out to perform tasks, for fear that Nine Tails would go wrong, and Kushina would be suffocated to death.

Not to mention.

Kushina also learned something from Mike.

That is when the Uzumaki clan exterminated their clan, and I am afraid there are shadows of Danzo and the Third Hokage behind it.

Otherwise, how can you explain that Konoha, as an ally of the Uzumaki clan, watched the Uzumaki clan be exterminated?

Where did the sealing art and legacy of the Uzumaki clan end up?

Not Konoha.

Plus what Danzo did to Naruto.

Kushina is really so angry that she wants to blow Danzo’s head off.

“I ask you, when our Uzumaki clan was exterminated, did you and the Third Hokage acquiesce behind the orders?”

Kushina questioned.


Danzo was silent.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Kushina increased the strength of the Adamantine Sealing Chains, causing Danzo to spit out another mouthful of blood.

“Let me ask you again, did you and the Third Hokage instruct the Itachi kid to destroy the Uchiha clan?”

Kushina and Itachi’s mother, Uchiha Mikoto, were good friends during his lifetime, and the two families were very close.

Uchiha family also fully supported Namikaze Minato to become Hokage at the beginning. I hope that Minato can improve the situation of the Uchiha family after taking office.

Only then Minato died after being a Hokage for a year.

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So much so that the Uchiha clan, who were on the wrong team, were questioned by Danzo and had to stage a coup.

If Minato was still alive.

The Uchiha family may not have fallen to this point.

“Where did you hear all this?” Danzo finally said this time, “Did that Mike tell you?”

“Congratulations for your answer.” Mike clapped his hands, “I resurrected them and told them the ‘good thing’ you and Third Hokage did.”

The three of Mike were not in a hurry to kill Danzo, after all, he still had a few minutes of invincibility.

“A technique like Impure World Reincarnation… I really underestimate you, Mike.”

Hearing that Mike had the ability to resurrect the dead, Danzo’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

“Brother Mike, why are you talking so much nonsense with him, it’s hard to understand my anger if I don’t beat him to death today!”

For Kushina, Danzo still had a few minutes of invincibility just right.

Thinking of how his baby son grew up like this, Kushina didn’t feel relieved if he didn’t kill Danzo dozens of times.

Danzo’s thoughts moved, and Izanagi started again, turning the reality that he was trapped by Adamantine Sealing Chains into a dream.

When it reappears, it has already appeared in a corner.

“Wind Style Great Breakthrough!”

This blow was not aimed at Kushina and them, but blasted a hole in the ceiling, and countless rubble fell.

Danzo wants to take the opportunity to escape!

He is not a fool.

I know that even if I have ten minutes of Izanagi, I can’t beat Mike, Minato and Kushina.

Can only find a way to escape.

But faster than his escape speed is… light!

A golden light ignored the falling stone, penetrated, and landed in front of Danzo.

Then reincarnated in human form.

It is Namikaze Minato.

“It won’t let you run away, Lord Danzo.”

Although he said it was Lord Danzo, it didn’t mean how respectful Minato was to Danzo, it was just because of his mild personality that he wouldn’t call Danzo an old dog like Kushina.

However, although Minato has a gentle and sunny personality, it does not mean that he is a Virgin, and he will not be merciful when he starts.

“Flying Thunder God?”

Seeing Minato standing in front of him, Danzo’s heart sank.

At this time, Mike and Kushina also broke through the falling rock and came here.

Mike didn’t make a move, but just sat on the falling rock, admiring the couple’s doubles.

“Unfortunately, there is no video recorder, otherwise I must spread this video full of love and hope to the world.”

Mike thought wickedly.

Danzo has offended too many people in the entire ninja world, and I don’t know how many people want to see him die.

After a few minutes.

Until all nine Sharingans on Danzo’s arm closed.

As a last resort, looking at the Hashirama cells bursting out of his body, Danzo could only slash his arms to survive.

At this moment, Danzo had only one Mangekyō Sharingan with Kotoamatsukami, which he had stolen from Uchiha Shisui, and this was his last chance.


Breathing heavily, Danzo tore off his bandages, revealing the Mangekyō Sharingan, and now he had to make a choice.

Who exactly is the Kotoamatsukami Technique used for?

Is it Namikaze Minato, or that Mike?

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