Temptation Only You Don’t Know

Chapter 22: 22

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Chapter 22: I’ve Never Regretted It, Not Even Once

“The magic flowing out was incomparable to the usual level. It was hard to even stand because of the throbbing pain.”

“Is it related to Miss Lavella? And the magic you saw back then…”

Ritelni rubbed his chin with a serious face when he heard Cassie’s words from Iska.


On the other hand, Iska, standing against a tree and crossing his arms and legs at an angle, had a calm face.

“Isn’t Miss Lavella a wizard too?”

Ritelni, who was agonizing over it, hit his palm with his fist.

“If the wizard clan was not annihilated but had been hiding somewhere. The fact that they look a lot alike, isn’t it possible enough?”

“That’s not it.”

Iska immediately shook his head.

“You seem to have adapted a lot, but there’s still a lot you don’t know about Imperia.”

He didn’t know about others, but there were only parts visible to Iska, who knew the connection between Lavella and Chamer.

Iska caught Lavella’s gold eyes twinkling with curiosity whenever she discovered something new about Imperia.

“Ha, I really don’t know. What is her true identity?”

With his eyes slightly closed, Ritelni recalled the face of Lavella that he saw right before him. 

She was so beautiful that he could understand why his master was possessed.

To be honest, he wondered if there would be anyone more beautiful than her even if he searched all around Imperia.

“Well. At least she’s alive, right? What can I do, I have to judge by what I see.”

“But. What do you want to do now? It’s meaningless. If you think about it, it doesn’t make sense to come from another world.”

Giving up on drawing conclusions, Ritelni scratched his head.

“Anyway, it’s scary to see the Grand Wizard. I can’t believe it’s possible even though he’s been sealed for so long.”

Ritelni sighed heavily and rubbed his arm unconsciously.

“Are you sure it will be okay?  What will happen if such a person is released… I’m honestly afraid.”

“…I have no choice but to believe that it will be okay. At that time, I thought this was the best.”

Iska replied dryly as he lowered his eyes.

At that time he almost lost his life to the end of his one and only brother’s sword. It was only after experiencing that life-and-death pain that he finally made up his mind to seize the throne.

To oppose Lucavi, who had already established a solid position, he would have to use the divided power of the nobles. However, that would lead to a large-scale war.

How to avoid war and, if possible, end this terrible usurpation in the line of brothers.

It was to deal directly with the man who cursed the brothers.

“If your will is that firm, I will obey your order.”


He still vividly remembered how he persuaded Cassie to walk through Kuzne’s secret passage.

The shady and damp air in the ground. An incredible sight at the end of the road.

A crystal that shook as if in anger when he spilled his own blood.

“…Cursed exhaustion.”


And the voice he heard.

“You recognize it right away. Your curse is deeply engraved in Bismert’s blood.”

“Ha, I thought it would be cut off in a minute. But it continues so far.”

“Grand Wizard Chamer, I offer you a deal.”

“Deal? Arrogant little…”

“Now, release Bismert from the curse.”


“Then I will help you get out of this prison.”


“Is this a situation that needs to be considered?”

“What do you want from me?”

“It’s a condition for me to ascend to the throne.”

“…I see. Is that so?”


The voice let out a laugh as if it had realized something.

His curse was only for those who ascended the throne.

A person with a cruel and cold heart. Those who were born greedy for blood were bound to ascend to the throne in the end.

“Okay, let’s accept the deal. I will help you ascend to the throne.”


“Let me give you a key that will set you free from the curse.”


“Look carefully for ‘My Person’. Learn how to use it and the consequences are up to you.”


From that day on, he wandered all over Imperia in search of the man Chamer spoke of.

And he found Lavella.

A third party unrelated to Imperia. Regardless of her intentions, every action she takes may determine the fate of Imperia.

What is the ‘key’ that Lavella holds?

“We don’t know her secret yet, so we have to keep an eye on her and get to know her little by little.”

Iska’s eyes that had been lifeless swayed.

When he thought of Chamer, a warning to be wary of Lavella often rang in his head.

“Of course, I have to win her heart too.”

However, even if all of this was Chamer’s purpose, he had no intention of denying his feelings of love for Lavella.

“Yes, yes, I wish you all the best.”

Ritelni, who had loosened his stiff expression, smiled softly.

“Huh, then I won’t be able to see you for a while, because I have to finish my work here.”


“…Why do you look like you’ve been relieved of your troubles?”

Ritelni, who saw Iska answering with an innocent face, grumbled.

“Did you notice? Please stay here as long as possible.”

Iska, who straightened his body, smiled and patted Ritelni’s shoulder.

*   *   *

“Have you finished talking?”

Lavella, who was looking at the horse’s condition before leaving, casually asked as she saw the two walking side by side.

“Yes. We said goodbye full of affection.”

“Oh, okay.”

Ravela, who ignored Iska’s joke with a sour face, looked back at the group.

“Shall we depart now?”

She had a refreshing expression on her face, perhaps because she had Kuzne’s weapon in her hand.

“Let’s go.”

It was when Lavella was about to get on her horse.

“Would you mind waiting for a moment?”

Cassie, with Moot at the forefront, stopped the group.

“I have a request I would like to make earnestly.”


Cassie alternately looked at Iska and Lavella in a polite manner.


“Please take him with you.”

When Cassie pushed Moot’s back softly, Moot hesitated and took a step forward.

“Lord Iska.”

“My permission is useless. Get it from my boss.”

As Cassie stared at Iska, Iska shrugged and smiled.

The tip of Iska’s chin pointed towards Lavella.

“…Are you a hostage or a surveillance?”

Lavella gave a chilling response.

“To be honest, I think it’s more like a hostage. You are welcome to work him as much as you want.”

“If that’s the case, fine. I will take you.”


“It’s all right, Canpiden. It’s a better deal for us than for Kuzne.”

Lavella, who giggled, folded her eyes while looking at Moot.

“We’re also on the same side. Right, lump?”

“Ah, yes.”

Despite Lavella’s teasing words, Moot nodded his head without protesting.

“Go and don’t be a nuisance. Behave properly.”


Moot took a polite posture like a turtle with a neck curled at Cassie’s nagging.

“Don’t forget that you’re the next elder of Kuzne, go watch and learn a lot.”


The villagers immediately surrounded Moot when Cassie, who had been nagging him sternly, left.

“Moot, this is your favorite bread. Eat it on your way.”

“This is emergency medicine. It always hurts when the seasons change.”

Lavella laughed as she saw Moot who was being worried over.

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“Aren’t you loved a lot?”

With a red, bright face, Moot wiggled his hands in embarrassment.

“Thank you for taking me with you, Miss Lavella.”

“Didn’t you hear what your grandfather said earlier? Aren’t you a hostage?”

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind. And Miss Lavella, look over there.”


Looking at where Moot was pointing, white smoke from the chimney was spreading through the air.

“Kuzne’s blacksmith has begun to make ‘real’ weapons.”

“That quickly?”

“It’s all thanks to Miss Lavella.”

Moot looked thrilled.

“Hey, before we go, shall we go take a look?”

Lavella’s eyes flashed with desire.

I was thinking of asking for a few for my own use.

“I will guide you.”

Following Moot, who was willing to answer, Lavella headed to the blacksmith. 

Bang bang.

As they went deeper into the village, the sound of knocking on the metal got louder and louder.


Feeling her heart beat faster as if it was accelerating to match the sound of the banging, Lavella furrowed her eyebrows.

“Let’s go in.”


As she entered the door that Moot opened, the heat from the kiln fire hit her as if covering her body.

Lavella rubbed the back of her stiff neck. Suddenly her body felt unfamiliar as if it wasn’t hers.

Lavella, who was walking inside, finally stopped breathing. It felt like her blood vessels were expanding and her blood was circulating rapidly.

‘I feel…weird.’

Lavella’s body shook a little at the tingling dizziness.

‘What is this?’



Iska and Canpiden, who were following her, noticed her strange condition and immediately approached her at the same time.


It was as if the blood vessels that had been expanding were contracting and squeezing in an instant.


Lavella, who clutched the area near the heart, hurriedly reached behind her.

*   *   *

“How about taking a day off?”

“It’s okay. There is no problem anywhere in the body. Right, Dabel?”

Lavella shook her head lightly at Canpiden’s concerns.

“Yeah, I just lost my energy for a moment.”

“It’s said to be the best forge in Imperia, do you think there are some strange powers we don’t know about?”

Lavella joked and rode the horse leisurely. 

Moot, who was following, stiffened and looked into Lavella’s eyes.

‘You can’t lie.’

Seeing Moot, Iska clicked his tongue. It was only then that he wondered if it was possible to keep Kuzne’s secret.

Iska soon turned his gaze to Lavella’s back.

‘Is it temporary?’

What filled the inside of the forge was Chamer’s magical energy that emitted from the ore. Ordinary people couldn’t feel it.

‘…It’ll be fine.’

While Iska tried to shake off his worries, Lavella was also lost in thought, spinning the Kuzne dagger she received from Cassie with one hand.

‘What was that?’

When she came to Imperia, she couldn’t get a sense of what had changed in her body.

Lavella looked back at Iska and as soon as their eyes met he smiled softly.

‘Shall we just ask that guy?’

No, somehow she didn’t like it.

It would be nice if Chamer would come out at times like this. 

‘What the hell is that guy doing?’

Lavella caressed the choker on her neck.

*   *   *


Droplets of water fell down on his wet navy blue hair.

Canpiden, who roughly swept his hair with his calloused fingers, raised his big body.

It was after riding on a horse for a full day that they decided where to camp.

Canpiden, who had been standing in the distance with his body stretched out, leaned against the tree and took a heavy breath.

The moment Lavella stumbled, the two of them reached out to her.



And it wasn’t Canpiden that Lavella turned to.

Thinking of her collapsing in Iska’s arms, it seemed as if a heavyweight had been placed on his chest.

“What are you doing?”


Canpiden, who opened his eyes, flinched as he saw the white face looking up at him.

“So there are times when you space out?”

Lavella tilted her head.

He was already accustomed to smiling faintly with only the tip of his lips raised.


“Why do you look like that?”

“Just, it reminds me of the first time I met you.”

“Ah, then.”

A mischievous smile bloomed on Lavella’s face.

After coming to Imperia, when she was confused and adjusting, Canpiden was the first colleague and group she joined.

Thanks to that, she decided to create Kirah.

“A knight of justice.”


It was the opportunity that he discovered Lavella, who had an argument with gangsters. 

There were too many people around her to pretend he didn’t notice.

“If you need help….”


In the end, he couldn’t turn away, and before he realized it he was reaching out to Lavella to give her a helping hand.

“Who are you? Are you with them?”


He was taken aback by Lavella’s harsh questioning attitude.

“No, it’s not like that…”

“You’re getting in the way, so stay away.”


It was an intense first meeting.

“Your expression was really worth seeing.”

Lavella’s blonde hair swayed as she giggled.

A calm smile appeared on Canpiden’s face at the innocent reaction.

She was an unpleasant woman who paid back with disrespect at the touch he gave to help, but he could not leave her alone. 

He watched from a step away with the intention of intervening at any time, but the time to pull out his sword never happened.

Because Lavella simply slaughtered the men who flocked to her by herself and quietly disappeared.

And it was in a group of mercenaries recruited to subdue bandits that he met her again.

“You’re pretty good, huh?”


After the subjugation, Lavella reached out to him, asking me if he would like to work with him, and Canpiden did not decline.

“Because of your chivalrous spirit, you stuck your nose in, right?”

With a smile, Lavella tapped Canpiden’s arm with her elbow and headed towards the water.



Lavella, who only turned her head back, changed her expression as if it were unexpected.

It was Canpiden who would call her Captain regularly.

“I’ve never regretted following you.”


“Not even once.”

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