Temptation Only You Don’t Know

Chapter 29: 29

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Chapter 29: The Tactless Lady

“What do you mean, killed? When? Who are you talking about?”

“You, you’d better go for now. The Lord was also on his way there, and he asked me to bring his soldiers.”

When Argen asked the question as if it was absurd, the soldier stuttered and hurriedly urged him.

It would be hard for the drunk Pessini to move together with them.

‘I’ll report to you when I get back.’

Iska shook his head slightly at Lavella, who was flinching as if she wanted to go with him right away.

He could see Lavella sighing in frustration.

It was a displeased face, but it looked like she wasn’t going to go out as she quietly clenched her chin.

“Let’s go.”

Iska, who took his eyes off Lavella, followed the soldier with Argen.

*   *   *

With a hissing sound, the sharp tip of the sword cut through the air.

As soon as he turned around and raised his arm, the tip of the sword moved rapidly in the opposite direction.

The long shadow that fluttered in the darkness was heavy and sharp.

‘Not yet. Not enough.’

Canpiden clenched his teeth and gave strength to the hand holding the sword.

Sweat dripped down the side of his hardened eyebrows. As soon as dinner was over, he had already started training alone for a long time.

The moment Canpiden tried to swing the sword again.



The sword slid from his sweaty hands and fell to the floor.

He had been swinging it for hours without a break, to the point of cramping his fingers.


Canpiden, who had stood still for a moment, swept his wet hair and bent his back.

“Damn it.”

He was trying to pick up the fallen sword, but, unable to deal with his frustrated heart, he lowered the sword to the floor.

The face of Lavella, who fell with a pale face after being poisoned, was still clear.

Iska noticed and immediately picked her up.

How many times has it been already? 

She, who had never been weak, had been through several unstable situations recently.

Canpiden, who sat down next to the sword stuck in the ground, ruffled his hair.

It’s probably too much to raise Kirah’s status in such a short time.

It was the result of running without rest. Was it because she didn’t believe in the skills of her subordinates that she was trying to do it all on her own?

It was terrible to see her dealing with the Lord with a weak and pale face as soon as she woke up.

Even in that situation, she, who was moving for a purpose, was both admirable and pitiful.


Canpiden stared at his clenched fist.

‘If only I was stronger.’

No, at least as much as Iska. If that was the case, would Lavella have been able to take care of herself a little more with peace of mind?

He had no right to be jealous of Iska. Lavella must be attracted to him because he is strong.

Get stronger. Unless he got stronger and was beyond Lavella’s ability he couldn’t dream of having a chance with her.

He thought it would be okay to stay like this… but his greed kept growing.

Canpiden, who had a firm gaze, raised his body and picked up the sword again, and gripped it.

It was time for Canpiden, who finished training after moving his body one more time and drenched his body with sweat, to insert his sword into its sheath.

Clap, clap, clap.

The sound of someone clapping their hands broke the silence.


Canpiden, who was vigilant, turned around and saw young lord Brat approaching with a smiling face.

“You’re very good at swordsmanship.”

“…What are you doing?”

Canpiden asked bluntly. This was the most remote training area in the whole castle.

It was a place you wouldn’t know was there unless you had a reason to look for it.

“Oh, did I interrupt you?”


The silence was affirmative.

“Well, then.”

If he followed him all the way here at this hour, that meant he had something to say.

“Oh, are you leaving already?”

“I just finished training.”

“Actually, I watched you train a little bit.”

When Canpiden pretended not to know and tried to leave, the young lord blocked him.

“That swordsmanship Sir uses.”


Canpiden’s eyes slowly turned to the young lord.

“I know someone who uses sword techniques like that.”

That’s right. I thought I’d behave at the dinner. 

The young lord did not seem to have completely abandoned his curiosity.

“Ah, it’s not just one person. To be precise, a ‘family’.”

“What do you want to say?”

Only then did the young lord smile and touch his chin.

“You know me, right? We’ve met before.”

“I remember saying no.”

As if he was not worth dealing with, Canpiden began to walk away from the young lord.

“At that time back at the dinner I pretended not to know because the Sir seemed to want to hide it.”

Then the young lord also walked beside him and continued talking.

“I heard you disappeared one day, but I didn’t know you were at the top group.”


“Don’t you want to go back home?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

It was Canpiden who ignored the young lord’s words and left the training area.

Soldiers running around in a cluttered manner caught the eyes of the two.

“What’s going on?”

The young lord grabbed a soldier passing by and asked.

“Ah, the young lord. I was looking for you. You must go to the underground prison immediately.”

“Underground prison?”

Unlike the young lord, who was puzzled, Canpiden’s eyes became sharp.

The young lord followed him as he turned around and ran in the direction he was going to go to the accommodation.



“Ah, here you are.”

“What happened?”

Iska, who was heading to the prison with Argen, asked the Lord who was just coming from the other side about the situation.



As soon as the Lord was about to open his mouth, Canpiden and the young lord, who were coming from different directions, also joined.

“I heard it was an attack.”

“You can’t even call it an attack.”

Before Iska could finish speaking, the Lord shook his head quickly.

“Since you were invited, you don’t know how thorough the defense of the castle is.”


While Iska pondered, they reached the entrance to the prison.

“The soldiers changing shifts found this.”

A shadow filled the face of the Lord who passed through the open solid iron gate and conveyed the situation.

The group looked at the bodies that had yet to be recovered. The dreary prison was full of blood.

“…This is the work of someone skilled.”

Everyone agreed with Canpiden. It was a talented person who aimed at the vital point at once so as not to exert useless energy.

“Are there no eyewitnesses?”

When Iska, who raised his body, asked the Lord, he nodded.

The Lord’s aide appeared. 

“I was just about to issue an order. What happened?”

“There’s one witness.”


The Lord welcomed the aide’s report.

“By the way…that …”


The Lord narrowed his eyebrows at the secretary who was slurring his words.

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“The witness pointed out the culprit.”

“What? Who did he say?”

“That’s… Pessini from Campanya.”


There was a moment of silence.

That guy had been drinking all day, so how?

The expressions of Kirah’s group were distorted as if they were dumbfounded.


“As long as you have been identified as a suspect, the investigation will have to proceed.


The drunken Pessini was imprisoned in the drawing-room, and the lord’s soldiers stood in front of it.

“Rumors are already circulating in the castle. I think a lot of people believe it’s him because he was particularly rough in the process of catching the traffickers.”

Argen reported the situation to Lavella and kicked his tongue.

The culprit only handled the soldiers who were guarding the entrance neatly and thoroughly. They were caught on purpose.”

“They were trying to cut the tail, right? So that the background isn’t revealed.”

Dabel sighed at Canpiden’s words.

“Probably. Anyway, it would be nice to catch the one who pointed out Pessini, but then the suspicion toward us will grow.”

“Well, the truth will be revealed soon anyway. There are many people who can testify about Pessini’s whereabouts. There aren’t just one or two maids in the annex.”

Lavella looked at her nails as if it wasn’t a big deal. 

“It’s a truth that will be revealed if you investigate it clearly, but why did they do such a bothersome thing?

“It’s either one of the two. The purpose is to make us lose the trust of the Lord, or to keep us here.”

At Moot’s naive question, Lavella twisted the tip of her lips. Her gaze fell on Iska.

‘There’s still time to avoid it.’

Seeing him still maintain eye contact, he seemed to think the same thing as her.

Whoever was behind it, it was not time for an all-out war yet.

“I don’t know whose joke it is, but I can’t do what I want. Let’s solve it quickly and open the castle.”

Lavella snapped her fingers.



“Are you Kuzne’s next elder?”


A sense of pride fell over the boy’s innocent eyes.

“May I get help from the next elder?”

Lavella’s eyes shone sharply.

*   *   *

“There are many witnesses, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

Seeing Lavella, who was sitting depressed with concern for Pessini, the Lord and the young lord could not hide their embarrassment.

The breakfast meal, which would normally have been enjoyable, was heavy with Lavella’s droopy mood.

As for them, it was embarrassing that the situation became like this.

“If I knew this would happen… I should have just returned to the Calibel right away from Kuzne. Because of me, Pessini…….”

“…My Lady.”

When Lavella cried and spouted out words, Dabel looked at the Lord and the young lord and gave Lavella a signal.

It was a strange atmosphere as if she was telling a story that should not be told.

“Did you just say Kuzune?”


When the Lord asked, Lavella covered her mouth with both hands.

“It’s a secret that only the imperial family knows that we monopolize Kuzne’s weapons. What should I do?”

Being embarrassed and spilling secrets one after another seemed like an innocent mistake.


Dabel, who was sitting next to her, dropped his head as if he was frustrated.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Cabachi.”

Everyone sighed as if they had given up when Lavella took another step and even turned an arrow to Moot.

In short, it was a tactless lady operation.


As the Lord’s gaze turned to Moot, Moot calmly put down his fork and knife. He didn’t forget to smile as if he couldn’t help it.

“… I’m sorry for the late greeting, my Lord. I’m Kuzne’s Balamut Cabachi.”

“Then, Elder Cassie….”

“Yes, he is my grandfather.”

“Oh no. I didn’t recognize you before. I’m very indebted to Elder Cassie.”

Looking at the smile on the Lord’s face, everyone noticed that Lavella’s operation had worked.

Duke of Natral was loyal to the Imperial Family itself, not to anyone in the Imperial Family. Kuzne’s loyalty to the imperial family had no place to match.

And they were the only top group that had Kuzne’s heart.

It was the key to opening the heart of the Duke of Natral.


“That was something I was saving to use at an important time.”

After eating, Lavella returned to her room and grumbled dissatisfied.

Thanks to that, things worked out well, but she couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

Knock, knock


“Why are you knocking?”

Lavella rolled her eyes when she saw Iska who had already entered the open door.

“Don’t be grumpy. Anyway, things worked out, didn’t they?”

“Huh, Pessini really….”

“Besides, you have a lot of things in your hands.”

“It’s a natural result because I took action myself.”

Iska swallowed the laugh at her arrogant words and attitude. 

“I have to get everything I can get from the Lord.”

She didn’t know selling Kuzne’s name would have such a big effect. Lavella slowly swept her hair back.

“Ah, the young lord said it’s okay to stay here if you want.”

“Okay, good.”

I want to take off this cumbersome skirt but you’re asking me to continue doing this?

Lavella was sick and tired of it.

“Our innocent lady has completely captivated the hearts of the Natral family.”

Isuka laughed as if teasing Lavella.



With her arms crossed, Lavella raised her chin and looked up at Iska.

“See? Didn’t you involve me in this negotiation? Obviously, it was obtained through other means.”


“Didn’t you tell me not to risk the deal?”

Iska blinked slowly.

Her words sounded as if she had a story in mind.

There was great satisfaction in that.

Still, was it possible I am reaching into her heart just a little bit?

“Annoying. Why must I hear such nagging from you….”


Iska cut off Lavella’s grumbling.


“I want to kiss you.”


“Can I? No, I will.”

Iska, smiling, looked down at Lavella, whose mouth was slightly open as if he was ridiculous, and lowered his head.

The lips of the woman who only spoke cold words were warm and soft.

Lavella neither shook off his lips nor actively accepted them.

She only allowed Iska to push her body to the wall little by little.

Iska did not rush in with an attitude telling her to give in. Instead, he savored it, slowly digging into the gap, and deliberately created a slurping sound.

A faint smile intermingled between the relaxed intertwined breaths.

The large hand that wrapped around the waist slowly came up and the lips fell off only when it wrapped around her white neck.

The round forehead and tip of the nose were still touching.

“…So sweet, your breath, your lips, everything.”


Iska, who sucked her lower lip so that it made a small sound, raised his upper body.

“Should I stop here? I don’t have a hobby of showing others.”

Iska, who swept his wet lips with his finger, turned to the entrance of the room.

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