Temptation Only You Don’t Know

Chapter 8: 8

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(TOYDK) Chapter 8: Put down your hands and let’s talk

“I’m going to the village. Come down quickly.”

Lavella ordered briefly as she belatedly met Iska’s eyes and then turned around.

Iska, who was watching until her blonde hair disappeared down the stairs, entered the room with a smile.


As the presence behind her disappeared, Lavella stopped walking and looked back.

Lavella recalled Iska’s body which she had just seen.

She saw a solid upper body usually hidden with clothes right in front of her. Wide shoulders, a flabless stomach, and muscles that deeply divide his body.

His body was worthy of admiration, but that wasn’t why Lavella paused.

There was a scar that started from his chest down to the side of his navel.. It was so faint that she wouldn’t notice if she didn’t look closely, but Lavella instantly recognized it. 

‘I’m sure it’s… It’s a slash wound.’

Given the size, it would have been a pretty big injury at the time. Maybe his life was in danger.

Unlike his beautiful appearance, she wondered if Iska lived a tough life.

‘Tsk. What a waste of a beautiful body.’

Lavella, tongue-in-cheek, stepped out of the building again.

* * *

“So, where did you wake me up at the crack of dawn to go to?”

Iska asked as he rode a horse. Lavella and Argen were already all set and waiting for him.

“It’s early in the morning. The sun is high.”

“He’s been working till dawn, so cut him some slack, Captain. Iska is very busy these days.”

“Thank you for noticing.”

“…I told you to stop working him so hard. Let’s go.”

Lavella, who glanced at Iska, scolded Argen and grabbed the reins of the horse.

It didn’t take long for the three of them to arrive at the entrance of a nearby village. 

“Why in the village?”

“Today is collection day. It’s so important that Captain, Canpiden, Pessini, and I have been doing it alternately. But I think the Captain will leave it to you, too.”

As Iska showed his curiosity, Argen got off the horse and began to explain.

“…Collection Day?”

“I’m not going to say it twice, so listen carefully. To be exact, you get money from merchants. Every village in this neighborhood is under the jurisdiction of our guild.”

“You get paid by merchants?”

Iska’s eyebrows narrowed. 

“Yes, in exchange for protection.”


Iska’s eyes got cold. 

It was the role of the lord to protect the people of the county. But it was just a guild getting paid to protect the residents.

It was no different from the logic of bandits who looted merchants in the name of tolls to protect the mountain. Iska knew it was a guild that does everything it takes to make money, but he didn’t expect it to reach out to ordinary residents.

Iska turned his sharp gaze to Lavella. Lavella, who felt his eyes while stroking the horse, turned to Iska.

‘What’s wrong with him?’

When Iska and Lavella’s eyes met she tilted her head. The feelings in Iska’s eyes were subtly different. 

“Lavella, is this all true?”

“Yes, but?”

“Stop right now….”

Iska’s words were interrupted by someone rushing in.

“Miss Lavella!”

A little girl came running and gave Lavella a huge hug with her little hands tightly clinging to the hem of her clothes as if he was worried that she might miss her.

Lavella bent her knee and signaled at Iska to talk later.

“Hey kid, has it been that long?”

Lavella pulled up the corners of her mouth like a naughty boy. As their eye level became the same, the girl with red curly hair and freckles smiled brightly.

“Lavella, why are you so late? It’s been three more nights than you promised.”

The loud voice of the little girl was grumbling and expressing disappointment.

“Did I?”

“Hehe, I missed you, Miss Lavella.”

The child twisted her body shyly when Lavella tapped her chubby cheeks with her finger. Lavella held the child in her arms and started walking.

“Lavella, can we go to Leah’s house today? Let’s go eat with Leah and play with her.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it.”

The child in Lavella’s arm giggled as if she was excited. It was a laugh that made you want to laugh too.

“She’s the daughter of a merchant union leader and she loves boss. She said she’ll marry the Captain when she grows up.”

‘…Okay. It’s not too late to talk about it once you figure out what’s going on.’

Iska, who regained his coolness, released a small sigh. It wasn’t a situation where he could talk to Lavella anyway. 

Maybe… I don’t want to be disappointed with Lavella, so I want to put it on hold for a while.

“Oh by the way, no one but the merchant union leader knows that Lavella is the Captain of Kirah. They just think she’s a worker in the guild, so watch yourself.”

As Iska stared at Argen, who passed by his side, he naturally caught the back of Lavella, who was standing next to him.

“Are you going to meet the union leader right away?”

“No. Let’s look around the market first. Since it’s been a while.”

Lavella replied, poking Leah’s cheek without turning her head. The child’s chubby arms clasped her neck.

‘I don’t know what it is. I was relaxing too much.’

Iska sighed and blamed himself for a moment’s excitement. Falling in love with Lavella, he often forgot that she was the Captain of Kirah.

If it wasn’t for the child, Lavella might have been suspicious.

‘I’ll have to be careful.’

Iska’s eyes sank into the abyss.

*   *   * 

“Lavella, long time no see.”

“Lavella, have some of this.”

Lavella, Lavella. Thanks to the merchants who kept calling Lavella, their pace was not speeding up.

The fruit seller picked the prettiest apple and handed it to Lavella, who took a bite and handed it to Leah. The grain dealer put the freshly baked bread in a small leather pocket and tied it to Lavella’s waist.

When Lavella said something was delicious, they couldn’t eat anything else. 

“How are you these days? Is everything okay?”

It wasn’t that Lavella smiled broadly or was friendly. She only asked how they were doing in her blunt tone.

“Everyone thinks Captain is the daughter of a fallen nobleman. You know you have a story to live as a mercenary. ”

Argen whispered into Iska’s ear, who was not able to adapt to the unfamiliar landscape. Iska frowned and turned to Argen.

“I don’t know why that rumor spread. I left it alone because there was no reason to correct it. It’s not good to know that the Captain of Kirah is such a little woman.”


“Oh, don’t get me wrong. It’s not because I’m ashamed. She’s the Captain. We know her best, right? But honestly. From the outside… You know what I mean?”

Argen, who tried to save his back-biting, smiled and asked for Iska’s consent. Iska, who pushed Argen’s hand that patted his shoulder, looked at Lavella, who held the child’s hand tightly.

She was just too beautiful to look at. The mystique she exuded seemed to cause protective instincts and make anyone love her.

So even if someone said Lavella was Kirah’s leader no one would believe it. Iska seemed to understand why information on Lavella wasn’t known. She didn’t keep it a secret, it was naturally hidden.


They were barely able to take a step, but this time an accessory merchant called Lavella. The woman, who rushed to grab Lavella’s hand, took a tired breath.


Leah, who was hanging from Lavella, greeted the woman. The woman had a great resemblance to the child with curly red hair and freckles.

“Are you allowed to move like that?”

At Lavella’s dismay, Luna nodded with a big smile.

“Yes, maybe because I’ve been taking medicine regularly, I’ve gotten a lot better lately. It’s all thanks to you, Lavella.”


“Oh my. Lavella, I have something for you.”

Luna, who urgently looked into her arms, soon reached out to Lavella’s head.

“As expected, it looks good on you like I thought.”

Luna, fiddling with Lavella’s hair, clapped her hands and admired it. What Luna put on Lavella’s head was a butterfly-shaped ornament with a dense green bead.

As Luna said, the ornament was a perfect match with Lavella’s platinum blonde hair.

“…What’s this?”

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“Oh, don’t take it out!”

Leah quickly grabbed Lavella’s hand as she reached over her head.

“Mom and Leah chose it together.”


“I brought the product in a while ago, but I thought it would look good on you, so I saved it.”

At Leah’s whining, Luna smiled and added.

“I don’t need this kind of thing.”

“I know. It’s our gift, so please accept it, Lavella.”

Lavella lowered her hand as if she could not put up a tough attitude.

“If you have someone you like later, you might want to use it then.”

“Well, thanks anyway. I don’t know if that day will come.”

“Thanks for accepting it.”

It was a strange situation to thank the person who you gave the present to for accepting it.

“Mom and Lavella are going to have dinner together at our house today.”


“Ah, I’m afraid I’ll be troubling you….”

“What a sad thing to say! It’s been a long time since I last showed my skills.”

“…I’ll be there then. Come on Leah, go home with your mom.”

“Yes, Miss Lavella.”

Leah looked back several times and disappeared holding her mother’s hand.

“I have no choice but to have dinner here tonight.”

Lavella, who approached Iska and Argen, clicked her tongue as if she was annoyed.

“…What’s wrong with both of you?”

“Oh, that hair ornament. It looks very good on the Captain…Argh!”

Argen, giggling pointing to Lavella’s head, grabbed his shin. It was because he was kicked by Lavella, who frowned.

It was when the grumbling Lavella reached over her head.

“If you take that off, the little kid might be disappointed.”

Iska’s large hand held Lavella’s hand to stop her.

“I’m just doing this because it looks good on you.”


“I mean it.”

Lavella, who was looking into Iska’s eyes, smiled and turned up the corners of her mouth.

“Okay, put your hands down and let’s talk.”

* * *

“You’re here.”

“Long time no see, Tora.”

Tora, Leah’s father and head of the merchant union, bowed politely to greet the guests.

“Let’s go inside first.”

“Me too, I’m going too.”

“Leah, you should help your mother.”

Leah, who tried to chase after Lavella, smacked her lips with regret and disappeared into the kitchen.

Tora, who swallowed a laugh, took the party to the drawing room. The drawing room was a small room with only one table.

“This is for this month.”

Tora immediately put a small leather pouch down on the table. It sounded like a money bag to him. Iska managed to conceal his frown.


“Yes, Captain.”

In the calm silence, Argen opened his pocket to check the amount and nodded at Lavella.


When Lavella gave her permission, Argen put the money into his pocket. Iska, watching the situation, glanced at Tora. Tora’s face was so bright that it was hard to see him as a person who was forced to give up his money.

“Thank you, Lavella.”

“There’s nothing to be thankful for. That’s what we’re paid for.”

Lavella waved her hands as if it was bothersome. 

“What are you talking about? If it wasn’t for Lavella, my wife would have….”

Tora dropped his head as his voice quivered faintly. 

“When I really think about that time….”

Tears formed in Tora’s eyes.

“Ugh. Is it alright if I leave first?”

As if running away, Lavella ran away. Only the whimpering of Tora was heard occasionally in the seat where only three men were left after she disappeared.

“Hey, Tora. Don’t overdo it. Unless you want to be a crybaby father in front of your daughter.”

Argen teased him and went outside. 

“Hey, union leader.”


“What happened?”

“…Lavella is our benefactor. Our merchants owe Lavella and Kirah an inalienable debt.”

Isn’t that the same guild? Tora, who was sniffing, wondered and opened his mouth.

“Do you know the tourist village next to the Libyan castle?”

It was where Iska first met Lavella. It took three or four days from this village by horse.

“Up until a few years ago, it was this town where travelers gathered. The village was larger and more active than it is now…If it weren’t for the bandits.”

The longing on Torah’s face soon turned into anger.

“As they blocked the way into the village, fewer and fewer travelers came to visit the village. It’s not just that. There was no way to procure the goods that merchants sell, the necessities that the villagers need, from the bandits.”


“At first, I had no choice but to pay the toll on them… then they started to bid higher and higher. And then we got to the point where we couldn’t handle it.”

Tora shook his fist as if he was angry at the memory of that time. 

“It used to be a place for travelers to visit the village, but when people didn’t visit, their income decreased, and in the meantime they had to pay their tolls… it’s all been a vicious circle. People who couldn’t stand it began to leave the village one by one, and the rest of the people were forced to suffer.”

“Didn’t you ask the lord for help?”

“There were people who risked their lives to visit the castle.The lord’s military was not enough. I’ve heard they’ve been defeated by bandits.”


“It was hopeless. My wife was almost killed. I have been suffering from a chronic disease since I was a child, and I’ve always taken medicine, but I couldn’t get it here.”

Iska felt his mouth dry.

“It was Lavella who helped us back then. Lavella, who happened to stop by this town, knew the situation and cleaned up the bandits.”

Tora’s face quickly lit up. There was a mixture of gratitude and respect in his eyes.

“Since then, our village has officially commissioned Kirah. To protect the village from the bandits.”

‘That’s what it was.’

Iska was sorry for misunderstanding Lavella a little bit. On the other hand, it was also a pleasure.

“In fact, it’s far from enough…… Lavella checks around the town periodically. Rumors ran around that we’re protected by Kirah and that the bandits wouldn’t be anywhere near here. The villagers who left began to come back, and the number of travelers is increasing little by little. It won’t be long before we find our old self. It’s all thanks to her, Lavella.”

“…I see.”

“Haha, I’ve been talking too long. Let’s go out and eat.”

When Tora and Iska opened the door and came out, Lavella, who was sitting in front of the fireplace, turned her head roughly.

“What did you boys have to talk about that you had to say so much to each other?”


Iska gazed at Lavella with wide eyes. 

‘…I think she looks even prettier somehow.’

“Haha, I’m sorry. Where is Luna?”

“Oh, they said they’d be out for a while.”

It was just as Lavella gave her lukewarm reply to Tora who was looking for his wife and daughter. 


Not far from there, came the ear-splitting scream of a woman.

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