Tensei Maou no Dai Gosan

Chapter 14: Volume 1 - CH 4.1

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It was a back garden filled with the ecstatic and energetic voices of playful young children.

There were about a hundred children, ranging from six to fourteen years old, divided into friend groups and playing ‘run and catch’ or dodgeball, respectively.

They were all smiling happily and innocently.

Vannessia looked at them from under the eaves of the church.

“It is such a heartwarming sight to behold. They are the treasures of our country, our future itself.”

One would involuntarily marvel at her enchanting voice.

Maikaichta, her homeland, was considered one of the greatest powers in the human world. Moreover, the holy church that was in Maikaichta’s Royal Capital, be it in terms of size, financial power, members, and all other aspects, was one of the greatest in the human world.

Naturally, it was positioned as the main church of the Heavenly Emperor and put itself as the highest standard for all other churches.

At the request of the royal family, a system was created to allow the clergy in the capital to be responsible for providing primary education for promising children. Those children who successfully pass the exam would be eligible to partake in studies regardless of their status. The church would sponsor them and donate a small amount of money, thus allowing their studies to be free of cost.

After the system was enacted, throughout the whole day, one could see more than a hundred children working hard to pass the exam and complete their studies thanks to the monetary benefit given by the church.

At this moment, the children frolicking around the back garden were the students. They would eventually be bureaucrats serving the royal family, holding the position in the Konoe Knight Order, or would even remain in the church and serve as part of the clergy. However, at present, they were no different from the children who you would find just about anywhere, taking a break between classes and enjoying life carefreely.

For Vannessia, that was something she loved and cherished enough to make her smile unconsciously!

“Children, I am very happy that all of you are in good health,” Vannessia, who left the eaves and moved to the garden, called out.

The children, noticing her coming, enlivened and started running and shouting ‘waa’ playfully towards her.

“Saintess-sama!” “You have at last returned from fighting in the holy war, right!?” “Princess!” “We’re happy and relieved that Vannessia-sama is safe!”

“Welcome back~!”

She was immediately surrounded by the young children in the group.

Their actions were criticized by the older children, but Vannessia did not look concerned or even uncomfortable in the least.

She loved the children so much that she didn’t care if they were to touch or pull her dress with their dirty hands. She rather preferred their mischievous boisterous nature.

As the third Princess of Maikaichta Kingdom, it fell under her responsibility to tour and assess every facility and institution around the kingdom; but she was always happy to visit and church.

Vannessia merrily asked the children.

“Everyone~ Were you good kids when I was out there fighting the holy war?”


All of them responded with all their might.

The oldest children present were two years older than the sixteen-year-old Vannessia, although they looked a lot younger in comparison.

It was only natural that Vannessia, who had trained in imperial arts and studies from an early age and carried a heavy responsibility as a saint representing the entire human race, was much more mature than others in her age group. As if partly humouring them. She would take care of the students, calling out to each by their given names and asking them about their recent activities and their overall health.

“So, what has Romeo been doing since the morning?”

“You know~ You know~ Vannessia sama! I did a really incredible thing this morning!”

A boy who was only seven-year-old with his face completely red reported enthusiastically and proudly.

“Maa~ How wonderful~ So, what good thing did you do, Romeo~?”

“My father was defiling the statue of the Heavenly Emperor in the park!”

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“He spat on it and even peed on it while grinning! So, I went to the officials and told them about a bad person doing bad things to the statue of the Heavenly Emperor!” [TL note: Kind of like ‘God’ Kanji: 天帝]

“Maa~! Maa~ Maa~ Maa~! Romeo is still so young, but what a wonderful-upright child! I’m sure the Heavenly Emperor has taken note of your acts. I’m sure he will welcome you to heaven after death.”

Vannessia was so overwhelmed with emotions that she hugged the boy and caressed his cheek.

Then, just at that moment, a rather noisy group came into that garden.

The one tied up was Romeo’s father, and the one who tied him up was the group of first-grade church warriors. With Lady Vannessia and the children watching over, the experienced priest warrior handled the rampaging father and tied him up to one of the garden trees.

“Now, come on, fellow students! Throw stones on this heretic who dared disgrace our Supreme Lord.”

On the notice of the priest-warrior, the students cheered and ran.

Everyone picked up a stone in their hands and threw it at Romeo’s father with all their might.

Romeo’s father immediately let out horrible screams and was covered in blood.

However, the children did not slow down. They picked up more stones and threw them at him. Romeo was the one who took the initiative to throw out the most stones.

Vannessia watched with admiration as she saw how righteous Romeo had become.

“It’s such a wonderful sight! The proof can never be any clearer. Our church’s teachings are the most suitable and in line with the Heavenly Emperor! Ah~! Ah~! My Maikaichta’s future looks so bright!”

“To be acknowledged by none other than ‘Little Rattal’-sama. It is a great honour for us, clergymen and priests.”

The old man who arrived later, the head of the temple with the rank of Archbishop, was in awe at the scene.

It wasn’t because Vannessia was not flaunting her status as the third Princess of the country in front of them, but there was a definite hint of awe and terror in his eyes as he looked at the little girl, who was probably no older than his grandson. Actually, this very church was previously known for being the hotbed of corruption and vice among the clergy.

For example, under the pretense of collecting orphans and providing for them, the orphans were used for their own amusement or to attract customers.

Vannessia, who had visited the shrine for the first time, noticed the hidden depravity in the church on inspection and became furious due to her sense of justice. According to the teachings of the Heavenly Emperor, she tried to kill the corrupt priests.

However, it did not go well at first.

She planned to appeal to her father, the King, and mobilize the knights of the empire, but somehow, her body, her legs, and all those around her started to drag her down.

She was told that it was not a good idea to get into a fight with the church of the Heavenly Emperor, which had captured the will of the people with its religious beliefs and dogmas. Thus, failing to be persuaded against her ideals, she tried to agitate the will of the people against the church.

She made strong appeals in the streets, inciting the people of the capital to riot and revolt against the wrongdoings and evil of the church. After gathering a mob of 10,000 people, she led them into the temple, where she burned the Previous Archbishop and other clergymen at the stake.

This was when Vannessia was still only at the tender age of eleven years.

The details of the incident were known to the Present Archbishop, who was selected from a neighbouring town. That is why he was in awe and terror at Vannessia’s ‘fierce saintliness.’

So as not to find himself burning at the stake, he faithfully followed the teachings of the Heavenly Emperor and operated the church reverently.

The old man’s voice and attitude became like that of a cat asking his master for a favour.

“Just excelling in intellect and being well learned. With only that, one cannot become a respectable person. We will continue to educate our children about justice and morality through and through.”

“MAA~! That’s a great initiative, Archbishop sama.”

In the meantime, the children continued to throw stones.

Because the children didn’t have much strength in their arms, Romeo’s father couldn’t die quickly. His hardship and trial lasted a long time.

While spectating the agony and screaming of that father, Vannessia exchanged small reminiscent talks with the Archbishop she had met after a long time. Then suddenly, one student caught her eye. It was a girl about ten years old.

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