Tensei Maou no Dai Gosan

Chapter 2: Volume 1 - CH 1

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The current Demon King’s Castle is a prestigious structure with a history going back four thousand years. The fifth previous Demon Lord had ordered the castle’s construction, and it was completed during the reign of the next generation Demon Lord. Ever since then, it has been passed down to his great-grandfather, his grandfather, his father, and now to Kengo.

It is known as the Demon King’s Old Castle, making one think that the interior was dimly lit and old-fashioned, but it was completely different. It is known that the demon tribe of old preferred such a coldly living environment, but it was now obsolete. The modern generations, starting from a thousand years or more ago, now prefer clean and pristine living spaces.

The castle’s inside was lit with magical lights, fresh air was always being circulated in by wind magic, and it was well cleaned. The maids of the demon tribe, gathered from the children of noble families, have been diligently managing the castle.

The Imperial Conference Room was in the process of being set up on the top floor.

It was a dedicated room where the Demon Lord always held audiences with the seven Great Demon Generals and other important meetings. It was surprisingly small, about 20 tatami mats in size, as a result of Kengo’s great-grandfather’s wish to ‘close the distance between him and his vassals in terms of space.’ [EN: one standard tatami mat size is 1.8×0.9 metres]

The conference desk placed in the middle of the room was unnecessarily large, sturdy, and black, with elaborate openwork carvings made by a highly skilled artisan, reflecting the preferences of the great-grandfather demon king. The Demon Lord’s chair at the head of the table had been one of his prized possessions, made from the bones of an old dragon that he had killed. But in Kengo’s eyes, it was uncomfortable, it looked creepy, and it was the worst thing he had ever seen.

As usual, he had to sit on this chair with great reluctance. Of course, he didn’t show his inner thoughts on his expression.

If he were to let them out, Lushiko would be right; his subjects would chew him out.

In a dignified, demon king manner, Kengo entered the room with as much augustness as he could muster and sat down in his chair.

In his previous life, whenever he was in a tight spot, he pretended to be his brother, an elite Yankee, to get out of it. In this life, he had to get by acting as a respectable Demon King at every meeting.

(God… Did I do something wrong to anger you…?)

How many times has he cursed his own strange fate?

“I am late. Forgive me for that.”

Kengo put his cheek on his hand, resting his arm on the chair and declared confidently, arrogantly asking for verbal forgiveness. Except for Lushiko, who had entered the room with him, all the seven Great Demon Generals had arrived first.

But the truth was that Kengo had arrived in advance; this was just another dumb stunt to make himself look more powerful and to show off his superiority to his subjects.

Lushiko also sat down in her seat, and Kengo once again faced the seven vassals. He tried his best to slouch on his high seat to look down at everyone glaringly.

── The Seven Great Demon Generals.

All of them were grand lords with vast territories and generals who led an army. If one traced their blood back to any of the past Demon Kings, they were all prestigious.

Of course, they were also very powerful as individuals.

Each of them had mastered the secrets of their family’s magic, not to mention their physical abilities and magical powers.

It would not be surprising if one of them were to rise up in rebellion and take the Demon King’s throne at any moment. Except for his step-sister, Lushiko, Kengo still hadn’t fully grasped each of their personalities and abilities.

It was only half a year ago when Kengo was officially crowned as the Demon King.

Ever since then, once or twice a month, he would sit around the conference table with the seven great generals, but that was about the extent of their acquaintance.

One of them, a handsomely young boy (who was a demon over a hundred years old), said, “Going to work with Lushiko, as expected of His Majesty the Demon King. Not bad. I’m jealous of you.”

He said in a flirtatious tone and winked at her affectionately.

He was the demon general of ‘Envy,’ nicknamed Levi-San.

Like Lushiko, his real name was actually Leviathan VI something, which was so long that Kengo couldn’t remember it, so he gave him a nickname.

Levi-San continued to talk lightly.

“Even though the rumour is already widespread in the demon world, no one truly is as beautiful and noble as Lushiko. His Majesty has to be the luckiest man in the demon world because you can take her around so casually. I’m so jealous.”


After wondering how to react as a Demon King, Kengo played it off with a hawkish laugh. On the other hand, there was someone else who couldn’t accept it. It was the demon general ‘Pride’ Lushiko, whose pride reached so high that she couldn’t help but bite at every word.

“I-I-I-I’m just normally working with him!“

She yelled at Levi-San with a red face, and Levi-San wasn’t happy about it.

“You don’t have to deny it, do you, Lushiko? It’s a great honour to be able to serve His Majesty Kengo so closely. In fact, it’s the ultimate honour! I’m sure all the women in the demon world envy you. Despite being a man, I can’t help but feel jealous.”

“N-n-n-no, I’m not honoured or flattered to be around this guy, much less happy about it! It’s a privilege to be able to speak out like that to His Majesty, have him laugh and forgive you? Haaa, we are stepsiblings. I don’t like it. If you had been born later, I wonder if you would have been able to be close as His Majesty is close to me.”

The two of them continued to argue with each other.

(The greater demons are still technically part of the demon tribe, so even if they are one or two generations apart, they would still be the same.)

Then, a scolding as sharp as a whip flew.

“Lushiko! Levi-San! Stop it, both of you.”

The owner of the voice was an extremely beautiful woman. She had wrapped her plump, mesmerizing body in a female military uniform and waved her short command whip in a temperamental manner. She was a demon general of ‘Greed,’ nicknamed Mamoyo.

As usual, her real name was Mammon VI Nantara Kanta Launtara, but due to Kengo’s inability to memorize names, it was also shortened. Or rather, the other demon generals all had long names without fail, and Kengo had no choice but to give them all nicknames.

Of course, it wasn’t a very creative name. It was actually quite awful of him. He was prepared for her to get angry at him for being a jerk, but she didn’t complain, so he left it at that.

Mamoyo cracked her command whip, alternately pointing it at Lushiko and Levi-San.

“Because of you, we won’t be able to start the Imperial Conference. It’s disrespectful to keep His Majesty waiting! If you at least have the intelligence of a monkey, you should be ashamed of yourself for proving it. Also, quieten down immediately!”

“You’re trying to tell me what to do!?”

And now Lushiko, the all-around brawling machine, has turned her attention to Mamoyo.

“That’s a stupid question. It’s this ‘greed’ of mine that won’t stop unless it takes control over the meeting. I must thank His Majesty for allowing me to.”

Mamoyo just laughed and didn’t care. She was mentally very mature.

“And so, my Lord, may I begin the meeting?”

Mamoyo took charge of the place like a moderator and asked for permission.

“Y-yes. I do not mind.”

Kengo was inwardly frightened but allowed the meeting to begin.

“Y-yes. I do not mind.”

Kengo was inwardly frightened but allowed the meeting to begin.

This beautiful woman in military uniform always had a fierce demeanour and keen eyes. If one isn’t careful, they would be easily pressured.

When Mamoyo stood up, she bowed respectfully to Kengo, who was seated above her.

“First of all, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to His Majesty. Today is an auspicious day for His Highness, Lord Kengo, to finally inherit the goal of world domination, which was on hiatus since the reign of His Majesty, the Emperor. And, of course, the seven great generals, from weakest to strongest, will serve as your hands and feet to ensure that His Majesty’s first battle will be engraved as a great victory—or rather, a glorious one!”

“Mm-hmm. I’m counting on you.”

“We are all delighted!”

Mamoyo bowed deeply once more. Then she raised her upper body and began to explain the situation while waving her command whip. This whip motion also served as a technique to create a three-dimensional image on the desk with magical power. An elaborate and detailed volumetric display emerged; the Demon King’s castle on a flower-covered plateau and a fortress encircling the neighbouring valley. [EN: Not a hologram.]

If it were only as an explanatory aid, a simplified drawing would have been fine. It was an example of Mamoyo’s elaborate personality and casually high magic skill.

“Our demon army’s operational goal is currently the fall of Fort Krall, which is the frontline base of the Human Race (Strictly speaking, the every-man race) allied forces. Along with the fortress, we will occupy and control the Littoran Valley and begin preparations for the next ‘Demon King’s Castle Transfer Ceremony.’ The territory of our demon world will be further expanded, and we will take a new step toward world domination.”

Mamoyo spoke very fast, using a series of unfamiliar terms.

Kengo advised, struggling to keep up.

“Hmmm… But Momoyo. Do we really have to take down Fort Krell?”

“My Lord, that is a strange thing to ask. How can we invade the human world (the entire territory of the human race) if we don’t capture the fort?”

When Mamoyo asked him the opposite question, Kengo asked everyone in the room, “What about, for example, peace…?”

“Impossible, Your Majesty.” “No way, Your Majesty.” “Outrageous, Your Majesty.”

It was an instant rejection, a whole barrage of them.

Kengo gulped, “Ugh!”

Mamoyo, on the other hand, continued to look composed.

“Needless to say, world domination is a long-cherished desire of our demon race.”

“U-uh, yes. That goes without saying.”

“Your Imperial Highness, Lord Kengo, must carry on the will of His Majesty, the Emperor, and the wishes of all his subjects, to lead and control us Seven Great Demon Generals and conquer all the territories of the human race. It is the noble duty of a Demon King.”

”U-uh, of course. It’s my mission.”

Kengo’s face scrunched up, but he kept nodding his head in a hawkish manner.

(I definitely don’t want to do that.)

Naturally, he couldn’t even say such a thing. Much less, “Shut up and listen to my orders!”

Kengo’s heart was just not strong enough to force him to do this.

In fact, as soon as he were to possess such arrogance, his vassals would surely rush to him and ask, “Who the h**l do you think you are, ahh?” “Even if you’re a demon king, you’re too much of a p***y, aren’t you, ahh?” I’ve had enough. It’s a coup d’etat, ahh?”

He was such a lousy chicken who was afraid of being accused of treason.

(Even if it was just a bunch of monster demon generals, if seven of them were to attack me…)

(I don’t feel like living anymore just thinking about it!)

His breathing became erratic, and his heart heavily pounded.

No, maybe his step-sister, Lushiko, will be on his side, but it was still two against six. Impossible.

“I must confess; hearing the idea of peace, of all things, makes me question my ears and my knowledge of you.”

He was glared at again by Mamoyo.

Kengo gulped.

In addition, the other demon generals also agreed with Mamoyo and consulted with each other in hushed voices, saying, “Yes, that’s true.”

“What does this mean? This isn’t like His Majesty, the Demon King,” they continued, discussing in hushed tones and staring dubiously.

So, this was what losing a needle in a haystack was like. The gaze of the demon generals looking at Kengo hurt.

His palms were sweating unpleasantly, and he was desperately trying to think of words to explain himself. “Of…”

” ” ” “Of…?” ” ” ”

“Of course, I was just joking! It was my first battle, and perhaps because I was so determined to win, Mamoyo and everyone else appeared to be getting stiff. I thought I’d make a joke as the Demon King to soften you up. Hahahahaha…”

It felt too painful.

In his previous life, Kengo had trained himself to be a good talker. Yet in his final days, he failed and was killed.

After all, bluffing alone would not help. The distrust that couldn’t be erased had made Kengo, who was reincarnated as a Demon King, lose his temper.

(Is this the end of the world? Is a coup d’etat inevitable? A two against six?)

He was a lousy chicken who got scared and was nervous inside.

So, what were the generals’ responses?

“Idiot, you didn’t need to tell me that this was obviously a first-class joke. Right, Kengo-sama?”

“W-well, that makes sense. It’s all clear to me now.”

“I had always thought there had to be a catch when His Majesty suddenly started talking nonsense.”

“Funny is funny, but that means we have to laugh then!”

“I’m jealous of your sophisticated sense of humour. I knew it all along, you know?”

“Gyahhahahahahahaha. My stomach’s gonna burst!”

“Hmmm, it seems that us generals were unknowingly nervous. And yet you saw through this, and instead of reprimanding us, you gave us a humorous warning… As expected of my Lord. What a nice touch.”

“I can’t believe this will be your first battle. You’re so cool!”

“I agree. We, generals, need to be firm. I’m impressed.”

“I’m so hungry.”

And yada yada. It turned into an excited group.


Like a cat having sacrificed eight of its nine lives, Kengo secretly patted his chest.

“Now that everyone is relieved, let the meeting continue.”

He hurriedly changed the subject to avoid any more slip-ups. Then, “This Belhara here has a great plan!”

One of his subordinates, seated, respectfully bowed to him.

He was a middle-aged man with an uncanny face and a very assertive M-shaped mustache. [EN: I think it refers to English mustache.]

He might be handsome, but to Kengo, whose sense of beauty was from someone who used to be Japanese, he looked somewhat plain.

“Maybe he might be popular with Westerners.”

He was a demon general in charge of ‘Sloth’ known as Belphegor VII and nicknamed Belhara.

When Kengo scratched his chin to encourage him to speak, he began to offer a torrent of suggestions.

“The first thing to do is to demand an exchange of messengers with the allied human forces holed up in Fort Krall. Then, we’ll make it look like we’re ready to talk and cut off the head of the messenger they sent. If you hold up his head in front of the fort, the cowardly ones who see it will tremble and wonder, ‘After all, there is no choice but death against the Demon King’s army?’ This will be the first measure to knock them from hope to the depths of despair.”

“… Wouldn’t it kill our own messenger to do such an outrageous thing?”

“It is an unavoidable loss for victory, Your Majesty. The messenger we will be sending is from the Plague Demon Family. The ignorant human race will be relieved once they kill our messenger, but that’s just the beginning of their nightmare! The plague will spread from the corpse, and the inside of the fort will become a hellscape. This is the second step of the plan.”

“I-I see…”

Kengo was taken aback by the sheer viciousness of the plan proposed by Belhara.

(He’s like a demon… A real demon…)

He was a bit distracted inside. No, actually, the other party was from the demon race.

Belhara, on the other hand, seemed to take it as a compliment. “I’m very pleased to receive your compliment!”

And his eyes shone like a child’s with an elder’s face.

The other subordinates were also very impressed.

“I see. A two-step plan…”

“As expected of Belhara, the wise general who is said to be the greatest in the demon world. I’m jealous.”

“T-that’s a pretty good plan, huh? I-I’ll give you credit for that!”

“… I’m hungry.”

IT The plan was greatly received.

“I’m a demon master of laziness, and we’re going to win without effort by using any complicated calculation and ingenuity—such is the true essence of sloth.”

And Belhara was getting better and better at it, too, stroking his mustaches.

You are reading story Tensei Maou no Dai Gosan at novel35.com

But for Kengo, it was intolerable!

He put on his best bluff and rejected Belhara’s offer.

“I’m sorry, is there something wrong with my plan?”

Belhara took a turn and looked like he was about to start crying. The fact that he looked dandy made him look even more pathetic.

Kengor answered frankly.

“We don’t know how many men in the fort will die on our way there. It’s no use.”

“B-but, as long as we win, no matter how many tens of thousands of human beings die…”

“Hmm. Belhara is right…”

“What exactly is the problem, Your Majesty? ”

“I don’t get it… It’s too much of a mystery…”

Kengo’s words caused his subjects to buzz with confusion.

Although no one clearly expressed their dissatisfaction, the meeting had an unsettling atmosphere once again.

Depending on Kengo’s response, it could be a rough ride. Hence…

(I’m not kidding about the potential massacre! I’m having a nightmare!)

But Kengo couldn’t say the words in his mind. If he were to do that, he would lose his authority as the Demon King, and a coup d’etat would follow. The atmosphere was so intense that a bead of sweat ran down Kengo’s forehead. Then, noticing this, Lushiko suggested the group.

“Well, well. Just like before, I’m sure Kengo has some ideas. Let’s hear him out until the end.”

The other generals quietened as if they had been splashed by cold water, saying, “Indeed.”

Finally, they were in an atmosphere where they could lend an ear.

(Nice follow-up, wasn’t it, Kengo? You should be thankful to your step-sister, you know?)

The arrogant demon general was confidently showing her proudest face.

(… If you’re going to follow up anyway, you could have also helped me on persuading these guys…)

Kengo took a glance at her. However, the innocence of a beautiful girl—or rather, cuteness is justice— and Lushiko’s cute smug face made him forgive her. In this kind of situation, he would lose if he were to get too agitated. Therefore…

(The only way to win them over is for him to do it myself…!)

In fact, if he were to rely on Lushiko for everything, that would be a loss of authority.

He had been successful at talking his way out, but now he was grasping at his last straws and decided to make the most of it.

“In the first place, why are we invading the human world?”

Kengo asked them all, trying his best to make a grave-sounding voice.

Then, without giving anyone a chance to respond, he answered himself.

“It’s obvious. To get slaves and cattle out of the numerous human races and to obtain living wealth. If all we want to do is conquer an uninhabited wilderness and enjoy ourselves, we can look for a new place across the ocean. But such barrenness is not our intention either, is it?”

“It is as you say, sir…”

“So let me reiterate. The human race will soon be my property. To injure and kill them would be opposing my authority!”

“I-I see, I get it now…”

Accepting Kengo’s verbal assent, Belhara sullenly retracted his opinion.

“Are the others fine with that? Have you taken my words to heart?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! His Majesty, Demon King Kengo!”

“The one and only absolute ruler to whom we, the grand lords of the demon world, bow! We will all do as you command, Your Majesty!”

”… I’m hungry.”

(Phhhhhhhewww! Again…!)

Having succeeded in persuading them, Kengo secretly patted his chest.

“Well, that’s His Majesty for you.“

“Deeply thoughtful…”

“I mistakenly believed that the more people you kill, the greater you are…”

He did his best not to hear the noise.

“Now… Belhara’s wisdom and ingenuity were brilliant, but there was a discrepancy in terms of the preconditions. So, in light of what I’ve said, does anyone have any new ideas?”

To change the subject quickly, he actively consulted with everyone. The lousy chicken who never forgot to follow up made sure Belhara didn’t get too sad.

“Then listen to your mistress’s plan, Your Majesty.”

Another subordinate raised her hand in a very graceful manner. She looked like a cute little girl of about ten years old.

However, she was the oldest among them, over two hundred years old.

Her tribe was considered a full-fledged member of the demon race at the age of fifteen, the age when there was a tendency for their appearance to get stuck at. It meant that no matter how old she got, she would always have the appearance of a child until the day she died.

“Let’s follow your will and capture that fort without killing a single man.”

“Kusu kusu, kusu kusu.” She had a demonic smile on her young face.

She was wearing an incendiary dress with a large chest opening, similar to a prostitute, and her collar, which was just barely hanging onto her shoulders, made one wonder when it would slip off.

She was Asmodeus VII, the demon general of “Lust,” nicknamed Asumi.

“H-hou. I’d love to hear about it.”

“As you wish.”

When Kengo asked, Asumi smiled wickedly and said with pride.

“Soldiers are the ones who leave their wives and girlfriends at home and are always short of women at the front. So, let’s line up some s***s in front of the fort and seduce them by shaking their asses. We can be sure that the soldiers will open the gates and suck up to them. If we keep them alive but don’t kill them, we’ll have no trouble taking down the fort.”

“H-hou! I see what you mean!”

Kengo, a virgin in both his previous and current life, was flabbergasted by Asumi’s plan, and while his cheeks and crotch heated up, he could not help but think about what she was saying.

In fact, the demon generals seemed to approve of it too.

“This is a great idea. I’m jealous. Asumi’s plan will ensure that no one dies and that His Majesty’s wishes are met.”

“Wouldn’t the soldiers welcome the chance to get to know a succubus?”

”It’s a win-win situation. It’s flawless.”

(Okay, let’s adopt it.)

After seeing the reaction of his subjects, Kengo made up his mind. But then, just as he was about to do so.

“W-wait a minute, everyone. There is a fatal pitfall in Asumi’s plan!”

The demon general sitting next to Asumi raised his hand gingerly.

He was a beautiful, blushing boy of middle school age, if only in appearance.

He is also the third-youngest (though still in his forties), after Kengo and Lushiko.

He himself, perhaps feeling a sense of inferiority as a young boy, was always in a frightened state of mind, smiling softly and amiably as if pandering to those around him and was very reserved in his opinions.

It was the first time he had said anything about it today, and he seemed to have raised her hand.

“If Asumi’s idea is adopted, we’ll be in big trouble.”

However, it made Asumi unhappy, and she reacted, “What is it? You’re a young lad, and you want to criticize this mistress’s clever idea?”

He was being pecked on the head with a fan she had taken out of her buxom bosom.

“Ouch, that hurts. P-please don’t do that, Asumi. I’ll get angry. If you don’t stop it, I’m going to get really angry, okay?”

But the boy demon general (in his forties) just got teary-eyed and didn’t do what he claimed. It was not like he was weak. It was just unimaginable doing that.

He was Satan IX, the demon general in charge of “Wrath” nicknamed Sato.

“Wait a minute, Asumi. Let’s hear what Sato has to say.”

Kengo interceded, somewhat in a brotherly manner.

Of the seven great demon generals, he wasn’t afraid of Sato, along with the good-natured Lushiko.

In fact, in a situation like the current one, he even felt that he had to take the initiative in protecting him from other demon generals. Although they hadn’t known each other very long, he considered Sato like his brother.

“Hmph! Your life got saved, Sato.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Kengo-sama.”

Asumi pulled back her fan, and Sato looked at Kengo with eyes filled with emotion.

“Good, good. Come on, talk to us.”

“Y-yes. Well, you see, once a human man has had s*x with a succubus, his body can no longer get it up with human women.”

“… Seriously?”

“I’m serious.”

“Fufu, what’s wrong with that? I didn’t think you would pity the soldiers of the human race, Sato. That’s surprisingly kind of you, isn’t it?”

“Ouch, ouch, ouch. Please don’t use the fan, Asumi. Please don’t make me too angry. Did you even hear what Kengo-sama said? Even the soldiers will become Kengo-sama’s property! What is the value of livestock that has been effectively castrated?”

“Mmm. Mmm. So that’s the pitfall of the mistress’s idea.”

“What do you think, Kengo-sama?”

“Ahhhh! I-I see! Well pointed out, Sato!”

“Y-yes. It’s for Kengo-sama’s sake!”

Sado is delighted by the praise.

Kengo, on the other hand, was covered in a cold sweat as he continued, “Oh, that was close…”

It must be a living h**l for a man to think that he will never be able to have “♥♥♥” again in his life (The impression of a virgin, having lived 16 + 16 years), and if such a thing were to happen, he would experience have nightmares with regret, a living nightmare.

(The seven great generals, they’re really demons… They’re devils…)

They always tried to do evil things as if they were breathing. As if there was no room for error.

(I don’t know… No matter whose idea we adopt at this point, the results will be awful, won’t they?)

Kengo had been completely caught up in his doubts and fears. In the meantime, …

“Your Majesty, the Demon Lord! This Belhara got a better idea!”

“I’m jealous that only Sato gets praised. What about leaving this to me?”

“No, My Majesty. You already know that these guys are as unreliable as they come. By all means, send this petty officer. Allow this greedy little office to monopolize your favour!”

“No, no, no. Your mistress will do well and let Our Majesty reward her with a night of mercy.”

“If you ask for it, should I help?”

“… I’m hungry.”

The seven great generals raised their hands one after the other. ‘Let me do it! Let me do it! I want to help you! I want to help you!’ They were like puppies with sparkling eyes, appealing to him.

(Kuh… This is what makes these guys so hard to hate…)

Kengo’s face tightened.

He was almost tempted to give in to his feelings, but he had to be vigilant. If he wasn’t careful, he could end up with a hellish scene in Fort Krall, just like Belhara’s original plan or Asumi’s plan.

(Who to choose, that is the question…)

Kengo’s gaze wandered between the faces of the seven generals. He didn’t want to nominate anyone, but if he didn’t, the matter wouldn’t be settled.

(Which one of you…? Who would take the fort peacefully?)

Agony and contemplation. At the end of the day, Kengo’s eyes fell on one person. He was raising his hand half-heartedly, hidden from the others who were making a desperate appeal—to Sato.

“I’ve decided. It’s you!”

“Eh, you don’t mind if it’s me?”

Perhaps he didn’t expect to be chosen, but Sato’s innocent face showed a hint of surprise.

“Yes, you will be the one! Rather, you are the only one!!”

Kengo assured him with certainty. Sato would have understood his true intentions very well, as he had pointed out the flaws in Asumi’s plan earlier.

(He doesn’t like someone who could even kill a bug.)

(He would surely conquer the fort moderately and peacefully without any casualties. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think it’s a great decision. I even feel like humming.)

Standing up from his seat, he held out his hands and declared.

“Sato! I hope you can accomplish the task of capturing the fort with minimal casualties!”

“Yes, sir. As you wish, Kengo-sama.”

Sado gave a carefree smile as if he was happy to be assigned to the project.

“I’m so jealous of you, Sato!”

“I’m too young to know better…”

“It is unavoidable. I’m sure it’s the result of His Majesty’s deep thoughtfulness, which even this Belhara can’t match.”

“But what is frustrating is frustrating.”

“I can definitely do it better than him. Kengo’s an idiot!”

“… I’m hungry.”

And while the other demon generals were looking at him with envy.

“I’ll have good news for you soon, so until then, please relax!”

Sado went off to war with joy. Kengo, too, looked over at his excited little back.

(Hahaha. I thought of you as my little brother… Before I knew it, you’ve become completely dependable.)

He felt like he was riding on a big ship. At that time, he was still…

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