Tensei Maou no Dai Gosan

Chapter 8: Volume 1 - CH 3.1

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It was the following morning.

Kengo woke up feeling great in his room.

Although it was his room, it was still the Demon King’s bedroom, so it looked magnificent. It was so big that there was enough space for wrestling and more. The carpet that filled the room was so soft, and its upper layer went up to your ankles, warming your feet during winter. The bed in the center of the room was so big that five people could sleep in it just fine.


Kengo stretched out in his sleep. The gentle morning sun poured in through the lighted windows.

“It’s warm…”

Kengo muttered in his sleep.

Spring was in full bloom, and the air was somewhat fresh. Of course, even though the Demon King’s castle was built in the middle of a flower field, there was no way the scent could reach this bedroom on the top floor. It was the scent that wafted from the flower vases the maids picked fresh every day. It was a custom that had not occurred in the previous Demon King’s generation, but when Kengo learned that he liked it, they took the trouble to prepare it for him.

” Ah… A great morning… Bliss…”

It was an unbelievably pleasant awakening for him, as he got haunted by nightmares of his previous life’s memories constantly.

With his hands in the air and still feeling half-asleep, he sighed. While he wandered back and forth between slumber and wakeful, he thought back to Princess Vannessia’s sobbing face and frail body. He lamented the fact that he didn’t actually get to embrace her, but he made up for it in his imagination.


He twitched his nose, feeling enchanted.

Perhaps it was his mood, but he could smell the flowers more strongly than usual today. It was an unmistakable, sensual fragrance.

“Yes, I suppose so. It must be a blissful time, my Lord.”

He suddenly heard a voice from nearby. The voice sounded young, the tone was bewitching, and it sounded very mysterious. But this surprise caught Kengo off guard.

“W-what the h**l!?”

When he looked at his surroundings, he saw that the bed cover on his bed had expanded in volume to more than usual. When he hurriedly peeled it off, what came out from underneath was… Lust.

It was Asumi, a demon general of the Demon race. She was only wearing underwear that just barely covered her innocent body. The immoral combination of a young girl’s figure and s**y lace lingerie was much more erotic than full nudity. In addition, when the bed cover was taken off, a mysterious, soft scent of flowers permeated the room. Even without perfume, Asumi’s body odour itself was as sweet as an insectivorous flower that attracted its prey.

“Kuku kuku…”

This young (over two hundred years old) child had a bewitching smile on her innocent-looking face.

“This concubine, the princess of the Asmodeus family, who makes a living from the obscene, has taken the trouble to sleep with you. It must be a blissful time. Even though the demon world is vast, this is a privilege allowed only to you, my Lord. Aren’t you happy? Hmm? Hmm~?”

She whispered with a teasing pillow talk tone, making him blush. [EN: ‘Pillow talk’ is an intimate conversation that occurs between two lovers.]

“When did you get in here? I was supposed to be by myself!”

“Fufu, you’re so cute and shy~. You’re actually happy, aren’t you~? Uri-uri~”

Kengo tried to wrestle Asumi away and even run away, but Asumi kept a hold of him like a snake. He was, for some reason, completely naked, so they were rubbing against each other, skin to skin. He felt the smoothness and softness. He couldn’t take it anymore!

“Why am I not wearing any pyjamas? Didn’t I have it when I went to sleep?”

“Yes, of course, you did, but your mistress secretly undressed you.”

“How do you take off a sleeping man’s pyjamas? It’s not like you can sneak up on him easily!”

“That’s why I’m the daughter of the Asmodeus family.”

“What a horrible girl!”

“That’s not true~☆ Asumi is a very nice girl!”

Asumi’s smile became as innocent and irresistible as an angel’s. On the other hand, her hand reached between Kengo’s legs like a different creature, caressing him excruciatingly lewdly.

“What are you doingggggg!?”

“My Lord, you are more boiling this morning than ever. Shall I, your mistress, comfort you on behalf of Princess Vannessia?”

Kengo was startled when Princess Vannessia’s name was mentioned.

“Is that why you suddenly snuck into my bed!?”

“Well, I guess this is a golden opportunity. Even the most inexperienced Lord would miss a woman’s touch after yesterday… isn’t that so?”

Asumi changed her appearance from a young to an older woman.

“Now, now, my Lord. Just close your eyes. Close your eyes and think of Princess Vannessia. This mistress will take care of the rest, so you can have a good dream and feel good.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“Don’t you know, my Lord? The women of the Asmodeus family adore you with their wombs, not their hearts. ♥”

“This matters! The way you live is too indecent!”

Kengo screamed, but Asumi did not let up her attack.

“Come, come, this is only a dream for a night. Don’t be shy, my Lord.”

“It’s already morning, though!?”

“I’m sure you’re just trying to find an excuse to keep your mind clean. So, it’s nonsense~ ♪”


At the end of the pillow talk, she blew into his ear, and Kengo reacted. His bastion of reason has fallen, crushed due to the physiological functions of men and the sexual skills of women. No, it was about to fall—



When someone came flying at them with the force of a missile, Asumi was dropkicked with great precision, kicking away only her. It was Lushiko, the demon general of Pride.

But now, like a demon general of Wrath, she shouted in anger and stood tall after unleashing her attack. As usual, she was wearing bra-like clothes and a very short mini-skirt, so she was boldly exposing her underwear during the dynamic dropkick earlier, but she was too passionate to care at all.

“You’re hurting me, Lushiko.”

Asumi, on the other hand, was blown and knocked against the wall. But she easily got back up. Completely inhuman.

“That was your punishment for being a s****y loli, who has been behaving insolently all morning!”

Lushiko remained flustered and didn’t intend to apologize. Asumi, on the other hand, has a grin on her face.

“Hou. What do you mean by insolence?”

“What? Eh!? You idiot, there’s no way I can say that!”

“That the mistress wanted to have X*X with my Lord’s XXXXX?”


Asumi made fun of the innocent maiden, and Lushiko, who had zero tolerance, turned completely red. Asumi followed up.

“In the first place, why should you care if this mistress was indulging in lewd acts in my Lord’s bedroom? Are you jealous? You don’t want your Lord to be stolen~?”

“Ababa!? You idiot. That’s not it!”

“Well, well, you got so upset that you’ve been slurring your words since a while ago. Why don’t you change your name to the demon general of Jealousy, Levi-San?”

“I’ll kill you!”

Lushiko yelled at her, red in the face. It was as if she became the demon general of Wrath or Jealousy.

Asumi shrugged her shoulders.

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“I’m disappointed. If you interfere, it will only diminish my Lord’s spirit.”

She said, shifting her gaze from the cat-like Lushiko, with all her hair standing on end, to Kengo’s crotch.

“Don’t look at me!”

Like a chaste maiden, Kengo protested, covering his naked body with the bedcover.

“Kukuku, I understand. Then, I’m off, my Lord. As for Lushiko, I’ll make peace later.”

Asumi had a wicked smile at the end and disappeared into her own shadow on the carpet as if sinking into it. It was a means of transport by intermediate-level magic.

“Hmph. Finally, some peace!”

Lushiko stuck out her tongue toward the place where Asumi disappeared.

(Declaring victory after the fact, not cool…)

Kengo thought, but of course, he didn’t say it.

Now, Asumi has quietly left, and the stormy time was over, but it was too soon to celebrate. The look that Lushiko had been giving Asumi was now directed directly at him.

“Ugh… Lushiko. Is there anything you need from me…?”

He asked fearfully, and she moved over to the side of the bed. Crossing her arms and hunching over, she gave off a strange sense of pressure.

“Any thanks?”


“A thank you for saving my step-brother from danger. How about that?”

“Ah… ah! Oh, yeah, thanks a lot, Lushiko.”

“Hmph. It’s good to be honest.”

Lushiko suddenly turned away. Even though she requested a word of gratitude, as the general of Pride, she seemed to shy away from how she couldn’t even look at him directly when talking. This woman was seriously troublesome.

“But well, I’m really grateful for your help. I mean, how did you know that I was in trouble in the first place?”

“I-i-i-i-it’s not like I couldn’t sleep all night worrying about you and kept coming to the front of the bedroom to check on you!” [EN: My tsun alarm went off—]

“What? You’ve been doing that? Why?”

“I’m telling you, I didn’t!”

The demon general of Pride slipped up in an unbelievably big way and then turned around. She turned her head away, folded her arms, and slumped back down.

“Okay. I get it. You didn’t come to the front of the bedroom before this, and I didn’t ask you anything either.”

“It’s good to be honest. I praise you.”

“Thank you, I’m happy. Now, I’m going to change, so can you just turn away?”

“You don’t have to tell me. I’m not going to look at your unsightly naked body!”

She would definitely be the type of girl who would still glance at him.

(Well, it wouldn’t bother me much even if she looked at me openly.)

Was it because they were step-siblings? He might be a lousy chicken, but when he was with Lushiko, he didn’t feel reserved or self-conscious about it. He even believed that she was the only one in Formirama that he could trust.

“I mean, Kengo.”

Lushiko changed the subject with a determined face while still looking away from him.


Kengo asked while using intermediate-level magic to summon clothes with lightning-fast naturalness.

“Vannessia, you mentioned. The princess of the human army.”


“She’s right up your alley, isn’t she?”


When Lushiko pointed out the truth, he stopped himself from fixing his sleeves. Incidentally, this was the outfit that he had asked the maids to choose for him beforehand. Today was the day he was planning to visit Fort Krall and have a meeting with Princess Vannessia. No matter how lousy a chicken he was—or rather, how low his confidence he had in himself— if he didn’t at least get dressed up to par, he would be too embarrassed to even look her in the eye.

He was sure that his step-sister already figured out his miserable feelings.

In a tone of exasperation, she continued.

“You’re into women who are more like beautiful, submissive flowers, aren’t you? She never seems to go against what a man says. If she were an animal, she would be an herbivore. She’s definitely not the type found in the magical world of the strong and a good match for a lousy chicken like you.”

“I-I-I-I’m not into her.”

“Haa? Do you think you can hide it from me?”

“You’re just claiming that!”

“I’ll kill you!”

Kengo retorted, and a big blue vein popped on Lushiko’s forehead. They went into a standoff with sparks flying between them.

“Now, what to say to her?” Kengo thought.

“Have you forgotten the favour from saving you from Asumi earlier?”

“I’m sorry for being so cocky, my gentle and dependable step-sister.”

He was hit by Lushiko’s critical attack and pleaded on his knees.

“If you want me to help you again, you’ll have to show some respect. “

“… Yes… I’m sorry. ”

“That’s all you need to know. So…”

Lushiko turned away and snorted.

“So, what is it, Lushiko?”

“What’s the point of meeting the princess? You could just threaten them with ‘Poor mortals. If you don’t want to be slaughtered, sacrifice this maiden to me!’”

“I didn’t even think of that.”

“But the fact is that it’s possible. You’re the Demon King, the winner of the war. In fact, you would be too merciful if you let them off with that.”

“Because in the dictionary of this lousy chicken, it’s not called mercy, but being normal.”

“Hmm. Well, fine. But… you can’t deny that you like her, can you? ”


You’re a cocky little talker, you know?

“That is right. I like her. She is like an ideal princess! Formirama is amazing! I’m moved. Is that so wrong?”

“It’s not that wrong.”

Lushiko said.

Suddenly, her face became serious. She didn’t use her usual blunt tone but a sincere one.


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