Tentacle Girl

Chapter 29: Twenty-eighth Encounter

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Twenty-eighth Encounter

“After hearing that this boss beat Mason, I was expecting something more intimidating.” (man 1)

“Yeah, she’s pretty small and that young man isn’t much bigger.” (man 2)

… well, I’m sorry to be so unimpressive, mr. 7ft giant. “Is your nickname, Mountain?” (me)

“How’d ya know?” (man 2)

“Just a guess, ‘cause you’re huge! Are you big down below too?” (me) I pointed at his crotch.

“Er, um, no. I’m pretty normal sized there… damnit, how’d we get onto that topic? We’re not here to fuck!” (man 2)

“I heard we don’t have to fight to defeat her.” (man 3)

“Yeah, but I really wanna see just how strong she really is. It’s hard to believe she beat Mason.” (man 1)

I pulled Sam behind me and retreated to the bath doorway.

“Trying to make use of terrain? Guess you’re not as dumb as the rest of the monsters in this place.” (man 1)

“I’d really rather not fight.” (me)

“Eh, fine. Spoil-sport.” (man 1)

“I’m still not interested in fucking. I hope that’s not the only alternative to fighting.” (man 2)

“You just need to wait for me to fall asleep.” (me)

“That sounds boring.” (man 3)

“What have you got to do around here?” (man 1)

“Um, other than fucking, there’s a bath in the room here. Not much else.” (me)

“You really need more things to do. Must be awful being stuck in here. Don’t you get bored?” (man 3)

“I usually deal with boredom by fucking.” (me)

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“It’s a lot of fun.” (Sam) He started hugging me closely from behind as he said this.

“I don’t think they want us fucking in front of them, Sam.” (me)

“Yeah, I’d prefer you do that when we’re not here.” (man 2)

“Well, I got dibs on first bath use!” (man 1) I moved out of his way as he went in, taking Sam with me as I went back to the bed.

“What do you mean first? Can’t we all go in at the same time?” (man 3)

“I don’t wanna be stuck staring at your naked bodies!” (man 1)

… after waiting quietly a bit and getting bored… “So, what happened with Mason?” (me)

“Oh, he fled the town. Ichigo then left chasing after him. Pretty ridiculous for the Hero summoned by the light god to be fighting with the head priest of the light church. Makes me wonder what’s wrong with this kingdom.” (man 2)

“Eh, probably just some greedy fool conning someone into giving them riches. I’m just not sure who’s the conman and who’s getting conned.” (man 3)

“Well, I hope Mason doesn’t come back. He seemed awful.” (me)

“Yeah, he’s pretty hard-line on the ‘all monsters are evil’ thing. Says there’s a war between the light god and dark god. I can’t find anything like that in the scriptures though. I scoured them pretty thoroughly.” (man 2)

“What do the scriptures say about it?” (me)

“Not much. The god of light rules over humans, and the god of darkness rules over monsters. Humans and monsters are destined to fight, but no real explanation is given for why. A lot of people think the monsters are a test of some sort.” (man 2)

“You’re a pretty shitty priest.” (man 3)

“Yeah, well, I only became one ‘cause I wanted to learn healing magic. I’m not gonna claim I know what the light god wants like so many others do. So many priests will share what they believe like it’s fact, but they don’t fuckin’ know anymore than I do!” (man 2)

After that we ran out of things to talk about. At least, I ran out of questions and they just waited quietly for their turn in the bath. Eventually they all took a bath, and I finally got tired enough to sleep. Or maybe I should say I was bored enough to take a nap. Need to find more things to do than fight, fuck, and sleep.

***Author Note***

Erm… you weren’t supposed to just back down after Lily’s request to not fight. 

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