That one time I took an Eldritch survey.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A life lost, a life gained.

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???: “Oh come on, not again…”


I sigh in slight frustration as my game crashes once again. This was the 4th time in the past hour!


???: “I am tempted to refund at this point, but the game is so fun… Oh well, I’ll take a break and read some fanfiction instead.”


Closing down the game launcher, and going to my normal site to read some more stories, I was greeted with a new splash screen. Looking to the top right of my browser, my AdBlock was indeed still on.


???: “Not an Ad, or a newer one that has slipped through then. Hmmm, a survey? Oh, maybe it’s for a new competition again? Well, what’s the worst that can happen? I lose a few minutes of time?”


Clicking on [Accept] I was greeted with some more snazzy animations and an intro.


???: “Oh wow, they really want to grab your attention with this one, hmm? Must be a big prize pool. Too bad I can’t write…”


Sighing at my own lack of talent in the literary arts, I focus on reading the survey.


~ Welcome, SnazyFox to our survey, and thank you for taking the time to accept it! ~


First question: If you could be Transmigrated or Reincarnated which one would you want?


This was a no brainer for me. Who would want to be a damn baby again?! So I type in Transmigrated.


~ Transmigration it is then! ~


Second Question: Would you like a new body? Or keep your own?


Another easy one for myself; New body.


~ New body, good choice! New world, new you after all! ~


Third Question: A body designed by you? Or created after someone?


This one was not hard as well. I can’t design for shit. So, I selected someone else. It then showed a drop box that had an astronomical number of names and what they looked like if you clicked on them. I was honestly completely overwhelmed with the number of names here, so I fell back to one of my favourite characters in anime.


~ Neopolitan (RWBYverse) Selected! ~


For this next section, you have a unique choice! We will generate a scenario quickly, and if you decide to go with that, you will get everything listed in it, plus one(1) BONUS Omniverse level power! If you do not like it, we will take you to the original Power/Ability selection.

Note: You normally will only get 2 powers, with no ability to select past universal power.


???: “I have no idea what classifies as an ‘Omniversal Power’ but the omniverse is massive, so I guess the power would be just as ‘big?’ Oh well, no harm is seeing what this generates. Going all out though, even got an A.I. to quickly write a background?”


Clicking [Accept] once again, it started to do its thing.


~ Awesome! Starting… ~


[Searching Keywords in selections so far…]

[Generating… Done. Displaying new background!]

~ Here is your new past/power set ~


You are the identical twin of one Neopolitan (RWBYverse) in nearly every way, even deciding to share the same name just to mess with people. But there was one major key difference between you two; Aura. You were never able to unlock it, but your sister didn’t mind. You both did your best to help each other as you grew up. Sadly, both of you fell for some nasty trickery and became the servants of Salem.


One day while the two of you were doing a normal patrol around Salem’s territory, you were both attacked by Hunters. As you had no aura, your sister urged you to flee, and you had no choice but to do so. 


One of the Hunters chased after you however, causing you to change your plan. You had no aura, but your physical training with your sister was no joke, and you were able to keep ahead of the Hunter. If barely. Lucky for you though, you know the area very well and thus headed towards one of the Grimm spawning pools you knew of that was close by.


Fate was not kind to you however, as when you finally came upon the Grimm Pool, you heard a rifle shot sound out. Looking down, there was a massive hole where your heart should have been.


As you were falling into the Grimm pool, you were able to turn around mid fall just in time to see your sister behead the Hunter and rush towards you. Sadly, she was not nearly fast enough, and you plunged into the Grimm Pool.


You did not die however. No, fate was not that kind to you, as it never was. You were changed into a Grimm. The first of your kind. Sentient, and sapient. Humanoid.


Your story begins as you crawl out of the Grimm Pool. Memories shattered, soul extinguished; yet still alive.


Name: Neopolitan

Race: Grim

Age: 21

Aura: N/A




Supernatural Strength/Speed/Reflexes/Instincts

Unlimited Stamina

Presence Sense

Danger Sense

Aura(soul) Sense


Unarmed Weapon Mastery

High Speed Regeneration

Biological Immortality

Eternal Youth

Sibling Telepathy


Permanent Debuffs


No Soul

Grimmification affects mind

Aura of Vileness due to Grimmification

Shattered Memories may never fully return

[Accept] [Reject]


‘Well now. That is a lot to unpack for something that was written by an A.I. just now. Hmm… dang, this A.I. is good though. I would read the SHIT out of that story. Well, let's see what this omniversal power is then.’


Selecting [Accept] the thing changed to another list of several powers. I did take note of the note at the top though.


~ Each power is Omniversal in strength! But, great power comes at a cost! However, due to your willingness to accept your new past, the negatives have been lowered. ~


???: “Interesting. A kiss-curse then huh? Well, let’s see.. Hmm… Oh, this looks great.’




Able to create/control any and all kinds of barriers, even conceptual ones. Nothing may get past your barriers in the True Omniverse except for two entities.


Negative: Personal Barrier around self that you may not control or turn off, and gives off a subtle light that correlates to your emotions. This effect may not be hidden with another barrier. Only your sister may bypass it if you so choose. Very basic instinctual knowledge about power usage.


???: “With my race as a Grim, and having bio immortality and Eternal youth, this effectively makes me immortal! Plus, I’ve seen some anime where you can do really dumb shit with a ‘barrier’ so it even covers my attack.


The permanent personal barrier is odd. Isn’t that a good thing? I mean, stealth is out the window if I was a glow stick. So wha… ohh. I get it. Nothing can pass the barrier, meaning you’d never be able to physically touch anyone. Well, aside from my ‘sister’ I don’t think anyone would want to touch a Grimm anyway.”


You are reading story That one time I took an Eldritch survey. at

There were several other powers I was interested in, but this one truly called to me. It made me immortal, and with it even affecting conceptual barriers, I could universe hop!


‘Well, maybe I could universe hop. I’d have to remember that, and with that shattered mind debuff…’


Mentally shrugging, I just finalised my selection of the power. This is just a survey after all, nothing will come of it, and I was getting hungry.


~ Everything looks good? All set? ~


Reviewing all the information, I nodded to myself and clicked [Yes].


???: “ I totally forgot why I was taking this survey in the first place…”


~ Awesome! Enjoy your new life, Lilly! But, it’s Neopolitan now isn’t it? ~


My eyes widened in shock at my real name being displayed before my world went dark, and I was overcome with pain unlike anything I could ever imagine.




There was only darkness surrounding me. Darkness and pain. I don’t know how long I was in that darkness suffering, but eventually all the pain just stopped. And the darkness I was in also suddenly felt like water, causing me to instinctively swim in the direction I thought was up.


It took me a few minutes, but I eventually broke free to the surface. Seeing someone kneeling on dry land and reaching towards me, I took their hand as they pulled me out of this black liquid I was in.


My mind was all over the place, as I couldn’t remember what was happening. I knew something important just happened, and that there was pain. But other than that I was drawing a blank. I also noted that I didn’t need to cough out any of the water from my lungs, or that I was even breathing.


I also noted I felt a lot more calm towards the situation I was in than I really should have been. Before I could muse deeper into my calm, yet confused mind I heard a voice in it.


???: ‘Sister! Sister, are you okay?! Are you… you?’


‘Am I me…? What?’


Looking for the source of the voice, I realised it must have come from the person who helped me out of that black sludge stuff. Turning my head up to look at her, a single memory flashed through my mind causing me to respond.


Neopolitan: ‘Sister…?’


Sister: ‘Yes! Oh thank the brothers you're still you! How are you… feeling?’


Tilting my head in confusion, I look down at myself and start patting all around my body.


Neopolitan: ‘I feel… fine?’


And then, as if to make a mockery of what I just said… thought(?) my body started to glow a light grey. Looking at myself in even more confusion, I look back to my sister.


Neopolitan: ‘Is… do I normally glow?’


Sister: ‘No… that’s new. But aside from the glow, do you feel fine? Don’t want to… hurt me?’


My eyes widened as she asked that. How could she think I would want to hurt her?! She’s my sister! My glow went from a light grey, to a blueish green.


Neopolitan: ‘No, never! How could you ask that, you’re my sister! I love you with my everything, and would NEVER hurt you!’


My sister just smiled wryly as she hugged me.


Sister: ‘I am sorry. It’s just… you’ve been changed by the Grimm Pools, sis. And it’s not subtle.’


Hugging her back, I ask in confusion, ‘Grimm Pools?’


She leaned back out of the hug and gave me a nod while she started to tear up.


Sister: ‘Yes. I was so worried I lost you, sis! You had a hole where your heart was, and then you fell into the Grimm Pool! And when you surfaced, you… uhh... Well, you look a lot different now. I was worried I may have truly lost you.’


Giving her another hug I ask, ‘Different how?’


Sister: ‘Let me show you.’


She then waved her hand, and another person showed up! But, she looked off… Well, frankly she didn’t look human at all. This was me?


Neopolitan: ‘How did you do that?! And… is this me?’





Looking down at my hands and clothes, I looked back up at the other me standing near us. My skin colour was indeed the same, as with the clothing I had on. Everything was.


Sister: ‘What do you mean how did… Sis, what do you remember?’


I narrow my eyes in thought at her question. I really couldn’t remember anything. Just flashes of our life. And of someone else's life? It was confusing.


Neopolitan: ‘Not a lot. Just, you're my sister. Everything else is jumbled, or gone. I barely remember anything about us though. But I do know I should look like you, not like… that?’


I waved my hand at the other me, while my sister frowned.


Sister: ‘It was too much to hope for just surface changes then. This is my Semblance.’


She then started to explain exactly what it was, which basically boiled down to illusions.


Neopolitan: ‘What is my Semblance?’


She gave me a sad looking smile and said, ‘You don’t have one, sis. You never were able to unlock your Aura. Though, maybe that has changed with your… change?’


The colour around my body changed to a light orange at the thought of what my Semblance would be. I was broken out of my daydream when I noticed the complex look my sister was sporting.


Neopolitan: ‘What’s wrong, sis?’


She looked up at me, and sighed.


Sister: ‘We need to leave. I don’t want to even think what Salem will do to you now that you’re a Grimm. She already treated us as disposable pawns, and I have no doubt she’d want to delve into why you changed like this, instead of just out right dying like everyone else who was dunked in that stuff.’


Neopolitan: ‘Salem? I know that name… she’s our… Master?’


My sister shook her head violently left and right.


Sister: ‘No, she’s more like our Slaver. I was always thinking of fleeing from her. Now is a great time as any with your change. I have a… friend, who might help. His name is Roman Torchwick. You knew him as well. He might help us out. Honestly, he’s our only chance at the moment.’


I just give my sister a nod and say, ‘I trust you, sis.’


Smiling at me, she helped me stand up while she dismissed the illusion she had of me. She grabbed my hand and started to lead me away from the pool.


Sister: ‘It’s a long walk to Vale, let’s go.’


As we were leaving, we both failed to notice a small Grimm raven that had been watching us the whole time. A gleam passed through its eyes before it flew off.


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