That one time I took an Eldritch survey.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Ever closer to Vale~.

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The next day, we had finally made it back to the main landmass that had the country/city we were wanting to get too: Vale. While we were still in a forestry area, the feeling was much different from the lands we were originally in.


Neopolitan: ‘Sis?’


She hummed to signal she was listening so I continued, ‘Why does this area feel… hmm. More alive? A little bit before we made landfall from the boat the air around us started to feel different.’


Neo: ‘By feeling alive?’


Neopolitan: ‘Yeah.’


She raised her left hand to hold her chin in thought for a time before she snapped her fingers.


Neo: ‘I think it’s from your new abilities. You can sense emotions right? Feeling any of that?’


Closing my eyes as we continued to walk around several trees, I shook my head and said, ‘No. No emotions. But, I can tell there are things around us. For example, ahead of us and to the right there is… something.’


Nodding her head, my sister started to keep an eye out for this “something” I had sensed. And about a minute later, we saw a deer.


Neo: ‘Well, would you look at that. Seems you can also sense life and not just emotions. What does it feel like when you sense something, Sis?’


I hummed in thought for a few seconds before I answered, ‘It’s hard to say, honestly. It’s like I can “feel” something is there.’


She nodded her head and said, ‘I see. Maybe with training you could distinguish between what you feel to identify everything around you in range?’


While I thought about it, I honestly half expected another outburst of saying it can’t be done, like with my barrier.


Neopolitan: ‘Maybe. It’s worth a try. But, let's shelve that for now. How are you doing, Sis? It couldn’t have been comfortable to sleep on that boat ride. Need some rest or food?’


Shaking her head she said, ‘No, I am okay, Sis. Besides, there is a small village about 30 minutes in the direction we’re going. I’ll get something from there.’


Neopolitan: ‘Alright. Did you want me to stack back while you enter the village at first so you can eat? Or do you want to test the “aura” I might or might not have first?’


Neo: ‘If you don’t mind, Sis, I’d like to get something solid to eat…’


Neopolitan: ‘I don’t mind at all! As long as you stay safe, okay?’


She turned to her right to look at me and gave me a smug grin.


Neo: ‘I am always safe~.’


Rolling my eyes at her, I playfully and softly punch her shoulder.


Neopolitan: ‘Yeah, yeah. Oh, that reminds me, how far is the range on our… uhh… mind talk?’


My sister looked like she was about to laugh when I said “mind talk” and tried her best to not snicker in my mind.


Neo: ‘Really, Sis? Mind Talk?’


Blushing, and having my glow change to a very light pink and yellow, I huff while crossing my arms and look away from her.


Neo: ‘Awe, don’t be like that, Sis. I am sorry.’


Neopolitan: ‘I can hear the mirth in your voice, and can practically hear the snickering.’


She then glomped onto my right side and rubbed her face against mine.


Neo: ‘Forgive meeee~?’


Releasing another huff, I just nod my head. I really can’t even stay pretend mad at her, it seems.


Neo: ‘Yay! And to answer your question, Sis, there has been no range that we’ve found that would cut us off from each other.’


Relaxing my posture, and taking up her right hand in mine I give a nod.


Neopolitan: ‘Good, that means I don’t have to worry about you being out of range to ask for help when you’re in the village then.’


Neo: ‘Correct! But, I am strong, you know? I very much doubt there is anyone in a backwater village that is my match. But, just to keep your heart at ease, I’ll go in under my Semblance and be careful.’


Neopolitan: ‘Thanks, Sis.’


She just hummed happily while nodding her head. We then just started to enjoy the walk we were on through the forest and the presence of each other. While we were enjoying our time like this, my glow turned to a light yellow.


While my sister started to hum an actual tune in my mind, I was trying to think about something I had shelved when I got out of the Grimm Pool. The fact I had two sets of memories.


The ones I managed to claw back and piece together about my sister were the strongest, much to my delight. But I also had flashes of another life in my mind. Of strange machines, buildings that towered in the sky and of a mundane like populace.


I don’t know how, but I knew the people in that set of memories didn’t have abilities like me or my sister. But, they also didn’t have the Grimm. It was a strange world. But for the life of me, I couldn’t remember anything concrete about myself in that world. Only that I had lived in it for a time.


I was broken out of my self inspection by my sister asking a question.


Neo: ‘What has gotten you into such a thoughtful focus, Sis?’


Tilting my head in confusion she said, ‘Your colour changed again. A light orange and a light green. You also had a very focused look on your face.’


Noticing that my colour did indeed change, I just shrugged and sighed.


Neopolitan: ‘My memories are so confusing, Sis.’


She let go of my hand, and patted me on the shoulder before pulling me into a side hug.


Neo: ‘Don’t sweat if, Sis. They’ll come back one day. And if they don’t, we’ll just make some new ones!’


Smiling under my mask, I gave a nod before my head snapped forward.


Neo: ‘You can sense the village now, hmm?’


Nodding again I say, ‘I can. It is a total mess of emotions. The whole spectrum even…’


Neo: ‘Yea, not surprised. While it is a small village, there are still around several hundred people. When we get near the clearing, I want you to stay in the tree line a fair bit. Don’t want anyone seeing your glow, now do we?’


Neopolitan: ‘That’s fine, Sis. I’ll try to piece together more of my memories and train my new abilities while I wait.’


Giving me a smile she said, ‘Great! We’ll be at the area I want you to hang back at in about five minutes.’


Humming in acknowledgement, I grab her hand again and we walk in silence once more. At what I assumed was around five minutes later, she said we had arrived.


Neo: ‘Okay, just stay here, Sis. I'll be about thirty minutes give or take. I’ll let you know when you should make your way to me.’


Neopolitan: ‘Okay.’


Giving her a confirmation I looked for a good place to sit down and start to mess around. As I was looking for a good spot, I heard an odd sound.


Looking at the source, it was my sister using her Semblance. With the sound of glass cracking and crinkling she started to change her form. She changed from my loveable sister to some random dude I would never notice in a crowd.


Neo: ‘Cool, right?’


Nodding my head my glow was a bright light orange with a deeper teal mixed in.


Neopolitan: ‘Yeah! That is really awesome, Sis! It’s a really awesome Semblance! The sound it makes, and the colour you shine when using it is my favourite!’


She gave me a smug look, which honestly looked really weird with the face she was using at the moment, before she waved and headed towards the village.


Neo: ‘Alright, Sis, I am off. What do you think I should get for breakfast?’


You are reading story That one time I took an Eldritch survey. at

It was a little weird being able to talk to her still, while not being near her.


Neopolitan: ‘Breakfast? It’s that time already? But, it never got dark?’


Neo: ‘Sis, it was nearly pitch black while we were killing those hunters at their camp.’


Neopolitan: ‘It was?’


Neo: ‘YuP~. I guess we can add night vision to your list of increasing power sets, hehe.’


Looking at my hands, I willed the gloves I had on to remove themselves. And exactly like my mask, they seemed to melt away like water. 


Neopolitan: ‘Huh. My fingernails are a deep black, Sis. And sharp looking.’


Neo: ‘Not surprised. You did some good damage to that one hunter when your hand clawed his face. Well, I am surprised they are black though. You’ll save so much on nail colouring then!’


Even though I rolled my eyes at her, I couldn’t help but agree.


Neopolitan: ‘Assuming I ever have my gloves off when dealing with other people.’


Neo: ‘True! Ugh, this village is such a shithole. The smell is awful, and they only have one place that sells to travellers. Some crummy inn. I hope they at least have decent food.’


I giggled a bit at her situation before saying, ‘I’d offer to cook for you, Sis, but I don’t think I know how.’


Neo: ‘Awe, thanks, Sis! It’s the thought that counts.’


While we continued to banter a bit I was trying to see if I truly had no control over my barrier. The first step I thought I should try is to sense it. And much to my surprise, it took me all of a fraction of a second to do that.


I was able to feel a sort of displacement, for a lack of a better term, around myself. It was so close to my skin, that you wouldn’t be blamed for thinking it WAS my skin. The glow of the barrier had changed to the familiar light orange and deep teal.


‘Well, since I can feel the barrier, the next logical step is to try and control it.’


I closed my eyes in focus and tried to move the barrier from my hand to above it. Several minutes later, my eyes shot open as I felt a second source of displacement form instead.




I then heard my sister call out to me, ‘Sis? Are you still listening?’


Neopolitan: ‘Ah! I am sorry, Sister. Umm, so, I was trying to see if I really couldn’t control this barrier around me, right? Well, I can’t. But, umm. I CAN, however, form a second one?’


My sister was silent for a few moments before her voice loudly rang out in my mind with excitement.


Neo: ‘Really?! That’s awesome, Sis! After our little experiment with this village is done, we should see just what you can cover with a barrier, and how strong it is!’


Nodding my head to myself I agreed with her.


Neopolitan: ‘Yea. An interesting thing is though, this second barrier doesn’t have any colours to it. It’s invisible. You’d never know it was there if you couldn't sense it in some way.’


Neo: ‘That’s so awesome. You always wanted your own Semblance and Aura. Well, you got one now I think! The Grimm changes aside, that is.’


Mentially shrugging my shoulders I say, ‘It’s fine. As long as you are never scared of me, I don’t really care about my transformation in terms of looks. And you're right about my barrier’s. They are like Aura and a Semblance, huh?’


Neo: ‘I think you look cool, Sis. But I am biassed, hehe. Oh, my food is finally here. Time to see if it is just as disappointing as the rest of this shithole.’


Once again giggling at her situation, I go back to messing with my barrier. Changing its shape and size, as well as trying to summon multiple. Sadly, I was only able to summon the one, but I could make it as big as a car in size.


As I dismissed my barrier I heard my sister swear up a storm in my mind.


Neo: ‘Stupid shithole village, stupid disgusting gruel like soup. 1,000 lien for that hot garbage? I bet the Grimm wouldn’t even eat that shit if they did indeed eat!’


Neopolitan: ‘That bad?’


Neo: ‘That bad. Anyway, why don’t you make your way to the tree line in a few, Sis. I am going to head to the gate that has a guard posted. He didn’t have any aura, so it’d be a great test subject.’


With a bit of trepidation in my voice I say, ‘Are… are you sure, Sis? What if I lose control again?’


Neo: ‘We need to know this, Sis. Try your best, okay? I’ll be right near the guard myself. If you feel like you can’t do it after this first test, we’ll call it there, okay?


Neopolitan: ‘Okay. I am on my way.’


Getting up from my spot, I slowly headed towards where I felt my sister was. And much to my dismay however, as I neared the tree line the emotions I was feeling from the humans were getting stronger.


I froze at that thought.


‘I just… thought of them like they are another species entirely…’


Shaking my head at that, and filing it away to bring up to my sister later, I slowly creep to the absolute border between the forest and the clearing leading to the village. Peeking from behind a tree, I could see my disguised sister standing near another person near the small village entrance. They had walls, but they were flimsy looking at best and I honestly wondered why even bother having them.


Shaking my head, I looked around for any other humans… people in the area that could potentially spot me moving towards the village. Seeing that the coast is clear, I make a break for it while trying to keep the noise I make low.


Not taking me much time at all to cross the clearing, and press against the wall I started to make my way towards my sister much more slowly. I was getting worried however, as it was getting harder to resist not out right attack the human next to my sister with each passing step.


As I was nearing my sister and the guard he suddenly stopped talking to her, who was still disguised as some dude.


???: “Do you feel that?”


Being that my sister, and I, are mute she simply tilted her head at his question.


???: “You don’t feel that? The air… is colder all of a sudden. Something feels… wrong.”


As I crept even closer, I noticed my glow was now a solid orange with a light blue mixed in. When I was about 10 metres from the guard, he froze up and lifted his rifle a bit. But he wasn't the only one, as I could feel my own muscles tense and ready for combat. It was taking everything I had to keep a clear head and not pounce on the wary prey.


???: “You really don’t feel that?! Something is wrong, very wrong…. THERE!”


He quickly spun around and looked directly at me with a look of shock and disgust on his face. But the emotions I felt from him was nothing but terror. As he was about to shout out, and I was about to rip him to shreds, my sister smashed her fist in the back of his head, knocking him out.


My sister quickly ran over to me, and pulled me into a hug and started to try and calm me down. I hadn't noticed it, but my glow was deep red and purple.


Neo: 'Shhh... calm yourself, Sister. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here, no one else is near us. The guard is down, and unconscious.'


A few minutes later, I was able to clam down thanks to her efforts.


Pulling out of the hug I say, 'Well that answers that then.'


My sister nodded to me before she walked back over to the guard and started to loot the guard for all he had, which wasn’t much at all if her annoyed huff was any clue.


Neo: ‘Yea. So you do give off an unnatural feeling anyone is able to feel but me it seems. While this complicates things somewhat, in the end it doesn’t change much as well. We’ll still go see our friend Roman in Vale. We just need to find a ride that is a bit more private is all. We also need to work on your very apparent aggression towards anyone who is not me.’


Nodding in agreeance I asked, 'Where too now?'


Neo: ‘Well, while I was eating that disgusting shit they called food, I “asked” the waitress if there was a place around that had a bullhead we could “rent.” She said some dude a bit further south has one he rents out sometimes. So, let’s go steal it and then make our way to Vale.’


As she grabbed my hand, I stepped on the guard to follow her. His unconscious body let out a whine of pain as my heel dug into his back, which caused me to smile.


Ignoring the man I asked my sister, ‘You know how to fly a… what was it? Bullhead?’


Nodding her head she said, ‘Yea. You used to know as well. I can reteach you as we make our way to Vale if you want.’


Smiling, I say, ‘I would love that.’


Neo: ‘Great! We have a plan. Let’s go!’


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