That one time I took an Eldritch survey.

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Baby steps…

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— P.O.V. Neo —



I rushed to my sister and embraced her as she collapsed into black tears. Her voice wailed with fear and despair in my mind as she asked over and over again what she did. I tried my best to calmly caress her back and head in an effort to help calm her down. But the moment when she started to call herself a monster is when I could no longer hold my thoughts to myself.


Neo: ‘No, NO! You’re not a monster, Sister. Shhh, it’s okay, I am here. You only killed the ones we were going to kill anyway.’


Her glow that had been glowing a strong deep blue, green and purple subtly started to change tints.


Neopolitan: ‘I… Re..really?’


Bobbing my head on hers, and hummed in confirmation.


Neo: ‘All of the slaves and prisoners are fine, Sister. You looked at them only once, before you ignored them. Look behind you, you can see them huddled in that hut. They may be terrified, but they are alive.’


Still crying lightly, my precious sister took a very hesitant peek behind her. And upon seeing all of the slaves huddled away inside one of the larger tents, her glow immediately gained a solid yellow colour to it. Which quickly gained a light green mixed into it.


Neopolitan: ‘H…how come I can’t… feel their emotions or...?’


Neo: ‘One of them has a Semblance that hides them. All the bandits were screaming in accusation that they had stopped using it when the “Weird new Grimm” showed up.’


Neopolitan: ‘Ohh… and now they… are trying to hide from me…’


I gently grabbed my sister's chin, and slowly pulled her attention back to me. Once she locked eyes with me, I gave her a smile filled with all the love I have for her, before resting my forehead on hers.


Neo: ‘Baby steps, my lovely sister. Baby steps. You may have lost control, but you at least only killed the bandits. That counts for something, right?’


Sniffling a few times, she then weakly nodded her head.


Neo: ‘Good. Now, let’s get out of here. We don’t know how long that person can hold his Semblance for, and I want to get you back to our hideout. In a more… calm place.’


As I stood up, and gently helped her to her feet, she looked back towards the slaves.


Neopolitan: ‘What about…?’


She asked before looking back at me with worry in her eyes and glowing a light blue and green.


I shook my head and said, ‘We can’t help them anymore than this, Sis. We’re wanted by everyone, remember. They have more than enough supplies to make it to a nearby village or something. And with that Semblance that one person has, they don’t have to worry about Grimm finding them easily. They’ll be fine.’


She turned to look back at them for a few seconds before slowly nodding her head.


Neopolitan: ‘You’re right. Plus, I am sure I make them feel… bad.’


Neo: ‘Doesn’t matter what you make them feel, we won’t meet them again.’


I gave my sister a tight hug, before I snatched up her hand and led her out of the nightmare fuel land of gore. As she passed the slaves, she tried to give a weak wave, but they all slightly leaned away in fear.


Neo: ‘Don’t worry about it, Sis. I am here for you, and I’ll protect you with everything I have.’


Her glow that was a deep purple and blue gained a bright yellow and green from my words, and she walked as close as she could to me. As we left the bandit camp, and headed down the path back in the direction of our temporary base, I gave one last look back at our failed little trip.


‘I will protect you with everything, and from everything. Even from yourself if I have to sometimes, my Neopolitan.’


— P.O.V. switch 3rd —



Back at the bandit camp, all of the slaves were still huddled together in fear. Suddenly though, the entire area they were in gained cracks and shattered with the sound of glass.


Gone was the large tent they were all hiding in, and what replaced them was nothing short of a hell on earth. Every slave has been brutally torn to pieces with pure physical force. Nothing was spared the rage of Neopolitan as she tore through the camp. Every man, woman, and child was torn apart like paper and thrown away like garbage.


A raven that had been flying over the camp when the slaughter started but was attracted by the screams ruffled its feathers a bit when the illusion shattered. It flew down to the centre of the camp and turned into a beautiful woman with a Grimm mask on her face.




She looked all around the camp, and was subtly impressed with the brutality of it all as she remembered the attack. To see such a small girl, Grimm or not, lay waste to the entire camp of 100 bandits and over 60 slaves in little under ten minutes was impressive. And worrisome.


Raven: “Salem stepping up her game? That was the first time I’ve seen a Grimm like that. One of the twins no less… Doesn’t seem like a trial run though. The Grimm looked horrified after she was done playing with the chief. Her Aura, or whatever it was, is also of interest.”


The woman made her way to the aforementioned chief who was currently impaled to the cliff.


Raven: “A Semblance and Aura on a Grimm? A failed experiment? Or was it a success, but Salem lost control? The twins are known to hold each other above all else… I can’t see one of them volunteering for something like this…”


Walking back through the camp to where the slaves were kept, she looked at the horror show. The blood had not even dried yet as it still pooled below all the bodies, and dripped down the rock face. But it was not sadness or pity in her eyes, but interest.


Raven: “Knowing the reputation of the twins, it’s safe to say they are on the run from Salem. My tribe could use strength like this. But she needs control, I don't want to invite a rabid animal into my home after all. Considering that Grimm’s, or whatever she is, power though this will need a softer touch than what I normally would like to do. She was able to completely ignore everything thrown at her like it was less than air.”


With a plan slowly forming in her head about how to gain a new power for her tribe, she slashed at the air near her with her sword. A black red portal formed within seconds, and she stepped through it shortly after.

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— P.O.V swap Neo —



Double checking my sister was sleeping soundly and comfortably, I snuck out of the tiny room. With a sigh, and a shake of my head, I head towards the mini fridge to grab something to eat. Taking out my scroll, I message Roman about the failure of our outing.


Neo: ~ Our trip was a pretty bad failure for the most part, Roman. I’ll need the location of another bandit camp in a few days so we can try again.~


Putting my scroll down on top of the mini fridge, I opened it and smiled at the contents. Roman had been nice enough to make some sandwiches for us and got a few other things we liked stocked. Grabbing one of his sandwiches, and a can of orange juice, I heard the ding from my scroll.


Roman: ~I’ll look into some more then. How bad was it?~


Feeling extra lazy for the moment, I created an illusionary clone of my sister to feed me while I typed back to Roman.


Neo: ~Real bad. She lost control fairly quickly. I think I may have given the wrong advice, or something. She quickly snapped, and tore through the camp like a Grimm would. That is to say, with brutal efficiency. No-one survived. One thing to note though, that state she entered is able to use her new power better than she can. Instinctual control I think?~


Opening my mouth to let a piece of sandwich be plopped in, I smiled a bit at the thought of my real sister doing this. The ping of my scroll broke me out of my mini fantasy sadly.


Roman: ~Oh shit. Well, I assume you were safe the whole time? I honestly don’t think anything could break the bond you two have.~


Smirking at that, and accepting another chunk of the sandwich I couldn’t help giggling internally.


Neo: ~Not only was I perfectly safe, even in her enraged state she actively kept me safe. I wish I was able to take a picture of what she did to the chief when he threatened me. It was beautiful. But I was a bit busy trying to get my sister back into a sound mind after she was done.~


Roman: ~Well, good for you I guess. I hope she is able to get a handle on her new powers soon however. I really could use the help from my two favourite twins.~


Neo: ~We’re working on it. Just keep the information about bandit camp’s coming for now.~


Roman: ~Sure sure. I have to go. Cindy-bitch is calling. Stay safe you two.~


Neo: ~Will do.~


Putting down my scroll, I lean back into the chair and open my mouth for some more of that sweet sweet sandwich. But to my horror I heard a giggle go off in my head. Robotically turning my head I can see my sister standing at the doorway looking at me with a hand, trying and failing, to hide the amused grin on her face.


Neo: ‘Uhh…’


The illusion of my sister shattered and the piece of bread it was holding fell towards the ground. Or, that was what I was expecting to happen, but instead it just floated there. My sister started to walked over to my still stunned and embarrassed form and let out another giggle.


Neopolitan: ‘If you wanted me to feed you like that, all you had to do was ask~.’


I could feel my cheeks heat up in a blush as my mouth fell wide open. I hardly registered my sister walking past the floating bread, picking it up and then slowly plopping it into my mouth.


As I robotically started to chew the food, my sister started to hum a song while getting another section of the sandwich ready to be served. I stealthy checked to make sure I was not sleeping by pinching my arm. Feeling the slight pain, I couldn’t help the massive smile that appeared on my face.




~ Deep in the Dark Lands ~


— P.O.V. Salem —


Salem: “Well, what did the petty thief say?”


My little devotee released an annoyed huff while crossing her arms under her bust.


Cinder: “He said he has no idea where they are. Lying, of course.”


Salem: “Naturally. The three have always been close. Hmmm. Tyrian.”


Tyrian: “AH! Yes, my Goddess?!”


Salem: “I want you to shadow Roman Torchwick. Find out where the twins are. One of them became a new type of Grimm. Yet, she eludes my control. I want to know why, and how. You know what to expect when dealing with the twins.”


Tyrian: “She refuses to listen to her GOD?!?! I’LL STOMP ON HER HEAD TILL SHE IS OUT COLD, AND THEN I’LL KEEP STOMPING! I’LL-”


Salem: “Enough. Do as I have commanded. And don’t get careless.”


Tyrian: “AH! Yes, I am sorry my Goddess!”


I internally sighed as he got up and ran out of the room with haste.

‘Men like him tire me out, but his loyalty is higher than even the Grimm’s. So I can give him that much.’


Turning back to the others I give a light nod.


Salem: “Now, let’s continue. Anything new to report, Arthur?”



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