That Time I Accidentally Became A Demon

Chapter 20: That Time I Accidentally Became A Demon (Chapter 20) (Riary)

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‘Fucking stupid rotten blood filled bastard!’ 


Riary was furious. Which was an understatement. There was no word in Common to explain just how angry Riary was and had been for days now. It was so much so that it had popped multiple blood vessels that Konahora had discreetly healed. She so was so goddess damn furious that her magic was just barely under her control and that she had progressed from a headache, to a migraine, to a pounding series of pain trying to break her brain in two. 


And the source of her unending rage? 


About ten steps behind her, walking around. Alive, not dead, not screaming in agony, not begging for his life, not with a look of horror. It pissed her off every second of the day, more and more. Every step was a challenge. An insult! It had gotten better recently, seeing the evil bastard be soaked, cold, and exhausted had been a welcome balm but it had hardly done anything for her RAGE! 


Every day, every single damn fucking day, she’d try and kill him. Would turn around, ready to unleash her force and end the source of her anger. But every time, Konahora would see her gaze, and shake her head. 


She’d grit her teeth, which Konahora also had to heal, and keep marching forward. It was worse than letting a cockroach crawl into your mouth and ears. It was wrong. They shouldn’t be helping demons, they should be going to war with them to wipe out the entire fucking race. 


Riary breathed deep, trying to get a bit under control. Which was rare. She had always been easily angered, she knew that much. But it had always, and still was, hers. People talked of controlling anger all the time, like it was a wild beast. She had never had that issue. She was her rage and even if it screamed at her to do something, it wasn’t an issue to just not do it. That didn’t mean she didn’t want to, or that she wouldn’t listen to her anger, but she’d never done anything in anger she didn’t mean to. This was one of the few times she’d ever had to consciously keep herself restrained. 


Which just made her angrier, which was… Annoying. 


She took a breath and released fire from her mouth. This wasn’t how this Goddess damn trip was suppose to go. She tried to focus on that for a bit, re-walk things through her mind. She didn’t care if she was angry, but she did care if she broke the team up because of it. She’d never forgive herself for such hypocrisy. 


It all started with that damn fucking tomb. Empty, completely. Fucking figures. Only insane cultists would make tombs in the middle of goddess damn nowhere and of course they’d already be looted and raided. Stupid Gem was probably on the other side of Ero by now. 


That just stoked her anger. They needed those Gems. Tyler… Tyler needed to go home. A new emotion tried to stab into her but it was smothered quickly. Fuck that. They’d get the damn things sooner or later, they weren’t the only teams searching. Even if she had to pry them from their fried bodies, she’d get ahold of those gems. Her heart cramped again and a thought came to her unwanted. 


‘You’re going to lose him too.’ 


She grit her teeth as that opened up the firestorm. 


‘Coming home from her first day of school, laughing with mom and dad. Both holding her hands and swinging her back and forth, so proud of their little prodigy. Calling her a genius and making her smile. 


Then the screams. 


She hadn’t understood but then they were running. Running. Running. Her best friend Pelet dead on the side walk, missing half his face. Her mother stopping, stilling, as a great hole appeared where her heart was. A hand bursting out.


The Demon laughing cruelly as he threw her corpse to the side, tackling her and her father to the ground. His laughing only growing louder as he tore off his pants and walked towards her father, as another demon made her watch.’ 


She stopped, breathing heavily. She could hear Tyler coming towards her and ignored him, marching forward. Demons, demons deserved to die. They were evil creatures by default. Monsters in a bipedal form. 


She didn’t know how, but this stupid demon was tricking them somehow, playing them for fools. He already had even! She had tried to kill that stupid summoner, the person dumb and evil enough to call a demon into their own village, only for the demon to both block and somehow survive. She could have ended him as simply as breathing after that but the fact that he had lived from that, pissed her off more and more. Clearly she wasn’t nearly strong enough. She hadn’t even gotten more than a few seconds to enjoy the fact that he was dead! At least, she had satisfied herself with having nearly destroyed him, causing him great agony. 


Only for him to tell them that he didn’t feel pain. 


That, that wasn’t FAIR! She could chop off his dick, remove his limbs, boil his eyes in his head, and melt him alive in acid, and he’d not feel any of it. It made her not only angry, but also sick. She, she could never see him in agony. She could kill him, like stomping a cockroach, but she’d never get to see him in pain. At best, she could make him fear for his life, but she’d seen his disgusting eyes. Even after she nearly killed him, his fear was… light. He avoided her gaze and definitely looked a bit unnerved but… that was it. 


He’d probably be a lot more horrified if he was tortured, pain or not, but she just… couldn’t imagine it. Not anymore. Not after seeing how he reacted. 


For the first time since Riary lost her village she felt… impotent. Like all the power in the world wouldn’t be able to fix anything. She can burn down all of Ero? Doesn’t matter. Still can’t make a single demon afraid or suffer. Only kill them, like taking care of mold or a disease. 


And being angry at a disease was… there was no relief to be had there. 







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Riary grumbled as she was woken up for her shift. It wasn’t hard or complicated really. It wasn’t even something the stupid demon had caused. They had been trained for traveling and one of the key elements was always having somebody on watch. They all just went to sleep at different times and woke up earlier than the others for a constant watch. Tyler was the one waking her up this time. 


Tyler… as she rubbed sleep from her eyes and watched his shadow through the tent, her thoughts couldn’t help but linger on him. When they had first met, Tyler had looked right at her, at her chest, and then said, 




She had tried to burn him alive for that. Fucker was fast though. She had been angry at the time, but now she found it funny. A lot of her memories with Tyler seemed to end like that. Angry amusement. She didn’t want him to go. 


She shook that thought off. She may be a bit short and a bit… lacking in the chest department but she wasn’t flat! Fucker could go die at home for all she cared. 


Her heart still ached. Stupid fucking heart. 


She opened up her tent and looked out, only to be hit in the face with rain. Her face was unamused. Looking out, searching for the demon, it took her a minute to find him. It was dark and raining especially hard tonight. She had been overjoyed to see the evil bastard suffer. But now? Now he was really suffering. The rain was practically a waterfall and it was colder than it had been. The wind wouldn’t help either, they were in a real storm now. She briefly thanked the royal mages for giving them such good tents. Permeant enchantments were insanely expensive but the king had still given them some basic items. Tents that wouldn’t be blown away or filled with water, and were self-heating, had proven invaluable time and time again. 


That lesson was only further impounded as she saw the demon completely unable to rest. He was shivering and wet, his clothes only making his situation worse as they stuck to his body. Even after the storm, he’d have to deal with those clothes as he didn’t have any extra. And when they traveled? He’d be even more utterly exhausted. She caught a brief look at him through a flash of lightning and his face looked utterly miserable. 


And he would have to deal with this for weeks. 


Riary kept watching and she felt… warm. Her breaths came a little heavier. This awful, terrible bastard would never feel any pain… but he could still suffer like this. Could still suffer in so many other ways. Pain wasn’t the only form of agony. Sheer discomfort was its own form. 


As she watched him shiver and a bit of mud land on him from the raging storm, she looked down, surprised at herself. At some point… her hand had slipped to her crotch. She didn’t actually wear any clothes to bed but, she hadn’t even noticed she had started rubbing herself. 


She looked at herself in shock for a moment. This, this was a bit… even for her… 


She looked back out at the demon and took an entirely different form of shaky breath, looking at his miserable figure. 


This… this was fine right? It wasn’t, it wasn’t about him. But him suffering, seeing him shivering as cold water and sharp wind batted him, seeing him try to wipe off the mud falling on him… she gulped. 


It, she found her hand back on her crotch and another gripping her small breast. It was, it was only fair and right actually! What wouldn’t be satisfying about demons suffering?! This was the least he could do, that awful bastard. Watching him squirm, shiver, wet, cold, and so, so fucking miserable. It wasn’t how she wanted it, but it was all she had ever wanted. 


Watching him go into a sneezing fit and yell out at the storm in rage was the last straw on her hesitation. 


She rubbed her breast in her hand, massaging it, squeezing it. Lightly going across her nipple. Her breath came a little heavier, as she watched with fascination. 


Her other hand was busier, rubbing her clit. She liked it slow and heavy. Pressing hard and grinding against herself. Her hand and fingers slowly getting wetter. 


She felt so warm, warm in a way her flames could never make her feel. Hells, warm in a way that regular masturbation could never make her feel. It was like all the tension she had been under, all the anger and rage and more and more and more, over the past week or so, was finally being relieved. As she watched a demon suffer, mud flying into his mouth as he rapidly tried to spit it out, she felt such a deep sense of satisfaction. 


She felt her breath come heavier as her grinding got faster. Soon, she couldn’t wait anymore, and slipped a few fingers inside, making sure to still grind against her hand. Her other hand was busy massaging her breast, nearly squeezing so hard it would’ve left bruises. Slow, and heavy. She couldn’t help herself and a few moans joined her heavier breathing. She knew they wouldn’t be heard from the inside the tent, let alone through this storm. 


Time continued on and to Riary, it felt like the greatest, most relaxing and erotic show in the world. Hours of nothing but pure demonic agony. As Riary felt the cloud of pure anger lift from her mind just a little bit, as it was instead swept through with ecstasy as she felt her body shiver and orgasm, she realized something. 


She had been a fool. 


Yes, the demon got to live, sadly. Yes, it couldn’t traditionally suffer, sadly. But there were so many others ways! Already, she would get to see this every single night. And she’d get to see it nearly fall over from exhaustion every single day! She would get weeks of being able to make it suffer in new ways. Sure, she might have to hide a few methods from her teammates, but so what? What are they gonna do, stop her if they know? She had already pulled back enough by agreeing to not kill the damn thing. They would let her have this. Hells, the demon wanted to live didn’t? So… wouldn’t it have to do whatever she damn well demanded of it? 


For the first time since visiting that village, Riary felt a smile cross her face. 


Derek was busy cursing up a storm, wondering which God he had pissed off. 


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