The Ability to Make Town!? ~let's Make a Japanese Town in Different World~

Chapter 68: CH 70

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Town chapter 70: Elf 2 (with map)

Map of the continent

Map of Dryad Kingdom

Map of Fujiwara territory

"I see......the beastmen are living together......"

I stared at the sky and muttered like a monologue.

"......What is it?"

"No, nothing. Emm, what was that?"

To my response, Polif leaks a mixed voice of suspicion and longing "Ha?". I will not give up on it. My mind was not normal, and I had forgotten even the words I wanted to say.

"No, that's why you're going under my control and the same goes for the other races, who you mentioned earlier, you live together."

Yes, it is a story that the beastmen are living together in this place. The moment I heard that, I was seized by something. It is a self-question what would have happened if I had not existed in that cursed land. It's a shame. Even if such a thing is thought now, the past cannot be changed. However, my heart becomes painful.


Compassion was felt in the voice coming from next to me. It's Mira. She is aware of my feelings. I thought it was very kind.

"Alright. I, I´m alright"

The first word was strong, but the second time I answered myself with firmness. Village chief Peter, Polif and the other elf are puzzled when I come back to my senses. I thought so. This is only understood by us.

"I'm sorry. I haven't slept so much lately, so it looks like I've spaced off."

"Ar, Are you okay? Or rather, you should better take a rest......"

Village chief Peter truly takes my lie and looks worried. On the other hand, I nodded with a smile.

"No problem, let's keep talking."

The situation is being told from Polif’s mouth as if there was nothing. The other elf doesn't like it, and complains to Polif by saying "Hey" or "Stop". However, he gave up sooner or later and only had a ugly face showing how dissatisfied they were.

A village where non-humans live. However, not all tribes live in one place. It is said that each of the large forests that have not been reached by people across the northern territories are being treated as castles. Polif doesn't know the detailed number of all the tribes combined. However, it is said that it will reach a thousand. A Thousand. That's a good number of people. By all means, I want them.

"In addition to us elves, there are: the rat tribe, lizard tribe, wolf tribe――"

At once, my heart jumped. The surprise might have gone out to my expression. Polif stops his words and sends a glaring look like "Whats wrong?" and I answer, "No, nothing." and urge him to continue.

But there is nothing wrong with it. ――Wolf tribe. When I heard that word, I managed to ensure that I would turn around to Mira and the others. Even humans are of many types. There were also people with faces like a hawk and those with faces like a crow. The wolf tribe is not limited to some members.

"――Pig tribe and cow tribe. All these six tribes live together in one place."

It seems that there are not only the wolf tribe but also the pig tribe. It was not possible to judge whether the six races were many or few. It may not be that all the beastmen aimed at the northern land called dragon's horn their home. There should be some tribes who live and hide somewhere on the continent. Or there may be more beastmen here, just that the elves don't know.

I think what to do. I want a population of over one thousand. But I didn't want to break their existing lives. It is an insult to come back from the bottom of the chest again.

"......How is your life?"

"We hunt monsters in the forest, catch the fish in the rivers and then just do some farming. Nevertheless......"

"Is it not so good?"

As if to agree with my words, Poliff nodded. That's right. If life is good, there is no way to come to this village. A relationship with humans would have been a tough decision.

The beastmen are living a tough life. Then, I thought that hope was not lost. There is a mutual benefit.

"I see. I will go and talk with them."

"Idiot! That's definitely an act you should never do! Are you going to destroy us!"

Another elf shouted. No honorifics. Polif's rebuke, "Hey" flew, and the other elf finally stopped.

"......Now let's not hear."

Village chief Peter is also here, though it does not stick to the wording etc. I have to worry about the physical aspect.

"Thank you, but what he said is correct."

"Why. If you live here, you'll know, but there are no settlements and no army in my territory other than this village"

"That's why. It is easy to harm you. There are many beastmen who have a grudge against humans and if harm is done to you, a noble, the country will give its heavy back"

I thought about it a little bit and thought it was true. There was a human named me in the old town before. If I’m not conceited, I think that my existence had eased the hatred to humans of the beastmen in that town. Then, what about the feelings of those that have lived in poverty in the last seven years without borrowing human power? It is not hard to imagine that every time you feel poverty, the grudge against humans who took away the land you lived in increase. Resentment and hatred have long been ripened, and ought to be nothing. But yet――.

"I have an idea. Don't worry. You can't do any harm to me."

At night, in the midst of a dream, sometimes pictures appear. Cats, leopards, birds, raccoons, deer, pigs, goblins and kobolds. The figures I spent time with. Even though betrayed, there may be a desire to return the hands of watch.

Polif says "Nevertheless,"  but I didn't let him go any further.

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"This is a decision. In the first place, the lord should not be restricted from acting in his own territory."

The lord is an absolute existence in the territory. This is common sense in this world. I couldn't even hear the sound of screeching from Polif’s mouth and continued my words.

"Anyway, first of all, about the firewood. You're going to trade it for wheat, right? Let the village chief prepare twice the amount"

"Bu, But then the village is......"

"I will pay the extra money."

"Ye, Yes, if that's the case."

Under the direction of village chief Peter, wheat is brought in and loaded on the rickshaw on behalf of the firewood. Once bartering is over, Peter is no longer needed here. He got out of his seat and in the vacant house there were only me, my escort and the elves.

"How is it?"

I ask the guards who went outside from the empty house. The guards were wondering if there was any suspicious people around the empty house. Polif and the other elves look suspicious as to what they are doing.

"There is no sign of people around"

"Good. Mira, remove the cloth on your head"

To my command, Mira unfolds the cloth wrapped around her head silently. Mira's head gradually is exposed.

"Ha......? No way......!?"

"A, Ah......!"

After a while Mira's head was completely clear and Polif and the other elf widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide. Beyond their gaze, the testimony of a non-human――beastman's ears stood out.

"You are a beastman......!!"

Polif spit it out instantly. I guess he didn't imagine that my guards were wolfmen. It is an expression of disbelief.

"Lower your voice. Even though I confirmed it, I don't know if someone is listening"

I have already confirmed that there is a spy in the village. The wolf tribe have good noses. At one time, they found a mole posing as a  worker. Perhaps the royal palace's aim is my pepper, but that person does not do anything because it is not likely to be worthwhile taking action here. I will keep him as long as there is no harm.

“Mira, that's enough.”

Mira wraps the cloth around her head again. And I talk to the two elves who still have the color of surprise on their faces.

"I think you've got a little bit of credit for this, so what do you think?"

In order to go to the place where the beastmen live and to proceed smoothly, the cooperation of Polif and the elves is essential. It is because persuasion from a fellow person becomes a weapon more than anything. So I have to get Polif and his friends to trust us firmly. It is hard to be betrayed if it is not put under the control of me in the direction ahead.

"Ye, Yes. If this is the case, other tribes may also listen."

Polyff said, after he looked at the other elf. Having a beastman in my relatives seems to be extremely effective.

"Well, let's go as you go home."

I unfold a map. Pointing 10 kilometers to the northeast, I point to a plain before the place where the rivers meandered a lot.

"Here......that's right, wait for two days. After two days, keep the fire burn constantly. It will be a landmark."

The story was decided and we broke up. When I return to the mansion, I call chief Jiharu to explain the circumstances and give instructions to send a vehicle. As for the personnel, I asked chief Jiharu to come. Then I told Reina and left two wolfmen guards in the mansion, before we left the village.

Of course, Reina knows about the situation to some extent, so there is no problem leaving them in the mansion. I have concealed light bulbs and heating devices for a while, but since Elsa should have explained about the vehicle, the level of small electronic appliances is a further story.

When I joined with chief Jiharu, I changed from a carriage to a vehicle and headed to the meeting point with the elves. 5 [73 type large truck] cars and one [horse-carriage] car. We will talk with the beastmen, but we are in a position to be intimidated, thinking that we must also show some power. Before joining the elves, I 【Purchase】 two [4 pounds mountain guns] and made them pulled into the track.

――Now, two days after we left the village. We arrived at the meeting point with the elves as scheduled for the promised deadline.

"Mo, Monster!"

"Ru, Run away! It is a mythical beast!"

The response is as expected. The elves ran away, putting the wheat replaced in the village against the carriage as we are approaching in a row.

Even so, this surprise is a very nostalgic sight. I remember the reaction of the beastmen who saw the track for the first time. I was made to feel ecstatic. I thought it was a taste of cruelty, but when I turned to Mira sitting next to me, she smiled. Apparently I am not the only one special.

However, it will not go as it is. I immediately [Purchase] [Megaphone].

『Wait! Don't run away! It's not a monster, it's me Fujiwara! I’m Lord Fujiwara who you met in the village! Don't run away!』

The loud sound emitted from the megaphone echoed all around. If this is not accompanied by words, it might be the roar of a huge monster. 

Then, Polif who actually talked with me understood the situation and ordered the other elves to "Stop". Those who escaped eventually regained their sanity and when they found out that we were not harmful, they gathered slowly next to Polif.

"What, this is......not a living thing......?"

"Humans are like this......"

The awe-inspired elves stared at the rows of vehicles that had stopped in a row.

"There are wheels....... A vehicle that runs without pulling a horse......? Fujiwara-sama, what is this! What the hell are you planning to do!?"

Polif cool words are hard to say. His expression is full of fear that he may have called in something that can not be brought in.

"I'm not going to do anything. I'm just going to talk a little."

But I responded to Polif without getting anything wrong.

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