The Ability to Make Town!? ~let's Make a Japanese Town in Different World~

Chapter 84: CH 86

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Town chapter 86: From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 3

――Let me explain the current situation a little.

The Initia Kingdom's army seemed to go straight towards the capital. However, the blade was directed to the territory other than the capital, not the capital.

The movement of the Eastern countries is too slow. The Initia Kingdom's army who knew that the slowness of this movement was deliberate was used to dominate the territories other than the capital city by distributing their forces.

If they defeat Queen Olivia, the land of Dryad Kingdom will no longer belong to anyone and the eastern countries will attack immediately. In other words, as long as Olivia is alive, the land of Dryad Kingdom belongs to Queen Olivia and the eastern countries will not attack. This is because the eastern countries lose the excuse to get the land of Dryad Kingdom. It was obvious to anyone that Initia Kingdom was steadily trying to solidify its foothold in Dryad Kingdom using the foolish and self-righteous thoughts of the eastern countries.

Thus, the Dryad Kingdom was immediately repressed from the lap of the royal city.

Will each lord surrender immediately or will they surrender after a little battle? That was it.

The capital city is surrounded by the siege so that it can be tightened with cotton. There was no longer a rebirth and the Dryad Kingdom was just waiting to be destroyed.

Dryad Kingdom´s royal capital, Rishundetto castle round table. In an emergency meeting where an immediate response is required, the queen and other main persons are waiting in the room.

However, despite the crisis of the kingdom's survival, there was only Edenstam at the round table, with the exception of Queen Olivia and her guards. The ministers didn't start out in antic.i.p.ation of the defeat of the Dryad Kingdom and the generals watched the army so that the soldiers would not revolt against the inferiority complex.

"Not yet......!"

Between the throne, Edenstam was frustrated. Waiting for the peace messenger sent to the Initia Kingdom's army. It was the last resort for the Dryad Kingdom that could not escape defeat.

"The peace messenger is back!"

"Let him pa.s.s through!"

In response to the report of the return of the messenger from the entrance, Edenstam gave permission to let him enter the room. However, the face of the messenger who entered the room is not good in color and seems to be depressed.

You can understand without listening. The peace discussion was a failure.

"Not good. I didn't get it together"

Upon hearing the report as expected, Edenstam held his fist and swung it into an empty s.p.a.ce. In addition to unlimited territorial surrender, he presented a peace condition equivalent to unconditional surrender that would even include Olivia's engagement. But it was refused. The Initia Kingdom intends to destroy the Dryad Kingdom without leaving any fragments.

(What to do, what to do!)

Edenstam thinks. He can give everything as much as they like, but only Olivia has to be helped. But the situation didn't allow it.

There was a plan to exile her towards the eastern countries. Edenstam doesn't know what kind of treatment she'll get, but it's better than death. But the decision was too late.

The eastern land had already fallen into the hands of the enemy when the war situation deteriorated until he considered exile. The road leading to the eastern countries was cut off.

According to reports, the eastern lords surrendered without a fight. The eastern frontiers quickly knew that the eastern countries were reluctant to provide reinforcements. There is no future in the Dryad Kingdom. It was a return order to the Initia kingdom because they thought so.

"......It looks like this is the way it is"

A cool voice that didn't suit this emergency meeting resonated between the round table. It belongs to Queen Olivia.

"Ema, ​​Lisl, you have served me well so far. But now the guards will be disbanded. Please tell everyone to take care of themselves from me"

Ema shouted, 「That!」. She is an active guard, with large, sharp eyes and short purple hair.

At present, all the guards defending Olivia were former orphans. They were picked up by Olivia and connected with her life. Everyone felt deep grat.i.tude and offered allegiance to the point of giving up their lives for Olivia.

"Until we die, we will follow Your Majesty even if we die! We were saved by Your Majesty and never forget it!"

That's what Lisl said, a black-haired guard with long eyes. It was an unusually strong word that usually did not reveal emotions.

But Olivia smiled gently and shook her head. On her face, you can see a refreshing feeling similar to giving up. It was the face of a person who was ready to die.

"Edenstam, send a messenger to declare our surrender to the enemy army. To give this neck the life of the clan. After that, you will relinquish your responsibility. Get out of the castle now"

"......There should still be some hands"

Edenstam said with a squeezing voice. His face is distorted by suffering.

"No, we don't. All that's left is to serve as king. I should have done this sooner. Then you would not have made any unnecessary sacrifices. It's all because of my cuteness"

Silence ruled the scene. But Edenstam has not given up yet. On the contrary, a glare flared up in his eyes.

(Not yet, don't give up yet. Even if the country dies, only Olivisama shall be saved)

He served as a va.s.sal――no, a feeling of kinship towards Olivia who called himself old man. Edenstam thinks and does not move like a stone. Two guards left the room, but soon came back.

"All the guards will share their destiny with Her Majesty"

Lisl reported the intention of the entire guard group. Ema nods strongly next to her. Olivia muttered 「Idiots......」.

"If we can be with Your Majesty, we can be foolish!"

Ema says so cheerfully in her usual condition. When she heard that, Olivia's eyes screamed and tears filled her eyes.

――At that time.

"A request for a visit has come"

A voice was heard from a guard who guarded the outside of the room. It is not an messenger but a visit, that is, a movement from the ally. Edenstam asked, antic.i.p.ating that he would be the one to advocate for surrender.

"From whom"

"That Fujiwara territory is――"

"Pa.s.s through! Immediately!"

It was Olivia who changed her att.i.tude before the soldier could finish his words. Edenstam was frightened by the appearance which was too far away from usual.


"Ye, Yes"

A woman with a calm atmosphere and beautiful golden hair appeared without delay.

"I'm Reina of Polo Company. I received a letter from Baron Fujiwara today"

Woman――that Reina took out a letter after an introduction. Olivia stood up and s.n.a.t.c.hed it from the side sooner than Edenstam received the letter.

Olivia looks over the letter as Edenstam flutters. After reading immediately, the letter was handed to Edenstam, saying 「Here」. Edenstam glanced at the letter, tilting his head to Olivia's usual and unusual work. It is written there:

『Because of an emergency, only the main points are mentioned. We have prepared a huge walled city. There are countless new weapons in the city and you can be a.s.sured of complete defense. I would like to take her Majesty there. However, there are two conditions. First, transfer the kingship to n.o.buhide Fujiwara. Second, to move 6,000 citizens to Fujiwara territory. If you can accept these two conditions, be sure to that Her Majesty the Queen will be protected』

The moment he finished reading, Edenstam thought how ridiculous it was. muttering that it was an obvious lie. Probably the idea of ​​getting Olivia in hand and handing her over to the Initia kingdom to hope for glory. In order to make the letter believable, he struck out an unknown condition.

(Who will believe that? In the case of Polo Company, I thought there was a way to go to exile Her Majesty to the Sandra kingdom, but it is also a fake)

If she goes to the north, she is only a rat in a bag. The distance to other countries will increase and it will become a thick wall and she will never escape.

As he thought about it, Edenstam was filled with a boiling anger against Reina. This is the situation. If there is a target to strike his anger, it is unavoidable that it comes to want to attack her as it hits the resentment acc.u.mulated in the pool.

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Edenstam, with a little cruelty, plotted what to do with this profane. But the next moment, the words that came out of Olivia's mouth were very different from Edenstam's idea.

"The schedule has changed. I will die only after becoming a old woman. Get ready as written"

"Y, You believe it!?"

It is not worth thinking about the letter which should be thrown away. Therefore, Olivia's remarks are too surprising.

"I think I'll try to live a little bit more"

"But I can't believe anything written here!"

As Edenstam said, Olivia kept silent as she looked for words. Despite the strong reason to believe this letter, she can't say it. When he saw Olivia, Edenstam felt that way.

Then it was Reina who gave Olivia a helping hand. Reina seemed calm to the last and said to Edenstam.

"Do you have any prospects without grabbing our hand? In the small country group, I heard that the royal family was killed in order to cut off the root of evil. Your Majesty's death is certain at this rate. I was wondering if Your Majesty was going to exile, but she is still here''

"Gu......! Then let's hear it! What is with this citizen's migration?"

"We have created a huge city, but there are not enough residents. It is a city that is only people. If there are no people, it will be nothing more than just buildings"

"Don't say something foolish! If you were creating such a big city, I'd know it right away from the flow of people!"

Of course, a spy is released to the Fujiwara territory. That territory, people were increasing at an unusual speed, but there was no movement of creating a city.

"We are in control of the beastmen who have fled to the north. We used them in secret"

"Wh, What!?"

Edenstam was surprised by the word beastman. To the north, it was true that a lot of different races fled from each place. He didn't know about that, but he knows it's a good number of beastmen.

(If you accompany the beastmen......)

A deep groove is created between Edenstam's eyebrows. The balance which refused that it was a lie inclined slightly to whether it was true perhaps.

"How do you move people? Everyone has a place to live and I don't think they'll leave their places"

Olivia asked Reina when Edenstam was overwhelmed.

"Isn't there any people who are in trouble like the migrants? You just have to give them work, home and food. People who live in poor neighborhoods have no more property than they used to, so they will come even after evacuation"

"What is with my personal security?"

"You can take someone along purposely. We are not going to do anything to harm you. You may be the hostage of the soldiers who came with you"

"What is the new weapon?"

"It's a large metal tube. The wind generated by the burning of the gunpowder is given the directivity by the cylinder and a metal ball is shot out from the cylinder. Theoretically, it's the same as blowing arrows"

To the explanation of the new weapon, the two guards were not sure, but Olivia nodded as if she was convinced. And Edenstam is――

"Wo, Wonderful!"

Edenstam said in a delightful but deliberate voice.

"Your Majesty, Baron Fujiwara, should have been given the Duke's rank. When he defeats the enemy he would become the Grand Duke and he will be exempt from all taxes in addition to the autonomy of the north――"


When Olivia calls him by name, it is time to exercise absolute command.

"Olivisama......if you follow the letter, Dryad´s......king......!"

It was Edenstam's last wake. May be saved. When he thought so, Edenstam was merciful for the kingdom's destruction and saddened that Olivia was no longer queen. The one thought that it was good to throw it away became regrettable at once. That's why it was the beginning.

"......It's alright, old man. If you think about me, don't say anything anymore"

Olivia's words are gentle. If Olivia tells him so far, Edenstam can't say anything.

"Your Majesty......I understand, I will follow Your Majesty's life......"

His voice fades away. Edenstam dropped his eyes and had a small spot on the floor. It was tears that he hadn't shed for decades.

"Do you know about the violence in the small country group! Initia army killed all women and children!"

"You know the northern Fujiwara territory! He made a fortune with potatoes and pepper and he is recruiting people right now!"

"I don't think our poor people will be overlooked by the Initia army!"

"Let's go to Fujiwara territory together! The Lord, Baron Fujiwara seems to have created a huge city that no one can attack! Her Majesty the Queen thought about us and talked to Fujiwarsama! They say you can get a house and food in Fujiwara´s Territory! The castle soldiers will escort us along the way!"

Those who were hired by money make a loud noise in a scene in the slums. Under circ.u.mstances where the royal city might be attacked, those who were withdrawn in tattered houses and those who were hiding in the shadows came out under the sky and listened. This same sight spreads everywhere.

Reina exhaled while watching this. It is a sigh of relief that she has managed to do something.

The role of a messenger that is too dangerous to think about. Delivered a profane letter to the queen. It wasn't strange to have her head cut off. However, the reason why the Queen did not do it was because of the situation of desperateness.

n.o.buhide gave two letters in advance. On the other hand, the royal palace was still in a b.l.o.o.d.y state of intention to engage. Here is only the consultation of the migration in the poor town written.

The other letter was when the royal palace was demoralized and was no longer accepting defeat. This is what she actually gave to the queen earlier.

There was no civilian in the castle. If you are in the castle, you are considered to be loyal to the queen and even if your life is saved, you may lose the opportunity to enter the Initia Kingdom. Under such an idea, everyone has withdrawn. Reina concluded that the queen might have given up because she allowed such a situation.

"It's not worth it at all"

Reina complains with a little murmuring. She recalled the words that n.o.buhide spoke the other day.

『There is a huge city in the north』

She has a long relationship with n.o.buhide. She has been together with him for about three years. She was able to grasp the detailed gestures and habits. Reina felt the contradiction that his words, 『There is a huge city in the north』 seemed to lie, but were full of confidence.

When there was n.o.buhide, there was never a lie. In other words, there is a big city.

He said he would bring people in there and create a country. Is it really possible? There was no such question. There was a certainty in Reina that it was possible even though she was not sure.

『Being the messenger to the castle is a very dangerous mission. However, it cannot be left to anyone other than Reina. Consideration is the status of a n.o.ble. A city where beastmen and humans live together. I'd like to have you gather those people together. ……How about that?』

Unlike when he talked about the existence of a big city, n.o.buhide asked, seemingly anxious. It was funny. The longer they get along, the more Reina see these aspects. He is caring. n.o.buhide has the gesture to care about the other party the more he gets along. It's as if he is scared of something.

Anyway, Reina smiled when she knew that he thought she was important enough. She replied that she understood it.

Long life as a merchant. In Reina, the attachment to the aristocratic position was fading. However, Reina felt that she did not dislike the aristocratic work that n.o.buhide gave herself.

A herd of shabby houses that seem to collapse beneath the dull sky――a poor town. The speeches of those employed by Reina are still ongoing. The speech attracted people, who called more people and eventually became a crowd full of people.

"Now, let's go to the Fujiwara territory together!"

The speaker raises his fist. The audience then shouted, 「Let's go to Fujiwara territory!」.

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