The Academy's FFF-Class Summons are SSS-class Hunters

Chapter 12: 11

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“Sorry? An escort mercenary?”

Leira tilted her head. No matter how limited Lilil’s magical power was, Jinhyuk surely had some power. Did they really need an escort?

It was confusing, but Jonathan seemed like a formidable strongman. Not that Leira had eyes to recognize strength, but even for her it was clear that Jonathan was powerful.

‘That’s what makes me feel so anxious.’

There were a lot of people mumbling that Jonathan was a mercenary that had nothing but a pretty face. Jinhyuk isn’t an idiot – he should be hearing them as well. To pick Jonathan in spite of that must meant that his skills were not to be ignored.

‘I don’t know why people call him all face no skill, but there’s no way they can lie to my eyes. This guy’s skills are real.’

Why does it matter anyway? The chance of encountering a dangerous enemy is low. He was hired for one possibility, and it would be best if that didn’t happen.

‘And that coachman.’

Leira introduced the coachman she had hired. The coachman seemed to be hiding his power, and Jinhyuk could see it. He is undoubtedly strong.

What was he hiding his power for? It wasn’t clear why he even works as a coachman. In any case, Leira didn’t feel any hostility from him. She decided to leave him alone.

“Well, let’s go!”

With Leira’s lively shout, the coachman whipped his horse. The horse neighed and began to drag the carriage forward.

Rumble rumble; A lot of vibration passing on an unpaved road. The comfort was nothing close to driving a car on a paved road. However, this fresh new experience wasn’t too bad, Jinhyuk thought.

“Ug… I’m so dizzy, I can’t stand it.”

Lilil, on the other hand, seemed to have a hard time from severe motion sickness.

“Lean on me and sleep.”

“I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“What’s wrong with a summoner leaning on their summon?”

“I know, but…”

It did not matter that Jinhyuk was her summons – Lilil didn’t want to be an annoyance. Instead, she leaned against the wall opposite of Jinhyuk and tried to sleep.

Jinhyuk was worried that the vibration would make it more difficult, but Lilil soon fell asleep. It seems that Lilil didn’t like to depend on others.

‘I honestly don’t understand. Don’t all humans like to take advantage of others?’

Every time something like this happened, Jinhyuk found it strange and confusing, yet surprising and good about it. He even thinks it’s possible that Lilil might not be a human being.

Leira spoke up and cut off his thoughts.

“Mr. Jinhyuk, sir, what kind of sword do you think Jonathan uses?”

“What kind?”

Jinhyuk was puzzled. Jonathan, who was riding on his horse from the side of the carriage, must have had a long sword on his waist.

“Wasn’t it a long sword?”

“No, that’s not what I mean.”

Leira seemed excited.

“There are quite a few people born with a sword talent in this world. They all practice different weapon art, since they are also based on magic.”

“I see.”

Jinhyuk wasn’t very impressed. Swordsmen used spiritual energy back on Earth as well. It wouldn’t make sense for swordsmen of this world to not use magic.

“But you see, your magical strength and talent are directly related to that person’s life. Therefore, the weapon art practised by a swordsman contains the life of that person. Everyone practises their own unique weapon art. Though that doesn’t mean there are no common weapon arts.”

The swordsman’s one and only weapon art – people called it the blade spirit. The level of blade spirit one can reach varies on each swordsman’s ability.

“Sword Learner, is when you create a blade spirit.”

One who creates a fully-fledged weapon art through the application of blade spirit is called a sword expert.

One with mastery enough to apply the rules of a certain space with the blade spirit is called a sword master.

If you can twist space itself to create your own space with the blade spirit, you are a sword emperor.

“But there are no Sword Emperors anymore.”

“Then you could be one someday.”

“Hmph, that would be great. But I can’t without any magical powers.”

Leira smiled bitterly. She lost her magical powers even before entering the realm of a Sword Runner. There was nothing that could be done.

“Do you really think it’s all gone?”


“The fact that you are alive, means you still have magical powers left in you.”

Jinhyuk remembered what he had read in the book about magic. For the people of this world, magic was no different from life. It’s magic that keeps their heart beating.

That is why it’s life threatening to use your magic power to your limit.

“If I had burned all of your magic, you would’ve died.”

“Is that so? Wow! So there’s still hope!”

Almost immediately, the carriage stopped. Glancing out the window, the coachman was getting off his horse and stroking its mane.

“We need to rest for a while. The horse is tired.”

“Then I guess it’s our turn to stop resting.”

Jinhyuk smiled at the coachman’s words. Leira tilted her head in confusion. Lilil slowly opened her eyes as the vibration went away.

“Oh, when did I fall asleep?”

“Fall asleep? You mean knocked unconscious.”


Lilil nodded her head in agreement.

“Anyway, let’s get off. Leira, you also need to build up your strength before entering the academy.”

“Oh my! Am I getting a weapon art lesson from Mr. Jonathan? As expected from Mr.Jinhyuk, you’ve thought it through that deep!”

“Uh, no. Mr. Jonathan needs rest. It’s not exactly comfortable riding a horse.”


Leira dropped her overly excited shoulders. Jonathan came over with a smile.

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“I’d love to teach my juniors if I could. But the weapon art I practice would go against yours. It is difficult to teach you.”

“What do you mean, ‘go against’?”

“It’s only meaningful for you to figure that out, my junior. If I tell you, it would interfere with your growth as a swordsman.”


Leira pouted her lips. Jinhyuk felt awkward seeing Leira like that. He felt that she was forcing herself to act lively and bright.

It made sense. Her father-like boss had just passed away and she’s on a trip with some strangers. Depression is contagious – she probably wanted to avoid ruining the mood at the least.

She was just pretending to be bright, forcibly ignoring the wounds within her. Jinhyuk noticed this, but had no intention of giving words of comfort to Leira. Leira was not his summoner.

‘Mental care isn’t my specialty anyway.’

On the other hand, providing training was his speciality. There may be limits to the magical powers, but Jinhyuk was still an all-master, and there were no skills he didn’t know.

Jinhyuk just needed to train Leira with the method he used to become stronger. He hoped that would provide some comfort. Hardcore activities help forget difficult memories.

“Leira, try taking on this guy.”

Jinhyuk took out a doll from his inventory and put it on the floor. The doll grew taller than Leira.

“What is this?”

“It’s a training doll. I have it set up as a first-level training for now.”

He took an ordinary long sword from his inventory and handed it to the doll. The doll grabbed the sword and took a stance. Because it was its first level, its posture was sloppy with many gaps.

“Mr.Jinhyuk, with that burner thing and others, you really have a lot of interesting things with you.”

“Burner? What is that, Ms. Lilil?”

“It is a tool where you turn a handle to light a fire and helps you cook.”

“Wow! Mr.Jinhyuk, are you really not a god? Maybe not a god, but perhaps a dragon or a spirit king!”

There was no time to humor stupid questions. The horse was recovering faster than expected, so Jinhyuk had to hurry putting Leira and his training doll for a fight.

That way they’ll rest meaningfully later.

“Leira, try fighting this guy.”

“Oh, Mr. Jinhyuk. Do I look that weak to lose to that sloppy thing? It’s full of gaps!”

“When I said fight, I meant fight.”

Leira snorts.

She confidently pulled out her long sword and rushed at the training doll.

Result: Utter defeat.

Unable to overcome the power of the training doll, Leira dropped her sword. It was the first time she used a sword without magic, so she was not used to it.

“Unfair! That doll is using magic, isn’t it?”

“Does it look like that doll has a heart? It’s purely swinging its sword.”

“No way… I lost to that sloppy thing?”

Leira was engulfed in her shock and couldn’t stand up. The coachman told everyone that they were ready to leave and to get into the wagon. Leira didn’t want to stand up with this feeling of powerlessness.

Was she really that weak? Forget King Goblin – she may have lost to a simple goblin. She was reminded of being captured by the goblins and felt more strength leaving her.

Looking at Leira, Lilil whispered to Jinhyuk.

“Mr. Jinhyuk, weren’t you trying to relieve her stress?”

“I was.”

“I think you instead recalled a memory she didn’t want to.”

“I think so.”

But there wasn’t anything Jinhyuk could do. If Leira was his summoner, he would help her at any cost, but since that wasn’t the case, there was no reason to try.

Jonathan came over and patted Leira on the shoulder.

“Oh, junior. No one’s strong from the beginning. Having been through a long dark period, I too know how that feels, but that is more reason to keep trying and move forward.”

Jonathan’s words reminded her of Raytely. He always wanted her to see the broader world. And to do that, there’s bound to be times where you trip over and fall.

But what was the point in seeing the broader world? Before, it was from vague expectations, but Leira now had a clear goal.

The goal was to avenge Raytely’s death by killing the Demon of Gluttony, the demon that created the King Goblin. That required her to go on and explore the broad world and become stronger.

Leira’s enthusiasm soared.

“Thank you.”

She stood up and climbed into the carriage. After that, she fought against the training doll on every break.

As obvious it was, it resulted in a series of defeats.

But as she continued, Leira started to feel some kind of magical powers. It was subtly different from the magical powers she knew before, but she dismissed it, taking it as a misunderstanding from losing it for a while.

But Jinhyuk and Lilil noticed the difference as well.

“Ms. Leira is using the magic of evil spirits, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, the energy is similar. Although the evil seems to have faded.”

Could it be possible that she may become an evil spirit again? Or instead turn it into her own and reach higher levels?

It’s unsure. It’ll be necessary to keep an eye on her. Otherwise, They may have to kill Leira even before she makes it to the academy to minimize casualties.

‘Would suck to kill her after saving her.’

But for two days, Leira did not turn into an evil spirit. On the contrary, she defeated a level and another as she used the evil magical powers. She’s become accustomed to weapon art that uses very small amounts of magic.

Then, on the second night, she broke through the third stage barrier.

“hurray! Level 3 Defeated!”

I guess it was a needless worry, thought Jinhyuk, as he eased his worries a little.

Right at that moment,

“Don’t move a muscle.”

He felt a cold blade on his neck.

The Mokidi bandits were attacking.

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