The Accidental Gangster

Chapter 1: Fight?!

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It was going to be a bad day. A natural suspicion that occurred every time I woke up in the morning, today was no different. I don't think it was always like this, but it has been the norm for the past couple of years. Every day since I was like, eight, I have been judged. Horribly. Just because I'm a little taller than the other kids, maybe a tad bit more muscular due to my... condition. But the main thing that everyone's eyes automatically went to, was my scar. 

"Well, guess I can't put off any longer." I turned over and sat up properly, my legs nearly bumping into the stove. Standing up, I walked into my ungodly small bathroom to try and tidy myself up a bit. Despite deeply despising my appearance, I had always been taught by my many... mothers, to take care of my body and face, my assets so to speak. As I stood in the cracked bathroom mirror, I tried to figure out what I could even really change. I really couldn't do anything about my hulking, slightly slouched figure. I have tried to fix my posture but being 6'6 and still growing, the bad habit of bending my back so I could look someone in the eye was hard to break. 

Maybe that would have been fine if I was lanky or lean but no, I have muscles like The Rock. It's not like I wanted to be so muscular, I barely even work out. Unfortunately, being born with muscle hypertrophy, I just passively gained muscle. My hair was a buzzcut that I was honestly happy with. In the words of my many mothers, it made my eyes pop, even if they were just a normal brown color. Maybe I could trim my beard? Nope, can't even do that. I didn't even want a beard, it just made me look even older and more rugged, but at the end of the day, it was the only thing that could partially cover up my scar. 

The damn scar. I don't even really remember how I got the scar, all the memories I have of it are of some bloodstained concrete with some incessant car beeping in the background. My very next memory was of Mother Tera taking care of me, and Mother Carrie shouting at her about bringing a stray in, and how she was bringing unwanted attention to the Madame. From that crash, my life was changed for the worst. I love my mothers, I really do, they gave me the best life they could. But it's no doubt that the crash messed up my life forever. Officially, Xavier  Whitlock died in the crash and was dragged away from the scene by a wild animal. So, now I can't use my own last name, had to fake lots of identification. But at the end of the day, I'm happy I ended up with my mothers. Even if Mother Tera, never dragged me away from the scene, I probably would have ended up in the system as I had no other relatives, so honestly, I was screwed both ways, but at least this way, I have my mothers. But this damn scar has caused me so much grief. All it signifies was my parents' death and the death of the Whitlock family. Not to mention everyone is terrified of me because of it.

I don't blame them. It's a massive, wide scar running from the left side of my forehead to the right side of my chin. Thankfully, my left eye was fine and dandy, but my looks were massacred. I never managed to make any friends whatsoever, and somehow just by existing, rumors began swirling about how I got the scar. When I left my old middle school, the most recent version of events is that after going undefeated in some underground fighting ring, I told the ringmaster/gangster boss that I was done and was going off to make my own gang and he told his subordinates to kill me. I then proceeded to kill all 100 of his men and finally him in some epic boss battle. At the old age of 10. Sighing, I pulled myself from memory lane and stared ahead at myself in the mirror. 

"It's going to be different this year, it has to be." Even though I looked like I was pushing 30 when I was only 14, I was determined to make the most out of my freshman year. I was going to have friends, I was going to have a girlfriend, and I was going to have amazing grades, even if I'm kind of stupid and had no social skills.

After hyping myself up, I took a cold shower, threw on my nicest clothes, some grey sweatpants, and a black t-shirt that was too small for me, some worn-out black forces, brushed my teeth, and left. 

'God, I need groceries. Couldn't even have breakfast. I hope we don't have to pay to eat lun-' I stopped, dead in my tracks. My eyes widen, as in front of me was a glowing golden arrow. It wasn't on the ground, it was floating in mid-air while pointing forward. My breathing quickened as stared at the arrow. 

'Is it like a sign or something? But it just suddenly...appeared.' The damn sign just came into existence in front of me, glowing in all its glory. The most logical explanation my brain could come up with was that it was some sort of sign that you could only see if the light hit it a certain way. So I walked backward while observing the arrow. It stayed, didn't even flicker or glimmer. So I walked up to it again, bent sideways, stood on my tiptoes, and bent my neck and back in strange angles. It still glowed as bright as ever. I then realized if it was a sign that just depend on the angle of the light to be seen, I could just touch it. So, I slapped it, and my hand passed clean through it.  The next 'Logical Explanation' was that it was a hologram that was being broadcast by a device somewhere. I looked around the dingy neighborhood with the cracked falling-apart apartments, broken windows, and the blaring sound of a child being neglected somewhere with emerging horror, as another explanation seemed to be actually logical. 

'I'm fucking hallucinating.' I tried to calm myself down with the explanation that it was merely the hunger getting to me. And that once I get some food, I'll be fine. A battle raged in my mind as the urge to freak out nearly overtook me, but finally, my more rational senses won out and I steeled myself and walked through the arrow, ready to ignore anything and everything. And then it appeared again.


As I walked, my eyes were beginning to hurt from the blaring light of the 'magical' arrow. I couldn't seem to escape it. It would stay in one place for a while but as soon as I passed it or passed through it, the thing would suddenly appear in front of me again. I had thought of running away from it many times, but the social urge to not be seen as more of a freak than I already am didn't allow me to. Besides, it hadn't done much than show me where I was going to go anyway. And then I turned a corner. 

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I had been in this neighborhood for about 2 years. I made sure I knew every alleyway, crack, and corner of the entire district, so I knew exactly where I was, a hideout. This little hallway of darkness belonged to the Red Angels, a small-time gang that's been rising through the ranks of infamy a lot faster lately. You couldn't even see the other side of the alleyway wall, it just looked like darkness all the way forward. The only light you could even make was the golden arrow, and that didn't illuminate anything.

I had been so focused on the said arrow, that I wasn't even paying attention to where I was really even going. I promptly spun around and began to speedwalk to where I came from, only to realize something. The arrow wasn't in front of me anymore. I looked back, and it was still there, pointing straight into the abyss. It even began blinking and making a sound like an open car door. It didn't take a genius to come to the conclusion that the arrow 'wanted' me to go through the alleyway.

'And go through Red Angel territory? Hell no.' But I still didn't move. The blinking and sounds were even louder, now accompanied by some god-forsaken whispering. For some reason, I felt like I was being coaxed into entering the alleyway, like I was in a trance some sort of trance. 

'Guess I've always been a bit of a cat.' So I began to walk into the void, damn near against my will a whole nother battle started up in my mind, every step a debate. 

I had been walking for over a minute in darkness, guided only by the golden arrow. It was no longer waiting for me to pass through it. It was now gliding gently in front of me, matching my pace. The thought of going now was mostly abandoned as I was already almost late for my first day of class. At the very least, going through the alleyway would allow me to make it to the first period, as it was now a bit later in the day thanks to the orientation assembly. My mind was racing on what the hell I would say if I ran into a Red Angel member, but my thoughts were soon interrupted by a sound. It was repetitive and blunt, making me instantly stop. Apparently, the arrow didn't like that as the car door sounds started up again, accompanied by the whispers, with a guest appearance of an unsettling feeling in the back of my head, like someone was tickling my brain.

But this time I stopped. I wasn't going to be fooled by my hunger-driven hallucinations any longer. As if it sensed the decision I came to, the golden light began to dim, considerably, and soon I was in total darkness. I nearly gasped in fear. The only indication it was still there was the car door sounds that had gotten a tad bit louder. I knew what the arrow wanted, so I took a step, and the tiniest bit of light resurfaced in the arrow, located directly on the very tip. I took another step, more light. Then another, even more light.

I then proceed to get suckered into walking straight toward the repetitive blunt-hitting sound. Then suddenly, in the distance, I saw a dim, white light. The arrow suddenly surged forward, leaving me no choice but to run after it. As I got closer, the blunt-hitting sound got even louder, and now I could see about 3 figures standing in a semi-half circle around something on the ground, the one in the middle of the circle was kicking the thing on the ground. The arrow got even faster, pushing me to go even faster as well, nearly having to run. Then suddenly, the golden arrow came to a screeching halt, making me stop as well. The arrow began to curl, touching the arrowhead to its bottom. I looked on bewildered as the golden arrow turned into a golden ball of sorts before flattening itself into a panel.

[In order to unlock The Gangster System host must first: Beat the Red Angel initiates] 

“...What the fuck is going on here?” Immediately, all 3 people looked toward me, staring me down. 

“Who the fuck are you?!”

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