The Accursed

Chapter 16: Chapter 16 – Morgold, City of the Undead

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Melissa was shocked, but wanted to follow along when Ashley spoke through the 3 demonesses, and explained what had happened to Tiffany and their other classmates

She listened as Archie and Natalie were the only ones they knew who escaped the carnage

Perhaps there were others who survived, but Archie and Natalie wouldn't know about it

They certainly haven't met anyone else and the 4 of them were the last ones from their class

This was really it then. They're never going home

Melissa privately thought that perhaps a few were turned to gold like her

But those in the city of Duramar was gold slag now, and there was no point on crying over spilt milk

Not that it seemed Ashley cared anyway as his body and personality was so altered, it was impossible to go home like this

Ashley had also changed so drastically, and watching the way he talked through the demonesses, it seemed as if they were the same being

The demonesses indeed never got angry at any of Ashley's sometimes petulant behavior and seemed to treat and regard him as part of themselves

It was clear that they behaved unlike sisters and more like friends or even sometimes like strangers to each other

But with Ashley, it seemed like each of them were a part of him, or vice versa and didn't even treat him like another person, rather a part of themselves

The carriage suddenly started rocking, like they rolled over a large rock

Selene simultaneously held on to Ashley so he wouldn't fly around the carriage, but Melissa fell on her butt on the floor

It continued as the bumps got worse

Outside, Rancell had to hold on tightly as the carriage rolled over body after body of wights and skeletons 

This was indeed a land of undead as it seemed that everybody who has ever died was walking around, not facing towards them and stumbling in slow motion

"Fuuuck" Rancell cursed as the carriage ran over body after body without stopping

Various undead tried jumping onto the moving vehicle, but Randall drew his sword and started hacking them from the top of the roof

The carriage eventually came to a halt, as too many bodyparts were mangled and stuck between the wheels, right in front of the castle in the middle of the undead city

"Jump" a voice ordered and Rancell immediately jumped into the air as the carriage exploded, sending shockwaves and wooden planks flying like projectiles, impaling and dismembering undead warriors

Rancell landed right next to Ashley and Melissa, who was fully dressed by leaning a spell from Ashley

Medusa, Lilith and Selene had turned into their full demon forms and spread out, forming a triangle around the trio of Ashley, Melissa and Rancell

Melissa cast several buffs and the 3 demonesses got much stronger, faster and more durable

"Not bad for a human. Useful!" Selene said as she attacked

The undead were blasted to bits by their attacks with the demonesses killing the wights, zombies, skeletons and even a death knight or two like slaughtering chicks 

"Who dares?" a creepy, raspy voice sounded as a lich flew out, riding a bone dragon

This must be the bone dragon that chopped of Archie's arm and killed William. And the lich must be the one that...

Suddenly, the 3 demonesses screamed in anger releasing a killing intent so powerful that the undead around them splattered into bloody meat paste

Melissa quickly held on to Ashley as he seemed to be struggling to stay standing 

The 3 demonesses flew into the air to engage the bone dragon and the lich creating a loud explosion and shockwave as they clashed with the lich and bone dragon

Suddenly, two figures charged at them, a naked male with a spear, and a naked female with a sword

"William? Tiffany?" Melissa was shocked to see them

They were both naked, but their eyes, nostrils and mouth was sewed shut with stitches and they were shaved bald

Their nipples were cut off and sewed shut, and Tiffany's pussy too. William's penis was chopped off and the wound stitched shut too as were both their anuses

Rancell got ready his sword in a battle stance as Ashley tried to join in

"No! I've seen you fight Sir! I'll handle this. Stay back" Rancell said as the two stitched bodies charged

"I'll support you" Melissa said, buffing Rancell as he attacked

Rancell understood that these were the bodies of Ashley's beloved and a classmate, so he was careful not to injure them

But they were good fighters, and in normal circumstances, he would only be able to fight only one of them, not both

However, Melissa's buff made him stronger and faster than them, allowing him to outmuscle and outmaneuver them with his experience

Every slash of Tiffany or Rancell's sword sliced undead creatures around them and created large gashes on the ground from their sword aura

William's spear was deflected, causing holes to be blasted where his thrust was aimed

They were indeed the sword and spear saints, and being undead didn't reduce Tiffany and William's abilities at all

He battled them for a while, wondering how to defeat them

He couldn't hurt them, but as undead beings, they never tire, nor surrender unless they were hacked to pieces

Suddenly, with a loud crash, the bone dragon's skeleton smashed to the ground

As the dust settled, Lilith was standing on the crushed dragon skull which was missing it's lower jaw

Another crash on the ground as Selene stayed in the air, carrying the broken wing boned of the bone dragon in her hands

The headless body of the bone dragon was in broken pieces on the ground

Just then, the naked bodies of Tiffany and William just collapsed as if they were marionettes with their strings cut

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Medusa threw the petrified lich to the ground smashing it to several pieces

"Destroy its phylactery? What a waste of time, Recover from this" she said, ripping off it's head and smashing it to sand

One would need to destroy a lich's phylactery to kill it and prevent it from resurrecting 

But Medusa turned it to stone before smashing it to pieces

So it would have to turn back to it's usual skeleton form first, before trying to resurrect 

With that, the battle was over

It would be many months before adventurers were brave enough to explore Morgold. But what they would discover was an empty city, with not a undead in sight


Like that, the group of the Black Carriage grew

Not only was Ashley and his demonesses joined by their slave Rancell, and Melissa begged to join too

With Ashley's influence, they agreed

She found the demonesses were great teachers, treating her like a maid

Also, she wanted to be near Ashley. Not only did she have a crush on him from before, now he was the only survivor she knew from Earth

She didn't want to return and meet up with Archie and Natalie, as she was the only survivor of Duramar and would illicit too many questions that may reveal the demonesses and Ashley to the world

The bodies of Tiffany and William were the lich's puppets. But through Medusa, Lilith and Selene, Ashley gained control over them

As long as any of them were around, he could control the puppets as if they were his body

Besides, without them, he couldn't see to control them anyway

He tried his healing ability to try to revive them, but the attempt failed. They were fully dead

Ashley, realizing that all 3 men in the group was dickless, decided to heal Rancell

Rancell was overjoyed to have his penis and testicles back

Ashley decided to take his penis back from Selene too

And within moments Medusa, Lilith and Selene suddenly grunted in pain from a phantom organ they didn't have

They returned to the carriage and sped off

Before this, Medusa and Lilith sat on either side of Ashley, while Selene sat opposite him

But now, as Ashley's caretaker and maid, Melissa sat next to him together with the Tiffany doll, which he lay on like a pillow

The 3 demonesses sat opposite them

Were they jealous? No, one could not be jealous about yourself


Days later, as stopped at a natural hot spring, Rancell relaxed in a separate spring of hot water

He was aroused with his regrown penis and was very horny

But the 3 demonesses were a definite no

Lilith probably would fuck him, but he knew that would mean instant death

Selene offered to fuck him and turn him into a vampire

But he declined as it would mean he would never see daylight again

Selene could go under the sun, but as a new vampire. he was toast

How about the others?

Melissa was Ashley's maid and the only other normal human and they had become friends

But they were platonic and he knew she had eyes only for Ashley

Tiffany was dead and became Ashley's hands and feet, using her to move around and doing things vicariously through her

But she Ashley's love, and there was no way Ashley would allow him fucking her

In the towns or cities, he had visited the brothels to relieve himself

But here in the forest, there was no relief

He suddenly turned to the doll of William next to him

He had washed it and it was probably used only for battle and nothing else

It didn't have a penis and while lean and muscular looked asexual

They won't notice, right?

He carefully peeled off the stiches from William's anus

He bent it over and started fucking it doggie style

From then on, he used it like a sex doll whenever he needed

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