The Accursed

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 – Strange Day in Ayla

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The citizens on the streets of Ayla were busy as usual, everybody was going about as if nothing was happening

"Good day Parkson" Rencell said as he waved the hunter through with his two young sons

"Fine day to you too Rancell! Is everything alright?" Parkson asked, seeing the strange atmosphere

"Everything is fine Parkson. See you later" Rancell said

"Ok then... bye" Parkson said, looking one more time before walking on

"Everything is fine as long as you surrender" the General in charge of the army from Roslova said

Cassie the elf, hid behind Captain Rancell. 

He was the Captain of the Guard, in charge with the protection of the city

But where are the rest of the guards? Have they run off? 

Roslova brought such a large army. No wonder they ran

But why was Rancell so calm? Nevertheless, Cassie swore to live and die with him

Although she couldn't hold a bow and arrow properly anymore due to her missing left hand, she was nevertheless a warrior and she would sacrifice her life for her new home

Rancell hadn't thought of a way to introduce her to Ashley to heal her yet, so he never told her in case she got her hopes up too high

Rancell was facing the general of the Roslovan army, a full 20,000 strong, all in full armor!

They stood outside what would have been the city gates of the city, but instead there were only flower bushes and pretty flowers blooming

The army would flatten the area and attack the city with no wall to protect it

"How will I know you'll keep your word? If we surrender, how will we know you won't harm us?" Rancell said

"You... as the weaker force, you either accept our terms to surrender the city and be conquered by Roslova, or...." the General smiled

"Or?" Rancell asked

"You know what happened to you... Sword Saint of Lockbane. I was there as they... you know, and fed it to the pigs in front of everyone" he laughed

The army laughed and started jeering too making gestures of cutting of his genitals

"Does the elf know, that you have no..." the General asked

"Wait a moment. Sorry, sorry, it's an emergency" Rancell said, running to the side in front of everyone and pulled out his dick from his pants

They were shocked as he started peeing into the bushes, but the bushes was only waist high but everyone could still see his penis

He peed a long time before it trickled to a stop, and he shook it to get out every last drop

Cassie was as shocked as the rest. Although she has seen his penis just last night, but why was he acting so shamefully in front of thousands?

"I apologize. Nature calls, you know. It stings if I hold it" Rancell smiled

"You... how dare...." the General trembled in rage, taking out his sword and pointing it at Rancell

"Nice sword. I thank you in advance for giving it to me" Rancell smiled before turning around and holding Cassie's hand

The general's face turned red and he lifted up his sword, preparing the order to charge

"Bye now" Rancell stood there with Cassie trembling in fear

Suddenly, there were screams and shouts of pain, starting from the back of the army, but the General couldn't listen

From Rancell and Cassie's viewpoint, there seemed to be large vines coming from the back to the front as blood sprayed everywhere

It was happening too fast, the General dropped his hand, moving the sword from pointing to the sky, to pointing at Ayla

It was too late as the vines engulfed him just as the sword pointed straight at Rancell

The whole area, from the forest to the city limits, all were covered in large vines that seemed to appear from the ground

Only the general's hand was left, barely sticking out of the vines, holding the sword

"Thanks again. I'll take good care of it" Rancell said, pulling out the severed hand and taking the sword in his hands

He turned around, holding Cassie's hand as they walked back to the city, swinging the sword in the air to test it

The vines pulled back and disappeared into the ground and forest, as it swallowed up the whole Roslovan army of 20,000, leaving not a single trace 

Cassie held on to his arm tightly, looking at him, then at the area where the army was, looking back and forth several times

"Don't worry babe. You just moved here last weekend. You'll get used to it. You won't believe what guardians keep this city safe. Come, lets have breakfast. The chef has a wonderful selection" he said, kissing her on the lips


"I thought she'll be happy. Why did she run off crying?" King William, or more accurately Ashley though to himself

Melissa left the Royal Bedroom, half naked and slammed the door behind her

She had left her panties behind and her top was pulled down to her waist, revealing her breasts

She leaned on the door that she just shut, crying with her eyes closed

"No! It's Ashley that I love, not William! Besides, it's Ashley in control, and that was Ashley' cock fucking me" she thought to herself

Even though she said that, she knew it was in William's body that she's starting to fall in love with

She knew Ashley was having an identity crises, being more used to being William or Tiffany than himself

And now, she too seem to be forgetting about Ashley

She knew that after a while, Ashley will be completely forgotten by everyone, save a familiar name

But nobody would remember his face nor who he was. Who he is would be recognized as William

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And the worst part was, William was Ashley's rival in class and had competed for Tiffany's love

Who was the winner now? Ashley or William

She was the only one left who knew both

Even the Demonesses didn't seem to be taking action. Perhaps as beings that have multiple forms, Ashley being William or Tiffany made no difference to them. As long as they recognized the mind inside

Furthermore, she knew that they had a mental connection with him anyway, as they mentally gave him Tiffany and William's bodies to control

She pulled up her dress and ran out of the castle

In the streets, she saw in the distance, Queen Tiffany in the streets, visiting shops and greeting citizens

She was beloved by all and was the perfect Queen

But Melissa knew that it was Ashley too. How did he control William to fuck her and simultaneously control Tiffany

She turned away, pulling up her hood and headed towards her Magic Tower. She needed time to herself

Suddenly, she turned as a man passed her by

"Ashley? But how can that be?" she thought, thinking that she recognized him

But as she looked for the man in the crowd, he was gone!

Maybe she was confused, as she wasn't sure what Ashley looked like anymore


"You Majesty! Queen Tiffany! Remember me?" Ashley yelled, pushing his way through the crowd

Queen Tiffany carried a baby, kissing it before returning it to it's mother, who was crying happily

"It's me. We were close!!" he yelled

Queen Tiffany hugged several little girls, bought bread from the bakery and handed them around

"We were lovers!" he yelled as he got to the front and fell on his knees, looking at her with tear filled eyes

He reached out to touch her

Queen Tiffany's eyes met his as they held hands, before she turned away and moved on to the next person

Ashley looked disappointed as he watched her move further and further away, with the crowd clamoring for her attention

Suddenly, moving at speeds faster than the eye could see, a shadow moved, and Ashley disappeared from the crowd


Ashley was tied to a chair, naked and unconscious

A bucket of water splashed on him woke him up

"Wha.. where.." he said as he was shocked awake as a bright light shone on his face

"Who are you, and what is your purpose here?" Captain Rancell asked, appearing from the darkness

"I.. Tiffany is my...." he stammered

"You what? Think carefully before you answer" Queen Tiffany said, appearing in the darkness next to Captain Rancell

He was shocked to see her there!

"Tiff! Tell him you know me! Tell him we were lovers! We love each other, remember?" he said as he tried to compose himself

"You do? Then what is this? And why is it on your fake hands?" Captain Rancell said, showing a bottle of poison and gloves that were made to look like bare hands

"That was on my hands when you touched me, right?" Queen Tiffany said

Suddenly, he started convulsing as he started foaming from his mouth and his eyes rolled up

He collapsed to the floor, still tied to the chair, dead

Blood poured out of his ears and nostrils

"Ashley!" Melissa appeared out of the darkness

"Don't call him that" Tiffany said

"Look! Something is happening" Rancell said

His naked body started to transform, revealing his identity

"Michael! I thought he was dead. But if anyone was equipped to survive, it would be him" Tiffany said

He could transform into anyone, disappear into the crowd, live in anonymity, and never get caught

But why was he there to assassinate the Queen? Weren't they friends?

Medusa, Lilith and Selene appeared from the darkness, standing next to Tiffany, Melanie and Rancell to examine the corpse

"Powerful spell. Even if Ashley is able to revive him, his brain is erased. We will learn nothing from him" Lilith said

"This is open provocation! Someone wants to start a war, or cause us to fight a war" Selene said

Medusa sighed as Selene shook her head

"What is it?" Rancell asked

"The real Ashley wants his body" Lilith explained


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