The Accursed

Chapter 29: Chapter 29 – Rescuing Selene again in the Tomb of Blood

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"What? We're married?" Melissa gasped as she sat with Ashley around a fireplace, deep in the forest

Ashley nodded, after explaining the unbelievable story of what's been happening

"Then... what about Tiffany?" she asked, seeing Tiffany sitting with William not to far away

Melissa didn't know that Tiffany and William died after she was turned to gold, even in the original timeline, and they were dead. After Ashley healed their stitched bodies, they looked like they did when alive, but ultimately, they were just puppets

"Tiffany... and William are dead. I've restored their bodies, but they are only puppets under my control" Ashley said, getting both Tiffany and William to simultaneously turn to them, smile and wave

"And I... am his wife in this timeline" Sasha interrupted as she hugged Ashley from behind

He didn't reject her, and Melissa started feeling sour seeing this. 

"I... I still love you Melissa. Be my wife.. too" Ashley said

"This is alot for me to digest. I need..... to process this" she said, turning away to think things through

"Alright. Remember, I came only for you. I love you" Ashley said as he stood up and went to check on Medusa

Medusa was sitting naked as she was unable to be covered up due to her golden bonds

Tiffany and William sat near her, to protect her and try to keep her comfortable

Ashley had reconnected his mind to hers, by touching her bonds

He never needed to talk to her or any of the other demonesses

When he linked, it felt like a part of his mind has been restored

They had agreed that for now, Ashley wouldn't release her

They didn't want to attract the attention of Trihader or some other god yet, if they were released

Although they knew Trihoder promised not to interfere if he freed them again, but if he changes his mind, who could stop him?

They had already come up with a plan to try and infiltrate Talas from Rockhold, but it will be risky

Before that, they should get Selene first in the Tomb of Blood

As Ashley and Sasha were now also ancient vampires, they were each roughly a third of how powerful Selene was

They would require to live as long as her to grow to her strength and power, but with 4 S Ranks, together they might be able to match any one of the 3 demonesses

With that, they headed for Red Sands

While Medusa sat in a carriage with Melissa, Ashley, Sasha, Tiffany and William ran on foot while Rancell and Tanya drove the carriage

They completely bypassed the city and headed to where the tomb was

Unfortunately, it was buried under the sand again, and after several hours of searching and digging, they finally managed to unearth the entrance

Rancell, Tanya, Tiffany and William waited outside guarding the carriage with Medusa inside, with only Ashley and Sasha entering the tomb

They didn't bother fighting the many monsters that came out of the shadows, flying directly past them

The monsters were mostly giant scorpions, worms, spiders, centipedes and other giant creepy crawlies

Like the many places he's been in his previous life, although nearly everyone had forgotten about it, the evidence of them being there still existed

The hole that Medusa and Lilith burst through to rescue Ashley, who was being bitten and fucked by Selene before, was still there, giving Ashley a direct access to where Selene was

He flew down with Sasha close behind

Several minutes later, he arrived in the platform where Selene was trapped

She had the same golden bindings that bound Medusa, a combination of all 3 sets of bondage like Ashley had earlier

"Selene?" Ashley asked

Selene tried to back away, and waved as if trying to keep him away

"Do you remember me?" Ashley asked

She nodded, but didn't want him near

"I know. Medusa told me the same. I won't release you... yet" he said

She stopped resisting and Ashley got close to release her from the metal parts of her bondage

While doing so, he hugged her gently and their mental link resumed

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However, like Medusa, she still had the magical gold bondages around her eyes, mouth, pussy and chains tied to her nipple rings, her neck, wrists and ankles

Sasha turned away, seeing how badly she was injured from the bonds. She had the same reaction when she initially saw Medusa too

It reminded her of her own sexual torture by the Orcs as well as the Elves' punishment of gold chains being attached to her nipples and clitoris, and not being allowed to conceal them, only this was multiple times worse

Medusa has already been cleaned up, but Selene was covered in blood from her massive wounds to her eyes, mouth and pussy

Ashley gently picked her up and with Sasha, they shot back up the hole in the ceiling that they came from

As they arrived on the floor they came from, monsters started chasing after them

Sasha smashed away a giant worm, causing it to crash into a large web. A giant spider started eating it alive while it tried to wriggle its way out

"No... don't fight. Let's just go" Ashley said as Sasha wanted to stop more monsters from chasing them

As he was mind linked to Tiffany and William, he knew those near the carriage were in the midst of battle too!

 When they arrived out of the cave, the party of Rancell, Tanya, Tiffany and William were in a furious battle with multiple monsters that were appearing out of the desert

Melissa was buffing them with her spells while seated inside the carriage next to Medusa

"I got Selene. Let's go!" Ashley said, gently putting Selene next to Medusa as he joined the battle

Rancell jumped to the front and got the horses to run and Tanya jumped on to defend the carriage

They were jittery due to the monster attacks, but Melissa cast a dominate creature spell on them to prevent them from bolting earlier

The carriage sprinted out of the desert, with Ashley, Sasha, Tiffany and William running closely behind

As Tiffany and William jumped onto the carriage, Ashley swooped down to lift up the carriage, while Sasha picked up the horses as they flew off into the night sky

The commotion they kicked up at the Tomb of Blood caused another beast horde attacking Red Sands

But Ashley and his group were far gone


Many miles away, the carriage landed next to the lake they camped at before

Sasha was angry but Ashley was bemused at what happened to her

While Melissa's dominate creature spell made the horses docile even when picked up and flown to the sky, while they were flying, the two male horses suddenly sprouted an erection

Sasha, who had been facing backwards to get directions from Ashley, suddenly had two erect horse cocks poking into her face

She had to turn her face away, but the cocks kept slapping and poking her face

She had wanted to bite them off out of anger, but she feared that if she opened her mouth, they might start fucking her mouth, and she might be unable to bite them due to the angle or something

So she had to endure the flight with two cocks slapping and poking her face

"Are you alright?" Ashley asked, his face red from laughter

"Hhph. I don't feel like talking to you right now" she said, storming off to walk her anger off

Ashley smiled, started stripping himself as he picked Selene up to take her to the lake to bathe

Rancell and Tanya smiled at each other, before holding hands and disappearing for their own love making

Melissa watched as the naked Ashley, who claim to be her husband as he started washing Selene, even through she was writhing in pain

Medusa was feeling Selene's pain through Ashley's mind, suddenly moved and held on to Melissa's hand for comfort

Melissa held her hand back, and started thinking of all the things Ashley told her

Everything he has been saying, about finding Medusa and Selene, have come true

There was a time skip since she last saw him, which was before he disappeared into the Dungeon of the Serpent Queen, but she was turned to gold for some time, so she could attribute the time skip to that

She didn't know that in the original timeline, she did meet Ashley in the Crypt of Blood too, but this never happened in this timeline.

But, what if everything he said was completely true? He seemed to be taking care of everyone like family 

"Ashley was really... my husband?" Melissa thought, finally open to the possibility 


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