The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon.

Chapter 14: Failed Plans of Revenge And First ever Quest.(chapter 10)

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Emicha finished 3 days(In Dungeon time) worth of training that was non-stop, full of food, and lots of giggles due to her love of bubbles never going to end even with accepting the fact she is a cute but semi scary monster. Also, she did a bit of learning with a couple of goblins who had bits of trust in her too at least give her some books on the language of the goblins, which she read for hours on end several times in combination with the training of her magical abilities and gaining tolerance of that annoying ringing noise.  Now then, let's check out that Status Screen to see the fruits of her labor.

Name: Emicha
Race: Magic Bubble Squid(Younglet)
CLass: Bubble Mage: Lv1
Monster Core:(Tiny-)
Threat level: E+
Titles: Deep ReadingLv1,Quick Accpetince(Lv1),Goddess's Intrest(Hidden),New Ruler
Age:1 year old
Height:3.9 feet
Exp: 384/4685
Gender: Female
HP:102/102(9.6 Hp every hour)
SP:4/85(4.5 every hour)
MP175/75(5.2 every 15 minutes)(Maxed Mana reached)
Skills:AppraisalLv5(Rank:0),Bubble TrapLv5(Rank:0),Blocky BubblesLv1(Rank:0),Bubble KnifeLv1(Rank:0)

Passive:CommonerLv7(Rank:0), NobilityLv7(Rank:0), Mana ControlLv3(Rank:1),ManaShapingLv16(Rank:0),ButcherLv5(Rank:0),Mana PoolLv3(Rank:0), Dual Weild ProficiencyLv5(Rank:0),StealthLv3(Rank:0),CrafterLv3(Rank:0), Goblin Language Lv8(Rank:0), MathmaticsLv1(Rank:0), BotonistLv1(Rank:0)

Racial Skills:SwimmingLv5(Rank:1),TentacleControlLv8(Rank:1),BubbleMagicLv15(Rank:0),Serrated TeethLv2(Rank:0), Tight ConstrictLv2(Rank:0),Egg LayingLv2(Rank:0)

Emicha began to realize that she spends a lot of time training to the point where some of her stats increased, leveled up a couple of skills to the limit and even had to stop cause a couple of goblins were worried about their leader who had not eaten in days. So right now, she was resting inside of a ten on a bed made of pelt and bones.

Emicha: Man, I am starving. Good thing that the Female Goblin Chef knows how to cook a tasty-looking feast.

Emicha was drooling as they saw about 40 to 80 pounds of Wolf meat/bones, Horned Rabbit meat/bones, and even some Dark Snake Meat. Meanwhile, Gavilan(Mohawk Goblin) finally collected enough Common Snake Venom and used his low-level Potion Making Passive to make a single Poison potion (D+) and had injected it into all the cooked meats, bones, and tasty bone marrow to hope make Emicha Sicker than a Common Wolf when eating rotten meat of a Giant Rat.

Gavilan(Mohawk Goblin): Finally?! First Plan is to Poison Emicha enough, so she becomes sick! Then I'll send the Large Slime to the village to attack and cause trouble!

He shouts before being yelled at by the Goblin Butcher, and Gavilan quietly goes back to his home where his two Goons are waiting for him to begin part two of his Plan. Emicha would have notable Manners and began using all 10 of her tentacles and began to chow down on the massive feast of food like a fat kid at a buffet taking all of the chicken legs. Nothing was wasted, and everything was consumed, crushed, bitten down, and slurped.

Emicha loved the foods, and every part of it began making her full, but they kept eating at rapid hungry speeds that some Goblins were sweating dropping. In contrast, others watched, impressed by their new leader who ate everything and did not complain about the food. Emicha finished the plates and bowls of food and then began requesting that the Hobgoblin parts be cooked. Quickly several wooden plates came and in seconds was eaten as well, and something annoyed her once more, but Emicha looked at the message while in a good and full mood.

You have eaten so much food in such a manner that you impressed One of the Sins gained the passive GluttonyLv1, Ate so much poisoned food that you gained Poison ResistanceLv4(Rank:0), and Iron BellyLv2(Rank:0) for eating foods you can't normally digest. In addition, after eaten so much, your Teeth sharpened and a few stronger as it gained 4 plus levels for being a cute and scary eater.

Emicha did not really care for what the message is saying cause it does sound excellent, and more stuff to make her strong is also good. So Gavilan watched along with the Goblins, and their eyes widen as they quickly got their Apprisal Stone and checked Emicha's Stats and their eyes looked like their about to commit game end via popping out.

Gavilan(Mohawk Goblin):D-dear god. She's-

Name: Emicha
Race: (Information Redacted)
CLass: (Information Redacted)
Monster Core:(Tiny-)
Threat level: E+
Titles: Deep ReadingLv1,Quick Accpetince(Lv1),Goddess's Intrest(Hidden),New Ruler
Age:1 year old
Height:3.9 feet
Exp: 530/4685
Gender: Female
HP:65/102(9.6 Hp every hour)
SP:350/85(4.5 every hour)
MP175/75(5.2 every 15 minutes)(Maxed Mana reached)
Skills:AppraisalLv5(Rank:0),Bubble TrapLv5(Rank:0),Blocky BubblesLv3(Rank:0),Bubble KnifeLv1(Rank:0)

Passive:CommonerLv7(Rank:0), NobilityLv7(Rank:0), Mana ControlLv3(Rank:1),ManaShapingLv16(Rank:0),ButcherLv5(Rank:0),Mana PoolLv3(Rank:0), Dual Weild ProficiencyLv6(Rank:0),StealthLv3(Rank:0),CrafterLv3(Rank:0), Goblin Language Lv8(Rank:0), MathmaticsLv1(Rank:0), BotonistLv1(Rank:0), Iron BellyLv2(Rank:0), Poison ResistinceLv4(Rank0), GuttonyLv1(Rank:N/A), 

Racial Skills:SwimmingLv5(Rank:1),TentacleControlLv8(Rank:1),BubbleMagicLv15(Rank:0),Serrated TeethLv6(Rank:0), Tight ConstrictLv2(Rank:0),Egg LayingLv2(Rank:0)

Gavilan(Talking in mind): Dear fucking god look at all those skills?! Their Mana Control and Mana Shaping skills are through the roofs. Seriously how much did they do to get this strong?! I need to act on my final plan now, and if they fucking somehow kill a Slime, I swear to god, ill fucking eat rotten food!

Gavilan would put away their Status Stone and run back to the hideout to quickly feed the Slime monster a couple of dozen common Snakes, Large roaches, and a couple of wolf's. Stuffing them up and leveling up the Slime was the Idea to get them beefy and jiggly enough to take on 39 goblins at once as they knew Slimes don't really take much damage from normal attacks since they are mostly jelly.

Emicha was lying down in bed as they were busy playing with bubbles while enjoying the Gluttony skill, which shot her Stamina to make it last much longer, which they really liked. As they kept playing, they heard a noise coming from outside, and Emicha got up and began moving those tentacles quickly to see what is the commotion is going on.

Suddenly a 6ft4 tall 200 Ibs Slime in color Light Blue was attacking the Goblin Village, and the few guards and the Butcher Goblin were busy fighting it, while others who did not know how to fight to fight to hide in their homes. Emicha, not liking her new friends, is getting attacked, began running towards the Slime and would begin trying to squeeze it while bitting all over it like some Pitbull who saw their owners get attacked.

Name: N/A
Race: Big blue Slime(Juvenile)
Monster Core:(Tiny+)
Threat level: D-
Titles: N/A
Age:1 year old
Height:6.4 feet
Exp: 254/2000
Gender: Female
HP:148/148(12.8 Hp every 20 minutes)
SP:150/150(12.8 every 1 hour)
MP120/120(10 every 40 minutes)
Skills:Growth controlLv5(Rank:0), BounceLv3(Rank:0), DevourLv4(Rank:0), BiteLv6(Rank:0),Tackle

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Passive: Physical ResistinceLv8(Rank:0)

Racial Skills:MimicLv5(Rank:0), lesser RegenerationLv3(Rank:0), MultiplyLv4(Rank:0)

Emicha began forcing the big Blue Slime 40 feet away from the village via committing(Crazy Taxi) and crashing both of them into several stone walls and trees. After being knocked off, Emicha looked at the Slime and began to think of a way how are going to defeat this slime as Emicha did no damage to the enemy. 

Emicha: Now then, let's see if feeding it food might work.

A couple of passing by Common Snakes(Adults) and Common Wolfs (Juveniles) were suddenly trapped in a Strong and Dense magic bubble and then magically put in front of Big Blue Slime. Emicha got close to the Blue Slime, who was still tense after the tussle they had, began to calm down a tiny bit as they said 40 Bubbles worth of struggling food flew in front of it.

Emicha: Come on now, I know you must be hungry. Just eat up a little and calm down.

Emicha said in a sweet and cute voice as they pet the Big Blue Slime, who slowly at the Bubble Magic Liquid Bubbles and began to experience the joy of Bubbles slowly. The Goblins who were fighting were very shocked at what the sight is going on in front of them right now, Emicha their leader, who they trust much more now, was petting and feeding a Slime who caused some damage attacked them for no reason. 

Emicha: Good Boy, I am so proud, and I see you really like bubbles as I do.

The Big blue Slime stopped eating all of the monsters and began to glow brightly as something weird happened. Emicha stands back a couple of feet as they questioned how is that this Slime is evolving. Even tho it had only gotten enough Exp to only level up like Once, then a couple of weird messages appeared.

You have achieved a feat no monster had done and befriended and Tamed a fellow sentient monster(Willingly). Big Blue Slime devolves and then changes into new Mini Ego Bubble Slime(Epic Unique) as a gift from the Goddess of Monsters. The Goddess of Bubbles and Cleaning(The same person, not two different people) is so impressed they give you their Blessing(Minor) as a reward for doing something great. Your Bubble Mage class had leveled up two times, and you gain some stats, gained the title (Befriender of Monsters).  

Bubble God blessing(Minor): With this blessing, all Bubble-related skills level up quicker at a pace of 25% and are 10% Stronger when casting bubble-related spells.

Emicha's eye's widened a little from the Message they understood, but then it just gives her more questions that they might never get answers to. Finally, the Goblins of the village came out, and some began congratulating on taming such a beast, and a couple of them praised their new leader, who seems to blush a little from the kind words.

Emicha: You guys are so Nice. Now then, the first order of business is to re-build anything that got damaged.

All of them nodded and began walking back to the damaged village to fix up anything with the emergency supplies they had in a large storage house made for food and materials. Gavilan(Super Wide eyes Mode) watched Emicha, who gently picks up the now 2ft tall and 20 pound Mini Ego Bubble Slime and then plops them on their head. 

Emicha: I am gonna name you Puddin. Do you like the name?

Puddin(Happy mood):*Jiggles up and down in the sign of liking the name*

Emicha smiles and goes back to the village and began trying her best to repair simple parts of the village, and they got the eyes of a certain dungeon master who smiles and creates paper in the distance before going back to playing some Anime dating sim. Emicha saw this, and Puddin speed moves over, takes it, and goes back to the working Emicha, who began to read it for a second before it disappeared, and a message makes the annoying Dinging noise.

Quest Name: Night Wolf Assult. (Hidden Name: Grocery shopping)
Objective: Kill 10 Night Wolf(Adults)
Bonus Objective: Collect 20 Night Wolf pelts.
Bonus Objective 2: collect 10 of every kind of meat or meaty part.
Rewards:(Based on how much you did plus Bonus objective)
Difficulty: D+

Emicha sees a Strange message, and they would go back to work while the dungeon time passes and night time comes in a couple of hours. So the first plan of the dungeon master was to force Emicha and Puddin to see how strong they are to collect enough meat for the goblin village and if they complete it, more goblins will be spawned in the village and to see how far Emicha can go without dying.

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