The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon.

Chapter 24: From Apprentice to Light Spirit Mage!(Short Side chapter 1 part 1)

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Terra would be continuing the training of her Healing and Light magic in the guilds training hall. Earlier, when they returned, They told the Guild master what happened in the Dungeon and what happened to their party(But left out the whole Bubble squid killing their bit. and told it was goblins) and gave them the map of the two floors. Terra had spent days training her light magic, and her skills became more vigorous, and it was swift, which made some people question the blind girl. But they were quickly proven wrong When Terra blasted them out of the training ground, and their Master/teacher taught them a lesson. After more intense training, A fellow student brought Terra to their master's Office, a massive building with a sign that said "Light and Healing Magic School." with some fancy painted letters.

Terra(The Blind): Master, why did you call me today?

?????(Teacher): Please call me by my name, alright, Lass. Now I am calling you here to give you your class evaluation results. 

Terra was in shock and shaking with pure radiating excitement as they were finally getting their first-ever class, and they hoped it was something decent or even good. Their Teacher would take out a shiny Orb made of magic stone and give Terra a large friendly but scary little smile.

?????(Teacher): Well, Terra, please put your hands on this Orb, and the Orb will reveal your new class once you fully absorb this Class Orb.

Terra nods before breathing in, calming down her body, and they would gently hold the class orb in their hand. a Shining bright light envelopes them, and they slowly begin to absorb the Class orb. The Teacher/Master of the school started to back up a little as this bright shining light means that Spirits of light are gathering at this location and waiting to get a contract with this student.

You have trained intensely in light and healing magic for years without using it for evil or other intentions. Many Light Sprites gather around you as you gain the Class "Light Spirit Mage." You earned the Make ContractLv1(Lesser) and Light Lance Lv1(Lesser)

 Terra would smile in pure joy as they felt their Mana Sight light up as the Many Lesser Light Spirits began to sit on Terra's head as they waited for their contract to be made. But First, Terra must look at their new stats right away and begin to have a giant smile on her squishy dumb face.

Name: N/A
Contracted Spirits:0/5
Race: Human(Teen)
Adventurer Rank: C+
Class: Light Spirit Mage Lv1
Class Exp: 0/2000
Titles: Hobgoblin Slayer(Lv1)
Age:16 years old
Height:5.8 feet
Exp: 120/3450
Gender: Female

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HP:148/148(5.4 Hp every hour)
SP120/120(16.5 every 45 minutes)
MP:565/565(50 Every 30 minutes)
Skills:AppraisalLv10(Lesser), HealLv12(Lesser), SmiteLv12(Lesser), Light ArrowLv1(Lesser-), EsunaLv10(Lesser),Blinding LightLv7(Lesser), Light RayLv1(Lesser-), Light LanceLv1(Lesser), Make ContractLv1(Lesser)
Passives:Mana ControlLv13(Lesser), Mana SightLv:1(Lesser+),Staff MasteryLv8(Lesser-),Mana RegenerationLv4(Lesser-)
Racial Skills: Stamina RecoveryLv6(Lesser), AdrenalineLvMax(N/A)

Name: Light LanceLv1(Lesser)
description: this deals 100 damage plus deals an Extra 200% damage towards undead and 100% more damage to Demonic and Evil creatures and or people. this ability is for Spirit Light Mages for gaining this class and is one of the essential abilities to slay undead and kill evil. (Requires: 3 Lesser Light Spirits to use said spell)
Cooldown: 3 minutes. (to use again)

Name: Make ContractLv1(Lesser)
description: A unique spell for this class that allows the user to make a magical contract with Light Spirits, who are curious by the user's upbeat personality and usage of light magic. It costs 20 Mana to make a contract with a Spirit or sprits of Lesser or Lower quality, and the user also can make a single rule for the said contract. So they can gain more benefits or make a rule, so spirits don't try scamming the user and give nothing in return. Each level of this can add an extra Light Spirit to said contract, and every rank increase can allow the user to recruit more vital spirits.

Terra quickly made the contract(With a rule, they can only live in her mind), and the tiny humanoid light entered their body as they made excited noises from their new master. The Guild Master, still in shock, would give them a new Uniform as a reward for getting an infrequent class that very few people got, After more talking between them. Terra left for her dorm room on the second floor to change, and the guild master went back to paperwork. But then realized how much more they need to do if news of a Spirit light mage is out, God They regret this part of their job, but what do they expect when a good student with hard work suddenly gains such a class.

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