The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon.

Chapter 3: Learning, Exploring and Evolving.(chapter 3)

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4 hours later, Bubble Squid wakes up and yawns cutely before they began looking around in their pond, which had some baby fish in it. Bubble Squid was annoyed by these things as they kept making noise, and right now does not think they would be much of any food or exp as killing something faster than her is not worth the time or place to do it. Bubble squid saw something sharp and shiny between two large rocks and would begin swimming to it and said aloud.

Bubble Squid: Wow, Shiny pointy. I like shiny pointy objects.

They quickly got close to it and activated Appraisal Once more on the object.

Name: Mini Steel Dagger
Weapon type: Throwing
Weapon Rank: E+
Description: A steel dagger made a bit too small to throw a dagger, But it is good for baby-handed people. Using the weapon Normally or thrown will deal its damage and %0.5 percent ever point in the dexterity stat. Then add(the %) onto that for the damage total when thrown or when using it as normal.

Bubble Squid looked confused and would hold it by the hilt of the Shiny sharp thing and began swinging it around with their small hands and almost cut themselves into calamari several times before stopping. They just put it around their tentacles, which grabbed it as they went back to the book to continue reading it to get smarter and try out that mana control that the first page keeps mentioning and maybe other things in the massive book them a lot smarter.

Meanwhile, the adventurers were still sleeping as all of them are heavy sleepers, and they are gonna not to be up for a couple of hours more until it hits 12 pm in the morning. Bubble Squid, meanwhile, finished up Reading the first Page and was having a less hard time but still pretty difficult for someone with an unevolved brain and low intelligence stat. After 120 words, it would felt something ring in their head, and a few messages appeared, and they really wish the noise did not make a ringing sound.

You have gained the Title "Focused Learner." When reading any book, process information from it 10% Faster. However, you must learn and or know the language to be in effect. 

Your intelligence Start had reached a total of 5(!)you can now speak more clearly, think better, and your brain has grown a bit in Size. Keep raising it to help yourself to learn new things. Also, you now level 3 in Commoner and Nobility Language Cute Bubble Squid.

Bubble Squid felt it and their mind and brain expanded slightly, But even small amounts of growing smarter should finally allow it to learn how to do that. Mana control it kept talking about when reading the first and some of the book's second page. Now then, Bubble Squid wants to learn it and read what to do first to gain such power that might help them get more food.

Step 1. Go into a meditative Stance on a Flat rock.
Step 2.Breath in and out a few times and close your eyes slowly.
Step 3(Important). Try to get a feel for Mana around you. Breath in and out while expanding your mind. It takes time to learn the most basic form of Mana Control. However, being a Demi-Human or Monster with an unawakened Core in their bodies can have an easier time due to their Body structure being different.
Step 4(Warning). Beings of low intelligence will die or explode from the high amount of mana flowing through their body. Also, a rare chance of becoming Mad due to the comprehension of what's going on can overload the brain with the information.

It would be in a bit of shock but mostly confusion as it's more things that they don't know anything about becoming Mad or, well, death in general. Someone could hear a loud splash, and the squid jumps on the only Large flat rock and goes into their best meditative stance on it. Their tentacles kept slipping, but they were forced to stay still. Bubble squid slowly closed their eyes and began breathing in and out. They felt impatient but kept focused on the task at hand, and they would slowly breathe in and out to try to get a feel for this Mana around them.

They very slowly began feeling their mind expand slowly, and images of something blue like the sea appears around them in a small distance, mana particles would flicker in and out of existence, and Bubble Squid would feel this and kept the process going. Meanwhile, Terra(The Blind)Felt something and would wake up in silence, get out of the tent. And began walking towards the sight where a Mana control session was going on. Terra the Blind watches behind a rock in the distance on something that has rarely been documented. A new species that have been found out before is doing the mana control steps almost perfectly.

Terra(The Blind): O-Oh, my god. I must tell the others in the morning what my Mana Sight saw.

She would make a mental note before sneaking back into her Tent and fall asleep while making sure not to make Noise. Bubble Squid spent 1 hour doing this method, and they felt something grow in their body, which made them feel pain and another feeling that is not pain nor joy. The Heard messages pop up, and they finished the Mana control session that finished, and it took some time to look at them after feeling some chest pains.

You have awaked your monster core(Tiny)Early.  Your core might be small, but now you can handle 5 points of Mana, and now it's required to eat other monster cores to expand the maximum number of mana. You have also gained the Passive Ability called "Mana ControlLv0(Rank0). Each rank of this or any skill gives a minor boost to the control, power, or add a special effect(etc.) since your getting better at it. Sorry meant to tell you this info earlier, Bubble Squid.

They would see this Message and info with Pure visible Joy, and they visibly Said Status.

Name: N/A
Race: Bubble Squid(Baby)
Monster Core:(Tiny)
Age:3 weeks old
Titles: Focused Learner
Threat Level: N/A
Gender: Female
HP:2.6/2.6(0.1 Hp every hour)
SP:6/6(1.3 every every hour)
MP:5/5(0.4 every hour)
Passives:CommonerLv3(Rank:0), NobilityLv3(Rank:0), Mana ControlLv1(Rank:0)
Racial Skills:SwimmingLv1(Rank:1),TentacleControlLv1(Rank:1),Tentacle SlapLv1(Rank:0)

Bubble squid tries another idea and Use Appraisal on one of the Passives, and that one would be Mana control. 

Mana Control: You have learned the basic form of Mana Control. With this now, you can start learning how to Control mana to cast spells to help people, hurt them, or do other things that had happened for many decades. Each level would make it a tiny bit easier to control your mana, and every Rank would make it easier to control how much power is in a spell. (Ie less mana Usesage=Less usage for spell but spell is weaker. More Mana Usesage=Spells are more powerful but costs more)

Bubble Squid was not moving but began shaking after realizing their hard work had gotten something done this quickly. Without time to waste, they began to practice their Mana control after going back underwater, not to have their skin dry out cause being out for too long hurts a bit when the torches light shines on them. Trying to control their Mana was super hard and frustrating to learn how to use it correctly.

Bubble Squid: Come on! do something cool 

She said with puffy cheeks with no patience but calmed down slowly as they slowly know they need to work for this sort of power to get more food, survive, and live. Time passes, and the Adventurer group of Marvis(The RedShirt), Terra(The Blind), and the two Noobs might die soon enough or later. As they get out of their Tents, they found out something stole their Half-eaten Roast while they were sleeping. That did not matter now, and after an hour of packing, getting things ready, and some toasted bread for breakfast along with 1 egg per slice of bread, they eat. 

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Marvis(The Redshirt): Alright, Since we ate a small breakfast. Now then, anything that happened last night?

Noob#1:I did not notice anything other than the feeling of those small roaches trying to get into my bag of snacks. Other than that, nothing else, Marvis.

Noob#2:Dhhh I was asleep, and the only thing I heard was a humming noise of something called a blood wasp. 

Marvis ignored both of their stuff being said, And Terra coughs a bit to get everyone's attention, and now they hope everyone would listen to them and not make jokes about being blind.

Terra(The Blind): Everyone, I have to say that I felt something strange within my ManaSight's Range last night. I was woken up, and I saw a new species of monster that-

Noob#1:Hey shut up. Monsters are too stupid to know the process, and the only way is that book that feels into the deep pond of baby Salmon. Let's explore, write on the map, and let's get moving.

Marvis(The Redshirt): For the first fucking time in my Life, I will semi Agree with the commoner on this one. Let's talk about this after we get out of the dungeon, alright we waken up early today so let's get ready, and let's go.

Terra sighs once more and curses one of them is gonna die to this monster one day. They went on their way going down the grass dungeon path while making sure to take Notes on the wild Life,  any traps, or monsters of the lowest level that they don't register as a threat yet because they are still newborns or babies had not grown yet.

Bubble Squid felt a drained of Stamina as their body and mind were hard at work practicing to figure out how to control their Mana, and a message popped up telling and showing them their result of the hard labor they did to try figure out how to Use Mana control.

Congrats, Bubble Squid, for the hard work that you did for an unknown amount of time. Your Mana Control Passive went up 3(!)Levels and now controlling your Mana is easier to do, and you are closer to learning how to use magic.

Bubble Squid felt great Joy, and they would smack away the message before closing the book and jumps onto the surface to find some food with their new shiny pointy object called a Mini Dagger. It would follow the weird people as they wanted to know where they were going, and maybe it leads to finding new food or things to attack to grow stronger. Meanwhile, the party of adventurers was taking its good time, making sure to write everything down, telling the noob's advice, and even killing some medium-sized Rats that got easily killed due to the sharp weapons fire bolts that set them on fire. It gave noob #1 and noob #2 to do their own thing and kill them with poor weapon skills.

Bubble squid would see that one of the Medium rats was still alive but severely weakened and used Appraisal on it, which did not gain another level.

Name: N/A
Race: Thick Rat
Status: Bleeding(Heavily), Near Death
Description: A Monster from the Rat Family who evolved and to be bigger and stronger. These can take a bit of damage due to their hide; however, they are weak to slashing and blunt weapons. They are also slow and require more food to live, so starvation for this version of the Rat can happen much quicker.
The system can't show any more information due to low Appraisal Level)

Bubble squid would be near the Bubble Rat, and they would begin stabbing it with their Mini Dagger while their mouth water at how big this big boi was. So much tasty flesh and weird not flesh would be useful, and after a couple more stabs and tentacle slaps which did 0.1 damage each slap, They would see a message appear.

You have gained ButcherLv1(rank:0)from cutting the rat's flesh and meat several times without mercy(You cute Monster). Say Butcher and the user's weapon would Butcher the body parts into different meat and Furs or pelts. Each level will increase the chance of a higher quality of food, and every rank gives a 2% increase to double the amount of meat earned from said animal. (Weapons like cutting Knives or butcher cleavers have an easier time getting more meat).

You have gained 3 whole levels from killing an evolved monster. you can now evolve into 3 different types of Bubble Squids

Bubble Squid would look shocked at the information, and they would say Butcher, and in a flash, The passive skill had separated the meat and pelts. 1 tenderloin(Small), 1 rib(Small), and 2 Rat pelts were on the ground in front of them. Bubble squid was super happy, and they rushed back with the pelts and meat being carried in their tentacles. Soon enough, minutes later, they had their stuff hidden on top of the pelts under a flat rock, so no one steals the food they earned.

Evolution options available to your Race Bubble Squid(Baby)
1.Trapper Bubble Squid(Common): Trapper Bubble Squid's(Baby) is a species of Bubble squid that has learned to make use of newly grown shark-like teeth, longer tentacles, and strength to trap people in the water's they lived in. However, direct flights are not something they can do as their bodies become more fragile as a result(Pro's: Higher Strength, Dex, and earned stealth skill. Cons: Lower health, take 5% more damage, less vitality) (Threat Level: E)

2.Hunter Bubble Squid(Un-Common)An Un-Common Type of Bubble Squid(Baby) has rarely been recorded. Your body evolved to be balanced and create traps to hunt down monsters or people. Gain Weapon mastery Passive, Trap making, and false Tentacle trap. These kinds of Bubble Squids are hard to kill due to them using weapons and traps, which causes bleeding and, in the future other effects. however, it costs Mana and Stamina to create these traps or use the weapon skills(Pro's: Balanced Stats, Weapon Mastery, Trap making, and hunting based skills. Con's: Takes Mana and energy to make traps)(Threat Level: E-)

3.Magic Bubble Squid(Unique, Rare): A Never to be seen for Species of Magic Bubble Squid(Baby). Become a Bubble Squid who can use magic in creative ways that not many people had done before. Becoming one grants you Level 5 Mana Control, Lose Tentacle Slap Racial skill, Mana ShapingLv3, and Racial Skill Bubble Magic. Slightly bigger mana reserves and More in the future. Choose this Path to become something Great and become strong(Pro's: Many skills, Higher intelligence, and slightly bigger mana Pool. Con's:(Has been redacted due to never before evolution happening before)(Threat level: E+)

Bubble Squid was very interested in the Last Option but would decide to choose later in the morning as they are too tired to do anything else after following those weird, not water people or fish.
(Bubble Fishes updated stats)
Name: N/A
Level:5/5(Evolution possible)
Race: Bubble Squid(Baby)
Monster Core:(Tiny)
Age:3 weeks old
Titles: Focused learner
Threat Level: N/A
Exp: Max/Max
Gender: Female
HP:3.2/3.2(0.1 Hp every hour)
SP:9/9(1.3 every hour)
MP:5/5(0.4 every hour)
Passives:CommonerLv3(Rank:0), NobilityLv3(Rank:0), Mana ControlLv3(Rank:0),ButcherLv1(Rank:0)
Racial Skills:SwimmingLv2(Rank:1),TentacleControlLv1(Rank:1),Tentacle SlapLv2(Rank:0)

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