The Adventures Of Princess Procrastia

Chapter 4: Arriving Incognito. I Am The Discretionest Of Princesses

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The city of Orma, metropolis of the Alliance Of Free Countries and known for being the headquarters of the Guild Of Adventurous Intent, awoke this morning expecting an uneventful, normal day.

“Flee for your lives! The Demons are attacking!!”

No such luck.

"Why is everyone running away in abject terror?" Princess Procrastia asked Vajin, holding up her green traveling cloak in emphasis. "I'm not wearing ANY of my tiaras today and I left the Rod of Unending Desecration in the carriage. No one could possibly know I'm from the Infernal Realms, much less a princess of the Emperor of Demons. My disguise is foolproof!"

"The city must use nefarious means to determine a stranger's identity," Maiden Vajin replied, sniffing the air and reveling in the permeating fear. However, she was a proper Lady in Waiting now, and it would be bad form to run off and partake in a small orgy of bloodshed, her back straight and demeanor subservient. "I will have some of the servants gather cautious information tonight to determine if your royal status has been betrayed."

"See it done, Vaj. I don't want any special treatment that might alert my father to where I am staying."

"..." Maiden Vajin replied, sitting beside the princess in the uncovered palanquin resting on the shoulders of two fire breathing Malforics, each of the sisters holding bared axes in the peaceful salute of the Infernal Realms out in front of them, their blackened skin wearing no armor and each of the twelve foot tall sisters stooping only slightly from the weight of the palanquin. Maiden Vajin had left only a minimal group back with the carriage and many of their things, prepared for the possibility of an protracted retreat. The rest of the company of demonics were arrayed and similarly spread out past the front gate and into the main square, unarmored with weapons bared, the universal sign of peace. All these screams and running away were the height of rudeness. 

"Halt, in the name of the Senate, demon scum!"

A squadron of guards marched forward and lowered halberds. In the front, an older human male with a golden helmet spoke the demanding slurs. Many of the guards appeared untested, their hands shaking their weapons.

A pitiful showing of strength, Vajin thought, licking her snout while silently signaling to the followers of the princess to avoid starting any conflict, but they would be only the advanced units used to throw their lives upon certain death while a hold on the gate was retaken. Really, lining the walls with archers would be a better...

Procrastia stood in the palanquin, extending her hand in a peaceful fist towards the golden helmeted human.

"Fear not, noble sentries of this bland and mediocre city! I am Procrastia, but a humble woman of no significant status seeking to ply her trade at the local adventuring guild. If you could direct me towards the Offices of Jobness, I shall quickly endeavor to establish myself as a contributing member of your society, such that it is!"

*clap clap clap clap*

All the members of the retinue broke into sponatiously planned applause, the Princess having worked on that speech for a significant portion of the morning. The princess beamed, giving small bows while the Malforic sisters struggled to keep her platform balanced.

The leader of the guards appeared confused, though. "What?" he asked, many of the others in his command wavering their halberds.

Procrastia was confused, until she realized what she had done wrong. "Of course, human person." She then gestured magnanimously towards Vajin, who pulled out a blackened Infernal coin worth fifty dracules, and tossed it at the cobbles before the guards. "For your troubles."

The captain of the guard was dumbstruck. Absolutely no guard in the square before the front gate knew what was going on, who this demon was, or why the coin tossed in their direction screamed an unending wail of torment.

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